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(Full Speech) Supreme Leader on demise anniversary of Imam...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech on 25th Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) Print
Hotuba ya Kiongozi Muadhamu katika...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech on 25th Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) Print
Hotuba ya Kiongozi Muadhamu katika Maadhimisho ya Mwaka wa 25 wa Kufariki Dunia Imam KhomeiniThe following is the full text of the speech delivered on June 4, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the occasion of the demise anniversary of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). The speech was delivered at Imam Khomeini\\\\\\\'s shrine.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings upon our Master and Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his immaculate household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth.
\\\\\\\"Our Lord, forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord, surely You are Kind, Merciful\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 59: 10]. \\\\\\\"Our Lord, surely You have given to Pharaoh and his chiefs finery and riches in this world\\\\\\\'s life. To this end, our Lord, that they lead people astray from Your way. Our Lord, destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they believe not until they see the painful punishment\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 10: 88].
Allah the Omniscient said in His book: \\\\\\\"Have you not considered how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word being like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven, yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord?\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 14: 24-25]
On this unforgettable and important day, I would like to divide my statements to you dear brothers and sisters into three parts. In the first part, I will speak about an important reality which exists about the Islamic Republic. Today, paying attention to this reality is very important. In the second part, I will provide a brief explanation of our magnanimous Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) permanent and eternal school of thought. Although we have said and heard many things about Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) school of thought, it is necessary to provide a brief explanation at this point in time. I will provide a short portrayal of all the things that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) created as a unique phenomenon in the contemporary world. The third part is about two important challenges which lie ahead of the people of Iran and the Islamic Republic. It is important for us to pay attention to these two challenges in order to move forward in the right way and on the right path.
As for the first part, the reality that I referred to is that 25 years have passed from the demise of our great Imam (r.a.), but people\\\\\\\'s enthusiasm and excitement to hear and know about him has not diminished. And this is not particular to our country. Rather, this reality exists in the world of Islam and even beyond that.
Not only in our country - where the third generation of the Revolution is growing and blossoming - but also in the entire world of Islam, the youth of the age of communications and Internet are after gaining more information about the issues of the Revolution, about the Islamic Republic and about the architect of this great structure. And these youth can easily familiarize themselves with the issues which occur far away from their own environment. The phenomenon of religious democracy and the theory of Wilayat-e Faqih are issues which are significant and attractive for the intellectual environments of the world of Islam.
From the first days, our enemies began making a comprehensive effort and the more we moved forward, the more comprehensive this effort became. They used hundreds and thousands of television, radio stations and Internet sites to abuse the Islamic Republic, its great founder and its supporters. Of course, this issue has been helpful to us because it has aroused the curiosity of listeners and viewers throughout the world.
These listeners and viewers want to know the reason behind all these enmities, hostilities and mudslinging. They want to know the nature of the truth which has been the target of these enmities. So, our enemies mentioned our names and they spoke about our Imam (r.a.) and our system with the purpose of showing their enmity, but \\\\\\\"...surely they will scheme, and I too will scheme\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 86: 15-16].
This is what Allah the Exalted says. They started this widespread movement with such an intention, but it eventually created an opportunity for us because the sense of curiosity of the listeners to these stations was aroused throughout the world. Islamic Awakening - in which anti-arrogant feelings were dominant more than any other phenomenon - in Islamic countries and our region is the sign of this curiosity and search for the truth and it continues to exist.
It is possible that western and American intelligence services report to their seniors that they have managed to suppress Islamic Awakening in our region. If they have such a notion, then this will be another strategic mistake and another wrong interpretation on the part of our enemies. Islamic Awakening might be suppressed for a while in part of the world of Islam, but it will undoubtedly not be uprooted. On the contrary, it will develop.
This understanding, this perception and this awareness in all countries and among Muslim youth in the region is not something that can be destroyed easily. Of course, they will make certain efforts in order to destroy it and these efforts may seem to be successful in some areas in the short run, but in the end, they will prove to be fruitless.
The curiosity that exists in today\\\\\\\'s young generation all over the world - particularly in the world of Islam - about the phenomenon of religious democracy is rooted in the fact that the Islamic Republic is a phenomenon from whose birth 35 years have passed. And during all these 35 years, it has faced the violent and hostile reactions of the dominant powers in the world. They showed military reactions, they showed propaganda reactions, they showed economic reactions - which began from the beginning of the Revolution and which have been reinforced on a daily basis - and they showed political reactions.
It is 35 years now that this powerful western camp has been doing whatever it could against the Islamic Republic. It has made military efforts, it has helped the aggressors who attacked our country, it has supported the enemies of the Islamic Republic in any area, it has used widespread propaganda and it has made perfect and unprecedented efforts in the area of sanctions and economic siege. But in the face of all these invasions and all these violent and unscrupulous hostilities, the Islamic Republic was not destroyed, it did not adopt a conservative outlook, it was not blackmailed by the west and it made progress on a daily basis. This is what forms the essence of this curiosity.
Despite the fact that the primary military, political and economic powers of the world joined hands against a country and a government and despite the fact that they made efforts for 35 years, not only was this government not destroyed, but it also became stronger on a daily basis. This government was not blackmailed by them and it did not pay any attention to them at all. The Islamic Republic showed its power and capability to survive in different arenas.
Today, when they look at the Islamic Republic, they see that the second and third generations of the Revolution in the country are comprised of several million students, several thousand knowledgeable clergy, several thousand researchers, several thousand university and seminary professors, thousands of scientific and intellectual personalities - some of whom are well-known on an international level - and thousands of activists and producers and thousands of political, cultural and economic personalities. This is the reality about our today\\\\\\\'s society.
In the arena of science and technology, the Islamic Republic launches satellites into space despite all sanctions. It sends living creatures into space and it brings them back. It produces nuclear energy. It is ranked among the first ten countries in the world in many new sciences. The centers in charge of releasing statistics have announced that the rate of scientific progress in the Islamic Republic is 13 times faster than the global average. It gives scientific and technological services to different countries. Despite unprecedented sanctions, it manages a 75-million-strong country. It has the final word on regional policies. It shows resistance against the usurping Zionist regime, which is supported by global bullies, and it does this on its own. It does not compromise with oppressors and it defends the oppressed.
Any well-informed individual becomes curious to know what this organism and phenomenon is and how it benefits from all these innate capabilities and this potential to survive despite all the enmities. This is the nature of this curiosity. This was about the issues related to scientific, technological and other such areas.
As for political and social issues, the higher aspect of this religious democracy is that we have had 32 elections during the 35 years from the beginning of our Revolution. Thirty two public elections have been held in this country. Is this a minor achievement? This is an exceptional phenomenon. Elections in the Islamic Republic are held with a high turnout - higher than the global average and in some cases, it is much higher. Our elections witness a turnout of 70, 72 percent. Our elections are like this. These elections are the manifestation of democracy.
Another exceptional example is the two phenomena which we people have gotten used to, but which are extraordinarily exciting and important for global inspectors and witnesses. These two phenomena are the 22nd of Bahman rallies and Quds Day Rallies in the month of Ramadan. During the past 35 years, the people have held the Revolution celebration each year with a great, exciting and glorious rally on the cold days of late Bahman. We have gotten used to this and we do not truly see the significance and greatness of this issue, but global witnesses see these things and they are very astonishing to them.
These are the factors behind the element which arouses people\\\\\\\'s curiosity and which presents a new path to the minds of enthusiastic, inquisitive and research-oriented individuals. This is the important reality of our time which can be described as the general curiosity of youth, intellectuals, well-informed personalities and analysts throughout the world of Islam about the phenomenon which has emerged and grown on a daily basis in Islamic Iran. This is the first issue.
This reality has been built by the hands of our great architect. We have said many things about Imam (r.a.). Perhaps some people think that we have spoken about Imam in an exaggerated way. But this is not the case. What we have said about our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) is neither exaggeration nor magnification of the truth. Rather, it is the truth. Our magnanimous and dear Imam (r.a.) was more complex and meaningful than what we managed to say and reflect about him.
What is available to the people of Iran and what is in front of the eyes of people throughout the world has been built by those powerful hands. We should know about the architect\\\\\\\'s plan in order to take the path in the right way. If developers and builders do not have access to a plan in order to build an ordinary building and if it is not clear what the main plan is, then they may make a mistake no matter how skilled they are. We should know the main plan so that we can use our expertise in building on the basis of this plan.
Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) plan was not one that could be designed by a human being. It was definitely God\\\\\\\'s work. Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) himself knew and acknowledged this. He himself used to say, \\\\\\\"What has occurred is a handicraft of divine power\\\\\\\". He had understood this correctly and his insightful and vigilant eyes had seen this correctly.
We should be careful. We should know the plan so that we can continue the path. If we do not know the plan, we will deviate from the right path. And when we deviate, we will drift away from the main and the straight path on a daily basis. When we drift away from the straight path, we will drift away from goals and we will fail to reach them.
In order to reach the goals, we should take care not to lose the path and in order to avoid losing the path, we should have the main plan in front of our eyes. We should know and identify this plan. Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) plan and main task was to create a civil-political system on the basis of Islamic reason. The prerequisite for carrying out this task was to uproot the monarchic regime which was corrupt, dependent and dictatorial.
The monarchic regime had these three characteristics: it was corrupt - different moral, financial and other such corruptions. It was dependent on powers. One day, it was dependent on England and another day, it was dependent on America. It was prepared to abandon its own interests and the interests of the people for the sake of the interests of foreigners. And it was dictatorial and oppressive. For the monarchic regime, the people\\\\\\\'s votes and requests counted for nothing. Each of these characteristics forms a long chapter. Each of them forms a long book.
The prerequisite for the great task that Imam (r.a.) wanted to carry out was to uproot this corrupt, dependent and dictatorial regime. He focused his efforts on doing this and consequently, the regime was uprooted. In our country, the issue was not replacing a monarchic regime with another monarchic or semi-monarchic regime. The issue was uprooting the characteristics that the monarchic regime had and this was done by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) statements, guidelines and behavior were oriented towards this goal.
There are two fundamental points in building this civil-political system and these two points are interconnected. In one sense, these two points are two sides of the coin of truth. One is entrusting the affairs of the country to the people through democracy and elections and another is launching this movement - which originated from Islam - and any movement which originates from democracy and entrusting tasks to people, within the framework of Islamic sharia. These are two parts. In other words, these are two sides of the same truth.
Some people should not think that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) derived elections from the western culture and then mixed it with Islamic thoughts and Islamic sharia. This was not the case. If elections, democracy and reliance on the votes of people had not been part of religion and Islamic sharia, then Imam (r.a.) would have told us. If this had been the case, he would have announced it in an outspoken and decisive way. Democracy is part of religion. Therefore, Islamic sharia is the framework.
When passing and implementing laws, when assigning individuals different tasks and discharging them from their service and during all tasks that follow this political-civil system, Islamic sharia should be observed. All tasks in this system revolve around democracy. All the people elect the members of the Majlis and the president, they elect ministers indirectly, they elect the members of the Assembly of Experts and they elect the Leader indirectly. All tasks are in the hands of the people. This was the main base of our magnanimous Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) movement. The great structure that this great personality built was founded on these two bases.
Commitment to Islamic sharia is the soul and truth of the Islamic government. Everyone should pay attention to this issue. If Islamic sharia is completely observed in society, this will ensure both civil and individual freedom - the freedom of individuals - and collective freedom which is called independence. Independence means freedom of a people. It means that a people are not dependent on anyone and any place.
\\\\\\\"A free people\\\\\\\" means a people who are not under the influence and domination of their opponents, their enemies and foreigners in any way. If Islamic sharia is observed, it will ensure both justice and spirituality in society. These are the four main elements: freedom, independence, justice and spirituality. If Islamic sharia dominates society, these main phenomena in the order of Islamic society will show themselves. Therefore, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) stressed the necessity of Islamic sharia which is the soul of the Islamic Republic. He also stressed the necessity of religious democracy which is a means and a tool and which is derived from sharia.
According to Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) school of thought, any power and force which has come into being through deception and oppression is unacceptable. In the Islamic government, oppression and subjugation are meaningless. Power and authority are meaningful, but only the one that originates from people\\\\\\\'s free will and choice. The kind of power which originates from bullying, subjugation and weapons is meaningless from the viewpoint of Islam, Islamic sharia and Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) school of thought.
The kind of power which emerges on the basis of people\\\\\\\'s choice is respectable. No one should confront this power. No one should try to suppress and subjugate this power. If they do so, this is called fitna. This is the new prescription that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) introduced to the world. He added this important chapter to the political literature of the world. As we pointed out, one of the main elements in this new version is rushing to help the oppressed and confronting the oppressor. We should help the oppressed and in the present time, the concrete manifestation of being oppressed is the people of Palestine.
As you witnessed, from the first day until the end of his life, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) stressed the issue of Palestine. He supported the issue of Palestine and stated in his testament that the people of Iran and the officials of the country should not forget about this issue. Helping the oppressed, showing resistance against the oppressor, condemning his transgressions, rejecting his power and grandeur in an outspoken way and shattering this grandeur are among the parts of this system and this new version presented by our magnanimous Imam (r.a.).
This is a short summary, portrayal and description of the political order and the foundation that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) introduced to society after overthrowing the monarchic regime in the country. This matter was completely accepted by the people and it was put into practice. Unlike many political slogans, this matter was not confined to books. Rather, it was realized, put into practice and reflected in reality. And the people of Iran showed their determination, loyalty and self-sacrifice by preserving this matter and strengthening it on a daily basis until today.
So, Imam (r.a.) succeeded. He achieved complete success in what he wanted to do. Will this great task continue? Will the empty boxes of this table - naturally, there are some empty boxes in social and historical tables - be filled in? This depends on how determined and aware you and I are and to what extent we observe and move in the direction of that clear line. It is completely possible to do this.
Considering the people that we see, considering the experience that they have gained and considering the successful and continuous movement that they have launched in the past 35 years - and in the past 25 years since Imam\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) demise - it is possible to continue this path. The empty boxes will be filled in, great feats will be accomplished and by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor and grace, our people will reach the peaks.
Like all the important paths which have been delineated for reaching great goals, this path involves certain challenges and obstacles. We should identify these obstacles so that we can pass through them. If we do not identify obstacles, overcoming them will be either difficult or impossible. I am saying these things to you honorable participants of this great and magnificent meeting and, in fact, to the people of Iran who will hear these statements. But it is our youth, our scholars and our intellectuals who should think about, work on and study each of these chapters and parts.
They should work on not only semi-intellectual and theoretical discussions but also on practical and functional discussions which reflect the truth. What we are saying is some chapters for carrying out intellectual tasks. By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, these chapters will be followed up by our youth who are much better and prepared than we are.
I would like to refer to two challenges: one is an external challenge and another is an internal challenge. Our external challenge is the interferences of global arrogance. I would like to speak without any consideration. The external challenge is the interferences of America. They engage in mudslinging.
Although some of their thinkers say in their analyses that it is useless or impossible to confront this great movement, they engage in mudslinging.
We should know their plan. This is America\\\\\\\'s plan which has been revealed through their discussions, reports, statements and behavior: America divides all countries, orientations and people throughout the world into three groups: the first group is made up of the submissive including submissive countries, submissive political and social orientations and submissive individuals. The first group is comprised of these people. The second group is comprised of countries which are not submissive and which should be tolerated. From the viewpoint of America, a number of countries, personalities and orientations should be tolerated. They believe that they should define common interests with these countries and that they should get along with them somehow. Later on, I will explain this more. The third group is made up of disobedient countries, those which do not give in to America and which refuse to be blackmailed by it. The third group is comprised of these countries.
From the viewpoint of the Americans, no country, no political, social, civil and economic orientation and no individual in the world is out of these three groups. Everyone is either submissive and docile or independent - and you should get along with them - or disobedient, bold and courageous. One should behave in a different way towards the third group.
America\\\\\\\'s policy towards the first group is complete support. Of course, they do not provide this support for free. They support them, but they also milk them. In fact, they use their capabilities and resources to the advantage of their own interests and for safeguarding their own interests. The Americans ride roughshod over these people and they make them render all kinds of services to them. As I said, they milk them and they do not care at all.
