Gaza Photo Expo Threatened with Closure - 16Feb2010 - English
On Monday, Feb. 15th, Cinema du Parc received an email insisting that CJPME's Photo Exposition, Human Drama in Gaza, be immediately removed from...
On Monday, Feb. 15th, Cinema du Parc received an email insisting that CJPME's Photo Exposition, Human Drama in Gaza, be immediately removed from the Cinema. The email was from a legal representative of Gestion Redbourne PDP Inc., the owners of the building housing Cinema du Parc. The Cinema has hosted dozens of expositions in the past three years, and this is the first time that such action has been taken. This move on the part of Redbourne seems entirely political, to muzzle the message of Human Drama in Gaza.
If you live outside Montreal, click here ( to protest this action.
On Monday, Feb. 15th, the critically acclaimed Human Drama in Gaza
Photo Exposition in Montreal was threatened with closure by Gestion Redbourne PDP Inc., the real
estate management firm owning the property housing the Exposition. A legal representative of
Redbourne, Lieba Shell, sent an email late in the day to the exposition host, Cinema du Parc,
ordering the removal of the exposition and threatening legal action if the exposition were not taken
down by evening. Cinema du Parc and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
(CJPME) – the producer of the exposition – asserted through their legal advisor, Mark H. Arnold,
that such threats from Redbourne were not lawful.
Human Drama in Gaza was launched in mid-January, and received very positive reviews in several
media. Redbourne, however, demanded the removal of the exposition based on a paragraph in the
lease that Cinema du Parc has with Redbourne relating to “purely cinemagraphic use” of the
premises. Arnold, however, asserted that the cinema’s hosting of a photo exposition would very
much constitute cinemagraphic use of the premises. Officials with Cinema du Parc also pointed out
that the cinema has hosted dozens of photo expositions in the past several years, and has never had
a complaint from Redbourne, the landlord.
“This move on the part of Redbourne is clearly political,” declared Thomas Woodley, President of
CJPME. “Cinema du Parc is known for its ongoing expositions which touch on important issues of
social concern, and Redbourne never had an issue in the past.” Last week, both Cinema du Parc
and Place du Parc (the shopping mall housing the cinema and owned by Redbourne) received
emails and calls from individuals unhappy with the Human Drama in Gaza exposition. The
complaints accused the exposition of being anti-Israel, but stopped short of questioning the
credibility of the exposition content. “The suffering of the 1.5 million people of Gaza is an
important social issue like any other,” asserted Woodley. “The fact that certain people wish to stifle
open discussion on Gaza is even more a reason to bring the debate out into the open.”
According to CJPME, the exposition itself seeks to put a human face to the misery of the people of
Gaza, and the poignant resilience of a people facing severe adversity. The captions accompanying
the photos cite statistics and legal analyses of Israel’s 22-day assault on Gaza of last winter. The
legal advisor to CJPME pointed out that if security forces from Redbourne were to attempt to
forcibly remove the exposition, they would be considered trespassers. As such, Arnold concluded,
the “Cinema staff have been advised to immediately call the police.”
About CJPME – Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is a non-profit and secular
organization bringing together men and women of all backgrounds who labour to see justice and peace take
root again in the Middle East. Its mission is to empower decision-makers to view all sides with fairness and to
promote the equitable and sustainable development of the region.
For more information, please contact Grace Batchoun at 514-745-8491or
[email protected].
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
More Info
CJPME's Human Drama in Gaza Photo Exposition features 44 photos, taken before, during and after last winter's 22-day assault on Gaza by professional photographers from Israel, Palestine, and the West. Produced by CJPME, and funded through private donations, the Montreal stop at Cinema du Parc is the first in a series of cross-Canada shows.
The Montreal Exposition began on Friday, Jan. 15th and was originally scheduled to continue through through Sunday, February 28th. The Exposition is open from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays, and from 3:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. on weekends. All the photos and captions used in the Exposition can be found here, and a video trailer introducing the Exposition can be found here.
Cinema du Parc has been great partner in the hosting of the Exposition in Montreal, and is standing its ground in the face of Redbourne's action.
Gaza-Israel Massacres More than 300 Palestinians-800 Wounded Part 5-English
In a statement on Sunday, Iran called for restraint and an immediate halt of the large-scale Israeli bombardment of Gaza.
Israel attacked the...
In a statement on Sunday, Iran called for restraint and an immediate halt of the large-scale Israeli bombardment of Gaza.
