[21 Mar 2013] Supreme Leader : Iran will raze Tel Aviv to ground if...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will raze Tel Aviv to the ground if Israel launches a military strike...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will raze Tel Aviv to the ground if Israel launches a military strike against the Islamic Republic.
“Israel’s leaders sometimes threaten Iran, but they know that if they do a damn thing, the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and [the occupied city of] Haifa to the ground,” Ayatollah Khamenei said on Thursday in an address to large crowds of people in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad on the occasion of Nowruz (Iranian new year).
The Leader pointed out that the enemy seeks to create hurdles through sanctions and threats and downplay Iran’s achievements through propaganda, as its two major strategies against the Iranian nation.
“The center of conspiracy and the basis of hostility with the Iranian nation is the US government,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.
The Leader pointed to the effects of the West’s embargoes against Iran over its nuclear energy program, saying, “Besides the negative effects of the sanctions, a highly positive impact also took place and the huge potential of the Iranian nation was activated and the talents of the youths of our country flourished.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
“Thanks to the sanctions, the Iranian nation embarked on enormous activities and massive infrastructural works were done in the year 1391 [Persian calendar year].”
The Leader alluded to the repeated offers of direct talks with the Islamic Republic by the United States and said, “Through different ways and messages, the Americans try to negotiate with us on the nuclear issue, but I am not optimistic about these talks.”
“I am not opposed to talks with regard to the nuclear issue, but certain issues must be clarified,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader pointed to the US claim that they intend to be honest in their talks with Iran and noted, “We have repeatedly asserted that we do not seek nuclear weapons but you do not believe this honest word; why should we accept your word?”
“Negotiation is an American tactic for deceiving the public opinion and if it is otherwise the Americans should prove it,” the Leader said.
Touching on Iran’s comprehensive negotiations with the P5+1 (permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany), Ayatollah Khamenei said that Washington does not want the talks to come to a conclusion, adding, “With regard to the nuclear issue, Iran only wants the recognition of its rights to enrichment.”
The Leader noted that the US seeks to prolong the course of the negotiations in an attempt to “paralyze” the Iranian nation and said, “Iran will never be crippled and if the Americans want the issue to be over, there is one simple solution which is the US should put aside its enmity with the Iranian nation.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to Iran’s 11th presidential election in June and called for a high turnout in the poll in a bid to disappoint the enemies and ensure national security.
The Leader underscored the importance of participation of various political spectrums in the election and noted, “All the [political] views and factions that believe in the Islamic Republic should participate; this is both a right and obligation, as election in the Islamic Republic is not for a specific political view and faction.”
IR Leader lauds Iran science technology achievements - 09 May 2011 News...
IR Leader lauds Iran's science, technology achievements (2011/05/09 - 19:57)
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said...
IR Leader lauds Iran's science, technology achievements (2011/05/09 - 19:57)
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Monday that Iranian nation have made the enemy acknowledge Iran's achievements in science and technology thanks to the opportunity created by the Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with hundreds of enthusiastic people from Kordestan province.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution recalled his previous visit to Kordestan province and appreciated the warm welcome and sincerity of the people during his stay in the province.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that people of Kordestan province have always remained committed to the Islamic Revolution and has disappointed the enemies at various junctures.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Iranian nation have established progress in the international community to the extent that the enemies have admitted several times.
IR Leader said that from the early stages of the Islamic Revolution, the enemies did what they could to suppress the revolution but to no avail as the vigilant Iranians powerfully thwarted their plots.
Elsewhere in his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the hard work of people of Kordestan province to help implement the government's development projects and said that the great Iranian nation attained significant success and development in various sectors.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution said each province in the country should play its significant role in the country's development and Kordestan province is not an exception.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the people of Kordestan province are loyal to the Islamic Revolution and have thwarted all conspiracies.
Supreme Leader visits Tehran Book Fair - News Report - 11 May 2011 Farsi
Supreme Leader visits Tehran Book Fair
Tehran Times Culture Desk
TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali...
Supreme Leader visits Tehran Book Fair
Tehran Times Culture Desk
TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei paid a visit to the 24th Tehran International Book Fair on Wednesday.
Ayatollah Khamenei visited several pavilions and held talks with officials, publishers, and organizers of the fair. Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hosseini and the director of the fair, Bahman Dorri, accompanied the Leader, the Supreme Leader’s official website reported on Wednesday.
Books are irreplaceable, and the number of books published in Iran has risen over the past few years, but even more books need to be published, the Leader said.
Writers have also made diligent efforts but need to develop further, he stated.
National development is not possible if the book industry does not develop, he said, adding that the Culture Ministry should focus on the publication of books.
Publishers also had the opportunity to talk about their problems.
Over 2300 Iranian and 1600 foreign publishers from 67 countries are displaying their products at the fair.
The book fair is being held at the Imam Khomeini Mosalla and runs until May 14.
Noroz Message of Iran Supreme leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Farwardin...
[English] Noroz Messege of Iran Supreme leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Farwardin 1391
Leader Reiterates Significance of Iran\\\\\\\'s Economic...
[English] Noroz Messege of Iran Supreme leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Farwardin 1391
Leader Reiterates Significance of Iran\\\\\\\'s Economic Progress in New Year
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei named the new Iranian year as the \\\\\\\"Year of National Production, Supporting Iranian Labor and Capital\\\\\\\", and once again underlined the importance of efforts to bolster the country\\\\\\\'s economic progress.
In a televised address on the occasion of the advent of the Iranian New Year on Tuesday, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei extends his congratulatory message in the early hours of the Persian calendar year of 1391.
Ayatollah Khamenei said \\\\\\\"Economic Jihad\\\\\\\", which was the slogan of the previous year, is never-ending, adding that one important aspect of economic issues is \\\\\\\"domestic production.\\\\\\\"
The Leader said if domestic production prospers, most of the enemies\\\\\\\' efforts will undoubtedly fail.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the prosperity of national production is the key to resolving the problems of inflation and unemployment and will strengthen domestic economy.
The Leader further lauded the country\\\\\\\'s great accomplishments during the previous year, saying that the past year was eventful for the world, the region and Iran.
\\\\\\\"What one witnesses is that these events generally were to Iran\\\\\\\'s benefit and conductive to the [country\\\\\\\'s] objectives. Those in Western countries who pursue malevolent objectives against Iran and Iranians are having various problems.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"Those countries in the region that the Islamic Republic has always supported have achieved great goals, [some] dictators were overthrown and constitutions based on Islam were passed in some countries,\\\\\\\" the Leader stated.
\\\\\\\"The number one enemy of the Islamic Ummah (community) and the Iranian nation, namely the Zionist regime has been surrounded,\\\\\\\" the Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran\\\\\\\'s enemies started their hostile measures against the country from the beginning of the previous year, and the Iranian nation, officials, people could counter these sanctions by adopting prudent measures.
*FULL SPEECH* Leader Ayatollah Khamenei addressing to commanders of the...
The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will not back down an iota from its rights and will never give in to...
The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will not back down an iota from its rights and will never give in to pressure. Ayatollah Khamenei said the rights of the nation including its nuclear rights must be recognized. The leader expressed his support for the Iranian government and officials including the nuclear negotiating team. Ayatollah Khamenei also said he will not get involved with the details of the negotiations between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. But he said there are red lines and limitations that the Iranian negotiators will have to heed. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in an address to commanders and members of the Basij volunteer force in Tehran.
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Basij Commanders Print
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Basij CommandersThe following is the full text of the speech delivered on November 20, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with fifty thousand Basij commanders. The meeting was held at the Musalah in Tehran.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al Qassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and upon his immaculate, pure and chosen household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth.
Greetings be upon you Abi Abdullah and upon those who laid down their lives for you. I will send you God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s eternal greetings as long as I live and as long as night and day prevail. May God not make this prayer my last covenant with you. Greetings be upon Hussein, upon Ali ibn al-Hussein, upon the children of Hussein and upon the companions of Hussein - those who laid down their lives for Hussein (a.s.).
This meeting is a very important meeting. Basij is the manifestation of the greatness of our nation and the domestic capability of our country. This meeting is the meeting of commanders. You tens of thousands of commanders of Basij have gathered in this place and one can guess from this large gathering how glorious Basij is. You are a source of satisfaction, hope and trust for the supporters of the Islamic Republic, the Revolution and the country and you are a source of intimidation and fear for the ill-wishers, enemies and those who bear a grudge [against the Revolution and the Islamic Republic].