Of course, if these people and countries behave in a way that is considered to be indecent according to global conventions, the Americans do not condemn it. On the contrary, they defend and justify it. For example, there are some dictatorial countries which are managed by biased, reactionary and completely dictatorial regimes, but they have friendly relations with the Americans. These countries give in to the Americans and they are prepared to serve and obey them. They are members of the first group.
When the Americans want to describe them, they do not refer to them as dictatorial countries. Rather, they say that they are patriarchal countries and thus they cover up their dictatorship. They say, \\\\\\\"They are not dictators. Rather, they are patriarchal countries\\\\\\\". What is the meaning of patriarchal in political systems? What does it mean? Is a patriarchal country a country in which there is no parliament, no elections, no power to speak freely, no freedom of speech and no freedom of expression? Is a patriarchal country a country in which the slightest disobedience to the wishes of the rulers is suppressed in a very serious and severe way?
In one part of his life, Saddam Hussein was one of these obedient and submissive individuals. In that stage of his life, they gave him all kinds of support and they rendered some services to him. They gave him chemical weapons and they provided him with the plans of our military movement which had been discovered via satellite. They gave him military plans because he was at their service and because he was against the disobedient Islamic Republic which was a member of the third group. So, these people represent the first group.
As I said, the second group is made up of the countries which America gets along with. The policy and plan of America is to get along with these countries. What does getting along mean? It means defining common interests and establishing friendly relations with someone. But when America has the opportunity, it will stab them in the back and tear their hearts open and it will not show any consideration for them.
Which countries represent the second group? European countries represent the second group. Today, European countries are in such conditions. America gets along with them, but this does not mean that it defends their interests. This is not the case. It will kick them as much as it can. For example, it spies - Internet espionage - on the number one in its allied country. It also spies on him by tapping his cell phone. The Americans even keep watch on his personal life and they have no scruples whatsoever. When it comes out, they say, \\\\\\\"Sorry, it happened because we had no choice\\\\\\\".
They are not even willing to apologize in a sincere way. My understanding of political issues tells me that the Europeans are making a great strategic mistake by serving America. They promote the interests of America, but America does not and will not do so and it will be the same until the end. This was about the second group.
The third group is made up of countries which do not give in to America. America\\\\\\\'s policy towards this group is to use each and every tool they find against these disobedient countries. They use any tool they find and they do not have any limits for that. If you see that there is a country which is disobedient to America and that America does not attack or impose sanctions on it, then you should know that there is a problem - that is to say, there is an obstacle in their way. To put it simply, they cannot do it. If they can, they will definitely do it.
The only crime that this disobedient country has committed is that it is not willing to give in to America, to be blackmailed by it and to let the interests of America have priority over its own interests. This is the definition of a disobedient country. In order to bring this country to its knees, the Americans do everything that they can. They do whatever is possible for them. If they do not do something, it is because they cannot.
Well, what are the things that the Americans do? Today, launching a military attack is not a priority from the viewpoint of the Americans. They have understood that they suffered a loss on the issue of Iraq and Afghanistan where they launched military attacks. They have understood that launching a military attack is as dangerous for the aggressor as it is for the defender and sometimes, it is even more dangerous for the aggressor. They have understood this correctly. Therefore, it can be said that they have changed their mind about launching a military attack.
They have other ways ahead of them. One of these ways is entrusting the task of furthering their goals in the target country - which is the target of their attacks - to the elements inside this country. The issue is not only about Islamic Iran and the Islamic Republic. They are doing these things all over the world and we are witnessing some instances of their effort in the present time.
Another way is launching a coup d\\\\\\\'état. They empower some people inside the target country so that they can launch a coup d\\\\\\\'état and overthrow those governments and political systems which do not give in to them. One of the ways that they use is this.
Another way is drawing part of the people to the streets. An example is the color revolutions which were carried out in each and every part of the region in recent years. Take the case of a government which comes to power in a country. After all, if the government that comes to power holds 60 percent of the votes, it means that 40 percent of the people did not vote for it. The Americans go to that 40 percent, choose certain elements and leaders among them and make them - either by bribing or by threatening them - draw that 40 percent or part of it to the streets. America\\\\\\\'s hands were behind the color revolutions - for example, such and such an orange revolution and other revolutions in different countries - that were carried out in recent years.
We do not make any judgment about the events which are taking place in an area in Europe. But when one takes a look, one sees what a role an American senator and official can play - by showing his presence - in the demonstrations of a minority against a country. They showed their presence in such areas. One of the measures that they adopt is that they draw part of the people to the streets and make them break the law, thereby overthrowing the government which they do not approve of and which is not blackmailed.
Another measure that they adopt is empowering and forming terrorist groups. They did this in Iraq, Afghanistan and some Arab countries in the region. They did it in our country as well. They form terrorist groups in order to kill well-known personalities. In our country, they struck and martyred scientists and experts on atomic energy. Before that too, they struck political, cultural, scientific and seminary personalities. These terrorists grew with the help of the Americans. Some of them were accepted into America by the Americans for the services that they rendered.
Today, munafeqeen are in America\\\\\\\'s arms. They take part in different meetings and commissions of the U.S. Congress. The same munafeqeen who killed people from different social backgrounds - including great personalities, ulama, scientists and political personalities - and who carried out explosions are with the Americans today. So, this is another way they use.
Another way is creating discord among decision-makers of countries. One of the measures that they adopt is this: they try to create a rift in the highest levels of the government and system that is not with them. They try to establish a dual government. Of course, they do not succeed in many countries. But unfortunately, they succeed in some areas. This is one of their ways.
Another way is that they discourage - with their propaganda - the hearts and minds of people from following their ideological and religious principles. They try such measures. The regime of the United States of America has done all these things to our dear and Islamic Iran and by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, it has failed in all of them.
Launching military coups d\\\\\\\'état, supporting those who instigate fitna, drawing some people to the streets, confronting elections and creating rifts were some of the measures that they either adopted or tried to adopt and thankfully, they failed in all of them. Why did they fail? It was because the people were vigilant and religious. It is here that I want to speak about the second challenge which is the internal challenge.
Dear brothers and sisters, the internal challenge for our people is the risk of ignoring, forgetting about and losing the spirit and orientation of our magnanimous Imam (r.a). This is the greatest danger. The internal challenge is making a mistake in knowing our enemies and our friends and confusing the camp of our enemies and friends so much so that we do not know who our enemies and friends are.
Another mistake is failing to know our major and minor enemies. This is another danger. You dear brothers and sisters and all the people of Iran should pay attention that sometimes, someone shows enmity towards you. But if you pay careful attention, you will see that his enmity is not the main one. It is a function of another factor and another person. You should find the main enemy. Otherwise, if one confronts the lesser enemy, one\\\\\\\'s energy is sapped and the result will not be good.
Today, some people in different parts of the world of Islam - which go by the name of takfiri, Wahhabi and Salafi groups - are adopting bad and inappropriate measures against Iran, Shia Muslims and Shia Islam. But everyone should know that they are not the main enemies. They show enmity and they adopt foolish measures, but the main enemy is the person who provokes them, who gives them money and who motivates them with different means when their motivation is weakened to some extent.
The main enemy is the person who sows the seeds of rupture and discord between that foolish and ignorant group and the oppressed people of Iran. These measures are adopted by the hidden hands of intelligence and security services. That is why we have constantly said that we do not consider these foolish groups - who confront the Islamic Republic in the name of Salafism, takfiri and Islam - to be our main enemy.
We consider you to be the deceived. We have said to these people: \\\\\\\"If you stretch your hand against me to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against you to slay you: for I fear Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 5: 28]. If you make a mistake and if you prepare yourself to kill your Muslim brothers, we do not consider you to be so important that we try to kill you.
Of course, we defend ourselves. Anyone who attacks us will face our firm fist. This is natural, but we believe that these people are not our main enemies. They have been deceived. The main enemy is the person who acts behind the scenes. The main enemy is the visible hand that comes out of the sleeve of intelligence services, that confronts Muslims and that pits them against one another.
This is our internal challenge: becoming busy with domestic differences - those which are trivial and unimportant. Such differences make us busy, pit us against one another, create tension and make us forget about the main issues and guidelines. This is one of the manifestations of the main challenge which was referred to. Losing national solidarity is one of our challenges. Suffering from laziness, lack of confidence, idleness, desperation and hopelessness and thinking that we cannot succeed and that we have not succeeded until today are among the internal challenges we should confront.
