[05 Feb 2017] Detrás de la Razón - Israel, crueldad y matanzas ¿el...
¿Cuál ha sido el peor error de los palestinos para llegar a la situación en la que se encuentran, donde sus derechos son atacados, pisoteados y...
¿Cuál ha sido el peor error de los palestinos para llegar a la situación en la que se encuentran, donde sus derechos son atacados, pisoteados y humillados?
Las mujeres y niños palestinos son asesinados masivamente cada vez que el régimen de Israel se le ocurre lanzar una lluvia de fuego sobre la Franja de Gaza, como la de 2014, o cada vez que las fuerzas israelíes reprimen una manifestación, cuando la represión consiste en humillar al manifestante y muchas veces asesinarlo.
Cuál ha sido el peor error de los palestinos para ver que la ilusión del Estado avanza a favor del ocupante con una estrategia cruel de destruir casas palestinas para ahí mismo edificar viviendas y edificios para que vivan en conforto judíos.
Digo, la ilusión del Estado avanza porque los estrategas maquiavélicos del régimen de Israel saben que para que se constituya un Estado es necesario: población, territorio y gobierno.
Y los israelíes quieren tener cada vez más territorio para enviar o convencer a judíos de segunda clase de cualquier parte del mundo, para que se muden a esas viviendas construidas a base de terror: de ver como los palestinos, uno por uno, lloran ante la destrucción de sus propias casas para que sirvan de cimientos de nuevos, modernos y finos lofts, donde vivirán gente que nunca jamás ha conocido Palestina en su vida.
Indudablemente, no es que hicieron mal los palestinos, es que el régimen de Israel no los dejó moverse porque siempre contó con el respaldo de las potencias más grandes del mundo para aplastar a los pueblos árabes sedentarios y nómadas de esa región, desde el protectorado británico hasta el secuestro más grande del planeta: Gaza.
A parte de la pregunta hacia los palestinos que esta noche trataremos de analizar, hablaremos de la crueldad del régimen israelí que sigue ordenando la construcción de asentamientos, ya calificados, denunciados y demandados por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), como ilegales.
El ánimo por destruir una casa que se levantó con el esfuerzo de una familia palestina que por años trabajó para tenerla, ha provocado una ola de críticas y repudio dentro de los propios territorios ocupados por el régimen israelí, y dentro de la sociedad judía.
En Tel Aviv, protestas, pancartas y manifestaciones de rechazo al primer ministro israelí, Benyamin Netanyahu, ocurren casi todos los días, y las realizan incluso los propios judíos.
Miles piensan que las políticas de Netanyahu son racistas, segregacionistas y que están creando cada vez más odio entre los judíos y los palestinos, y que esto hará imposible cada vez más que convivan como hermanos, como en el siglo XIX, donde en esa zona habitaban judíos, árabes y cristianos en una fraternidad diferente a la muerte que hay hoy en día.
“Salimos hoy a protestar juntos a judíos y árabes contra el racismo de Israel que está destruyendo hogares árabes\", declaró el activista Mayed Abu Bilal, de una de las organizaciones convocantes.
Las manifestaciones se producen en un momento sensible con demoliciones ilegales de edificaciones árabes en Qalansawe y Umm al-Hiran, en el desierto del Néguev.
En medio de todo este desastre humano, el régimen de Israel simula otra guerra contra la Franja de Gaza. El ejército israelí concluyó cinco días de simulacro general, en los que cientos de fuerzas especiales, reservistas del ejército de división de Gaza, el Comando Sur, la fuerza aérea, médicos, enfermeros y bomberos, entre otros, ensayaron los escenarios más pesimistas, en caso de que se registre una guerra con el Movimiento de la Resistencia Islámica Palestina (HAMAS).
“El objetivo del ejercicio es mantener y reforzar la preparación de las fuerzas en el comando sur y específicamente en la división de Gaza, para así estar preparados de la mejor manera, en caso de que haya una situación de emergencia verdadera\", aseguró el general de brigada Yehuda Fuchs.
¿Cómo entender la peor violación sistemática de derechos humanos del planeta en la relación Israel-Palestina, desde los poderes globales y desde la condición socioeconómica que se está experimentando a nivel mundial?
En Detrás de la Razón, nosotros preguntamos, los analistas contestan y usted en su casa concluye. Y si la realidad hace lo que quiere, entonces nosotros volveremos a preguntar. Lo importante es detectar las aristas que no nos dicen.