The coincidence of Basij Week with these days, which are the days of the great epic of the history of Islam, is a good and valuable occasion. What I mean by this great epic is the epic created by Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) which complements the epic of Ashura. The epic that Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) created revived and preserved the epic of Ashura. The greatness of what Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) did, cannot be compared to other great events in history. It should only be compared to the event of Ashura itself and truly, these two events complete one another.
This great personality and this great lady of Islam and all of humanity managed to stand firm in the face of the great mountain of hardships and there was not even a tremble in her voice because of all these events. She stood firm like a glorious mountain peak both in the face of enemies and in the face of hardships and bitter events. She became a lesson, a role model, a leader and a pioneer.
At the bazaar of Kufa, while she was held captive, she made this astonishing speech: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Oh people of Kufa, who are treacherous and disloyal, do you cry for us? May your tears not dry and may your moans not stop. You are like a woman who loosens her threads after she pulls them together\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [al-Ihtijaj, Volume 2, page 303]. The words are as firm as steel and the meaning flows like a river and it influences hearts and souls. In such conditions, Zaynab al-Kubra delivered a speech, which was like the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.), and she shook hearts and souls and she shook history with these words. This speech became eternal in history. It was delivered in front of the people while she was held captive.
After that, she delivered a speech in front of Ibn Ziad in Kufa and a few weeks later, she spoke in front of Yazid with such strength that it both humiliated the enemy and the hardships which the enemy had imposed. She said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Do you foolishly think that you can defeat, suppress and humiliate the household of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the believers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 63: 8]. Zaynab al-Kubra is the manifestation of dignity, as Hussein ibn Ali (a.s.) was the manifestation of dignity in Karbala on the day of Ashura.
The way she looks at events is different from the way other people look at those events. Despite all those hardships, when the enemy wants to taunt her, she says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I did not see anything except for beauty\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Lohuf, page 160]. She said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"What I saw was beautiful. It was martyrdom. Although it was difficult, it was in the way of God and it was done for preserving Islam. It was the creation of an epic in history so that Islamic Ummah knows what it should do and how it should move forward and stand firm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". This is a great achievement made by the epic of Zaynab (s.a.). This is the dignity of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s saint. Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) is one of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s saints. Her dignity is the dignity of Islam and she made Islam and the Holy Quran valuable.
Of course, we are not as aspirational and determined as Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) and therefore we cannot say that the behavior of this great lady is our model. We are too inferior to say such things, but anyway, our movement should be in line with the movement of Zaynab (s.a.). Our efforts should be focused on bringing dignity for Islam, the Islamic community and the entire humanity. This is the same responsibility that Allah the Exalted has entrusted to prophets through Islamic obligations and rules.
In the first part of my speech, what I want to briefly discuss with you dear basijis and dear youth is that one of the factors which brought about this spirit and this patience in Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) and other divine saints - who moved forward with such spirit and patience - is sincerity and honesty. It is very important to honor our promises to Allah the Exalted and to devote our hearts to the path of God in a sincere way.
In the Holy Quran, this sincerity is necessary for divine prophets as well: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And remember We took from the prophets their covenant, as We did from you, from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant, that (Allah) may question the custodians of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 7-8]. God says that this covenant is very firm and serious. In the phrase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Leyasala\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" lam signifies results and consequences. The result of this covenant is that these great prophets will be questioned about their sincerity in this covenant. That is to say, our Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and other great prophets should prove before God the level of their sincerity concerning the conditions of this covenant. This part is related to prophets.
God also says to ordinary people and believers: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah: of them some have completed their vow (fully), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least, that Allah may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites if that be His Will\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 23-24]. When addressing great prophets, God referred to unbelievers as the opposite of honest individuals: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And He has prepared for the unbelievers a grievous Penalty\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 8]. And when addressing these believers, He referred to hypocrites as the opposite of honest individuals and there are important points in this comparison. You and I will be questioned about our promise to God. We have a covenant with God. In the holy ayah \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", the pledge that believers made to God and that was honored by them is the same as another ayah in this holy sura: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And yet they had already covenanted with Allah not to turn their backs\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 15].
All of us should pay attention to such points. Believers promised Allah the Exalted not to escape in the face of the enemy and not to turn their backs. The Holy Quran stresses that abandoning one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s positions and retreating in the face of the enemy are among the things which should not be done. One should stand up against the enemy in any military, political and economic war and in any arena which is a test of strength. Your determination should overcome the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s determination. Your willpower should overcome the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s willpower. This can be done and this is possible. From the viewpoint of the Holy Quran and Islam, running away and retreating from the enemy are forbidden in any arena of jihad and confrontation.
When we used the phrase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"heroic flexibility\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", some people defined it as abandoning the ideals and the goals of the Islamic Republic. Some of the enemies too used it to accuse the Islamic Republic of betraying its principles. These interpretations were wrong and they misunderstood this phrase. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Heroic flexibility\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" means an artful maneuver for reaching one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s goal. It means that the followers of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s path - any divine path - should utilize different methods, in any way possible, in order to reach their goal and this should be done whenever they move towards the different ideals of Islam. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If any do turn his back to them on such a day - unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 8: 16].
Like the arena of war, any movement - whether forward or backward - should be launched in order to reach one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s predetermined goals. There are certain goals and at each stage, the Islamic government pursues one of these goals in order to make progress, achieve transcendence and create the great Islamic civilization. The Islamic government should try to achieve this goal at this stage. Of course, there are certain stages and phases to reach these goals. Experts, intellectuals and officials in charge of this are identifying these phases and goals and, as a result, our collective movement will begin. Everyone should try to make any movement, at any stage, reach its goal. This is a proper system which is based on logical and rational measures. All activists in the arena of politics and macromanagement of the country should always keep this in mind. All the people and you dear basijis too - who are activists in the arena of Basij - should always keep this in mind.
Well, when we say that we want to move forward, does this mean that the Islamic government is warmongering? Does this mean that the Islamic government wants to confront all nations and all countries in the world? Sometimes one hears that the enemies of the Iranian nation - specifically the najis-mouthed dirty dog of the region, the Zionist regime - move their jaws to say that Iran is a threat for the entire world. This is the claim of the enemy, but this is exactly the opposite of Islamic principles. On the contrary, those evil and malevolent forces - including the fake Zionist regime and some of its supporters - that show nothing except for malevolence, are a threat for the entire world.
The lesson that the Islamic government learned from the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) and the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) is a different lesson: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allah commands justice and the doing of good\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 16: 90]. Allah the Exalted invites us to administer justice and do good. The commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said that we should be kind to everyone because \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Those who have the same religion as you have, they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 53]. People are either your Islamic brothers or human beings like you. This is the logic of Islam. We want to render services and show kindness to everyone. We want to establish a friendly and kind relationship with all human beings and all nations. We even have no enmity with the American people despite the fact that the government of America is an arrogant, hostile and evil government which bears a grudge against the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. The American people are like other peoples.
What the Islamic Republic is opposed to is arrogance. The hostility of the Islamic Republic is oriented towards global arrogance. We are opposed to and fight against arrogance. Arrogance is a Quranic word and it has been used in the Holy Quran to refer to people like Pharaoh and the groups of people who are ill-wishers and who are opposed to truth. Arrogance existed in the past as well and it has continued to prevail until the present time. In all eras, arrogance has had the same structure. Of course, it has used different methods and tactics in different eras. There is arrogance today as well and it is led by the United States of America.
We should know arrogance and its characteristics. We should know the methods and the orientation of arrogance so that we can organize our behavior in the face of arrogance. We are opposed to unreasonable behavior in all arenas. We believe that we should move forward with wisdom and acumen in all arenas, in all collective and individual orientations and in all plans. If we do not know the scene, if we do not know our friends and our enemies, if we do not know imperialism and arrogance in the present time, then how can we move forward with wisdom and acumen? How can we make accurate plans? Therefore, we should know these things.
What I am saying about arrogance is a few examples regarding the behavior of today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s global arrogance in the world. In many of these examples and cases, today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrogance shares the characteristics of arrogance in previous centuries and previous eras. One of the characteristics of arrogance is egotism. When arrogant groups - those people who have taken everything in their hands as the highest-ranking individuals in a country, in a group of countries or in a global system - consider themselves to be superior to other people, when they regard themselves as the pivot, when they place everyone, except for themselves, on the periphery, then a wrong and dangerous equation will be formed in global interactions.
When arrogance views itself as superior and as the pivot and core [of everything], then the result will be that it grants itself the right to interfere in the affairs of other people and other nations. If arrogance considers something to be a value and if other people do not, this will grant it the right to interfere in their affairs and bully and pressure them. This egotism makes them claim to be the guardian of nations and to be responsible for global management. It also makes them consider themselves to be the boss of all the people in the world.