As Imam (r.a.) said, we can. We should show determination. National determination and jihadi management can untie all the knots. As we said, our dear youth, our outstanding personalities and our scholars should sit and study these issues. These are our main points. The auspicious name of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.), the remembrance of that great man and the plan of that great architect can help us in all these chapters. It can give us hope, enthusiasm and morale, as it has done this until today and by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, it will continue to do this in the future.
Dear God, bestow your blessings on our dear people. Dear God, help our dear youth on the path of building an ideal Islamic structure. Dear God, protect us from deviations and digressions. Dear God, make the hands of the people of Iran stronger than the hands of their enemies. Help them achieve victory over their enemies. Make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age (may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) kind to us. Help us benefit from the prayers of that great Imam (a.s.). Associate the pure souls of Imam (r.a.) and our dear martyrs with the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.).
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Imam Ali | Documentary | فيلم الإمام علي (ع) |...
Imam Ali | Hazrat Ali| Imam Ali Movie| 2020|Imam Ali Movie [English] | فيلم الإمام علي (ع) - النبراس \'Imam Ali\' is a...
Imam Ali | Hazrat Ali| Imam Ali Movie| 2020|Imam Ali Movie [English] | فيلم الإمام علي (ع) - النبراس \'Imam Ali\' is a film that depicts important events from Imam Ali (a.s)\'s life that had a deep impact on Islam. It has been translated to English to suit a wider viewer base. النبراس فيلم يروي قصة حديث المناشدة للإمام علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام Imam Ali | Hazrat Ali|eng| Imam Ali Movie| 2020|21 ramzan|story of imam ali|hazrat ali ka pura waqia |Guide || Imam Ali (AS) Movie Trailer || hz mehdi 2020 || Prophet Muhammad || hz mehdi || india || imam mahdi || imam mahdi || imam mahdi born || kaz school || imam mahdi 2019 || Quran miracles || muslim || kaz school || Islam miracles | Islamic stories | prophet | quran | prophet |miracles of Quran || Islamic Stories | 4K UHD || revert to islam imam mahdi || imam mahdi story || kaz school || imam mahdi 2019 kids islamic stories || Imam Ali (AS) Movie Trailer || muslim || kaz school || English Story | Islamic kids stories | prophet | quran | prophets | islamic cartoon || islamic Stories | 4K UHD || ►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool ► #islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids, Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school. ►►Watch More Video From Here: ►► Subscribe Now: ►► KAZ SCHOOL Website: ►► KAZ SCHOOL Facebook: ►► KAZSCHOOL You Tube Channel: ►Woman of Karbala Series || Lady Zainab Bint E Ali as || Arbaeen || KAZSchool ► ►Prophet Muhammad || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet PBUH || kazschool ► ►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School ► ►Prophet Muhammad Childhood || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet || kazschool ► ►Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq || Masoomeen || The Truthful one || By KAZ School ► ►►Social Media: ►Click Here For Subscribe ► ►Website: ► ►Like Us on FaceBook ► ►Follow Us on Instagram ► ►PLEASE NOTE: Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of KAZ SCHOOL or any other projects it may have or intend to do. kAZ SCHOOL and it\'s affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any individual or community. ►COPYRIGHT NOTICE: We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under KAZ SCHOOL (with our logo and channel link) all speakers and artists should also be credited in the description. ►Video Footage: All footages used in our videos are licensed to KAZSCHOOL Media, and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos without permission. Please contact us for more information. Imam,Ali,Najaf,Muhammad,Prophet,Islam,Muslim,Military,Hero,Genius,Arabic,Allah,God,Religion,Christian,Christianity,Judaism,Jews,Medina,Khaibar,خيبر,الإمام,علي,الحسن,ابو الحسنين,الحسين,كربلاء,النجف,كامل,الاسلام,مسلم,امام,القرآن,الله,دين,المناشدة,حديث,عثمان,عمر,Uthman,Umar,محمد,نبي,رسول,المدينة,مكة,event,Film,Movie,فيلم,فلم,ايران,Iran,Wisdom,Leader,Eloquence,Peak,نهج البلاغة,علوم,علم,science,knowledge,successor,Caliphate,Khalifa,Sermon,أقوال,سنة,شيعة,خليفة,خلافة,فاطمة,الزهراء,Sunni,Shiite,Shia, imam ali, hazrat ali ,allah,animated stories,english story,hz mehdi,imam mahdi,iqra,islam,islamic,islamic cartoon,islamic kids stories,islamic kids videos,islamic stories,islamic videos,kaz school,kids islamic stories,kids stories,last prophet,mehdi,mohammad,muhammad,muhammad prophet,muslim,prophet,prophet muhammad,prophet muhammad life,prophet muhammad movie,prophet muhammad story,prophet stories for kids,prophet stories islam,prophet story,prophets,quran,rasool allah,shia
imam Jafar Sadiq | superman in islam | life of imam | complete...
imam Jafar Sadiq | superman in islam | life of imam | complete biography | documentary
#imamjafar2020 #imamhussain #kazschool #EnglishMajlis...
imam Jafar Sadiq | superman in islam | life of imam | complete biography | documentary
#imamjafar2020 #imamhussain #kazschool #EnglishMajlis #YouthMajlis #kidsMajlis
1442H | Kids Majalis Program | Imam Hussain | Karbala | Ashura | imam mahdi
Guide || Title || hz mehdi 2020 || Prophet Muhammad || hz mehdi || india || imam mahdi || imam mahdi || imam mahdi born || kaz school || imam mahdi 2019 || Quran miracles || muslim || kaz school || Islam miracles | Islamic stories | prophet | quran | prophet |miracles of Quran || Islamic Stories | 4K UHD || revert to islam
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►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool
#islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids,
Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to
understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as
authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by
Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A) | CubeSync | English
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, the Commander of the...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A).
Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A) was one of the youngest Imams when he was divinely appointed by Allah as an Imam, and is a well-known personality in the history of the Muslims.
And so in commemoration of the mission and martyrdom of his eminence, we highlight and reflect upon a beautiful and life-changing tradition from Imam al-Taqi al-Jawad (A).
What was the age in which the 9th Imam (A) was divinely appointed by Allah?
And who was the honorable father of the 9th divinely appointed Imam (A)?
Who was the esteemed mother of the Imam al-Jawad (A)?
And what are some unique events in the life of Imam al-Jawad (A)?
What was the \\\\\\\'Sazemane Wikalat\\\\\\\' network, how vast was it, and what aspects did it cover?
With whom did Imam al-Taqi (A) debate with; debates which eventually directly and/or indirectly resulted in the martyrdom of his eminence?
What dynasty and which people were involved in the martyrdom of Imam al-Jawad (A)?
What does Imam al-Jawad (A) say about repentance?
And what does Imam al-Jawad (A) say about the delay of repentance and the continuation of sins?
Finally, when is the best time to ask for forgiveness?
Sayyid Shahryar answers via the words of the ninth divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A)!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ shining light!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ rising full moon!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Pure one from among the Pure ones!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Muhammad ibne Ali al-Taqi al-Jawad (A)!
#CubeSync #IslamicPulse #Allah #Ethics #Quran #Martydom #Muslims #Islam #Martyr #Shaheed #Wilayat #AhlulBayt #Islamic_Revolution #9th_Imam #Taqi #Muhammad #Ali #Jawad #Hadith #Honor #Repentance #Justice #Truth #Sacrifice #Shia #Forgiveness #Istighfar
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Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir (A) | CubeSync | English
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 5th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 5th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir (A).
Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir (A) is one of the most well-renowned personalities in the history of the Muslims.
And so in this episode we bring forth a profound tradition from his eminence where Imam al-Baqir (A) speaks about the world and the hereafter.
But who was the noble father of the 5th divinely appointed Imam (A)?
And who was the honorable mother of the Imam al-Baqir (A)?
What were just a few of the qualities that Imam al-Baqir (A) was famous for?
What are two very unique aspects regarding the life of this divinely appointed Imam (A)?
Who are a few of the well-known companions and students of Imam al-Baqir (A)?
How many traditions did some of these faithful companions of Imam al-Baqir (A) relate from him?
What was Imam al-Baqir\\\\\\\'s Jihade Tabyiin?
And did this Jihade Tabyiin end with Imam al-Baqir (A)?
