Marcia - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017 - Urdu
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Noha - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017 - Mujrai Khalq main Urdu
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Majlis - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017, Moulana Hussain Sherizi Urdu
1000\\\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st,...
1000\\\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017, 10th Moharram 1439H
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Was Ashura A Time-Constrained Exceptional Instance? | IP Talk Show |...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless millions across the world once again proudly commemorated the mission of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) and most eagerly mourned over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), and his family members and companions who accompanied his eminence into the divine hands of martyrdom as they stood up for Truth and Justice against the overwhelming forces of evil and falsehood.
Yet, what is another distortion in the narrative of Ashura and Karbala that can have disastrous consequences for the mission of Imam Husayn (A)?
And was the movement of Imam Sajjad (A), Imam Baqir (A), Imam Sadiq (A), and all the other Imams (A), a continuation of the movement of Imam Husayn (A)?
What does Shaheed Murtaza Mutahhari say is a direct danger and consequence of considering the event of Ashura to be a one-time exceptional instance?
What is the wrong notion of Taqiyya and what are its consequences?
And what is the correct notion of Taqiyya?
Are we allowed to let Islam be destroyed in order to protect and preserve our wealth, property, families, and even our lives?
What has been and still is one of the primary historic missions of the Shias of Imam Husayn (A)?
What do the present-day mourning processions conducted in places of the world such as Nigeria, Qatif, Yemen, Bahrain, and Kashmir teach us?
Finally, what are the dangers of considering Ashura to simply be a time-constrained exceptional instance in the history of the Muslims?
In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi from the Islamic Republic of Iran to answer for us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Was Ashura A Time-Constrained Exceptional Instance?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Imam_Khomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
Video Tags:
Iranians Outraged at US-Green Movement Ashura Scandals - Farsi sub English
Iranians speak out against latest Ashura Scandals Find out by watching this video. Green terror: (1) stoning people whilst praying....
Iranians speak out against latest Ashura Scandals Find out by watching this video. Green terror: (1) stoning people whilst praying. (2) stoning people for wearing black clothes. (3) Stoning people for having beards. (4) Illegal posession of firearms. (5) Disrespecting Ashura and Imam Hussein's memory. (6) Calling Muslims who disagree with their movement Rapists, Basiji's, Arabs, Palestinians and Lebanese and paid-government employees. (7) Disturbance of public order. (8) Burning of the sacred Quran. (9) Burning of Imam Khomeini pictures. (10) During Ashura, burning and tearing up posters of Imam Hussein and Imam Khomeini on the streets of Tehran. (11) Setting to fire and stoning civilian shops, bikes, civilian and police cars, banks, public and private property paid by Iranian taxes. (12) Calling Iranian religious leaders Rapists. (13) Attacking women for wearing Chador (Black full veil). (15) Arrogantly cheering, laughing and enjoying themselves during Ashura.
From - Day of Ashura - English
How to Spread the Message of Karbala
* Create and distribute Ashura ribbons to create an awareness.
* Study more and try to bring Imam...
How to Spread the Message of Karbala
* Create and distribute Ashura ribbons to create an awareness.
* Study more and try to bring Imam Hussain (as)’s sacrifice in light of the struggles of Muslim in today’s time.
* If you get a chance to give a speech, include in it the sacrifice of Imam Hussain(as) and give the bigger picture of the purpose of the sacrifice.
* Give out pamphlets on the message of Ashura which are simple and clear and could be understood by one who has no knowledge of the religion of Islam or Shiism.
* Water bottle distribution on the day of Ashura. Stick paper on the water bottles with a saying of Imam Hussain (as) which reflects his wisdom.
* Fight the misconceptions spread by the 'so called muslims' by following the example of Imam Hussain (as), may it be by the way of writings, artwork, discussions etc.
* Tell the story of our Imam in a manner which others can relate to given the present circumstances.
* Organize Hussain Day at your center and invite other Muslims and non-Muslims to it.
* Overcome traditions and look at the true meaning of the sacrifice.
* The true mourning of Imam Hussain(as) has to be from the heart; if the heart is mourning, no one would have to tell us what to do or how to behave.
* Try and get a deeper understanding of Kerbala and why Imam Hussain(as)’s call for help is relevant to today’s Shia and in today’s time.
Ashura: An Endless Movement | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
Salutations upon Husayn, Ali ibn Husayn, the children of Husayn, and the companions of Husayn.
The events which unfolded on the 10th of Muharram...
Salutations upon Husayn, Ali ibn Husayn, the children of Husayn, and the companions of Husayn.
The events which unfolded on the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 AH have been described as one of the greatest epics witnessed by the world.
And in the words of Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Ashura is a sun that never sets.
What was this great battle all about?
What were the forces that were fighting each other on the day of Ashura?