As you can hear, American officials and politicians speak about the government of America as if it were the leader of all countries. They say that they cannot let this be done. They say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We cannot allow this person to be or not to be in charge\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". They speak about our region in a way that it seems they are the owners of this region. They speak about the Zionist regime in a way that it seems regional nations have to accept this imposed and fake regime. They behave towards independent nations and governments as if they did not have the right to live. This egotism and this attitude of considering oneself to have a special position among all people, all nations and all human beings is the main foundation on which arrogance has been built and this is its biggest problem.
This egotism will lead to another characteristic and another criterion for arrogance which is the tendency to ignore other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s rights. They neither accept truth nor the rights of other nations. They do not at all acknowledge other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s rights. In international negotiations, someone says something which is right, but America does not accept it. It tries to deny such rights with different methods and it does not accept truth. This has happened many times. In the present time, one of the examples of this behavior is our current issues related to nuclear activities and industries. Imagine that someone says something which is true. If one is fair, reasonable and rational, he should give up when he faces the truth. But arrogance does not give up. It hears the truth, but it does not accept it. This is one of its characteristics. It does not acknowledge the rights of other nations either. It does not acknowledge the right of a people to choose, to do what they want and to adopt those economic and political measures which they want. They believe in imposing things on other nations.
Another characteristic of colonialism and arrogance is that it condones crimes against nations and the entire humanity and that it is indifferent towards such crimes. This is one of the greatest disasters of arrogance in modern times. Modern times means the era of scientific progress and the era of the emergence of dangerous weapons. When these weapons became available to arrogant powers, they created a disaster for all nations. They do not attach any value on the lives of individuals - those individuals who do not follow, obey and surrender to them.
There are many examples in this regard. One example is the behavior of arrogant powers towards Native Americans - those people whose financial and natural resources, whose geography and whose entire properties are in the hands of non-natives now. Well, there were native people in America. Their behavior towards these Native Americans was so violent and so disgusting that it is one of the darkest points in the history of modern America. The Americans themselves have written many things about the massacres that took place and the pressures that they exerted. The same thing was done by the English in Australia. The English hunted people, for pleasure, like animals and like kangaroos. They did not attach any value on the lives of human beings. This is only one example. There are hundreds of examples which have been recorded in their own history books.
Another example is the nuclear bombardment that was launched in the year 1945 of the Christian calendar - that it to say, the year 1324 of the Hijri calendar - when the Americans destroyed two Japanese cities and, as a result, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Over the course of time, the number of people who suffered from deformities and different diseases because of nuclear radiations was several times larger than this and these problems have persisted until the present time. They did not have any cogent reason for this - I will refer to this later on. They easily dropped these bombs. Until now, atomic bombs have been used twice and both times, they were used by the Americans who consider themselves to be the main responsible party for the nuclear issues of other countries.
They like to forget these events, but it is not forgettable. All these lives were destroyed, but it was not at all important to them. For arrogance, the lives of human beings have no value and it is easy for arrogant regimes to commit crimes. They massacred the people in Vietnam. In Iraq, their security services and their mercenary security agencies - such as Blackwater which I referred to in the year 1390 - committed certain crimes. They are still committing crimes in Pakistan with their drones. In Afghanistan, they conduct a number of bombardments and they commit crimes. They are not afraid of committing crimes in each area they can get their hands on and in each area their interests dictate. These crimes include murder and torture. The Guantanamo prison - which belongs to the Americans - still has prisoners. It is 10, 11 years now that they have been arresting a number of people from different countries and putting them in this prison on different charges. They have been keeping them in this prison without any trial and with extremely difficult conditions and they have been torturing them. In Iraq, the Abu Ghraib prison was one of the American prisons. In this prison, they used to torture and set dogs on prisoners.
Looting the vital resources of other nations is easy for them. Capturing and enslaving Africans is one of the tragic events in history which American imperialism and other such regimes do not like to be reviewed. They do not like the issue of enslaving the people of Africa to be reflected on. They used to sail ships from the Atlantic Ocean and anchor them on the coast of West African countries such as Gambia and other countries in this continent. Then, they used to go and capture hundreds of thousands of men and women and old and young people with guns and other weapons which were not available to people at that time. While these people were in difficult conditions, they were taken to America on such ships for slavery. They captivated free people who were living in their houses and in their own cities. In the present time, the black people who live in America are the descendents of those slaves. For several centuries, the Americans exerted such an eccentric pressure and there are many books in this regard such as the book \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Roots\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" written by Alexander Haley. This book is a very valuable book for showing part of these crimes. How can today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s modern man forget such events? Despite all these crimes, the white people continue to discriminate against blacks in America.
Another characteristic of arrogance is deception and hypocritical behavior. You should pay attention to this issue. They try to justify the crimes which were referred to and they try to show that they were rendering services by committing these crimes. Global arrogance, which intends to dominate all nations, is frequently using this method in its entire life: the method of justifying crimes and taking on the appearance of rendering services. When the Americans want to apologize for their attack on Japan - that is to say, the two bombs which exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - they say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Although tens of thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were killed by the two bombs that we dropped on these two cities, this was the cost of ending World War II. If we the Americans had not dropped these bombs, the war would have continued. If we had not done this, then two million people - instead of the 200 thousand people who were killed as a result of these bombs - would have been killed. Therefore, we rendered a service by dropping these bombs\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Notice that this is a statement which the Americans make in their official propaganda. Now, around 65 years have passed from that day, but they have repeatedly said this. This is one of the deceptive and hypocritical statements and one of the elaborate lies that is not made and told by anyone except arrogant regimes. These bombs were dropped on and exploded in these two cities in the summer of the year 1945 of the Christian calendar and this crime was committed in that year. This was while four months before that - that is to say, in the early spring of 1945 - Hitler, who was the primary warmonger, had committed suicide. Moreover, Mussolini - the president of Italy at that time, who was the second important element in the war - had been arrested and the war was practically over. Japan too, which was the third important element in the war, had announced that it was ready to surrender. Therefore, there was practically no war, but these bombs were dropped anyway. Why? It is because these bombs had been built and they must have been tested somewhere. Certain weapons had been built and they must have been tested somewhere. Where should they test them now? The best option was to drop these bombs on the innocent people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the excuse of war so that it becomes clear whether these bombs work properly or not. Such is their deceit.
They claim to be the supporters of human rights, but they target the Iranian passenger plane in the air and they kill about three hundred passengers who are unaware of this. Moreover, they do not apologize and they award a medal to the person who commits this crime. You have heard that in recent weeks, the Americans - from the President to lower-ranking politicians - have created uproar about the use of chemical weapons in Syria. They accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. I do not want to judge who has used these weapons. Of course, evidence shows that terrorist groups have used them, but anyway, they said that the Syrian government has used such weapons. They created uproar about this and they said that the use of chemical weapons is our red line. American officials said this 10 times or more. But not only did the government and the regime of the United States of America not express any opposition to Saddam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s use of chemical weapons during its criminal attacks on Iran, but it also provided him with 500 tons of hazardous and lethal chemicals which could be turned into mustard gas.
Many of our dear youth of those times are still suffering from the effects of those chemicals and it is several years that they have been suffering from various diseases. The Americans helped Saddam to be equipped with such chemicals. Of course, he had bought such chemicals from other countries as well, but it was America that provided Saddam with 500 tons of lethal chemicals - which could turn into mustard gas - and that helped him to use it. After that, when the United Nations Security Council decided to issue a resolution against Saddam, it was America that prevented this. This is the meaning of hypocritical behavior. On the issue of Syria, the use of chemical weapons is a red line, but on the issue of Iran, it can be allowed and supported. This is because on this issue, chemical weapons are used against an independent Islamic government and against a nation which does not want to give in to America.
These are some of the characteristics of arrogance. Of course, the characteristics of arrogance are more than these. Arrogant powers wage wars, create discord and confront independent governments. They even confront their own people when the interests of specific groups dictate so. During the war that Saddam waged against Iran, they offered all kinds of help - which was possible for them - to Saddam. I referred to the case of chemicals, but they also gave him secret information about Iran. After the war, when the head of intelligence services of Saddam was interviewed, he said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I used to go to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad three times a week and they gave me a sealed package in which all satellite information about the movements of the Iranian Armed Forces existed and therefore, we knew where they were\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". They offered such kinds of help to Saddam.
