[Ep 13] Prophet Joseph - English
\'Prophet Joseph\' Episode 13Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over...
\'Prophet Joseph\' Episode 13Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[02 Aug 2012] US hurts allies economies to hit Iran Joseph Zrnchik -...
[02 Aug 2012] US hurts allies economies to hit Iran Joseph Zrnchik - English
The US blames Iran for high oil prices in the US and has imposed...
[02 Aug 2012] US hurts allies economies to hit Iran Joseph Zrnchik - English
The US blames Iran for high oil prices in the US and has imposed unilateral anti-Iran sanctions despite its allies like Japan saying it will hurt their own economies.
Interview with Joseph Zrnchik, political commentator, Highland, California
[Ep 14] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 15] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 16] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 17] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 18] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 07] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 11] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtars temple, and tries spread the message of Monotheism among his people.
The hard pregnancy of Josephsmother makes people doubt Allah as Ester claims itsIshtars punishment for Jacob and his family.
[Ep 12] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 01] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s temple, and tries spread the message of Monotheism...
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s temple, and tries spread the message of Monotheism among his people.
The hard pregnancy of Joseph\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mother makes people doubt Allah as Ester claims it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s punishment for Jacob and his family.
[Ep 02] Prophet Joseph - English
rophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways...
rophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 03] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 04] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 06] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 08] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different...
Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.
[Ep 09] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s temple, and tries...
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s temple, and tries spread the message of Monotheism among his people.
The hard pregnancy of Joseph\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mother makes people doubt Allah as Ester claims it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s punishment for Jacob and his family.
[Ep 10] Prophet Joseph - English
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of...
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) faces Ester the priest of Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s temple, and tries spread the message of Monotheism among his people.
The hard pregnancy of Joseph\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mother makes people doubt Allah as Ester claims it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Ishtar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s punishment for Jacob and his family.
[HQ] Prophet Yusuf (a.s) Movie - Part 01 of 10 - Farsi sub English
Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) - 1/10
(یوسف پیامبر) The life of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) in an epic 45 episode(10...
Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) - 1/10
(یوسف پیامبر) The life of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) in an epic 45 episode(10 DVDs) series directed by Farajollah Salahshoor.
Yousuf-e-Payambar or Joseph the Prophet is an Iranian television series from 2008 which tells the story of Prophet Joseph from the Quran and Islamic traditions. It is also set in the historical context of the Amarna period of ancient Egypt.
[The videos were recorded from Jame-Jam, an IRIB channel that implements the English subtitles. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to follow the story line.]
[02/10/15] Posible soborno de multinacional estadounidense a Ecopetrol -...
Ecopetrol, que es la empresa que maneja el sector del petróleo en Colombia, se encuentra envuelta en un caso de pago de sobornos para adjudicar...
Ecopetrol, que es la empresa que maneja el sector del petróleo en Colombia, se encuentra envuelta en un caso de pago de sobornos para adjudicar contratos entre el expresidente de la multinacional Norteamericana Petrotiger, Joseph Sigelman y David Durán, un exalto funcionario de la estatal colombiana.
La Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo (USO), señala que es imposible que el exalto directivo no tuviera otros funcionarios acompañándolo en la irregularidad.
Los empleados que defienden los intereses de la estatal petrolera vienen denunciando de tiempo atrás las múltiples irregularidades que tiene Ecopetrol en las contrataciones con las multinacionales que operan en el país.
La Unión Sindical Obrera considera que la empresa de petróleos de Colombia, Ecopetrol, debe suspender los 9 contratos que mantiene actualmente con la multinacional Petrotiger, los cuales hacienden a una cifra aproximadamente de 65 mil millones de dólares.
Alvaro Altamiranda, Bogotá.
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For Those Expecting Goodness From Biden | Leader of the Muslim Ummah |...
Some simple-minded people expect goodness from Joseph Biden aka. Joe Biden. Some expect him to have soft corner towards Muslims, Muslim countries,...
Some simple-minded people expect goodness from Joseph Biden aka. Joe Biden. Some expect him to have soft corner towards Muslims, Muslim countries, especially Iran.
The Leader, Imam Khamenei (in an old speech) highlights that it doesn\'t and won\'t make a difference; because the system has its own evil policies. And no matter who becomes the face of the US government, he would certainly act within the framework of the \"system\". And this very system is the problem. The evil and viciousness of this satanic system is the problem. So stop expecting from the new clown in the white house.
#DeathToAmerica #DeathToArrogance
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Dangerous Islamophobia EXPOSED | Ben Shapiro is a Liar | Milo...
In a video, Ben Shapiro attempts to debunk the “myth” of the tiny radical Muslim minority. This is not a new phenomenon, especially amongst...
In a video, Ben Shapiro attempts to debunk the “myth” of the tiny radical Muslim minority. This is not a new phenomenon, especially amongst far-right/alt-right propagandists, like Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, David Wood and others, who collectively attempt to prove that most Muslims are in fact radical and that Islam is a dangerous religion. Their intolerable hate speech, bigotry and lies have gone on for far too long.