Who all had a hand in the martyrdom of Imam al-Baqir (A)?
And finally, what does Imam al-Baqir (A) say about the one who craves and desires this materialistic world?
Sayyid Shahryar answers via the words of the fifth divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir (A).
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ the opener of Allah’s knowledge!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ the examiner of Allah’s religion!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ the clarifier of Allah’s laws!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ the sincere advisor of Allah’s servants!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Muhammad ibne Ali al-Baqir (A)!
#CubeSync #IslamicPulse #Allah #Ethics #Quran #Martydom #Muslims #Islam #Martyr #Shaheed #Wilayat #AhlulBayt #IslamicRevolution #5th_Imam #Baqir #Muhammad #Ali #Hadith #Honor #World #Materialism #Consumerism #Justice #Truth #Sacrifice #Shia #Jihad #Tabyiin
Video Tags:
Is The Commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) A Mere Ritual? | IP Talk...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless millions across the world once again proudly commemorated the mission of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) and most eagerly mourned over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), and his family members and companions who accompanied his eminence into the divine hands of martyrdom as they stood up for Truth and Justice against the overwhelming forces of evil and falsehood.
Is the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) limited to just the first ten days of Muharram?
And has the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) merely become a habit or ritual for some people?
What happens if we merely stick to the rituals of the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A)?
What must every single Shia remind themselves of as they commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A)?
Why, at times, are we not able to make fundamental changes in ourselves or our societies despite attending countless mourning gatherings for Imam Husayn (A)?
What are the signs of being a companion of the Messenger of Allah (S) as stated by the holy Quran?
Can you be a superficially religious person, but still be in the camp of Yazid?
Why have some of our esteemed scholars in the light of the teachings of Islam considered remaining neutral to be siding with the camp of falsehood?
And why would a person decide to remain neutral despite the clarity between Truth and falsehood?
What was the essence of the movement of Imam Husayn (A) and what characteristics does it require?
And what did Imam Husayn (A) say to Ubaydullah ibn Hur al-Jofi?
What does Imam Sadiq (A) say about a certain group of so-called Shias at the time of reappearance of the 12th Imam?
And what does paying a price have to do with the answers to these questions?
And should we be afraid to speak the Truth?
And what are the dangers of leaving the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) to a mere habit and ritual?
Finally, what are some groups that are responsible for and what are some practical things that we can all do in order to move the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) forward from a mere annual ritual?
In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi from the Islamic Republic of Iran and explain to us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Is The Commemoration of Imam Husayn (A) A Mere Ritual?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Imam_Khomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
Video Tags:
How Does Arbaeen Prepare the Grounds for Imam Mahdi (A)? | IP...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless millions across the world once again proudly commemorated the mission of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) and most eagerly mourned over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), and his family members and companions who accompanied his eminence into the divine hands of martyrdom as they stood up for Truth and Justice against the overwhelming forces of evil and falsehood.
And this year, once again, millions of people will gather around the pivot of Imam Husayn (A) on the Day of Arbaeen, commemorating the 40th day after his martyrdom.
Still, what is one of the slogans of Imam al-Mahdi (A) that is inseparably connected with Imam Husayn (A)?
And what is an interesting announcement that Imam al-Mahdi (A) will do with his advent?
What is one of the meanings of the fact that Imam al-Mahdi (A) will take vengeance from Yazid and the other killers of Imam Husayn (A)?
Primarily and ultimately, Who has the absolute right to rule?
And what is the ultimate path to the emancipation of humanity?
What is the true source of power, honor, dignity, respect, truth, justice, and freedom?
And what is truly the ultimate revenge against all those that oppose Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s absolute governorship upon the earth?
What does it mean that Shaytan had experiential knowledge of Allah?
What is one of the psychoses that is suffered by Shaytan, and is found in both - an individual sinner and the system of Taghut?
What is a divinely appointed Messenger and a divinely appointed Imam a representation of, vis-à-vis the Almighty Allah?
And in the epic of Karbala, ultimately who was in control; the forces of Shaytan or Imam Husayn ibne Ali (A)?
Why is the divinely appointed 12th Imam (A) still in occultation; is it because of the Sender of salvation or the receiver of salvation?
Is the natural order created by Allah sacred, and will Allah veto this natural order that He has created?
What does Imam Sadiq (A) say when a companion said to him that the grounds for an uprising had been prepared?
What is the true meaning of brotherhood, how is it reflected in the Arbaeen procession, and how is it related to the various issues in the Muslim World including Palestine and Yemen?
What are some of the moral and ethical virtues that one learns in the Arbaeen procession that are necessary for the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (A)?
What will the enemies of humanity do to the Arbaeen procession in order to weaken it?
And on the other hand, who are the ones that are defending the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Arbaeen Project\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'; many times with their lives and their blood?
And who was the most effective and influential personality when it came to defeating ISIS/Daesh and protecting the Arbaeen procession and the pilgrims of Imam Husayn (A)?
What does sin do to the relationship of every single one of us with the Imam of our time?
When it comes to the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Defenders of the Holy Shrines\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', what did their defense of the holy shrines show to the whole world and most specifically to the Taghuti powers of the world; something that was unprecedented in history?
And finally, with all this in mind, how does Arbaeen prepare the grounds for the reappearance of the divinely appointed 12th Imam, Imam al-Mahdi (A)?
In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Sayyid Agha Ali Raza from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to help explain and answer for us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"How Does Arbaeen Prepare the Grounds for Imam Mahdi (A)?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Imam Khomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
Video Tags:
The Islam of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (A) | CubeSync | English
What kind of Islam was the Islam of the 6th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ja\\\'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (A)?
Who were the noble and...
What kind of Islam was the Islam of the 6th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ja\\\'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (A)?
Who were the noble and pure parents of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)?
What are a few of the famous titles of the immaculate 6th divinely appointed Imam, and which one is the most famous?
What is one of the most striking characteristics of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A) regarding the ability to speak languages?
What are just a few of the languages that the 6th divinely appointed Imam (A) spoke fluently?
Approximately, how long did the Imamate of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A) last for, and what did his eminence (A) do in those 34 years?
What were some of the aspects of the Jihade Tabyiin of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A) and how is it related to his eminence growing, spreading, and strengthening the Pure Muhammadan Islam?
What were some of the unfortunate consequences of the aforementioned Jihade Tabyiin embarked upon by Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)?
And finally, are we following the same Islam of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A), especially after understanding and realizing what kind of Islam was \\\"The Islam of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)\\\".
Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, and speaks about \\\"The Islam of Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)\\\".
Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 6th divinely appointed Imam, the rightful 6th successor to the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Ja\\\'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (A).
Peace and salutations be upon you, O\\\' veracious leader!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O\\\' speaking successor!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O\\\' key to goodness!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O\\\' lantern in the darkness!
Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Ja\\\'far ibne Mohammad al-Sadiq (A)!
#IslamicPulse #CubeSync #Allah #Muslims #Islam #Imam #Jafar #ImamSadiq #JafarIbnMohammad #Sadiq #alSadiq #Shahadat #Martyrdom #Wilayate #Baqi #JannatulBaqi #Medina #Oppressor #Oppression #Abbasid #AhlulBayt #Quran #Imamate #Wilayah #alFaqih #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #Media #SoftWar #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #Resistance #Savior #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness
Video Tags:
To Follow Imam al-Mahdi (A), You Need To Know Imam al-Mahdi...
What do you need to do if you want to follow the Master of the Age, Imam al-Mahdi (A)?
And what kind of knowledge do we need if we want...
What do you need to do if you want to follow the Master of the Age, Imam al-Mahdi (A)?
And what kind of knowledge do we need if we want to be a supporter of the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi - may Allah hasten his reappearance?
And we all know that knowledge is necessary to be a supporter of Imam al-Mahdi (A), but is knowledge where the buck stops?
What other things are necessary for us to do, if we want to be a supporter of Imam al-Mahdi(A)?
What does the Messenger of Allah (S) say about the people who are \'lucky\' and blessed?
What does it mean to \'edit\' our behavior in order to become a supporter of the Imam of the Age, Imam al-Mahid (A), and what do we add and delete to our behavior?
What does Imam Ja\'far al-Sadiq (A) say about the requirements of an individual who wants to be a supporter and helper of the Hidden Imam, Imam al-Mahdi (A)?