The Islamic government is opposed to such arrogance. The Islamic government is not opposed to people and nations. It is not opposed to human beings. Rather, it is opposed to arrogance. This opposition has existed since the time of Abraham - God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Friend - Noah, the Holy Prophet of Islam and other great prophets and it has continued until today. Since that time, the camp of right has confronted arrogance. Why is that? Why does today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic government confront arrogance? It is because arrogance with the characteristics that I described cannot tolerate an Islamic government such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is because the Islamic Republic of Iran was formed on the basis of opposition to arrogance. The Revolution was carried out in Iran in opposition to arrogance and the agents of arrogance. It was formed on the basis of this opposition. It grew, it became strong and it challenged the logic of arrogance on the basis of this opposition. Arrogance cannot tolerate this unless it is frustrated.
The Iranian people, the Iranian youth, the Iranian activists and those Iranians who believe in their homeland and their country for any reason - even if it may be a non-Islamic reason - should do something to make the enemy hopeless. The enemy should become hopeless. It is very difficult for global arrogance and for the government of the United States of America in the present time to see that in this sensitive region - in West Asia, which is the one of the most sensitive regions in the world in terms of politics and economy and which influences the entire world - a country, a government and a people have emerged who do not consider themselves to be dependent on and to be the followers of this self-proclaimed superpower. This Islamic government is independent and despite the strong opposition that it is faced with, it overcomes all problems and hardships. As the Americans themselves admit, this government is challenging the influence of America in the region and it is extending its own influence.
This Islamic government is becoming a role model for regional nations and this is very difficult for the Americans to tolerate. The Americans want to say that the lives of all nations depend on America. Now a people have emerged who not only are not dependent on America, but who also have not been influenced by all these hostilities. From the first day, the Americans did whatever they could, but it was not effective. These people have achieved growth and they have become stronger on a daily basis.
The hostilities that the government of the United States of America has shown against the Islamic Republic happened during the time of different presidents, but all of these hostilities are of the same nature. All of these hostilities are the same. Therefore, no one should say that such and such a plot was hatched during the time of such and such a president and this plot has not been hatched during the time of the current President of America. This is not the case. All of these presidents behave in the same way. First, they provoked ethnicities in Iran, then they launched a coup d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'état and after that, they made Iraq attack us. The next thing that they did was to help our enemy - which was the regime of Saddam - in his war against us and after the war, they imposed sanctions on us. Then, they provoked all media networks in the world and they made them align themselves against the Islamic Republic. All of these things have been done during the time of different presidents of America and now too, these things are being done.
In the fitna of the year 1388 - during the term of the current President of America - one of the social networks, which could be used to further the goals of fitna and those who provoked the fitna, needed to fix some technical problems. The government of America asked this network to delay fixing these technical problems because they hoped to overthrow the Islamic Republic with the help of media activities and networks such as Facebook, Twitter and other such networks. They had these foolish delusions. Therefore, they did not let this network fix its technical problems and they said that it should delay it and attend to this task which is more important.
They used all kinds of tools against the Islamic Republic and sanctions are one of these tools. From their viewpoint, this tool is enough for defeating the Islamic Republic. Their mistake is that they do not know the Iranian nation. Their mistake is that they do not know the element of faith and unity among our people. Their mistake is that they did not learn a lesson from their past mistakes. Therefore, they hope that they can bring the people of Iran to their knees by imposing sanctions, exerting pressures and other such measures. Of course, they are making a mistake. The permanent experience of the Islamic Republic during the past 35 years shows that the only way to get rid of the interference of the enemy is national power and national resistance. This is the only factor which can make the enemy retreat. Of course, the enemy is the enemy. He uses all kinds of tools. As I said, he has used and is using sanctions. We should know what it is that can help us achieve our goal.
I would like to say a few things about Basij and after that, I would like to briefly speak about the current issues regarding our foreign policies. As I said, Basij is a source of dignity for the country and the Islamic Republic. Why? It is because the meaning of Basij is the presence of all the people in arenas of fundamental activities for the sake of the people and the country. Any government that has people by its side and any country in which the people show their presence and move towards a specific direction, will definitely achieve victory. This is completely clear. Countries receive a blow and they are defeated whenever the people are not present on the scene or whenever they do not have unity of action. Whenever the people are present on the scene and whenever there is unity among them, victory and progress will be certain. Basij is the example of such presence. Basij is the manifestation of the presence of the people on the scene and the unity of the people. We should adopt such an outlook towards Basij.
On the issue of sincerity, which I referred to in the beginning of my speech, Basij has emerged victorious out of the test of sincerity. Basij was put to this test during the imposed war and the Sacred Defense Era which was a time when the country was in difficult conditions. Also, during the different events that took place after the Sacred Defense Era until the present time, Basij has emerged victorious out of the test of sincerity. The Basij organization has shown that it enjoys sincerity. Of course, in my opinion, Basij is not confined to this number of people who are active in the Basij organization. There are many people whose hearts are with you. They praise and respect you and they appreciate your value. These people are not active in the Basij organization, but they are basijis as well. In my opinion, those people who believe in and respect your values and who respect your efforts, your services and your jihad are basijis as well. Being present on the scene is one of the most important tasks.
Moreover, the capabilities of Basij help us solve problems. Fortunately, today inside the organization of Basij, there are many scientific, artistic, social and political personalities and there are many social activists and people who can influence the people. Until today, Basij has represented a group of people who have been achieving growth and transcendence on a daily basis and it should act in the same way from now on too.
What I recommend is that we should increase the capabilities of Basij. There are certain prerequisites for this: moral, behavioral and practical prerequisites. Moral prerequisites means that we should build and develop Islamic virtues in our hearts and souls. A number of these virtues are patience, forgiveness, fortitude, self-control and humility. We should strengthen these characteristics in ourselves. Behavioral prerequisites means that we should utilize these virtues when we interact with the people, the environment, society and human beings in general. Imam Sadiq (peace and greetings be upon him) used to say to his companions, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"You should act in a way that whenever people see you, they say, ‘These people are the companions of Imam Sadiq. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy be upon Imam Sadiq. You should make us be proud of you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [al-Kafi, Volume 2, page 233]. Each and every one of you dear basijis, you dear youth with your pure and enlightened hearts and souls should behave towards all the people - as I said, many of the people are basijis in the real sense of the word - in a way that they say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"These people are students of the Islamic government. They are a source of respect for the Islamic government and the Islamic Republic\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
And practical, jihadi and social prerequisites are the tasks that should be carried out. That is to say, we should strengthen these virtues in ourselves. It means that we should behave in a kind, diligent and praiseworthy way towards the [social] environment. It means that we should act in a serious way in all arenas including the arena of science, the arena of social services, the arena of work, the arena of politics and the arena of production. Wherever you are, you should work in a serious way without any feeling of tiredness and any laziness. We should work. This great group of basijis - tens of thousands of people from this great group are present in this meeting - can move the country towards positive paths in the real sense of word. This group of people can be a source of solidity and stability. It can be a source of grandeur for the Islamic Republic and thankfully it is playing such a role today. Today, Basij is a source of grandeur and honor for the Islamic Republic.
I would like to raise a point about the recent contentions over the arena of foreign policies, our nuclear issues, the current negotiations and other such things. First of all, I insist on supporting the officials who are in charge of this. I support all administrations and all officials - whether officials in charge of domestic affairs or officials in charge of foreign affairs - and this is our responsibility. I myself have been an executive official. I have been in the middle of the arena and I felt with all my heart the difficulty of the work. I know that the responsibility of managing the country is difficult. Therefore, these officials need help and I help and support them. This is one part of the issue which is clear. On the other hand, I also insist on establishing the rights of the Iranian nation including the issue of our nuclear rights. We insist that these officials should not even take one step back on the rights of the Iranian nation. Of course, we do not interfere in the details of these negotiations. There are certain red lines and limits in this regard. These limits should be observed. We have said this to officials in charge and it is their responsibility to observe these limits. They should not be afraid of the fuss that the enemies and opponents make. They should show no fear in the face of such fuss and uproar.
Everyone should know that primarily, the sanctions which have been imposed on the Iranian nation result from the arrogant grudge of America. The grudge that the Americans bear against us is like the grudge of a camel. They want to exert pressures on the Iranian nation in the hope that they can perhaps make the Iranian nation surrender. They are making a mistake because the Iranian nation will not surrender to anyone under pressure. You Americans have failed to know the people of Iran. They are a people who can, by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, endure these pressures and who will turn these threats and pressures into an opportunity. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, the Iranian nation will do this.
We have had certain weak points in the area of economic decisions and plans. These weak points have made the enemy feel that he can create a rift. This is an opportunity for us to know and eliminate these weak points and, by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, we will eliminate them. The Americans should know and I think they know that sanctions do not work. The reason why we say they themselves know that sanctions do not work is the military threats they issue. Well, if sanctions can serve the purpose, then why do they issue military threats? This shows that sanctions have not served the purpose and that they do not work. They have to issue military sanctions. Of course, the act of issuing military threats is a very disgusting and despicable act. Instead of issuing military threats against different countries, you Americans should go and improve your own devastated economy. You should do something so that your government will not be shut down for 15, 16 days. You should go and pay your debts. You should think of improving your own economy.