El análisis, las preguntas y respuestas a las nueve y treinta de la noche, desde los estudios de Teherán; Londres y Madrid, siete de la tarde; México a las 12 y Colombia, una de la tarde.
Por: Roberto de la Madrid.
The Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.1 - Norman Finkelstein -...
Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.1 - Norman Finkelstein. Delivered on April 7, 2009. On the circumstances surrounding the 1967...
Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.1 - Norman Finkelstein. Delivered on April 7, 2009. On the circumstances surrounding the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Norman Finkelstein writes:
“Preserving its deterrence capacity has always loomed large in Israeli strategic doctrine. Indeed, it was the main impetus behind Israel's first-strike against Egypt in June 1967 that resulted in Israel's occupation of Gaza (and the West Bank). … After Israel threatened and laid plans to attack Syria, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser declared the Straits of Tiran closed to Israeli shipping, but Israel made almost no use of the Straits (apart from the passage of oil, of which Israel then had ample stocks) and, anyhow, Nasser did not in practice enforce the blockade, vessels passing freely through the Straits within days of his announcement. In addition, multiple U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that the Egyptians did not intend to attack Israel and that, in the improbable case that they did, alone or in concert with other Arab countries, Israel would -- in President Lyndon Johnson's words -- "whip the hell out of them." … The predicament for Israel was rather the growing perception in the Arab world, spurred by Nasser's radical nationalism and climaxing in his defiant gestures in May 1967, that it would no longer have to follow Israeli orders. Thus, Divisional Commander Ariel Sharon admonished those in the Israeli cabinet hesitant to launch a first-strike that Israel was losing its "deterrence capability...our main weapon -- the fear of us."[8] Israel unleashed the June 1967 war "to restore the credibility of Israeli deterrence" (Israeli strategic analyst Zeev Maoz).[9]” [Italicized in the original]
See the full text: “Foiling Another Palestinian “Peace Offensive”: Behind the Bloodbath in Gaza.” Norman Finkelstein. Jan 19, 2009. http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=11&ar=2542
The Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.2 - Norman Finkelstein -...
Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.2 - Norman Finkelstein. Delivered on April 7, 2009. On the circumstances surrounding the 1967 Arab-Israeli...
Truth about the 1967 Arab-Israel War - P.2 - Norman Finkelstein. Delivered on April 7, 2009. On the circumstances surrounding the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Norman Finkelstein writes:
“Preserving its deterrence capacity has always loomed large in Israeli strategic doctrine. Indeed, it was the main impetus behind Israel's first-strike against Egypt in June 1967 that resulted in Israel's occupation of Gaza (and the West Bank). … After Israel threatened and laid plans to attack Syria, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser declared the Straits of Tiran closed to Israeli shipping, but Israel made almost no use of the Straits (apart from the passage of oil, of which Israel then had ample stocks) and, anyhow, Nasser did not in practice enforce the blockade, vessels passing freely through the Straits within days of his announcement. In addition, multiple U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that the Egyptians did not intend to attack Israel and that, in the improbable case that they did, alone or in concert with other Arab countries, Israel would -- in President Lyndon Johnson's words -- "whip the hell out of them." … The predicament for Israel was rather the growing perception in the Arab world, spurred by Nasser's radical nationalism and climaxing in his defiant gestures in May 1967, that it would no longer have to follow Israeli orders. Thus, Divisional Commander Ariel Sharon admonished those in the Israeli cabinet hesitant to launch a first-strike that Israel was losing its "deterrence capability...our main weapon -- the fear of us."[8] Israel unleashed the June 1967 war "to restore the credibility of Israeli deterrence" (Israeli strategic analyst Zeev Maoz).[9]” [Italicized in the original]
See the full text: “Foiling Another Palestinian “Peace Offensive”: Behind the Bloodbath in Gaza.” Norman Finkelstein. Jan 19, 2009. http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/article.php?pg=11&ar=2542
Detrás de la Razón - Estados Unidos agacha la cabeza ante Israel -...
Reason Behind - US lowers his head to Israel
‘Lo único que sabemos, y lo que este acuerdo enfatiza, es que EE.UU. estarán siempre ahí para...
Reason Behind - US lowers his head to Israel
‘Lo único que sabemos, y lo que este acuerdo enfatiza, es que EE.UU. estarán siempre ahí para régimen de Israel y para el pueblo israelí, hoy, mañana y muchos años por venir’.