Finally, what does Imam al-Mahdi (A) say dissatisfies them (A), vis-à-vis something that is related to us?
Sister Spade explains and answers these questions and more, based upon selections from the book, The Essence of Creation, 3rd edition, as she speaks about how if we want \"To Follow al-Imam Mahdi (A), You Need To Know Imam al-Mahdi (A)\".
And once you get to know the Imam of Your Time, the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), your life will change for forever, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #SisterSpade #Life #Questions #Islam #Allah #Quran #Ahlulbayt #Muslim #Shia #RealityCheck #Mahdi #TheMahdi #ImamMahdi #AwaitedOne #AlMahdi #Savior #Unity #12thImam #Imam #Wilayate #Imamate #IslamicAwareness #Revolution #IslamicAwakening #Piety #IslamicRevolution #Resistance #Obedience #Knowledge #Akhlaq #EndOfTimes
Video Tags:
The Life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R) | Sister Fatima | English
What do you really know about \"The Life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R)\"?
Well, we\'re going to let you in on a little secret,...
What do you really know about \"The Life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R)\"?
Well, we\'re going to let you in on a little secret, and it\'s regarding \"The Life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R)\"?
The following are a few of the questions that we\'re going to be answering in this special episode where we commemorate the auspicious and blessed life of Imam Khomeini (R).
So do you know who was the founding father of the Islamic Republic?
And in what year did the Islamic Revolution occur?
What powers was the Islamic Revolution opposed to and why was it opposed to them?
What contemporary event was a major positive turning point in the history of the Muslims and of Islam?
What date was Imam Khomeini born on, what auspicious day did it coincide with, and to what divinely appointed Imam (A) does Imam Khomeini\'s ancestry lead back to?
When did Imam Khomeini become an orphan and due to what circumstances was his father martyred?
What are some of the difficulties that Imam Khomeini had to face while he was growing up, and how did he react to these difficulties?
What fields was Imam Khomeini a master and an expert in?
Approximately how many books did Imam Khomeini author and what subjects did he cover?
What can be said to be the most famous work of Imam Khomeini?
What happened to Imam Khomeini due to his steadfast opposition to the Pahlavi regime?
What can be said to be one of the most important and influential matters spoken by Imam Khomeini?
On what date did Imam Khomeini pass away, under what circumstances, and approximately how many people attended the funeral ceremony of his eminence?
What are some of the things and themes that Imam Khomeini emphasized in his life?
And finally, what are just a few of the blessings brought about by the auspicious and blessed life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini?
Sister Fatima answers these questions and more, as she sheds a little biographical light upon \"The Life of Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R)\".
Our condolences to all the believers, across the world, wherever you are, upon the demise anniversary of the founding father of the Islamic Republic, Imam Ruhollah Musawi Khomeini (R).
#Islamic Pulse #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Fatima #Zahra #ImamKadhim #Revolution #ImamKhomeini #AyatollahKhomeini #KhomeiniTheGreat #Khomeini #Imam #Khamenei #IslamicRevolution #Martyr #Orphan #IslamicSpring #Ayatollah #Independence #Freedom #Justice #Truth #MuslimUnity #SocialJustice #Justice #IslamicAwareness #Wilayah #Wilayate #Wali #Faqih #GuardianshipOfTheJurist #IslamicRepublic #Khomein #Reistance #IR44 #1979 #PoliticalIslam #alQuds #Quds #Qods #Palestine #Iran
Video Tags:
What's The Point of Commemorating Imam Husayn (A) | IP Talk Show...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this special episode in ode to the Master of Martyrs, we\\\'re talking about \\\"What\\\'s The...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this special episode in ode to the Master of Martyrs, we\\\'re talking about \\\"What\\\'s The Point of Commemorating Imam Husayn (A)\\\".
So what\\\'s the point of commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), especially since this was an event that occurred thousands of years ago?
How does the love of Imam Husayn (A) encourage us to commemorate Imam Husayn (A)?
What was the reason for Imam Husayn (A)\\\'s movement and what is Imam Husayn (A)\\\'s auspicious status based upon the words of the 6th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)?
What verse of the holy Quran can be interpreted to encourage the commemoration of Imam Husayn (A), and how can it be interpreted in this manner?
What are some things that we learn from Imam Husayn (A) that are relevant to us in the present-day and in all eras?
What is the connection between iImam Husayn (A), Imam al-Mahdi (A), and our duty in the present time vis-à-vis the Imam of Our Time?
How is Imam al-Mahdi (A), not only a unifying factor between Sunnis and Shias, but also all the justice and truth loving people of the world?
And finally, how are the months of Muharram and Safar an opportunity to attain perfection?
To answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Sayyid Mohsin Naqvi, to sit down with us and speak a little bit about \\\"What\\\'s The Point of Commemorating Imam Husayn (A)\\\".
Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his honorable family members, and his devoted companions.
Salutations be upon the Master of Martyrs!
Salutations be upon the esteemed Husayn!
Salutations be upon the esteemed Ali ibn Husayn!
Salutations be upon the innocent children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the loyal companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram2023 #Hussain #Muharram1444 #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #ImamKhomeini #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut
Video Tags:
IMAM RAZA KE GUMBAD KA RAAZ | The Tomb of Imam Reza | Haram Imam Raza |...
IMAM RAZA KE GUMBAD KA RAAZ | The Tomb of Imam Reza | Haram Imam Raza | Shrine Imam Reza Urdu
Presenting By Official Shrine of Imam Ali Reza...
IMAM RAZA KE GUMBAD KA RAAZ | The Tomb of Imam Reza | Haram Imam Raza | Shrine Imam Reza Urdu
Presenting By Official Shrine of Imam Ali Reza (as)
Haram Imam Ali Raza (as) Official
The Imam Raza shrine (Persian: حرم امام رضا) in Mashhad, Iran is a complex which contains the mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of Twelver Shiites. It is the largest mosque in the world by area. Also contained within the complex are the Goharshad Mosque, a museum, a library, four seminaries,[1] a cemetery, the Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, a dining hall for pilgrims, vast prayer halls, and other buildings.
The complex is one of the tourism centers in Iran[2][3] and has been described as \"the heart of the Shia Iran\"[4] with 25 million Iranian and non-Iranian Shias visiting the shrine each year, according to a 2007 estimate.[5] The complex is managed by Astan Quds Razavi Foundation currently headed by a prominent Iranian cleric, Ahmad Marvi.
The shrine itself covers an area of 267,079m2 while the seven courtyards which surround it cover an area of 331,578m2 - totaling 598,657 m2 (6,443,890 sq ft).[6]
Every year the ceremony of Dust Clearing is celebrated in the Imam Raza shrine.
Imam Sajjad AS | Masoomeen | Imam Zain ul Abideen as | KAZSchool | English
►Imam Sajjad AS || Masoomeen || Imam Zain ul Abideen as || KAZSchool
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►Imam Sajjad AS || Masoomeen || Imam Zain ul Abideen as || KAZSchool
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►7th Safar mark aniversary of the birthdate of 7th Imam, Imam Musa bin Jaffar Al-Kadhim (As).
Share this animated video about the personality of the great Imam (As) with your kids, family and friends.
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Islamic stories | Cruel King | Kaz school | Islam miracles | Imam Naqi |...
►islamic stories|| Cruel King || muslim || kaz school || Islam miracles | Islamic stories | Imam Naqi (As)...