As I said, the Americans should know that the Iranian nation behaves in a brotherly way towards all nations: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Those who have the same religion as you have, they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". The people of Iran respect other nations, but they behave towards transgressors in a way that they become regretful. They slap transgressots across the face in a way that they will never forget. The Americans consider themselves responsible for saying something in support of the Zionist regime and the capitalist Zionists and this is a source of weakness and humiliation for them. In fact, the Zionist regime is a regime whose foundations are extremely shaky. The Zionist regime is doomed to destruction. It is a regime which is imposed [on regional nations] and it has been formed on the basis of bullying. Any phenomenon and any organism which has come into being by use of force cannot survive and this regime cannot survive either. The support of the Americans - who are indebted to Zionist capitalists - for the wretched Zionist regime is a source of disgrace for them. Unfortunately, a number of European countries flatter this regime. These Europeans go and flatter these creatures who do not deserve to be called human beings and they humiliate themselves and their people in front of these creatures. The leaders of the Zionist regime are really like wild animals and one cannot call them human beings.
One day in Europe, the French nation gained a good political reputation because the president of France in those days did not allow England to enter the European Community due to the fact that England was dependent on America. This became a source of dignity for France. On that day, the dignity of the French government increased because it stood up against America and because it did not let England - which was dependent on America - enter the European Community. A people achieve dignity in such a way. Today, the politicians of this country [France] go and humble themselves not only before America, but also before these damned and dirty Zionists. This is a source of humiliation for the French nation. Of course, the people of France themselves should find a cure for this problem.
I would like to speak to you dear youth about a few things. You youth should know that without a doubt, the bright and promising future of this country and the Islamic Republic belongs to you. You will manage to help your country and your people reach the peak of glory. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, you will be able to build a perfect model of the modern Islamic civilization in this country. In order to carry out these great tasks, you should promote and strengthen - as much as you can - religion, piety, morality and purity of soul among yourselves. Today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s youth need religion, piety, science, enthusiasm, trustworthiness, morality, social services and physical exercise. These are the things which today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s youth need and by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, you dear basijis will succeed in doing this.
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), bestow Your blessings on these people and on all the basijis of our country. Dear God, make the Iranian nation conquer the peaks of honor on a daily basis. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), make the immaculate soul of Imam satisfied with us and with these people. Dear God, make the pure souls of martyrs satisfied and pleased with us. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age satisfied and pleased with us and hasten the re-appearance of this great Imam. Make us be among his companions and his accompanying mujahids and make us be martyrs by his side.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings.
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1839&Itemid=4
Leader Khamenei leading Eid prayer-Part 1 - English
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine....
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Today, the Islamic world is becoming more sensitive and motivated about the Palestinian issue in comparison to 60 years ago when the enormous catastrophe occurred,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said Wednesday while addressing crowds of Iranians after Eid ul-Fitr prayer, which marks end of the holy month of Ramadan.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The resistance of the brave Palestinian people is one of the most important factors behind the world\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s support for them. Palestinians have proved that they deserve to be called a vital Muslim nation,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" the Leader added.
The Leader continued, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We told the Palestinian people and their legal government, as well as Hamas leaders and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, that the Iranian nation will not desert you.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"On the contrary, the Zionist enemy weakens day by day. This is an issue that even senior Zionists admit,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader added that the Islamic world faces an all-out political and cultural invasion, saying, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This does not mean that enemies have become stronger. Rather it means that they sense their weakness and are resorting to different strategies.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
The Leader called on Muslims across the world to maintain their unity and to not allow enemies to cause strife between Shia and Sunni.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the great achievements of the Iranian nation and said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Iranians are taking major steps toward progress. Their achievements belong to all Muslims.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
The Leader stressed that Iranians from all walks of life, including senior political officials, should strengthen their unity and strive for the national interests of the country.
Leader Khamenei leading Eid prayer-Part 2 - English
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine....
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine.
\\\\\\\"Today, the Islamic world is becoming more sensitive and motivated about the Palestinian issue in comparison to 60 years ago when the enormous catastrophe occurred,\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said Wednesday while addressing crowds of Iranians after Eid ul-Fitr prayer, which marks end of the holy month of Ramadan.
\\\\\\\"The resistance of the brave Palestinian people is one of the most important factors behind the world\\\\\\\'s support for them. Palestinians have proved that they deserve to be called a vital Muslim nation,\\\\\\\" the Leader added.
The Leader continued, \\\\\\\"We told the Palestinian people and their legal government, as well as Hamas leaders and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, that the Iranian nation will not desert you.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"On the contrary, the Zionist enemy weakens day by day. This is an issue that even senior Zionists admit,\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader added that the Islamic world faces an all-out political and cultural invasion, saying, \\\\\\\"This does not mean that enemies have become stronger. Rather it means that they sense their weakness and are resorting to different strategies.\\\\\\\"
The Leader called on Muslims across the world to maintain their unity and to not allow enemies to cause strife between Shia and Sunni.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the great achievements of the Iranian nation and said, \\\\\\\"Iranians are taking major steps toward progress. Their achievements belong to all Muslims.\\\\\\\"
The Leader stressed that Iranians from all walks of life, including senior political officials, should strengthen their unity and strive for the national interests of the country.
Leader Khamenei leading Eid prayer-Part 3 - English
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine....
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic world has been awakened and is on alert about Palestine.
\\\\\\\"Today, the Islamic world is becoming more sensitive and motivated about the Palestinian issue in comparison to 60 years ago when the enormous catastrophe occurred,\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said Wednesday while addressing crowds of Iranians after Eid ul-Fitr prayer, which marks end of the holy month of Ramadan.
\\\\\\\"The resistance of the brave Palestinian people is one of the most important factors behind the world\\\\\\\'s support for them. Palestinians have proved that they deserve to be called a vital Muslim nation,\\\\\\\" the Leader added.
The Leader continued, \\\\\\\"We told the Palestinian people and their legal government, as well as Hamas leaders and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, that the Iranian nation will not desert you.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"On the contrary, the Zionist enemy weakens day by day. This is an issue that even senior Zionists admit,\\\\\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader added that the Islamic world faces an all-out political and cultural invasion, saying, \\\\\\\"This does not mean that enemies have become stronger. Rather it means that they sense their weakness and are resorting to different strategies.\\\\\\\"
The Leader called on Muslims across the world to maintain their unity and to not allow enemies to cause strife between Shia and Sunni.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the great achievements of the Iranian nation and said, \\\\\\\"Iranians are taking major steps toward progress. Their achievements belong to all Muslims.\\\\\\\"
The Leader stressed that Iranians from all walks of life, including senior political officials, should strengthen their unity and strive for the national interests of the country.
Leader Congratulating on Occasion of Birth of Hazarat Zahra as &...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali KhameneiThe Leader of the Islamic Revolution says no power in the world can...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali KhameneiThe Leader of the Islamic Revolution says no power in the world can impede Iran\\\'s progress, stressing that the Iranian nation has remained committed to the principles of the Revolution.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday that “resistance, perseverance and abidance by the values and principles of the Islamic Revolution” will nourish the hopes of Muslim nations and international observers.
The Leader stressed that the Iranian nation has faced “animosities and mixed reactions” over the past 32 years, but has not deviated from “the path of the Islamic Revolution, its ideals and objectives.”
“Had the Iranian nation backed down in the face of threats by global arrogance and given up its mottos, the blossom of hope would have withered in the hearts of nations,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader made the remarks at a ceremony marking the anniversary of the birth of Fatemeh Zahra, the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The Leader praised Fatemeh Zahra as a unique spiritual and divine figure.
Ayatollah Khamenei then stressed the importance of drawing on the guidelines and demeanor of Prophet Mohammad and Fatemeh Zahra as well as other infallible Imams to improve morality and benevolence and establish a close rapport between people in the society.
In the ceremony, eulogies were recited to honor the auspicious occasion which is also designated as Woman\\\'s Day in Iran.
Leader Congratulating on Occasion of Birth of Hazarat Zahra as - May 24 - Farsi
دیدار جمعی از شاعران و ذاکرین اهل بیت با رهبر معظم انقلاب
ساعت خبر: 15:5 - تاريخ خبر: 03/03/1390
در سالروز فرخنده میلاد با سعادت بانوی برگزیده دو عالم، دخت پیامبر خاتم، حضرت فاطمه زهرا سلام الله علیها و همچنین فرزند برومندشان امام خمینی (ره)، مراسم مولودی خوانی و ذکر فضائل و مناقب آن بانوی عفاف و نجابت، در حضور حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی برگزار شد.