Israel attacked the impoverished strip on Saturday, leaving 800 people in a critical state. The Saturday attacks are widely believed to be one of the worst in the 60-year history of the Israeli occupation.
"The international community is duty bound to defend Gaza civilians in the face of Israel's genocide and crimes against humanity," the Foreign Ministry statement reads according to press tv.
"Tel Aviv's bombardment of the Gaza Strip is yet another brazen example of Israel's terrorist mindset and its gross violation of human rights," it adds.
The statement condemns the barrage of Israeli attacks on civilian non-military targets as being in stark defiance of the Geneva Convention and UN resolutions.
Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that no protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed, hence collective punishment and all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
The Saturday onslaught came after a six-month truce between Israel and the democratically-elected Palestinian government of Hamas expired on December 19 - and after repeated violations by Tel Aviv.
The Arab world reacted in shock to the Israeli incursion into Gaza and stepped up calls for retaliation against Israel.
"Today everybody has to stand by the side of the Palestinian people and stop this blind military action," said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.
Russia and France have also decried the large-scale operations, demanding that Israel immediately halt its attacks on the Gaza Strip.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, however, snubbed international appeals for an end to the attacks and asserted that operations against Gaza will go on for "as long as necessary".
"There is a time for cease-fires and a time to fight, and now is the time to fight," said Barak, adding that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and security forces have been masterminding the Gaza invasion "for months".
In a televised speech on Sunday, Barak confirmed that Tel Aviv may even send ground troops into Gaza to help in carrying out fresh attacks on the coastal strip.
The UN Security Council held emergency consultations Saturday night and early Sunday to outline a resolution, by which Israel would be obliged to halt its military operations "without delay".
[23 June 2012] Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza - English
[23 June 2012] Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza - English
Israeli warplanes carried out a series of air raids in Gaza, targeting...
[23 June 2012] Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza - English
Israeli warplanes carried out a series of air raids in Gaza, targeting many positions across the blockaded coastal territory. People here are angry over what they say the silence of the international community for not taking any action to put pressure on Israel to end its military attacks. Press TV met Abu Shaban family who escaped unharmed after their house was targeted.
Israel has stepped up its assaults on Gaza over the recent days. The attacks have claimed over a dozen lives in Gaza since Monday. A number of Gazans, including at least one child, have been killed and many others injured in the latest Israeli attack.International activists say the world has to condemn Israel's military attacks on innocent Palestinians in Gaza and take decisive measures to end the suffering of Gaza's 1.7 million.Israel frequently carries out air raids and conducts ground incursions in Gaza. The blockaded coastal enclave has been cut of from the outside world as Israel controls Gaza's border crossings, airspace and territorial waters, turning the impoverished territory into the world's largest open air prison.
Gaza-Israel Massacres More than 300 Palestinians-800 Wounded Part 2-English
President: Gaza, Test Field for So-Called Human Rights Advocates
TEHRAN (FNA)- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday night...
President: Gaza, Test Field for So-Called Human Rights Advocates
TEHRAN (FNA)- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday night that Gaza is a test field for the so-called human rights advocates proving invalidity of their claims for supporting human rights.
He made the remarks commenting on Saturday's savage attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza when Israeli F-16 bombers attacked the city and fired around 30 missiles into the densely populated areas of Gaza. The attacks killed 225 people and wounded 400 others.
The horrific brutality of Israel against civilians have triggered international outrage and shocked world public opinion.
"All theories of secularism, humanism and liberalism have proved to be inefficient in the test field of Palestine, Gaza Strip in particular," the president said according to the Islamic republic news agency.
Addressing a local seminar, he added, "We have witnessed today in news reports that the innocent Gazans were surrendered by the most savage and indecent people of history."
Condemning Israeli leaders for their crimes against humanity, President Ahmadinejad strongly criticized the indifference of the United Nations Security Council and those of the Western countries towards the Israeli war crimes in Gaza.
"Those who issue a resolution when their pets are hit by a car, showed no reaction to the slaughter of the women and children who are deprived of the least living facilities," said the president.
He added that the world should mourn the massacre of innocent people in Gaza.
"The ideology of Zionism and its dominance have reached the end line. Zionists are at the end of the road both in theory and practice in all economic, political, military and cultural terms," President Ahmadinejad added.