In New Zealand, Brenton Harrison Tarrant live-streamed himself on Facebook, saying “subscribe to PewDiePie” before murdering 50 innocent worshipers. PewDiePie has denounced the atrocity saying that he is “sickened” by what took place. However, there were extremely twisted, violent ideological motives behind what Tarrant the Terrorist carried out, which have to be examined. It is the Islamophobic narrative of popular public figures like Ben Shapiro, who have continuously emphasized the “threat” of Muslims and Islam in general, through their disgusting anti-Muslim rhetoric and hate speech without facing any real repercussions. Their false notions of \\\\\\\"freedom of speech” have bubbled over into intolerance, disrespect and hatred and it is this very hatred which has lead to the radicalization of far-right extremists.
We will no longer tolerate this bigotry. It should be absolutely clear and evident for everyone - that the Islamophobic narrative of the Mainstream media and hate-filled personalities like Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, David Wood, Steven Crowder, Tommy Robinson, “Imam” Tawhidi, Pauline Hanson and others are responsible for the brainwashing process which lead to the radicalization of Tarrant the Terrorist. And it will become all-the-more apparent that such hate-speakers are not working in the interests of the people of the nation, but rather in the interests of the Zionist regime of israel.
#BackFire #PewDiePie #TarrantTheTerrorist #AlternativeMedia #RadicalWhites #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteSupremacists #BenShapiro #RadicalIslam #Terrorism #Zionism #Zionists # #ISIS #DAESH #Taliban #AlQaeda #FarRight #AltRight #Trump #JihadiJohn #Burka #ISISBride #NewZealand #NeoNazis #911Truth #DeathToAmerica #DeathToUK #DeathToSaudis #DeathToisrael #DonaldTrump #israel #Investigate911 #SuicideBombings #TakfiriWahhabism #TakfiriWahhabis #Wahhabism #Wahhabis #Salafis
[14] Help Me | میری مدد کرو | Urdu Drama Serial
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے...
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے میں ہم بھول جاتے ہیں کہ اس کے بعد مرجانا بھی ہے اور جب اچانک زندگی کی ڈور ٹوٹ جاتی ہے تو اگلے جہاں سے ہر روح کی ایک ہی خواہش ہوتی ہے کہ چند دن کی مہلت مل جائے ہم واپس جاکر لوگوں کے حقوق ادا کردیں لیکن یہ موقع ہر کسی کے پاس نہیں آتاایک ہی ھسپتال میں کومہ میں جاکر مرنے والے چند لوگوں کی عالم برزخ میں آپس میں ملاقات کی عجیب اور دلچسپ داستان
[19] Help Me | میری مدد کرو | Urdu Drama Serial
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے...
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے میں ہم بھول جاتے ہیں کہ اس کے بعد مرجانا بھی ہے اور جب اچانک زندگی کی ڈور ٹوٹ جاتی ہے تو اگلے جہاں سے ہر روح کی ایک ہی خواہش ہوتی ہے کہ چند دن کی مہلت مل جائے ہم واپس جاکر لوگوں کے حقوق ادا کردیں لیکن یہ موقع ہر کسی کے پاس نہیں آتاایک ہی ھسپتال میں کومہ میں جاکر مرنے والے چند لوگوں کی عالم برزخ میں آپس میں ملاقات کی عجیب اور دلچسپ داستان
[20] Help Me | میری مدد کرو | Urdu Drama Serial
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے...
عالم برزخ سے ارواح کی پکار
میری مدد کرو Help me
دنیا کی عیش و آرام کی زندگی گزارنے میں ہم بھول جاتے ہیں کہ اس کے بعد مرجانا بھی ہے اور جب اچانک زندگی کی ڈور ٹوٹ جاتی ہے تو اگلے جہاں سے ہر روح کی ایک ہی خواہش ہوتی ہے کہ چند دن کی مہلت مل جائے ہم واپس جاکر لوگوں کے حقوق ادا کردیں لیکن یہ موقع ہر کسی کے پاس نہیں آتاایک ہی ھسپتال میں کومہ میں جاکر مرنے والے چند لوگوں کی عالم برزخ میں آپس میں ملاقات کی عجیب اور دلچسپ داستان
Movie - Prophet Yousef - Episode 16 - English
Prophet Joseph is a Persian-language mini-series originally broadcast in 2008, which tells the story of prophet Yusuf (or Joseph) according...
Prophet Joseph is a Persian-language mini-series originally broadcast in 2008, which tells the story of prophet Yusuf (or Joseph) according to the Islamic tradition. Realistic depictions of everyday life are represented. Each episode in the series begins with a poly-phonic recitation of the first four verses (ayah) of the chapter (surah) on Yusuf.
The 45 episodes of the series are replete with themes on filial love, personal journey through life (within family and on one\'s own), personal character, submission, prayer, prophethood, idolatry, monotheism, loyalty, betrayal, carnal desires, nature of various kinds of love, separation, abandonment, slavery, social organisations at various levels, nature of political authority, governance, strategy, various ideologies (and their implications), anticipation, and finally, forgiveness and salvation.
The movie meanders through the existential lives of three principal characters (Yusuf, Zuleikha and Ya\'qub) with dozens of other major and minor characters.
The story in the series starts in the south of Babylon, in the second millennium BC, depicting Ya\'qub\'s battle against idolatry (of Ishtar) in Mesopotamia and the miraculous birth of Yusuf