به گزارش واحد مرکزی خبر، حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در این مراسم که با حضور جمعی از شاعران و ذاکرین اهل بیت عصمت و طهارت علیهم السلام در حسینیه امام خمینی بر پا شد، با تبریک میلاد با سعادت بانوی دو عالم حضرت زهراء (س)، آن حضرت را \\\\\\\"عنصر ملکوتی، الهی و بی نظیر در عرصه وجود از لحاظ نورانیت \\\\\\\"بعد از پیامبر گرامی اسلام (ص) و امیرالمومنین علی (ع) دانستند و افزودند: ذکر مکرر نام مبارک حضرت زهرا (س) و بقیه الله الاعظم (عج) بیش از سایر معارف اسلامی در تمام دوران انقلاب اسلامی\\\\\\\"پدیده ای الهی و یک امر روئیده از دلها، عواطف و ایمانها \\\\\\\" است.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی تقارن این میلاد را با ولادت امام خمینی (ره)، پدیده ای بسیار شیرین خواندند و اظهار داشتند: امام خمینی (ره) حقیقتاً نمونه و مستوره ای از همان حقیقت درخشنده همراه با ایمان، اخلاص، عبادت، غیرت و ایستادگی در راه خدا بودند.
ایشان ذکر نام حضرت زهرا (س) را به مناسبتهای مختلف در طول این انقلاب ، نشانه توجه ویژه آن بزرگوار به کشور دانستند و خاطرنشان کردند: این توجه، بسیار با ارزش و امیدبخش است و دلها و گامها را برای دست یافتن به اهداف نهایی مطمئن، استوار و خاطرجمع می کند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با اشاره به راه دشوار همراه با مزاحمتها، معارضه ها و برخوردهای گوناگون در طول 32 سال پس از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی افزودند: ادامه خط مستقیم و زاویه پیدا نکردن این خط و حفظ شعارها و اهداف انقلاب به برکت بیان روشن و رسای امام بزرگوار، از مهم ترین خصوصیات انقلاب اسلامی ایران است.
ایشان تصریح کردند: با «حرکت امیدوارانه و برداشتن قدمهای محکم» هیچ قدرتی در دنیا نمی تواند راه این انقلاب را سد کند.
رهبر انقلاب، ایستادگی، ثبات، تداوم، پایبندی به ارزشها و اصول انقلاب اسلامی ایران را موجب رویاندن شکوفه های امید در دل ملتهای مسلمان و ناظران جهانی ارزیابی کردند و افزودند: خصوصیت این انقلاب عظیم اسلامی این بود که به فضل الهی آن بهار تا امروز خزان نداشته است.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای تأکید کردند: اگر ملت ایران در مقابل تهدیدات استکبار جهانی عقب نشینی می کرد و از شعارهایش دست می کشید، این گلهای امید در دل ملتها پژمرده می شد.
ایشان افزودند: به برکت نام مبارک حضرت زهرا (س) و بقیه الله الاعظم (عج) و توجهات ائمه اطهار علیهم السلام و با ایستادگی ملت ایران، این نهالهای امید بارور شدند، بنابراین این توجه، توسل و از خدا دانستن و به خود غَرّه نشدن را باید در خودمان نگه داریم.
رهبر انقلاب در بخش دیگری از سخنانشان انتخاب\\\\\\\" شعر، آهنگ و صوت خوب\\\\\\\" را در حرفه زیبا، ظریف و مؤثر مداحی ضروری دانستند و خاطرنشان کردند: آنچه خوانده می شود باید به درستی انتخاب و جهات صوری و معنوی آن لحاظ شده باشد.
ایشان با اشاره به اینکه آهنگهای بد و لهوی نباید وارد حرفه مداحی شود افزودند: انتخاب و ابتکار شکلهای جدید در قرائت و آهنگ سازیها عیبی ندارد.
رهبر انقلاب با تأکید بر انتخاب مضمون مناسب در ذکر مناقب ائمه اطهار علیهم السلام خاطرنشان کردند: ذکر مناقب متقن، معتبر و مستند ، دلها را شاد می کند و شوق را برمی انگیزاند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با اشاره به نیاز جامعه به نصایح ائمه و استفاده از گفتار و رفتار آن بزرگواران برای رشد اخلاق، افزودند: باید با گسترش خُلقیات خوب، روحیه همدلی، برادری، صفا و اخوت را در جامعه اعتلا بخشید و با ترویج خیرخواهی، تعاون، صبر، احسان، ایثار و گذشت، از تنگ نظری، ناامیدی، بدخواهی و بُخل پرهیز کرد.
ایشان پیشرفت جامعه مداحان را خوب توصیف و بر مسأله بصیرت بخشی در مداحی تأکید کردند اما در عین حال تعرض به دیگران را مذموم خواندند و افزودند: بر اثر بصیرت بود که ملت ایران توانسته است بایستد و استقلال، ایستادگی، معرفت و ایمان خود را حفظ کند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای مطالعه و انس با قرآن و احادیث را برای جامعه مداحان ضروری دانستند و خطاب به آنان تصریح کردند: آیات و احادیثی که در آن نصیحت است آن را یادداشت و قرائت کنید.
ایشان با اشاره به اینکه توجه به دعا، توسل، ذکر، خشوع، نماز نافله و حفظ و تقویت آن باعث حل تدریجی کارهای دشوار در زندگی می شود افزودند: این رشته ارتباط با مقام احدیت که متصل با اهل بیت علیهم السلام است دل و ذهن را صفا می دهد.
در ابتدای این دیدار تعدادی از شاعران و مداحان اهل بیت علیهم السلام به ذکر فضایل و مناقب حضرت زهرا (س) پرداختند.
Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers - 29 April 2012 - Farsi
بازديد رهبر انقلاب از شركت كارخانجات داروپخش
در سال...
بازديد رهبر انقلاب از شركت كارخانجات داروپخش
در سال تولید ملی و در آستانهی روز كارگر، حضرت آیتالله خامنهای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی صبح روز 10 اردیبهشت 1391، با حضور در كارخانجات تولیدی داروپخش، از نزدیك در جریان آخرین دستاوردهای تولیدِ دارو در كشور قرار گرفتند و در جمع هزاران نفر از كارگران نمونهی سراسر كشور تأكید كردند: تحقق واقعی اهداف مختلف كشور از جمله استقلال سیاسی، نیازمند خوداتكایی و استقلال اقتصادی است. استقلال اقتصادی نیز به شكلگیری تولید ملی مشروط است و تولید ملی نیز با احترام حقیقی، همگانی و عملی به كار ایرانی و سرمایهی ایرانی به وجود خواهد آمد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی در ابتدای ورودشان به محل شركت كارخانجات داروپخش، در جایگاه یادمان شهدای كارگر حضور یافتند و با قرائت فاتحه، برای ایشان علو درجات را از درگاه خداوند مسئلت كردند.
حضرت آیتالله خامنهای سپس در سالن استریل تولید داروهای تزریقی و قطره حضور یافتند و از مراحل مختلف تولید، كنترل و بستهبندی این داروها بازدید به عمل آوردند.
بخش تولید، كنترل و بستهبندی داروهای تزریقی و قطرههای استریل چشمی و بینی شركت تولیدی داروپخش در مدت یك سال و به دست متخصصان داخلی طراحی و ساخته و تجهیز شده است. از جمله داروهای تولیدی در این بخش، داروی هورمون رشد است كه مراحل تولید آن بسیار پیچیده و تنها در انحصار چند كشور معدود است.
امروز همزمان با بازدید رهبر انقلاب اسلامی از كارخانجات تولیدی داروپخش، نخستین داروی تزریقی این مجموعه با نام تجاری «انوكساپارین 6000» تولید و روانهی بازار شد.
در این دیدار همچنین وزاری بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشكی و نیز تعاون، كار و رفاه اجتماعی و همچنین وزیر صنعت، معدن و تجارت گزارشی از اهم فعالیتها را ارائه كردند.
خانم دكتر وحید دستجردی وزیر بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشكی با اشاره به دستاوردهای كارخانههای تولید داروی كشور با وجود تحریمها گفت: تحریمها به عنوان یك فرصت موجب شده است كه متخصصان داخلی با عزم جدی در تولید دارو و بهویژه داروهای با فناوریهای پیشرفته گام بردارند و جمهوری اسلامی ایران به كشور اول منطقه در تولید دارو تبدیل شده است.
Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers
On the eve of International Labor Day, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met today with a group of exemplary laborers from across the country. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described labor as the driving force behind the progress of all societies.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that socialist and capitalist governments take advantage of laborers and added that in contrast to socialism and capitalism, Islam is honest with laborers and considers labor as valuable.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that it is necessary to apply Islamic principles to labor and laborers. He added that investment and labor are two essential requirements for national production and progress. \\\"It is necessary to value Iranian labor and investment so that national production becomes viable in the real sense of the word.\\\"
His Eminence stressed that the enemies have focused their plots on economic issues and added: \\\"The signs of this great plot are becoming more visible on a daily basis in current conditions. But by Allah\\\'s favor, the Iranian nation will remove this obstacle from its path by relying on the same willpower that helped them remove the previous obstacles.\\\"
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the efforts of Iranian laborers, investors and managers are the requirement for overcoming the economic plots of the enemy. He reiterated: \\\"The people should also reveal their determination to oppose the enemy by consuming our domestic products.\\\"
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the government should pay attention to the issue of domestic production and stated: \\\"There is a need for fundamental work in this area. The strength our economy depends on constant efforts by the executive, legislative and judiciary branches of government.\\\"
His Eminence said that supporting healthy economic activities, labor, production and investment is among the responsibilities of the three branches of government. He referred to the measures that should be adopted in this regard and added: \\\"Improving skills, training the workforce, adopting the correct managerial perspective and creating a sense of security both for laborers and for investors are among the things that should be done.\\\"
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that confronting and combating economic disruption in an appropriate way is a necessity for strengthening domestic production. He added that smuggling and misusing the money that the people have invested in the banks are among the manifestations of economic disruption.
He explained: \\\"Receiving large amounts of money from our banks to spend on a particular project and then diverting the money to other things is an example of treachery and stealing from the people, and it is necessary to confront such people.\\\"
Ayatollah Khamenei said that creating competition, improving the quality of domestic products and minimizing the cost of production are other requirements for national production. He added: \\\"The government should help our production units in this regard.\\\"
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: \\\"The three branches of government, different governmental organizations, the private sector, those who are in charge of improving the culture of our society, the IRIB and everybody else should be at the service of national production so that by Allah\\\'s favor, we can strike a serious blow to the blood-thirsty enemies of the Iranian nation.\\\"
[15 July 2015] Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei slams US as Perfect...
The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has urged all Iranians to be prepared to continue the fight against arrogant powers.
Speaking to a...
The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has urged all Iranians to be prepared to continue the fight against arrogant powers.
Speaking to a group of Iranian students, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the fight against global arrogance cannot be called off. The Leader stressed if there is no fight against arrogance, then the people won’t be true followers of the Quran. Ayatollah Khamenei made the comments in response to a question by a student who asked if the battle against arrogant powers will stop after a nuclear deal between Iran and the P-five-plus-one. The Leader also slammed the U-S as the perfect example of arrogance. Meanwhile, Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of the situation in Yemen. He strongly criticized the U-N for its silence towards Saudi Arabia’s unrelenting war on the impoverished country. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said he Security Council has issued only one resolution on Yemen in which it condemned those who are under the Saudi bombardment and not Riyadh, which bombards the Yemenis. Ayatollah Khamenei described it as one of the most disgraceful resolutions. The Leader added that Riyadh has been pounding Yemen for 100 days to take revenge against Iran over the country’s spiritual influence across the region. The Leader said the U-S officials and the quote-backward Arab governments admit to Iran’s wide spiritual presence in the region in their private talks.
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Complete Friday Speech of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Iranian nation\\\\\\\'s voice is echoed in the countries of the Muslim...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Iranian nation\\\\\\\'s voice is echoed in the countries of the Muslim world, pointing to the Tunisia revolution and Egypt uprising.
“Today, developments in North Africa, [including] Egypt, Tunisia and some other countries have a special meaning for the Iranian nation,” the Leader stated.
“This is what was always referred to as the Islamic awakening created by the victory of the great revolution of the Iranian nation,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in his comments during the Friday prayer sermons in Tehran.
Ayatollah Khamenei noted that Tunisia\\\\\\\'s former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was dependent on the US and even the CIA.
The Leader also pointed to the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as a “lackey of the Zionist Regime.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said that Americans and Israelis have become helpless in the face of freedom-seeking Egyptians and noted that irreparable defeat awaits the US and Israel in Tunisia and Egypt.
The Leader made a reference to Egyptians\\\\\\\' fight for “dignity and honor” and noted that Mubarak\\\\\\\'s biggest crime was to make Egypt a tool in the hands of the US.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Egyptian army would join the masses and will line up against the enemy.
Ayatollah Khamenei also said the Islamic Revolution in Iran disrupted the plots by Western countries trying to establish weak and vulnerable regimes in the Middle East.
The Leader said Iran\\\\\\\'s enemies have been launching a psychological war against it for the past 32 years, pointing to the 2009 post-election events in Iran as the enemies\\\\\\\' latest scenario to damage the Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Khamenei said their plots however will have no effect on the Iranian nation.
NO TALKS with the USA under pressure - Leader: Syed Ali Khamenei - 7 Feb...
The comments made by Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei are crystal-clear: No bilateral talks with the...
The comments made by Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei are crystal-clear: No bilateral talks with the United States as long as Washington\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s words do not match its deeds. Ayatollah Khamenei made the comments just days after US Vice President Joe Biden said Washington was prepared to hold direct talks with Iran.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has rejected any talks with the United States under pressure and threats.
“I am not a diplomat. I am a revolutionary and speak frankly, honestly, and firmly. An offer of talks makes sense only when the side [that makes the offer] shows its goodwill,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with the officials and commanders of Iran Navy on Thursday.
“Negotiation is meaningful when the two sides talk with goodwill, under equal conditions and without seeking to deceive each other. Therefore, ‘negotiation for the sake of negotiation’, ‘tactical negotiation’ and negotiation offer in order to sell a superpower\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s gesture to the world is a deceptive move,” the Leader stated.
Ayatollah Khamenei also noted that during the past four years, nothing has been seen from the United States but continuation of conspiracies, abetting seditionists and supporting the terrorists which assassinated Iranian nation’s scientists.
“You (the Americans) point the gun at Iran and say either negotiations or we pull the trigger! You should know that pressure and negotiations do not go together, and the [Iranian] nation will not be intimidated by such things.”
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the remarks by American officials that ‘the ball is now in Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s court,’ and noted, “The ball is in your court, because you should answer the question of whether speaking of negotiations at the same time as continuing pressure and threats makes any sense at all.”
The Leader pointed out, however, that, “We, of course, understand their (the Americans’) need for negotiations, because the Middle East policy of the Americans has failed, and in order to compensate for this failure, they need to play a trump card.”
Taking Iran to the negotiating table is the trump card that the US needs, Ayatollah Khamenei noted, adding that the US seeks to tell the world it has good will. “However, no one sees any goodwill.”
“Negotiation with the United States does not solve any problem because they have not fulfilled any of their promises in the past 60 years.”
Referring to the conspiracies by the enemies of the Iran including coups, military provocation, all-out support for the aggressor enemies, hard war, soft war, intensive pressure by the West’s evil media empire as well as harsh and increasing sanctions, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that for the past 30 years the enemies have tried to make Iranian nation disappointed at the Islamic Republic, but they have failed.
The Leader also stressed that the Iranian nation will castigate anybody who would renounce the national interests, sovereignty and progress of the country in order to satisfy the United States.
Speaking at the 49th annual Munich Security Conference in Germany on February 2, US Vice President Joe Biden said Washington was ready to hold direct talks with Iran over the country’s nuclear energy program.
The United States, the Israeli regime and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.
Iran argues that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
[03 Nov 2013] Leader defends Iranian negotiating team - English
The Leader of Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic Revolution has said Iranian youths were more than three decades ahead of their time when they called...
The Leader of Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic Revolution has said Iranian youths were more than three decades ahead of their time when they called the former US embassy in Tehran the nest of espionage. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei was speaking to a group of school and university students on the occasion of Student Day in Iran. The Leader referred to the fallout from US spying activities on other countries. He said the term is now being applied by Washington\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s closest allies to refer to US diplomatic missions on their soil. Ayatollah Khamenei further spoke of the talks between Iran and the UN Security Council\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s permanent members plus Germany. The Leader defended the Iranian negotiating team against criticism inside Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian negotiators are shouldering a tough responsibility, and advised against criticism that undermines officials on duty. The Leader however reiterated his skepticism of US intentions, adding a smiling enemy cannot be trusted. Ayatollah Khamenei said American officials claim they are willing to negotiate with Iran but at the same time they say all options are on the table.