Esta frase lo dice todo, y por eso pongo en su versión original, porque es muy importante entender el espíritu que se esconde tras la firma de cualquier documento o declaración que haga Washington con respecto a régimen de Israel.
Este fragmento es la parte final con que cierra la publicación (Susan Rice) del memorando de entendimiento (MOU), que firma EE.UU. este 14 de septiembre, para apoyar militarmente y además como nunca, a régimen israelí.
Un pacto donde los estadounidenses darán 38 000 millones de dólares para hacer que régimen de Israel tenga el ejército más poderoso de la región. Es la ayuda más grande que EE.UU. ha dado a régimen de Israel o a cualquier otro pueblo en toda su historia.
Esto significa que, además de la millonaria ayuda que ya tenía firmada y otorgada por el expresidente Bush, la cual vence en 2018, el presidente Barack Obama la aumentó, 22.5 % más. Obama decidió ponerle más fuerza al cheque.
Este acuerdo establece inyección financiera por 10 años, hasta 2029, y aunque está condicionado a comprar armas de EE.UU., régimen de Israel tendrá acceso a los más avanzados equipos que vende la primera potencia mundial.
Con esta decisión hay muchos asuntos clave que analizar, el primero es, plantear que la ayuda es de más del 10 % del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) del régimen de Israel (no hay que perder de vista claro, que la ayuda es para 10 años).
Algo de todos modos, inconcebible, teniendo en cuenta los presupuestos militares que se destinan en otras regiones del mundo. Por ejemplo, Rusia destina el 5.4 % de su PIB; el propio EEUU, destina 3.3 % o China destina el 1.9 %.
Más aún, y aquí viene lo repugnante y lo malévolo, que este presupuesto militar se ha usado y sobre todo se usa, para asesinar, humillar, masacrar y aplastar a los palestinos. Tan sólo en la guerra de 50 días hace dos años, más de 2000 muertos y más de 10 000 heridos, muchos con la firma de EE.UU.
Las preguntas sobran, desde la más ingenua hasta la más compleja ¿Por qué si EE.UU. dice estar comprometido con la Paz, ayuda a régimen de Israel? o más bien... ¿Por qué EE.UU. está comprometido con apoyar a régimen de Israel? ¿Es un compromiso de amigos, es una estrategia de EE.UU. o es que está obligado por pactos secretos de intereses de unos cuantos? Muchos ciudadanos en EE.UU. se preguntan ¿por qué tienen que pagar o atizar un fuego en medio oriente, con sus impuestos y su trabajo?
Más cuando el comportamiento del primer ministro de Israel Benyamin Netanyahu ha sido de desdén y de grosería con el presidente Obama, como aquél revés que le puso viajando a EE.UU., violando todo el protocolo internacional y desafiando a la Casa Blanca al dar un discurso en el Congreso para insultar al propio Obama calificándolo de tonto, al supuestamente dejarse engañar por Irán en el acuerdo nuclear.
En \'Detrás de la Razón\', analizaremos las fichas más complejas y poderosas que se mueven en el tablero del ajedrez mundial. Detrás de la Razón pregunta, los analistas contestan y usted en su casa concluye. La realidad, hace lo que quiere, y nosotros volveremos a preguntar. Lo importante es detectar las aristas que no nos dicen.
You’re SUCH A Shameless Liar! Israel-Iran Debate & Naftali Bennett...
The world collectively holds its breath a massive attack on Israel is anticipated by the Islamic Republic of Iran. This comes after the...
The world collectively holds its breath a massive attack on Israel is anticipated by the Islamic Republic of Iran. This comes after the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital city of Tehran. The international consensus is that the conflict between the two countries is going to get much much worse.
Piers Morgan brings together veritable experts on the region; speaking first to former Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett. Naftali puts the blame for the violence squarely on the shoulders of Iran, and says Israel’s efforts indirectly defend the West from harm. Then, Piers moderates a blazing row between political scientist Norman Finkelstein and Israeli historian Benny Morris. The two trade barbed words over what the assassination of Haniyeh and what it could lead to. The most frightening contention; that Israel may resort to nuclear weaponry.
00:00 - Introduction
01:40 - Naftali Bennett on \'imminent\' Iran attack
11:20 - Norman Finkelstein and Benny Morris debate Iran/Israel
17:30 - Who\'s escalating conflict: Iran or Israel?
23:00 - Does Israel have nuclear weapons?