He noted that the Zionists were to take revenge of innocent people now that have realized their era have come to an end.
israel Threatens New Lebanese Gaza Aid Flotilla - 18 June 2010 - English
As outrage and condemnation continues over Israel's deadly attack on a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, Tel Aviv once again...
As outrage and condemnation continues over Israel's deadly attack on a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, Tel Aviv once again threatens to halt any ship trying to break the Gaza blockade. In a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gabriela Shalev called for a halt to a new aid ship scheduled to set sail from Lebanon to break the siege of Gaza, warning that Tel Aviv would use "all necessary means" to stop the vessel. "Israel reserves its right under international law to use all necessary means to prevent these ships from violating the existing naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip," she said. The warning comes as a group of female Lebanese activists announced a plan to send an aid ship loaded with medical supplies to Gaza, which has been under siege since 2007. According to the organizers, 50 Lebanese and foreign activists would be aboard the aid ship. The new aid convoy planned the mission after Israeli commandos on May 31 stormed the Gaza Freedom Flotilla aid convoy, killing 20 civilian activists and injuring dozens of others. The Israeli envoy also claimed the aid ship was linked to the Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah. Hezbollah, however, has denied having any links to the mission, saying it would not join the convoy as it did not want to give Israel an excuse to attack the Gaza campaigners. The warning comes as earlier on Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Lebanon against allowing the aid ship to depart from Lebanon for Gaza.
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
The children of Gaza continue to bear the brunt of Israel's wanton aggression...
[29 July 2012] War blockade traumatize Gaza children - English
The children of Gaza continue to bear the brunt of Israel's wanton aggression during the Gaza war and its frequent air-strikes and incursions.
Israel ended its war on Gaza in 2009, an all-out war which claimed the lives of many people including innocent children and injured thousands others.
According to psychiatrists, Children who make up nearly 60 percent of Gaza population are still traumatized and psychologically scarred.Gaza children blockade war trauma Israel air-strike incursion
[02 Jan 2014] Rocket fired from Gaza after Palestinian teen shot in Gaza...
A rocket has been fired from Gaza to Israel after Israeli forces shot and wounded a 16-year old Palestinian in the northern Gaza Strip.
A rocket has been fired from Gaza to Israel after Israeli forces shot and wounded a 16-year old Palestinian in the northern Gaza Strip.
The rocket fell in an open area in Eshkol Regional Council. An explosion was reportedly heard in the nearby area but no injuries or damage has been reported. The missile came several hours after a Palestinian teen was shot in the leg in Jabalia. The Israeli military claims the teenager was seen damaging a fence. Attacks by Israeli forces on Palestinians have recently escalated. On Sunday, two people were wounded by Israeli tank shells in central Gaza.
Press TV- US Jewish protesters call for end to Gaza siege - English
Press TV Iranian government arab persian news bbc sky cnn fox documentary political aljazeera english tony blair british government george bush...
Press TV Iranian government arab persian news bbc sky cnn fox documentary political aljazeera english tony blair british government george bush israel gaza strip gaza siege gaza blockade gaza humanitarian crisis gaza boarder crisis stop the war anti-war iraq war
Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims - English
Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip....
Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel's ground offensive into the strip.
Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.
The report comes after Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night, opening a ground operation after eight days of intensive attacks by Israeli air and naval forces on the impoverished region.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned on Sunday that the wide-ranging ground offensive in the Gaza Strip would be "full of surprises."
A ground offensive in the densely-populated Gaza is expected to drastically increase the death toll of the civilian population.
The latest assaults bring the number of Palestinians killed to over 488 with 2790 others wounded. The UN says that about 25 percent of the casualties were civilian deaths - including at least 34 children.
According to Israeli army officials, at least 30 of its soldiers have been wounded since the start of the ground campaign.
Amid global condemnation of the ongoing violence in the region, the UN Security Council failed to agree on a united approach to resolve the crisis.
"Once again, the world is watching in dismay the dysfunctionality of the Security Council," UN General Assembly chief Miguel d'Escoto said Sunday.
According to diplomatic sources, the US blocked a Security Council resolution, with US Deputy Ambassador Alejandro Wolff arguing that an official statement that criticizes both Israel and Hamas would not be helpful.
The White House has so far declined to comment on whether an Israeli ground incursion into Gaza is a justified measure.
We will not go down (People of Gaza) Song - English
This is a song of hope for the Palestinians in Gaza, composed and performed by Michael Heart (
Copyright 2009
This is a song of hope for the Palestinians in Gaza, composed and performed by Michael Heart (
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Telling the Story of Gaza - April 2011 - English
Laila El-Haddad is a talented blogger, journalist, social media activist, and parent-of-two from Gaza. She is author of the recently published book...
