The last conversation with Son of Shaiykh Zakzaki - English
Martyr Hamad Zakzaky | The Last Conversation | 11 Dec 2015
Another son of Shaykh Zakzaky is martyred. Three of his sons were martyred last year...
Martyr Hamad Zakzaky | The Last Conversation | 11 Dec 2015
Another son of Shaykh Zakzaky is martyred. Three of his sons were martyred last year on Al-Quds Day procession. Two days prior to the martyrdom of Hamad Zakzaky, he gave this interview. May Allah elevate his ranks.
Duration = 2:35
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Pray 5 Times A Day | The Last Kid Standing | English
So you think you know what\'s going to come running at you with full force in this savage jungle called the material realm?!
You\'ve got it so...
So you think you know what\'s going to come running at you with full force in this savage jungle called the material realm?!
You\'ve got it so wrong.
Welcome to the second episode as \"The Last Kid Standing\" continues fighting his way through the wild jungle of the material realm.
One of the main pillars of faith is Salah.
And if you\'re going to succeed on the path of Allah, you\'re going to have to know about this very important pillar of Islam.
So \"Pray 5 Times A Day\" and be \"The Last Kid Standing\", wherever you are.
\"The Last Kid Standing\" is a series endeavoring to promote the basic ideas, concepts, and practices necessary for our youth to succeed both in this world and the next, within the framework of Islam, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #IPKids #Allah #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #ShiaKids #Muslim #TheLastKidStanding #Prayer #Salah #Salat #Namaz #ImamMahdi #Zuhoor #TheSavior #Humanity #TheWild #Jungle #MaterialWorld #MaterialRealm
Get Ready For Muharram | The Last Kid Standing | English
The first ten nights of the month of Muharram are about to rise upon the spiritual horizon.
And as the material sun sets in the wild jungle,...
The first ten nights of the month of Muharram are about to rise upon the spiritual horizon.
And as the material sun sets in the wild jungle, what kind of savage animals will appear in the dark to prevent \"The Last Kid Standing\" from surviving to see the next day.
And remember to \"Get Ready For Muharram\" and be \"The Last Kid Standing\", wherever you are.
\"The Last Kid Standing\" is a series endeavoring to promote the basic ideas, concepts, and practices necessary for our youth to succeed both in this world and the next, within the framework of Islam, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #IPKids #Allah #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #ShiaKids #Muslim #TheLastKidStanding #Muharram #Muharram1446 #Muharram2024 #Safar #ImamHusayn #Majalis #Majlis #Husayn #Hussain #Karbala #WhoIsHussain #Ashura #ImamMahdi #Zuhoor #TheSavior #Humanity #TheWild #Jungle #MaterialWorld #MaterialRealm
[12 Aug 2012] Muslims in Iran mark last night of honor - English
[12 Aug 2012] Muslims in Iran mark last night of honor - English
Prayers and invocations at the last Latlat ul-Qadr or the night of honor; a night...
[12 Aug 2012] Muslims in Iran mark last night of honor - English
Prayers and invocations at the last Latlat ul-Qadr or the night of honor; a night sacred to all Muslims.
In the Islamic culture the word Qadr is equal to honor and dignity. Every year during the 19th, 21st, and 23rd of the holy month of Ramadan in the Islamic Lunar calendar Muslims stay awake and pray through out the entire night.
The ceremony known as Ehya is a chance for them to pray and ask for God's blessing. Iranians mark these nights by gathering in mosques; they pray for the sick and those in need as well as their loved ones.
[29 Dec 2013] Al Qaeda not behind last year attack on US embassy - English
A new report says al-Qaeda did not carry out last year\\\'s attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed the US...
A new report says al-Qaeda did not carry out last year\\\'s attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed the US ambassador.
A bomb blast targeting the mission on September 11 left four Americans including US envoy Chris Stevens dead. The US later blamed al-Qaeda-linked groups for the explosion. The report by New York Times, however, says there\\\'s been no evidence of the involvement of any international group in the attack. The investigation added that local citizens might have been behind the bombing. It added that an anti-Muslim video and rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters, could have been the trigger.
[29 Dec 2013] Al Qaeda did not carry out last year attack on the US...
A new report says al-Qaeda did not carry out last year\\\'s attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed the US...
A new report says al-Qaeda did not carry out last year\\\'s attack on the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed the US ambassador.
A bomb blast targeting the mission on September 11 left four Americans including US envoy Chris Stevens dead. The US later blamed al-Qaeda-linked groups for the explosion. The report by New York Times, however, says there\\\'s been no evidence of the involvement of any international group in the attack. The investigation added that local citizens might have been behind the bombing. It added that an anti-Muslim video and rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters, could have been the trigger.
O' King of Khurasan; I Give You My Last Salam! | Farsi Sub English
\"O’ the tranquility
of my mournful heart!\"
\"Everything that I have;
it is all from you.\"
\"Until the Day of...
\"O’ the tranquility
of my mournful heart!\"
\"Everything that I have;
it is all from you.\"
\"Until the Day of Judgement,
O’ [Imam] Redha; my life!\"
\"I won’t raise my head
from your holy tomb.\"
This video beautifully depicts Shaheed Haj Qasem’s visit to the Holy Shrine of Imam Redha (A) before and after his martyrdom, as Shaheed Haj Qasem says, \"O\' King of Khurasan; I Give You My Last Salam!\".
Video Tags:
This is our last chance | Agha Ali Reza Panahian | Farsi Sub English
A door to Heaven has opened for us
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A door to Heaven has opened for us
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Do you know why we don’t repent, worship, do good deeds or endeavor to have a good intention very much? Because we think we always have these opportunities! That’s it.