32:55 - Why Finkelstein trusts Iran over Israel
38:10 - Latest on war in Gaza
41:30 - \"Is this ethnic cleansing?\"
54:40 - Piers says goodbye until September
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#israel #iran #gaza #netanyahu #piersmorgan #interview #debate
Head of Iranian Atomic Energy Org. Says IAEA Should Investigate israel -...
Iran wants IAEA to inspect Israel
Iran's nuclear point man says Tehran expects the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to...
Iran wants IAEA to inspect Israel
Iran's nuclear point man says Tehran expects the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to "follow up" on a resolution to inspect Israel's nuclear facilities.
Last year, the General Conference agreed on a resolution requiring Israel to open up for IAEA inspection.
"This year we hope... that they would follow up on this, that the Zionist regime [of Israel] will open its nuclear sites to inspection by the IAEA and ... that the IAEA will also pursue this issue very firmly," Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi told Press TV.
Salehi said that Western countries were mounting pressure to prevent the IAEA from taking action. He expressed hope that the agency would carry out its obligation without taking sides.
Given that Israel is the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, putting pressure on Tel Aviv is the least the IAEA can do, the AEOI head added.
Salehi's remarks comes as Arab member states of the IAEA plan to present a resolution to the body in the annual General Conference next week, urging Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Western countries, spearhead by the US, are urging the Arab members of the IAEA to drop the request.
US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said Wednesday that the IAEA was not the place to discuss Israel's membership in the NPT.
"Israel has fully cooperated with the IAEA," and "we believe there is really no basis for a debate at the IAEA," Philip Crowley said.
Article Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/142957.html
[27 Oct 2013] israel stops survey aimed to gauge popularity among...
Israel has stopped a survey aimed at reviewing its popularity among American Jews.
An Israeli official says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...
Israel has stopped a survey aimed at reviewing its popularity among American Jews.
An Israeli official says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has directed to halt the survey without citing a reason. Israeli consulates were tasked with distributing questionnaires among American Jews. The survey-- in partnership with two Jewish groups-- included sensitive questions such as relations between American Jews and Israel. People were also asked about their loyalties to Israel as well as their perception of pro-Israel lobbying in Washington. Two recent surveys in the US show a majority of American Jews are critical of Israel\'s policies. In one survey, some eighty percent of American rabbis said they avoided expressing their real stance on Israel and its conflict with Palestinians \"out of fear\".
[24 Feb 2014] UN report condemns Israel\'s apartheid policy in...
United Nations human rights envoy Richard Falk has condemned Israel\'s QUOTE apartheid policy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Richard Falk has...
United Nations human rights envoy Richard Falk has condemned Israel\'s QUOTE apartheid policy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Richard Falk has issued a report, saying that Palestinian rights are being violated by Israel\'s prolonged occupation of their homeland and the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem al-Quds. The UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories condemned Israel\'s use of force and unlawful killing of Palestinians, saying that the UN should consider imposing sanctions on Israel. He also criticized Israel\'s attacks on Palestinian farmers in the Gaza Strip, saying that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire. He added that Israel violates Palestinians\' right to work, education, freedom of movement, and assembly.
[12May2021] Detrás de la Razón: Israel prosigue su agresión mientras...
“Al-Quds es una línea roja, el corazón y el alma de Palestina. No habrá paz, ni seguridad, ni estabilidad, excepto con su completa...
“Al-Quds es una línea roja, el corazón y el alma de Palestina. No habrá paz, ni seguridad, ni estabilidad, excepto con su completa liberación”, así lo sentenció Mahmud Abás, el presidente de Palestina, días atrás.
Una clara expresión del sentir del pueblo palestino sobre esa línea roja que ha sido pasada y vulnerada, en este caso por el régimen israelí, y que ha vuelto a llevar a una escalada bélica no vista desde hace años.
No sólo los territorios ocupados han sido vulnerados. La Franja de Gaza vuelve a sentir con fuerza los ataques aéreos y proyectiles de artillería, así como la intensificación del despliegue de tropas y tanques cerca del enclave palestino sitiado, desde el año 2007.
Para el premier israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, el ataque proseguirá y con mucha fuerza, hasta restaurar lo que él considera es “la tranquilidad y seguridad de Israel”. A la par, aumentan los ataques de los extremistas israelíes contra los palestinos residentes en diferentes partes de los territorios ocupados.
Mientras tanto la resistencia Palestina toma represalia haciendo llover hasta la fecha, más de 2000 misiles y cohetes sobre los territorios ocupados.