Laila El-Haddad is a talented blogger, journalist, social media activist, and parent-of-two from Gaza. She is author of the recently published book Gaza Mom: Palestine Politics, Parenting, and Everything in Between, based on the award-winning blog she has written since 2004, and contributing author to The Goldstone Report: The landmark Investigation of the Gaza Conflict.
She received her B.A. from Duke University and her MPP from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.
From 2003-2006, El-Haddad was the Gaza stringer for the Al-Jazeera English website and contributed regularly to the BBC and the Guardian. She has also been published in the Washington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the International Herald Tribune, and The New Statesman, among others, and has appeared on CNN and NPR. In 2007, she co-directed the award-winning Gaza-based documentary Tunnel Trade.
A running theme in El-Haddad's writing is the personalization of the situation of Gazans and Palestinians, a topic to which she brings her characteristic wry humor and introspective humanity about her daily life and those of other Gazans.
[29 May 2012] Gaza hosts Palestinian electoral officials - English
[29 May 2012] Gaza hosts Palestinian electoral officials - English
A delegation from Central Elections Commission "CEC" has arrived in...
[29 May 2012] Gaza hosts Palestinian electoral officials - English
A delegation from Central Elections Commission "CEC" has arrived in Gaza from the West Bank and held talks with Hamas Prime Minister and other officials.
The Commission's visit is aimed at updating the electoral register in Gaza. The move is key step to pave the way for elections.
Days ago, senior Fatah and Hamas officials agreed that electoral commission would soon start work in Gaza. They also agreed to begin consultations to form a new interim government of independents.
[18 June 2012] Children TV launched in Gaza - English
[18 June 2012] Children TV launched in Gaza - English
A new TV and radio station of its kind was launched in Gaza recently catering to the Gaza...
[18 June 2012] Children TV launched in Gaza - English
A new TV and radio station of its kind was launched in Gaza recently catering to the Gaza Strip's young population.
Press TV's Ashraf Shannon reports from Gaza.
[10 Aug 2012] Ramadan in Gaza Ramadan in Hebron Ramadan in Nigeria And...
[10 Aug 2012] Ramadan in Gaza Ramadan in Hebron Ramadan in Nigeria And Ramadan in Italy - English
In this edition of the show, Mazen Naim, Press...
[10 Aug 2012] Ramadan in Gaza Ramadan in Hebron Ramadan in Nigeria And Ramadan in Italy - English
In this edition of the show, Mazen Naim, Press TV's correspondent, reports from Gaza on holy month of Ramadan in Gaza. Nelly Burden, Press TV's correspondent, reports from Hebron on holy month of Ramadan in Hebron. Danjuma Abdullahi, Press TV's correspondent, reports from Abuja on holy month of Ramadan in Nigeria. Max Civili, Press TV's correspondent, reports from Rome on on holy month of Ramadan in Italy.
[18 Dec 2013] The UN says nearly a million Palestinians are expected to...
The U-N says nearly a million Palestinians are expected to need food aid in the Gaza Strip next year.
About 800-thousand Palestinian refugees...
The U-N says nearly a million Palestinians are expected to need food aid in the Gaza Strip next year.
About 800-thousand Palestinian refugees are currently receiving food aid from the U-N Relief and Works Agency-- UNRWA-- but the organization expects a 10 to 20 percent rise in demand in 20-14. The U-N\'s Gaza director of operations says the main reason for the increase is Egypt\'s closure of Gaza tunnels-- a measure which has deprived thousands of Palestinians of basic goods, halted construction projects, and led to job losses. The tunnels were the only lifeline for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The coastal enclave has been under the Israeli regime\'s blockade since 2007.
[30 Jan 2014] Israeli war jets launch 3 airstrikes on Gaza Strip,...
The Israeli military has launched three airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting the northern, southern, and eastern parts of the besieged...
The Israeli military has launched three airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting the northern, southern, and eastern parts of the besieged Palestinian territory.
Palestinian officials say three explosions were heard in the territory. Rescue teams and ambulances have rushed to the areas. At least 8 Palestinians have been injured in southern Gaza town of Rafah. Two Palestinians have also been injured in the north. Tel Aviv claims the air strikes were carried out in response to a rocket fired from Gaza. The Israeli military often targets Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which remains cut off from the outside world by a crippling Israeli blockade.