►islamic stories|| Cruel King || muslim || kaz school || Islam miracles | Islamic stories | Imam Naqi (As)
#IslamicStories #allah #kazschool #CruelKing
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids, Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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►Kids Islamic Stories || New Series SYED US SHUHADA (LEADER OF MARTYRS) || Muslim || KAZ School
►Leader of Martyrs Series || The Tragedy || Karbala || kaz school
►Leader of Martyrs || Demand Of Allegiance || Imam Hussain || kaz school
►Leader of Martyrs Series || Leaving from Makkah || Imam Hussain || kaz school
►Leader of Martyrs Series || The Loyal Companions || Imam Hussain || KAZ School
►Leader of Martyrs Series || Martyrdom of Ali Akbar (as) || Imam Hussain || kaz school
►Leader of Martyrs Series || Martyrdom of Abbas - The Flag Bearer (as) || Imam Hussain || KAZ School
►Leader of Martyrs Series || Height of Brutality || Imam Hussain || KAZ School
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►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School
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[2] Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala #KAZSchool
►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool
#islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids,
Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to
understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as
authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by
Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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►Woman of Karbala Series || Lady Zainab Bint E Ali as || Arbaeen || KAZSchool
►Prophet Muhammad || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet PBUH || kazschool
►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School
►Prophet Muhammad Childhood || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet || kazschool
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[3] Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala #KAZSchool
►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool
#islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids,
Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to
understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as
authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by
Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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►Woman of Karbala Series || Lady Zainab Bint E Ali as || Arbaeen || KAZSchool
►Prophet Muhammad || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet PBUH || kazschool
►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School
►Prophet Muhammad Childhood || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet || kazschool
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Omar Hana English
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[4] Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala #KAZSchool
►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool
#islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids,
Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to
understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as
authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by
Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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►Woman of Karbala Series || Lady Zainab Bint E Ali as || Arbaeen || KAZSchool
►Prophet Muhammad || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet PBUH || kazschool
►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School
►Prophet Muhammad Childhood || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet || kazschool
►Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq || Masoomeen || The Truthful one || By KAZ School
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We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under KAZ SCHOOL (with our logo and
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videos without permission. Please contact us for more information.
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Omar Hana English
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[5] Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala...
Imam Hussain | Karbala | Yazid | Avengers of Humanity |Imam Hussain Shahadat |Husayn |Animated Movie | KAZ School
#ImamHussain #Shahadat #Karbala #KAZSchool
►the daily reminder | islamic motivational speech | Never Give Up┇Amazing Islamic Reminder |kazschool
#islamiccartoon #allah #kazschool
KAZschool is an amazing channel for kids where Khanum Amber Zehra shares about Islamic Stories, Prophet PBUH stories for kids,
Islam miracles, story of ALLAH, Imam Mahdi as and so on. These animated Islamic cartoon videos created for attract children to
understand and learn Islam easily. This channel is very helpful for kids and their parents to fulfill of their need and demand as
authentic Islamic media to learning in interesting way. This channel also help parents to train their children as followed by
Islamic guideline because mother’s lap is the first school.
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►Woman of Karbala Series || Lady Zainab Bint E Ali as || Arbaeen || KAZSchool
►Prophet Muhammad || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet PBUH || kazschool
►Muhammad SAWW || Miracle of Prophet Muhammad | Muslim || KAZ School
►Prophet Muhammad Childhood || Masoomeen || Holy Prophet || kazschool
►Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq || Masoomeen || The Truthful one || By KAZ School
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We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under KAZ SCHOOL (with our logo and
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videos without permission. Please contact us for more information.
hadees e kisa
islamic cartoon
ahlulbayt tv
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Omar Hana English
kids cartoon
islamic nasheed
kids nasheed english
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The Islamic Movement from Imam Jawad (A) to Imam Askari...
Congratulations to the believers across the world upon the auspicious birth anniversary of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali...
Congratulations to the believers across the world upon the auspicious birth anniversary of the 9th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Muhammad ibne Ali al-Jawad (A).
Yet, which Imams (A) had the opportunity to have more influence and reach on the Shias?
And, what was the condition of the Shias before the 8th infallible Imam (A)?
Furthermore, what were the effects of the movement of Imam Redha (A) to Iran?
Imam Khamenei speaks and explains while shedding light on the socio-political situation during the time from the 9th divinely appointed Imam to the 11th divinely appointed Imam.
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The True Identity of Imam Zaynul Abideen (A) | IP Talk Show |...
What is the general view of the divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?
What does the Leader of the Islamic...
What is the general view of the divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?
What does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, say about the personality of Imam Sajjad (A)?
And what was Imam Sajjad\\\\\\\'s role and responsibility in the movement of Allah?
What were some of the qualities of Imam Sajjad (A) that are less well-known by the people?
And what were the two movements led by Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?
And what was the era of this divinely appointed Imam like, in terms of the oppression and suffocation inflicted by the governmental establishment?
Finally, what does it mean when it is said that even our tears are political?
In order to answer these questions we invited Shaykh Ali Qomi from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to sit down with us and discuss this great Eid, the birth anniversary of Imam al-Sajjad (A).
Our heartiest congratulations to the whole of humanity on the auspicious Eid, the occasion of the birth anniversary of the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Husayn al-Sajjad (A).
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Imam #Sajjad #ZaynulAbideen #Wilayate #Imamate #Justice #Salvation #Revolution #Truth #IslamicRevolution #Islam #AhlulBayt
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Imam Ali’s (as) Beautiful Entertainment Agha Ali Raza...
See the Imam’s (as) outlook
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See the Imam’s (as) outlook
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There is a beautiful tradition narrated from a man named Nauf. He said, “I saw Imam Ali (as) turn away from everyone and move away quickly and eagerly.” Have you seen when someone is pursuing something he likes how he moves away from others? He doesn’t say goodbye ten times. He‘s like an arrow that has been shot from a bow! This is a description of how the Imam went away.
The man asked him, “Where are you going?” It was midnight when he saw the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), leaving! Now see how the Imam said he wanted to go pray the Midnight Prayer and worship. [The Imam said,] “Nauf, leave me. Indeed my longings take me to the presence of my beloved.”
O Imam, may I be sacrificed for you. Worshiping to you is going toward your longings, right? May I be sacrificed for you. It’s obvious that this worshiping is fun and enjoyable for you.
“I said, ‘My master, what are your longings?’ The Imam said, ‘The One Who should know, the One Whom I long for knows this Himself. I don’t need to tell this to anyone else.’”
See how the Commander of the Faithful talked. This is how he was. Nauf said, “O Commander of the Faithful, I’m afraid of my greed...”He saw Imam Ali’s (as) position. He looked at himself and said he’s afraid! Nauf was a good person. He saw Imam Ali’s (as) longings and what was fun to him. So Nauf said he was afraid of his own greed for this world. He saw that he didn’t have that same enthusiasm the Imam had for worshiping. He asked what he should do. The Imam (as) was surprised.
The Imam said, “Why don’t you take refuge with He Who protects those who are afraid and is the shelter of the mystics?” Why don’t you get help from God? He gives refuge. If you’re truly afraid, He gives refuge to those who are afraid. Get help from God Himself! He is the shelter of the mystics. You understood you’re not in a good situation? You understood there is a better situation? He is the shelter of the mystics. He gives refuge Himself. Why do you ask the Imam?
What a truly high-level conversation. It is very beautiful and mystical. Nauf said, “Guide me to Him.” I don’t know how to read the words of the Commander of the Faithful (as). The Imam said, “He is the Exalted and Great God. Attach your longings to His good grace.” This is how worshiping becomes something fun and enjoyable! See the Commander of the Faithful’s (as) outlook. The Exalted and Great God will take you to your longings. Don’t you want to be like this?! So ask Him. God will take you to your longings. [The Imam said,] “Don’t you want to worship God like me?!” The Imam didn’t say, “like me.” I’m saying it like this. Don’t you want to worship God like the Imam? God will take you to your longings.
What is worshiping my dear ones? Worshiping means you talk about your longings with God and He takes you to them. O God, so worshiping is fun and enjoyable.
Imam Khomeini & The Socio-Spiritual Revolution | IP Talk Show | English
The auspicious personality of Imam Khomeini (R) is an ocean of lessons that serves as a practical guide even in our present-day.
The auspicious personality of Imam Khomeini (R) is an ocean of lessons that serves as a practical guide even in our present-day.
Yet, what are the societal and the spiritual aspects of Imam Khomeini (R) and the Islamic Revolution, sometimes referred to as the Socio-Spiritual aspect of the Islamic Revolution?
And what are two books authored by Imam Khomeini (R) that are highly suggested to be read by us?
What aspects of Imam Khomeini (R) are witnessed in the aforementioned books that have been authored by Imam (R)?
And did the great spiritual status of Imam Khomeini (R) prevent him from being an active leader who created and led one of the greatest movements of humanity?
Is there a contradiction between deep spirituality and taking a proactive and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'on the ground\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' stand on socio-political issues?