Por lo pronto, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU llevará a cabo el domingo una reunión virtual sobre la escalada en Palestina. Se espera que el “enviado de la ONU para Asia Occidental” y los representantes de Palestina y del régimen israelí, asistan al llamado.
¿Logrará conducir a un “alto el fuego” el Consejo de Seguridad, luego de que el miércoles pasado, EE.UU. echara para atrás un comunicado del grupo, sobre la situación en Palestina, pese a la voluntad de 14 de los 15 miembros?
Otro cuestionamiento que entra en este punto es sobre si Israel esta vez respetaría alguna resolución o llamado de los organismos internacionales, respecto a su accionar, cuando no lo ha hecho durante décadas.
En esta edición de Detrás de la Razón por Hispantv, pondremos el foco del debate junto a nuestros expertos en la materia, en esta escalada de tensiones y agresiones no vista a este nivel desde el año 2014 y si la situación podría marcar un punto de inflexión para terminar de poner un punto final a la ocupación israelí, y al sufrimiento de un pueblo que aún se mantiene en resistencia.
Por Danny Pérez Díaz.
Were Israel’s Actions in the Gaza War Justified? Eylon Levy vs. Mehdi...
In the year since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the question of proportionality in response to October 7th has taken...
In the year since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the question of proportionality in response to October 7th has taken center stage. Both sides have reported high death tolls, the risk of famine and disease is growing, over a hundred hostages of various nationalities remain in Gaza, and ceasefire proposals are ongoing with no end in sight. Those who support Israel’s response argue that Israel has the right to defend itself like any country under attack; it needs to do all it can to bring the hostages home and prevent Hamas from posing any future threat. However, critics of Israel’s response contend that it has led to a humanitarian crisis, failed to protect Palestinian civilians, and jeopardized long-term peace in the Middle East.
With this critical background, we debate the question: Were Israel’s Actions in the Gaza War Justified?
Arguing Yes: Eylon Levy, Former Spokesperson for Israel in the October 7th War; Co-Founder of the Israeli Citizen Spokespersons\' Office; Host of the “State of a Nation” Podcast
Arguing No: Mehdi Hasan, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, and CEO of Zeteo; Host of Al Jazeera’s “Head to Head”; Award-Winning Journalist
Emmy award-winning journalist John Donvan moderates
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[03 Nov 2013] Israel issues tenders to build 1859 new settler units -...
Israel issues tenders for more settler units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds. Settlement watchdog, Peace Now says the tenders were...
Israel issues tenders for more settler units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds. Settlement watchdog, Peace Now says the tenders were published for a total of 18-hundred-59 settler units. According to the NGO, about two-fifths of the units will be built in occupied east Jerusalem al-Quds. The announcement comes only days after Israel gave the final approval for 15-hundred new settler units in east Jerusalem al-Quds. Israel\'s settlement activities have been a main obstacle in the so-called peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Tel Aviv. The Palestinian Authority has condemned the move as a flagrant violation of international law, saying it plans to turn to the UN Security Council and international courts to stop Israel\'s illegal activities. Israel\'s settlement activities are illegal under international law.
[27 Nov 2013] A longtime Hollywood film maker confesses to having spied...
A top Hollywood producer says he\'s been spying for Israel\'s nuclear weapons program through a worldwide network of companies.
Arnon Milchan...
A top Hollywood producer says he\'s been spying for Israel\'s nuclear weapons program through a worldwide network of companies.
Arnon Milchan revealed in an interview how he helped Tel Aviv purchase technologies it needed to operate nuclear bombs. He confirmed that he\'s performed dozens of clandestine missions for Israel. Milchan, who\'s produced more than 120 films, says he\'s been running 30 companies in more than 17 countries on behalf of Israel. The 68-year-old director added that he was recruited by Israel\'s President, Shimon Peres in the 19-60s. Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear arms in the Middle East.
The Plan of Recognizing israel | Imam Khomeini (R) | Farsi Sub...
What does Imam Khomeini (R) say about normalization with israel?
And what does his eminence say about recognizing the state of israel?...
What does Imam Khomeini (R) say about normalization with israel?
And what does his eminence say about recognizing the state of israel?
And what does it mean when Muslim countries enter into normalization deals with israel or they recognize israel?
And finally, what are some of the things Imam Khomeini (R) uses to describe the fraudulent state of israel?
The late founding father of the Islamic Republic, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R), speaks about \"The Plan of Recognizing israel\".
Israel Threatens Iran With Force Berlusconi Gives Full Support To Israel...