[31 Jan 2014] At least 10Palestinians are injured in the Israeli air...
The Israeli military has launched three airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting the northern, southern, and eastern parts of the besieged...
The Israeli military has launched three airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, targeting the northern, southern, and eastern parts of the besieged Palestinian territory.
Palestinian officials say three explosions were heard in the territory. Rescue teams and ambulances have rushed to the areas. At least 8 Palestinians have been injured in southern Gaza town of Rafah. Two Palestinians have also been injured in the north. Tel Aviv claims the air strikes were carried out in response to a rocket fired from Gaza. The Israeli military often targets Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which remains cut off from the outside world by a crippling blockade.
[05 Feb 2014] Gaza cancer rates on rise due to Israeli use of banned...
Patients and doctors have protested inside Gaza\'s Shifa hospital as they marked the World Cancer Day. The number of cancer cases has been on the...
Patients and doctors have protested inside Gaza\'s Shifa hospital as they marked the World Cancer Day. The number of cancer cases has been on the rise in recent years following two Israeli wars on the blockaded coastal strip. An average of one thousand cancer cases has been recorded annually among Gazans for the last two years.
The Gaza Health Ministry says the Israeli regime\'s use of internationally banned weapons has sharply increased the number of cancer cases. During the 22-day Israeli war at the turn of 2009, Norwegian Doctor Mads Fredrik Gilbert who volunteered at Gaza\'s Shifa hospital said that some victims had traces of depleted uranium in their wounds. The majority of Israeli high-tech weapons contain depleted uranium. Most cancer patients lived in areas that were heavily bombarded by Israeli forces during the last two Israeli wars. Lack of medicines as well as cancer patients\' inability to receive treatment abroad due to closure of crossings by both Israel and the Egyptian military is putting their lives at grave risk. Experts have said that Israeli forces used internationally banned weapons like White Phosphorous and weapons containing depleted uranium against the civilian population of Gaza. Experts say such weapons are carcinogenic.
Gaza activists vow to return with backup - 02Nov-08 - English
Free Gaza Movement activists depart Gaza promising to continue their efforts to end Gaza siege. International peace activists have wound up their...
Free Gaza Movement activists depart Gaza promising to continue their efforts to end Gaza siege. International peace activists have wound up their visit to the poverty stricken Gaza promising that the Israeli siege will be broken again. PressTv report.
Gaza-Israel Massacres More than 300 Palestinians-800 Wounded Part 1-English
Iran Urges Int'l Community to Halt Israeli Crimes
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi called on the United...
Iran Urges Int'l Community to Halt Israeli Crimes
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi called on the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to take immediate measures to bring an end to Israel's brutal attacks in the Gaza Strip.
About 220 Palestinians were killed across the Gaza Strip on Saturday in massive air strikes carried out by the Zionist regime.
This brutal and inhumane strike brings more shame upon Israel, MNA quoted Qashqavi as saying on Saturday.
"Although this crime has apparently been committed to gain more votes in the election campaigns of the occupiers of the occupied territories, it also provides firm evidence that the Zionist regime's aggressive approach is continuing."
He also criticized the members of the international community for their silence in the face of the disastrous situation in Gaza.
"These crimes are the result of the painful silence of the international community in the response to the inhumane siege of oppressed men, women, and children in the Gaza Strip."
The Foreign Ministry spokesman addressed the world bodies and so-called upholders of human rights, saying, "The important question in this issue is: Shouldn't attacking residential areas and massacring dozens of men, women, and children in the streets… cause any reaction or human feelings to arise, and shouldn't this be considered… a serious human rights issue?"
Qashqavi also expressed his condolences to the Palestinians and emphasized that the Iranian nation and government strongly supports the oppressed Palestinian nation in their struggle against the Zionist regime.
Message of the Children of Gaza to the World and to Haiti - English
The children of Gaza send a message of solidarity and support to the children of the earthquake devastated Haiti. This special report by Yusef...
The children of Gaza send a message of solidarity and support to the children of the earthquake devastated Haiti. This special report by Yusef al-Helou, Press TV's Gaza Correspondant, also looks at art and sports as coping mechanisms for children in Gaza who have been severely traumatised by the Israeli onslaught and are led to dispair by the combined Egyptian and Zionist blockade of Gaza. Recorded January 30, 2010.