There is a very old joke. It may not seem as funny nowadays. A person was told, “If you want money, go to Tehran. It’s all over the place there [meaning it’s easy to make money there].” “Really?!” “Yes.” When he got off the bus, he saw a bill on the ground next to his foot. He thought, “It’s really true that money is all over the place in Tehran. I’ll start collecting from tomorrow. I have come a long distance and I’m tired now.”
The next day, he asked the motel, “Do you have a bag?” “What do you want it for?” “I want to collect money,” he said. “From where?” “They said it’s all over the place!” he replied. “Yesterday when I got off the bus, I saw a bill,” he continued. “You should have picked up that bill! It’s not like that.”
Many people think like this. “I’ll do it later.” God doesn’t like such an attitude. Are you sure you will have a chance in the future?! Who will give you this chance? When a good deed comes to your mind, does it come for no reason? O God, I should repent very much for the times when it occurred to me to come to You, but I told myself I’ll do it later. I thought I will always have these opportunities. It is said that when something good comes to your heart, don’t ignore it! Think, “An angel has inspired this thought in me!”
See how the Immaculate Ones talk to God. They have said that when you want to talk to God, imagine that this is your last chance. Think, “Will there be any other opportunities? Will I have such an opportunity again?” We don’t think like this. We think we always have such opportunities! But the Immaculate Imams tell us there aren’t always these opportunities! This is the last chance. It is said, “Appreciate the opportunities you have. They pass by like a cloud passing by.”
It’s like small, scattered clouds that come into the sky for a short time. When you look again, they’re not there anymore. This is how opportunities are. The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), has said this and not just any person! He knows the universe better than others. He said that this is how we should look at matters.
One of these opportunities is the Night of Destiny and the month of Ramadan. There are many opportunities that we miss unfortunately. We have been told to read the Jawshan Kabeer Supplication on the Nights of Destiny. A door to Heaven has opened for us! Don’t read even one line of the Jawshan Kabeer Supplication negligently. Don’t call God by even one of His attributes in the Jawshan Kabeer Supplication negligently. “God, did You hear me? I am saying this to You. O He Who plans the day and the night. O He Who gives the sustenance of the small child. O God, did You hear me? I said this about You! See.” Whether you cry or not, pay attention while you are saying these and they will have an effect on the world!
Do you know why we don’t repent, worship, do good deeds or endeavor to have a good intention very much? Because we think we always have these opportunities! Many people think like this. “I’ll do it later.” God doesn’t like such an attitude. Are you sure you will have a chance in the future?! Who will give you this chance? When a good deed comes to your mind, does it come for no reason? When something good comes to your heart, don’t ignore it! Think, “An angel has inspired this thought in me!
Await Your Imam (A) | The Last Kid Standing | English
Welcome to the wild and savage jungle of the material world!
What will you need to survive in this crazy jungle called the material realm?...
Welcome to the wild and savage jungle of the material world!
What will you need to survive in this crazy jungle called the material realm?
And what will you need, if you are to succeed on the path of Allah, while you\'re in this material realm?
And how can you become, \"The Last Kid Standing\" for the cause of Allah, wherever you are?
Watch and find out, but remember that it\'s a wild jungle, so don\'t get too scared.
\"The Last Kid Standing\" is Islamic Pulse\'s brand new series, endeavoring to promote the basic ideas, concepts, and practices necessary for our youth to succeed both in this world and the next, within the framework of Islam, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #IPKids #Allah #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #ShiaKids #Muslim #TheLastKidStanding #Imam #ImamMahdi #AlMahdi #TheMahdi #Awaiting #Zuhoor #TheSavior #Humanity #Mahdi #TheWild #Jungle #MaterialWorld #MaterialRealm #Dua #ImamZaman #Imamate #Animation
Imam Husayn (A)'s Last Soldier: Abbas ibn Ali (A) |...
Who was Imam Husayn (A)\'s last solider?
And who had the most patience and perseverance among the soldiers of Imam Husayn (A)?...
Who was Imam Husayn (A)\'s last solider?
And who had the most patience and perseverance among the soldiers of Imam Husayn (A)?
What was Abbas ibn Ali (A)\'s mission given to him by Imam Husayn (A)?
Finally, how was Abbas ibn Ali (A), the flagbearer of Imam Husayn (A) martyred?
Ustad Masood Aali speaks about \"Imam Husayn (A)\'s Last Soldier: Abbas ibn Ali (A).\"
Our condolences to the believers on the month of Muharram and Safar, and the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his family members, and his companions.
The Last Words of Shaheed Hashim Safieddine | Arabic Sub English
What were the last words of Shaheed Hashim Safieddine?
How does Shaheed Hashim Safieddine address the Imam of the Age?
And finally, what can...
What were the last words of Shaheed Hashim Safieddine?
How does Shaheed Hashim Safieddine address the Imam of the Age?
And finally, what can we learn from \"The Last Words of Shaheed Hashim Safieddine\"?
\"It is far from your generosity
to drive away\"
\"a guilty servant
who has failed in his duties!\"
Video Tags:
Pukaar - Short Movie - Shaitaan efforts at last moment - Urdu sub English
Pukaar short movie may Shaitaan get our eimaan against the things we love and attached in this world pray to defeat shaitaan efforts at last moment
Pukaar short movie may Shaitaan get our eimaan against the things we love and attached in this world pray to defeat shaitaan efforts at last moment
Drama Serial " A DAY BEFORE " Last Episode - Farsi sub English
Drama Serial A DAY BEFORE Last Episode - Farsi How Mossad and CIA involve in Iranian internal Affairs."Must Watch" Every night 8pm CST- on IRIB2....
Drama Serial A DAY BEFORE Last Episode - Farsi How Mossad and CIA involve in Iranian internal Affairs."Must Watch" Every night 8pm CST- on IRIB2. Umeed finally launched - Allahuakber.