Special Report. Israel has threatened Iran with military action to enforce "regime change". Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has expressed...
Special Report. Israel has threatened Iran with military action to enforce "regime change". Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has expressed his full support for Israel, and has also rejected the Goldstone report stating that Israel was only defending itself during Operation Cast Lead (December 2008-January 2009) in Gaza. Berlusconi has also said that he wishes to see Israel as a full and integral part of the European Union.
20 killed, Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - 31 May 2010 - English
Israel seizes vessel, protesters say
Naval ships move in on a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, reportedly killing twenty...
Israel seizes vessel, protesters say
Naval ships move in on a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, reportedly killing twenty people, protest organizers and Arab media report.
The last we heard, Israeli soldiers landed on the top deck of the Turkish boat and opened fire," said Adam Shapiro, husband of one of the flotilla leaders. He said he spoke with his wife by telephone around 8:30 p.m. and she described watching the Israeli seizure from her boat.
"After that, we lost communication with all of the ships," Shapiro said. "She said her boat was being chased by Israeli ships and they were trying to outrun it."
According to one unconfirmed report, the other protest vessels had been intercepted and were being led to Israel.
Some of the injured reportedly have been evacuated to a hospital in Haifa.
Flotilla organizers, Arab leaders and Turkish diplomats have already condemned the reported attack. Flotilla organizers say they were carrying first-aid supplies and medical professionals in the event of casualties, but according to Shapiro, "we thought that the possibility that Israeli soldiers would shoot" was a remote one.
Flotilla organizers said they carried no weapons.
The six-vessel flotilla, packed with hundreds of international activists, food and other humanitarian supplies, left Cyprus on Sunday night and was attempting to break Israel's long-standing blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Israel had vowed to intercept the boats, by force if necessary, and tow them to the Israeli port of Ashdod, where passengers would be arrested or deported. Israel says the blockade of Gaza, which is controlled by the Palestinian militant group Hamas, is needed to combat terrorism.
A live video feed from the Turkish boat showed images of Israeli soldiers boarding the vessel and firing some sort of weapons, though it was unclear whether the weapons were live rounds or less-lethal devices, such as stun grenades. The feed was abruptly cut.
Israel Threatens Libyan Aid Ship for Gaza - 11July2010 - English
To defy Israel's four-year blockade of the impoverished Palestinian enclave, a Libyan aid ship departs for the Egyptian port of El-Arish en route...
To defy Israel's four-year blockade of the impoverished Palestinian enclave, a Libyan aid ship departs for the Egyptian port of El-Arish en route to Gaza.
The cargo ship Amalthea, which left the Greek port of Lavrio, southeast of Athens, late Saturday, is carrying 2,000 tons of food and medical supplies, including sacks of rice, sugar, corn oil and olive paste, intended for suffering Gazans.
"We hope that the Israeli authorities would not ban the ship from entering the port of Gaza," said Youssef Sawani, Executive Director of the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation. The foundation is chaired by the son of Libyan Leader, Muammar Gaddafi.
"I think the Israelis need to understand that we are not provoking any kind of action, we are not in military action, we are a peaceful organization, a humanitarian organization," he said.
Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said he has discussed the ship's planned trip with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Friday.
The ship has nine crew members — six Libyans, a Moroccan, a Nigerian and an Algerian.
This latest attempt comes after Israeli commandos attacked the Freedom Flotilla aid convoy on May 31 in international waters, killing 9 Turkish activists.
The Israeli assault sparked a worldwide condemnation and a row between Ankara and Tel Aviv. Turkey's Prime Minister demanded that Israel apologize for the deadly attack on the Turkish-owned ship Mavi Marmara, offer compensation to the victims, agree to an international investigation and end the blockade of Gaza.
It also recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv and cancelled military exercises with Israel. It has also twice denied Israel the use of its airspace.
Israel has refused to apologize, claiming its commandos only used force to defend themselves after being ambushed.
Recent Cyber Attacks On Irans Infrastructure - US & israel likely...
US, Israel behind cyber-attack on Iran?
Experts say a computer worm that has targeted Iran's industrial sites may be part of a cyber-attack by...
US, Israel behind cyber-attack on Iran?
Experts say a computer worm that has targeted Iran's industrial sites may be part of a cyber-attack by the US or Israel against the Islamic Republic.
The Stuxnet, a computer worm that is viewed as potentially the most dangerous piece of computer malware discovered, has targeted industrial computers in Iran.