Finally, what is the day of Ashura a vivid description of?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei speaks.
Video Tags:
Ziyarat Ashura | Arabic Sub English
Reported from Imam Baqir (as) & Imam Sadiq (as)
Unlike other ziyaraat that have been reported from the Masumeen...
Reported from Imam Baqir (as) & Imam Sadiq (as)
Unlike other ziyaraat that have been reported from the Masumeen (as),Ziyarat Ashura is reported from the Apostle of Allah (saawa) to whom it wasrevealed from the Allah swt through the trustworthy Jibraeel (as).
Imam Sadiq (as) has said, ‘masumeen (as) have guaranteed, for someonewho recites this ziyarat and the dua after it, his ziyarat will be accepted and his pledges granted. He will be among those who will be blessed with the Paradise.
With the right to intercede for others.’
It has been a practice of the pious and is recommended to recite Ziyarat Ashura everyday. For best results awareness of the Ziyarat is required and one must be in line with it.
There Is No Day Like Husayn's Ashura! | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
Our condolences to the believers all across the world upon the first ten days of Muharram and the commemoration of the mission and martyrdom of the...
Our condolences to the believers all across the world upon the first ten days of Muharram and the commemoration of the mission and martyrdom of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Husayn (A).
Among all the known tragedies in humanity, what is one tragedy that is truly unprecedented?
And what are some of the less-known calamities surrounding the event of Karbala?
And finally, what happened to the blessed countenance of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) as his martyrdom grew nearer on the day of Ashura?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei tells us how truly, \"There Is No Day Like Husayn\'s Ashura!\"
We Are The Nation of Martyrdom.
We Are The Nation of Imam Husayn.
Video Tags:
*NEW* Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English
Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family...
Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family (a.s). Why is that we remember that incidence? What was this about? Why did Imam Hussain (a.s) sacrificed his family and himself? This documentary will answer a lot of the questions people have in their minds. The story of Karbala and Ashura is narrated along with historical facts making it very helpful for kids, non-muslims and new converts to understand Islam in the light of Karbala.
Philosophy of Ashura and Live Images of Tasua Mourning in Kashan, Iran -...
Recorded Press TV program on Dec 26 2009. Mohsen Saleh, Lebanese Prof. of social science talks on philosophy of Ashura with live images of Tasu'a...
Recorded Press TV program on Dec 26 2009. Mohsen Saleh, Lebanese Prof. of social science talks on philosophy of Ashura with live images of Tasu'a mourning on the eve of Ashura, in Kashan, Iran.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan attends Ashura commemorations for...
Thousands of Turkish Shia braved freezing temperatures to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein on the day of Ashura. They walked through Istanbul...
Thousands of Turkish Shia braved freezing temperatures to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein on the day of Ashura. They walked through Istanbul streets beating their chests as is the religious ritual to feel the suffering of Imam Hussein at Karbala.
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the commemorations this year, a first since his party came to power in 2002. Erdogan's message was one of unity between Shia and Sunni Muslims, he himself a follower of the Sunni hanife faith.
People here told us that although they were in mourning, the Prime Minister's message was one of hope.
The former Iranian Foreign Minister echoing this message by calling on Muslims to stand stead fast in the face of those who want to spread havoc in the Islamic world.
This perhaps a reference to the latest attack in Iran. An attack the Turkish prime minister strongly condemned.
Every year, Turkish Shia reenact the battle of Kerbala as is their tradition, however blood letting is forbidden here.
Turkish Shia perform their religious duty by donating blood to the Turkish red crescent.
Ashura is an important day on the Shia calendar, and this year it was also acknowledged by Turkey's Sunni leadership.
[BEAUTIFUL!] Ashura Procession in the Night - Oslo - Norway - Muharram...
Ashura procession in Oslo on 17 December 2010. Muslims from all cultural backgrounds took to the streets carrying candles in a very cold and dark...
Ashura procession in Oslo on 17 December 2010. Muslims from all cultural backgrounds took to the streets carrying candles in a very cold and dark evening with temperature around -7 degrees. They not only commemorated Ashura but also denounced terrorism chanting Yes to Hussain - No to Yazid - No to Terrorism among other slogans. A few speeches were given at the end of the procession in front of National Theatre in downtown Oslo.
Norwegian Muslims mark Ashura (2012) - Press TV - English
Ashura commemorations in Norway. Muslims in the capital, Oslo hold a torchlight march, chanting Ashura slogans.
Ashura commemorations in Norway. Muslims in the capital, Oslo hold a torchlight march, chanting Ashura slogans.
[Audio][12] Distortions of Ashura - by Martyr Ayatullah Murtada...
Hence the developments relating to Karbala\\\\\\\' are quite clear and all of them are throughout a matter of great honor and pride. But we have...