Did the holy Prophet Muhammad (A) and the divinely appointed Imams (A) merely sit in their houses and/or the Masjid to worship Allah and that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s it?
What are some examples in the history of the Muslims that depicts the real and untainted stance of the previous divinely appointed Prophets (A), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), and the Immaculate Imams (A) when it came to societal matters?
What is the meaning of a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"vacuum/hole\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" as it appears in the well-known tradition that when a religious scholar dies, a vacuum/hole is created that cannot be filled up?
And what aspects of the Ahl al-Bayt (A) should be represented by us in our capacity as a good Muslim, as a devout Mo\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'min, and as a righteous religious scholar?
In reality, do we create our own spirituality or is there another ultimate source which endows us with spirituality?
And what is the ultimate goal and purpose of creation as it relates to a Towheedi society?
Did Imam Khomeini (R) bring about any innovations in Islam or was that which Imam Khomeini (R) preached, the original and pure Islam?
What is the role of the governmental establishment when it comes to the nurturing of the people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s spirituality?
And in this regard, is there anything such as a neutral government?
And are governments such as those in America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and etc., considered to be neutral or so called \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'secular\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' governments?
The fact that people can organize rally\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s for the LGBT people, but a Muslim woman cannot wear a Hijab, shows what fundamental attribute of the West?
What effects did Imam Khomeini\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s spirituality have on great individuals such as Shaheed Mutahhari and on the people in general?
How is it possible for a human being to be both at the epitome of spirituality and courage, simultaneously.
And finally, why were the superpowers of Imam Khomeini\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s time and the superpowers of the present-day afraid of Imam Khomeini (R), the school of thought of Imam Khomeini (R), and the successor to Imam Khomeini (R), the current Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei?
In order to answer these questions and more, we decided to invite Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi from the Islamic Republic of Iran to discuss \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Imam Khomeini & The Socio-Spiritual Revolution\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #IslamicRepublic #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Justice #Truth #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #Iran #Oppressed #Tyrant #Taghut #SocioSpiritual #Culture #Shia #Erfan #spirituality #Akhlaq #PureMuhammadanIslam #Islam #AhlulBayt #Quran #Allah
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The Mission of Imam Sajjad (A) | Ustad Masoud Aali | Farsi Sub...
Our condolences to the believers all across the world upon these days of Muharram and the commemoration of the mission and martyrdom of the Master...
Our condolences to the believers all across the world upon these days of Muharram and the commemoration of the mission and martyrdom of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Husayn (A).
And our condolences upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibn Husayn al-Sajjad (A).
Yet, what was just one of the many missions of Imam Sajjad (A)?
And how long did her eminence, lady Zaynab binte Ali (A) live after the event of Karbala?
And why did lady Zaynab binte Ali (A) life for such a short time after the tragedy of Karbala?
In such a stifling environment created by the Umayyad dynasty, how did Imam Sajjad (A) keep the martyrdom and mission of Imam Husayn (A) alive?
Finally, what are some of the instances in which Imam Sajjad (A) cried over and wept over Imam Husayn (A)?
The honorable Ustad Masoud Aali explains and details \\\"The Mission of Imam Sajjad (A)\\\".
We Are The Nation of Martyrdom.
We Are The Nation of Imam Husayn.
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Imam Sajjad (A): The Champion of Karbala | Shaykh Usama...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
And our condolences...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
And our condolences to the believers upon the martyrdom anniversary of the son of Imam Husayn (A), the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Sajjad (A).
Yet, how many years was Imamate of Imam Ali ibn Husayn al-Sajjad (A)?
And what are some of the great contributions made by Imam Sajjad (A)?
And what is the unfortunate and common mistake that people make when it comes to the 4th divinely appointed Imam?
What is the danger of not knowing our Imams?
Finally, what are the two fundamental responsibilities of every divinely appointed Imam (A) and how does it relate to Imam Sajjad (A)?
In this Scholar Clip, Shaykh Usama Abdulghani shows us in his unique style the profound reality of, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Imam Sajjad (A): The Champion of Karbala\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Sajjad #ZaynalAbideen #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Imam_Khomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
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Imam Ali ibne Husayn Zayn al-Abideen (A) | CubeSync | English
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
And our condolences...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
And our condolences to the believers upon the martyrdom anniversary of the son of Imam Husayn (A), the 4th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibn Husayn al-Sajjad (A).
Who was the father of Imam Sajjad (A)?
And who was the mother of Imam Sajjad (A)?
What are some of the unique characteristics of the 4th divinely appointed Imam (A)?
In what ways did Imam Sajjad (A) embark upon Jihade Tabyiin?
What are some details about the Jihade Tabyiin of Imam Sajjad (A) in the form of tears and Duas?
Approximately, how many commentaries have been written on Sahifa Sajjadiya?
What types of people were the students of Imam Sajjad (A)?
And if Imam Sajjad (A) was a weak Imam - as some foolish people mistakenly claim - then why was the Umayyad governmental establishment thirsty for his blood?
And finally, what is a Dua in Sahiffa Sajjadiyya that proves the evil intentions of the Umayyad governmental establishment to kill Imam Zayn al-Abideen (A)?
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #CubeSync #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #AliIbnHusayn #Sajjad #ZaynalAbideen #Sahifa #Sajjadiyya #Kamila #SahifaSajjadiyya #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #Tabyiin #JihadeTabyiin #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Tear #Dua #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
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Imam Husayn's Mina Sermon pt.3 | English
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
As many countless...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
As many countless millions across the world already know, the 10th of Muharram is the day of the martyrdom of the 3rd divinely appointed Imam, Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A), who was martyred on the plains of Karbala in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar.
And this year, countless millions across the world will once again proudly commemorate the mission of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) and most eagerly mourn over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), and the family members and companions who accompanied his eminence into the divine hands of martyrdom as they stood up for Truth and Justice against the overwhelming forces of evil and falsehood.
Yet, one of the most less known words of Imam Husayn (A) are the words of his eminence in Mina; also known as the Mina sermon.
In this short 7 part series, Islamic Pulse has endeavored to bring forth the words of Imam Husayn (A) given by his eminence in the Mina sermon.
But what does the 3rd part of the Mina sermon entail?
And who is his eminence, Imam Husayn (A), afraid for?
And why is Imam Husayn (A) afraid for them?
And due to what, does this group of people enjoy such great esteem by the people?
Finally, what will you do with the words of advice of Imam Husayn (A) that are entailed in the Mina sermon?
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #MinaSermon #Mina #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #Peace #Scholar #Scholars #Ulama #Alim #Moulana #Tabligh #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
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Imam Hasan ibne Ali al-Sibt al-Rasul al-Mujtaba (A) | CubeSync |...
Our condolences to all the believers, wherever they are, upon the passing anniversary of the Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad...
Our condolences to all the believers, wherever they are, upon the passing anniversary of the Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S).
And our condolences upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 2nd divinely appointed Imam, Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba (A), the grandson of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S).
Who is the most perfect creation of Allah?
Is the role model and ideal of the Messenger of Allah (S) limited to any time, place, or particular nation or language?
What are some of the titles of the Messenger of Allah (S)?
And according the Messenger of Allah (S), who are the leaders of the youth of Paradise?
Who was the father of the 2nd divinely appointed Imam (A)?
And who was the mother of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A)?
What are some of the unique characteristics and attributes of the 2nd divinely appointed Imam (A)?
What are some of the factors that lead to the Peace Treaty which is found in the historical texts regarding Imam Hasan (A)?
What was the first priority of Imam Hasan (A), to fight against Muawiya or accept a peace treaty put forth by Muawiya?
What is one of the ways in which Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A) embarked upon Jihade Tabyiin?
How many times did the 2nd divinely appointed Imam, attend the annual Hajj pilgrimage?
What are some details about the aforementioned Jihade Tabyiin of Imam Hasan (A) and what was its result?
Where did the Ahl al-Bayt (A) of the Messenger of Allah (S) want to bury Imam Hasan (A)?
Yet, where is the 2nd divinely appointed Imam (A) actually buried?
What happened to the coffin of the 2nd divinely appointed Imam?
And finally, why is it that the so-called companions of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) were allowed to be buried next to him (S), but the very grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S) was not?
#IslamicPulse #CubeSync #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #2ndImam #ImamHasan #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Khomeini #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #Umayyad #Muawiya
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