The complex worm recognizes a specific facility's control network and then destroys it.
Experts say the worm, which has a very sophisticated design, may have been created by a state-sponsored organization in the US or Israel to target specific control software being used in the Iranian industrial sector, including the Bushehr plant -- Iran's first nuclear power plant.
"All the details so far to me scream that this was created by a nation-state," Bloomberg quoted Frank Rieger, technology chief for a maker of encrypted mobile phones, as saying.
Iran's nuclear facilities may have been the targets, said both Rieger and Richard Falkenrath of the Chertoff Group, a Washington-based security advisory firm.
"It is theoretically possible that the US government did this," Falkenrath said during an interview with Bloomberg Television on Saturday. "But in my judgment, that's a very remote possibility. It's more likely that Israel did it."
Meanwhile, a top US cyber-security official claims that the US does not know who is behind the cyber-attack and is still analyzing the worm.
"We've conducted analysis on the software itself," Sean McGurk, director of the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, told reporters on Friday.
"It's very difficult to say 'This is what it was targeted to do,'" he said, adding the center was not looking for those behind the attack but it rather sought to prevent the spread.
The US and Israel accuse Iran of developing a nuclear weapons program. Iran rejects the allegation, saying its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, in its several reports, has confirmed that it continues to verify the country's non-diversion from its peaceful path.
Article Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/143868.html
Israel Warmongering - News Analysis - 28 Dec 2011 - English
In this edition of News Analysis we will examine the possibility of another war on the Gaza strip by Israel and whether this latest threat...
In this edition of News Analysis we will examine the possibility of another war on the Gaza strip by Israel and whether this latest threat underlies deeper worries by Israel due to changes in the regional landscape from the Arab Spring in which parliamentary results from different Arab countries show a break from the past with Israel.
[12 Aug 2012] Indian government slammed for joint research programs with...
[12 Aug 2012] Indian government slammed for joint research programs with Israel - English
Indian government has been criticized for its decision...
[12 Aug 2012] Indian government slammed for joint research programs with Israel - English
Indian government has been criticized for its decision to start joint scientific research programmes with Israel.
Earlier this month, University Grant Commission in New Delhi signed a memorandum of understanding for a research programme with Israel Science Foundation. However, a group of Indian academicians, students and civil society members have opposed this move calling it an unholy alliance.
US citizens fed up with israel - 24 Jan 2013 - English
The Americans including the Jewish citizens, are really getting fed up with Israel\'s violations of Palestinians\' rights as they get more informed...
The Americans including the Jewish citizens, are really getting fed up with Israel\'s violations of Palestinians\' rights as they get more informed thanks to the Internet, says an analyst. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has threatened to take legal action against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) if the Tel Aviv regime builds new settler units on the occupied Palestinian land. The move comes as the Zionist regime of Israel is planning to build new settler units in a Palestinian area called E1 outside the suburbs of East al-Quds (Jerusalem). More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel\'s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967. The UN and most countries regard the Israeli settlements as illegal because the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbids construction on occupied lands.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Paul Larudee, Co-Founder of Free Palestine Movement to further discuss the issue at hand.
[30 Oct 2013] Pro-israel lobbyists meet White House officials on Iran -...
The US government is under renewed pressure from pro-Israel lobbyists over talks with Iran. Pro-Israel advocates have met with senior White House...
The US government is under renewed pressure from pro-Israel lobbyists over talks with Iran. Pro-Israel advocates have met with senior White House officials to seek explanations about recent negotiations with Iran. They\'re worried about the possible easing of draconian sanctions on Iran while they seek a military option down the road. White House officials say they\'ve told the lobbyists the U-S wants to resolve the nuclear issue through diplomacy. The Obama administration also wants Congress to stop introducing new sanctions on Iran in order to give talks a chance. Pro-Israel lobbyists namely AIPAC are pressuring the government to retain harsh sanctions. Some US politicians suspect lobbyists of trying to push anti-Iran measures to a tipping point that could lead to a conflict.
[23 Dec 2013] israel frees Palestinian prisoner after hunger-strike deal...
Israel has freed a Palestinian prisoner after he agreed to halt a lengthy hunger strike that almost killed him.
Samer al-Issawi, who was in an...
Israel has freed a Palestinian prisoner after he agreed to halt a lengthy hunger strike that almost killed him.