This Is How The West Respects Women | Leader of the Muslim Ummah | Farsi...
The West claims to be the global defender of women\\\\\\\'s rights, but how true is this notion? Does Western culture elevate women or does it only...
The West claims to be the global defender of women\\\\\\\'s rights, but how true is this notion? Does Western culture elevate women or does it only claim to do so? This is what our dear Leader says.
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The Enemy is Trying to Destroy our Identity | Leader of the Islamic...
In the face of constant enemy aggression, what must we do to be victorious? What is our duty? What must we protect? The Leader speaks.
In the face of constant enemy aggression, what must we do to be victorious? What is our duty? What must we protect? The Leader speaks.
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The Enemys Plot | Leader of the Islamic Revolution | Farsi sub English
What is the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s main objective with regards to the Islamic Republic? What is the underlying aim behind all its actions when...
What is the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s main objective with regards to the Islamic Republic? What is the underlying aim behind all its actions when dealing with the Islamic Republic? What does the enemy want? The Leader speaks.
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The Danger of Infiltration | Leader of the Islamic Revolution | Farsi...
The enemy realises it cannot threaten the Islamic Republic with weapons and war, so it resorts to infiltration. What does the enemy hope to achieve...
The enemy realises it cannot threaten the Islamic Republic with weapons and war, so it resorts to infiltration. What does the enemy hope to achieve by infiltrating the Islamic Republic, and how does it do it? The Leader speaks.
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[238] Hadith Explanation by Imam Khamenei | Who Is The Leader Of The...
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei narrates and explains a tradition narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad...
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei narrates and explains a tradition narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), where his eminence speaks about and gives a unique attribute explaining \\\"Who Is The Leader Of The People?\\\".
So who can be the leader of the people?
What is a special quality that describes a person who can be the leader of the people?
What are two interpretations of the answer to the question of who is the leader of the people?
What is the importance of being of service to other people in society?
And generally, what happens to a person when they are given a position of leadership?
How different is this Islamic perspective of leadership when compared to that of materialistically oriented systems of leadership?
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei expounds upon the wise words of the Messenger of Allah (S), where the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about and answers the question, \\\"Who Is The Leader Of The People?\\\"
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Supreme Leader hails undeniable role of Basij in an address on Ghadeer...
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised Thursday the unique and undeniable role of Basij (Volunteer Forces)....
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised Thursday the unique and undeniable role of Basij (Volunteer Forces). Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in an address to a large gathering of 110,000 members of Basij called 'Devotees of Velayat (Leadership)' who had come to visit the Supreme Leader.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that Basij has presently become a 'clear, great and shining truth' of the Islamic society of Iran 'with no similar version.'
The Ayatollah added that Iran's Basiji forces were unique compared to other large forces in other countries as their large numbers could never bring together their hearts, while what has brought together Iran's Basiji forces, is the solidarity of their hearts.
'Basij is a gathering of hearts, a mobilization of faiths, souls and emotions,' said the Supreme Leader, stressing what was useful to go through the dark days 'is not a strong body but a strong heart.'
'You can smash mountains and go through difficult paths with strong hearts and faiths,' said the Supreme Leader.
Speech by Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei - 22nd death anniversary of Imam...
Speech of the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution , Ayatullah Imam Sayyed Ali al-Khamenei(HA) on June...
Speech of the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution , Ayatullah Imam Sayyed Ali al-Khamenei(HA) on June 4, 2011
Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with a large group of ordinary civilians from across the country. Speaking at the meeting, which was held on the occasion of the 22nd demise anniversary of Imam Khomeini (r.a.), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the issue of Palestine and stressed: \\\"Palestine cannot be partitioned, and it entirely belongs to Muslims. Palestine will undoubtedly be restored to the world of Islam.\\\"
13 Rajab - Leader Perceives Brilliant Future for Iranian Poetry - Farsi
Leader Perceives Brilliant Future for Iranian Poetry
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed...
Leader Perceives Brilliant Future for Iranian Poetry
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei met with tens of Iranian poets and poetesses on Wednesday, where he said the Iranian poetry now enjoys the potential to revive its lustrous past.
The meeting was held on the birthday anniversary of Shiite Islam\\\'s first Imam Hazrat Ali (AS), the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the father of the second and third Imams Hazrat Hassan ibn-e Ali (AS) and Hossein ibn-e Ali (AS).
At the meeting, a number of poets and poetesses recited some of their poems.
The Leader praised the depth and the richness of the recitations, and said contemporary poetry heralds a lustrous era for the Iranian literature and poetry in the near future.
The young poets and poetesses of the country will soon revive the brilliant poetry of the past, he said.
Leader names head of Arbitration council - IRIB News July 25-2011 - Farsi
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution appoints Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi as the head of Supreme Board of Arbitration and Adjustment of...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution appoints Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi as the head of Supreme Board of Arbitration and Adjustment of Relations among the Three Branches of Government.
“In accordance with section seven of the Article 110 of the Constitution, the Supreme Board of Arbitration and Adjustment of Relations among the Three Branches of Government is hereby established,” Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in a decree on Monday.
The Leader urged the high-ranking officials of the establishment to regulate the relations between the three branches of government in their interactions and resolve possible disputes.
Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi, member of the Expediency Council Seyyed Morteza Nabavi, Spokesman for the Guardian Council Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, Seyyed Samad Mousavi-Khoshdel were also appointed to the council.
Under the Iranian Constitution, the Leader is in charge of the arbitration and adjustment of relations among government branches. The newly-established board will report directly to the Leader
Leader lauds MENA Islamic Awakening - 7 August 2011 - English
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed the wave of Islamic Awakening in the Middle East and North Africa....
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed the wave of Islamic Awakening in the Middle East and North Africa.
Ayatollah Khamenei said on Sunday that the Islamic Awakening in the region has been unprecedented since the Islamic Revolution, the official website of the Leader reported.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution made the remarks addressing the heads of the three branches of government, chairman of Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Assembly of Experts, a number of Iranian parliament members and military commanders, and many other senior officials of the Islamic Republic.
Ayatollah Khamenei also spoke about the deteriorating image of the United States in the Middle East, noting that Washington is also facing serious challenges at home, including a deepening economic crisis.
[Learning] This is How a Leader Speaks !!! - Iranian President vs....
"Business of a Great Leader Resemble in his Answers when he Speaks" starring a coward man named Musharraf, who 1st degrades his own...
"Business of a Great Leader Resemble in his Answers when he Speaks" starring a coward man named Musharraf, who 1st degrades his own country when asked a question portraying Pakistan as a country of barbarians and animals where things happen in probably an animalistic way then on a second question about whether or not he'll catch Bin Laden (who doesn't even exist) on US Orders, is more than happy to do so, and render any services US shall require.
I would like to seriously contend, that THIS IS HOW A GREAT LEADER SPEAKS ... A man, who cannot stand the TRUTH is not worthy of being called a Leader like the man named Musharraf. He is one coward about whom Israeli Foreign Minister said on record, and I quote ..
"Being a Proud and Staunch Jewish, Never in my Life I could even dream I would be praying for the life of a Muslim, but now I do .. for Musharraf"
This shows the state of slavery that man has pushed his nation into, no matter how confidently he can answer the journalists, because it doesn't matter. Being able to Answer confidently, when you're not even standing with the truth is no metric to measure LEADERSHIP.
A True Leader is one who stands for a CAUSE, not for others' causes .. He is the one who Stands for Truth, because even if you are in the Minority of ONE, Truth.. shall Still be the Truth ...
[03 Nov 2013] Leader: US has lost its political & military power in...
The Leader of Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic Revolution says the United States has lost its political and military power and turned into a country...
The Leader of Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic Revolution says the United States has lost its political and military power and turned into a country grappling with its biggest economic and financial problems. He was addressing a group of school and university students on the occasion of Student Day in Iran. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the U-S is suffering from political problems and divisions which led to the recent shutdown of the federal government. The Leader noted that Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s current economic hardships pale in comparison with those of the US administration. Ayatollah Khamenei said US officials made projections some 11 years ago about having 14-thousand billion dollars in extra revenues by 2011 or 2012, and that now, in practice, they are suffering from a huge 17-thousand billion dollar deficit. Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Leader said that this alone shows America\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s true economic situation and the inaccuracy of their official calculations. Ayatollah Khamenei also made mention of deep divisions among Washington\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s allies, saying that the U-S has failed to convince even its closest partners like France or Britain to back its decision on launching a strike against Syria.