Hence the developments relating to Karbala\\\\\\\' are quite clear and all of them are throughout a matter of great honor and pride. But we have disfigured this shining historic event to such an extent and have committed such a monstrous treachery towards Imam Husayn (\\\\\\\'a) that if he were to come and see, he will say, \\\\\\\'You have changed the entire face of the event. I am not the Imam Husayn that you have sketched out in your own imagination. The Qasim ibn Hasan that you have painted in your fancy is not my nephew. The \\\\\\\'Ali Akbar that you have faked in your imagination is not my aware and intelligent son. The companions that you have carved out are not my companions.\\\\\\\"
We have fabricated a Qasim whose only desire is to become a bridegroom and whose uncle\\\\\\\'s wish, too, is to have him wedded. Contrast this one with the historical Qasim. Reliable histories report that on the night of \\\\\\\'Ashura\\\\\\\' the Imam (\\\\\\\'a) gathered his companions in a tent whose location, as described by the phrase \\\\\\\'inda qurbil-ma\\\\\\\', was the place where water used to be kept, or near it. There he delivered that very well-known sermon of the night preceding \\\\\\\'Ashura\\\\\\\'. I do not want to mention its details here, but, to put it briefly, in this sermon the Imam told them that every one of them was free to depart and leave him to confront the enemy alone. The Imam did not want anybody to stay just for considerations of courtesy or to remain out of compulsion, or even to think that they were obliged to do so by virtue of the allegiance (bay\\\\\\\'ah) they had given him. Hence he tells them, \\\\\\\"You are all free, my companions, members of my family, my sons, and my nephews-everyone-to leave without being liable to anything. They [i.e. the enemy\\\\\\\'s forces] have nothing against anyone except me. The night is dark. Take advantage of the darkness of the night and depart. They will definitely not stop you.\\\\\\\" At first, he expresses his appreciation for them and tell them, I am most pleased with you. I do not know of any companions better than mine, and no better relatives than the members of my family.\\\\\\\"
But all of them tell him, in unison, that such a thing was impossible. What answer will they give to the Prophet on the Day of Resurrection? What will happen to loyalty, to humanity, to love and attachment? Their ardent responses and their words said on that occasion melt a heart of stone and are most moving. One of them says, \\\\\\\"Is one life worth enough to be sacrificed for someone like you? I wish that I were brought to life seventy times to die seventy time for your sake.\\\\\\\" Another says, \\\\\\\"I would lay down a thousand lives for your sake if I had them.\\\\\\\" Another says, \\\\\\\"If I were to sacrifice my life for you and my body were burnt to ashes and the ashes were cast to wind, and were this done a hundred times, I would still love to die for your sake.\\\\\\\" The first to speak was his brother Abu al-Fadl, and then the Imam changed the subject and told them about the events of the next day, informing them that they all would be killed. All of them receive it as a great good news.
[CLIP] Sayyed Nasrallah: I Most Understood Imam Husayn & Ashura,...
Sayyed Nasrallah: \\\\\\\'I Most Understood Imam Husayn & Ashura, during the July War in 2006\\\\\\\' - Arabic Sub English.
Sayyed Nasrallah...
Sayyed Nasrallah: \\\\\\\'I Most Understood Imam Husayn & Ashura, during the July War in 2006\\\\\\\' - Arabic Sub English.
Sayyed Nasrallah recalls the tough situation that the Resistance passed through during the July war in 2006, and explained that it was during the early days of that war that he best understood Imam Husayn and his miraculous stance on the day of Ashura about 1400 years ago.
This video is an excerpt from a speech that Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered during the \\\\\\\"ceremony of loyalty to the martyr leaders\\\\\\\" in Sayyed Al-Shohada complex in the Southern Suburb of Beirut on 16/02/12.
Hassan Nasrallah appearance on Ashura Day - Resistance will remain in...
The secretary general of Lebanons resistance movement says Hezbollah would stay in Syria for as long as necessary.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said...
The secretary general of Lebanons resistance movement says Hezbollah would stay in Syria for as long as necessary.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that as long as there are reasons, Hezbollah will not withdraw from Syria. He furthered referred to Syria as a pillar of resistance and stressed that Resistance Movement will remain to confront threats of the enemy. Nasrallah also said that all Muslims must support Palestinian people. He made the remarks in a speech in Beirut on the occasion of Ashura Day commemoration. He praised high turnout in the ceremony and insisted on unity between Islams sects on day of Ashura.
[17 Nov 2013] Norwegian Muslims hold Ashura procession, candlelight...
Ashura commemorations continue around the world. In Norway\'s capital, more than a thousand Shia Muslims hold a procession and a candlelight vigil...
Ashura commemorations continue around the world. In Norway\'s capital, more than a thousand Shia Muslims hold a procession and a candlelight vigil in memory of Imam Hussein and his companions.