Samer al-Issawi, who was in an Israeli prison since July 2012, began a 260-day hunger strike in August 2012 in protest over Israel\\\'s decision to send him back to prison to serve the remaining 16 years of an earlier 26-year sentence. Issawi was released in 2011 on parole from prison but was rearrested less than a year later for allegedly violating his parole. He went on a hunger strike in which he consumed only liquids fortified with vitamins that lasted for more than eight months until April 2013. His protest attracted widespread attention in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Issawi only ended his protest after Israel agreed to shorten his sentence and give him an eight-month parole violation sentence. Israel currently holds thousands of Palestinian prisoners. Palestinian officials say over 200 Palestinian security prisoners have died in Israeli prisons since 1948.
[23 Dec 2013] israel frees Palestinian prisoner after hunger-strike deal...
Israel has freed a Palestinian prisoner after he agreed to halt a lengthy hunger strike that almost killed him.
Samer al-Issawi, who was in an...
Israel has freed a Palestinian prisoner after he agreed to halt a lengthy hunger strike that almost killed him.
Samer al-Issawi, who was in an Israeli prison since July 2012, began a 260-day hunger strike in August 2012 in protest over Israel\\\\\\\'s decision to send him back to prison to serve the remaining 16 years of an earlier 26-year sentence. Issawi was released in 2011 on parole from prison but was rearrested less than a year later for allegedly violating his parole. He went on a hunger strike in which he consumed only liquids fortified with vitamins that lasted for more than eight months until April 2013. His protest attracted widespread attention in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Issawi only ended his protest after Israel agreed to shorten his sentence and give him an eight-month parole violation sentence. Israel currently holds thousands of Palestinian prisoners. Palestinian officials say over 200 Palestinian security prisoners have died in Israeli prisons since 1948.
When Zionist israel Goes Loco | Keepin' It Real | English
So what exactly happens \\\"When Zionist israel Goes Loco\\\"?
Well, in this episode of Keepin\\\' It Real, we\\\'re gonna let...
So what exactly happens \\\"When Zionist israel Goes Loco\\\"?
Well, in this episode of Keepin\\\' It Real, we\\\'re gonna let y\\\'all know what exactly happens \\\"When Zionist israel Goes Loco\\\"?
And what exactly does the word \\\'Loco\\\' mean?
And what exactly does it mean when one goes \\\'israeli\\\'?
What exactly are some other interchangeable terms for the word \\\'Loco\\\'?
And what exactly are the five things that get done \\\"When Zionist israel Goes Loco\\\"?
And in the end, what exactly is the only practical solution to save the world from \\\"When Zionist israel Goes Loco\\\"?
Hey, we\\\'re just Keepin\\\' It Real, wherever you are.
And please, whatever you do, don\\\'t go \\\'israeli\\\', wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #KeepinItReal #KIR #NewsCommentary #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #GlobalArrogance #FakeNews #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #FreePalestine #Gaza #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #ImamMahdi #Media #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness #Funny #Laugh #Smile
Video Tags:
israel Is Defeated | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
Did the zionist regime of israel achieve a victory in Syria?
And did the zionist regime of israel achieve a victory in the Gaza Strip?
Did the zionist regime of israel achieve a victory in Syria?
And did the zionist regime of israel achieve a victory in the Gaza Strip?
And was the zionist regime of israel able to defeat Hezbollah by martyring Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, speaks about how \"israel Is Defeated\".
And israel Will Always Be Defeated.
Video Tags:
Food and Water Blockade in Gaza by Israel - English
The Gaza Strip has fallen eerily silent as day-to-day life grinds to a halt in the face of an Israeli fuel blockade that has forced the UN to halt...
The Gaza Strip has fallen eerily silent as day-to-day life grinds to a halt in the face of an Israeli fuel blockade that has forced the UN to halt its food shipments into the territory. Michael Bailey of Oxfam in Jerusalem tells The Real News Network that some 300,000 Gaza residents have drinking water at home for less than five hours per day - every four days - and the UN can no longer get supplies to the 700,000 refugees living in Gaza. SHAME ON ISRAEL for these henious crimes against the humanity. SHAME ON ISRAEL for blockade of the necessities of life on innocent people. MAY GOD's WRATH BE ON ZIONISTS and SUPPORTERS OF ZIONISTS. DEATH TO ISRAEL. DEATH TO AMERICA. United States of America must be ashamed of its blind support to Israel and Zionism. This Zionist state will be wiped off from the map of the world because innocent people pray to God for Israels Destruction. May GOD's wrath be on the AGGRESSORS - their SUPPORTERS and those who are watching all this and STAY QUIET.