[19 March 2017] Detrás de la Razón - Madres sin hijos quiere Trump,...
Seamos completamente imparciales, como debemos siempre serlo y como la esencia del periodismo y del ser humano lo demanda.
Recuerdo esta...
Seamos completamente imparciales, como debemos siempre serlo y como la esencia del periodismo y del ser humano lo demanda.
Recuerdo esta directriz porque quiero preguntar algo muy delicado: si está bien violar el derecho sagrado de la vida de una madre para proteger el derecho propio. Preguntemos si está bien usar una medida despiadada para disuadir que violen mi ley.
Preguntemos más aun, ¿debido a que es mi país, tenemos derecho a hacer lo que nos plazca porque es nuestro país?, y si no quieres venir a mi país, pues no vengas, y mucho menos te quejes. Esto es más o menos el pensamiento que quiere aplicar el presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, para disuadir la migración a su país.
Aplicar una medida horrenda y despiadada: quitarle los hijos a las madres cuando pisen su país de manera ilegal, a la madre la encarcela, después la deporta y al hijo le pone una nueva madre, llámese un orfanato, un lugar que él llama humano de cuidados, o le contacta con familiares del migrante. Pero rompe la familia, dejando a los padres del lado latino y al hijo en el primer mundo.
¿Es correcto que un país que dice respetar los derechos humanos cometa este tipo de violaciones? Pero el asunto es que, es su país, y entonces cómo defender lo ético desde lo jurídico. Pues en su país puede hacer lo que se le dé la gana, argumenta Trump.
Ahora, si nos vamos a la pregunta ontológica, ¿quién le dio derecho a EE.UU. de seleccionar quién entra y quién no, si su esencia fue justa esa, apropiarse por la fuerza de ese territorio, rompiendo la naturaleza y violando a las tribus que ahí habitaban, para después hoy vender el derecho de visa? Eso si no suena ético.
Más aun, el argumento base de todo esto, que está basado en una falacia, Trump quiere impedir la migración porque dice que ese fenómeno es la causa de que los estadounidenses estén en la bancarrota, sin empleo, en un caos sin ley y con mucho crimen.
No es una cuestión de insulto o no, de falta de respeto o no, es una cuestión básica de sentido común, pues los migrantes en EE.UU. son una parte fundamental de la economía más poderosa del planeta, desde genios en la informática hasta albañiles mal pagados con los que se enriquecen constructoras como la de Trump, pero sobre todo, la comunidad migrante latina en EE.UU., es una de las más grandes consumidoras del mundo. Cómo se atreve hablar así de su propia fuerza laboral y económica.
Lo más curioso es que los niños siguen llegando y en los últimos meses se arrestaron a 54 mil pequeños con sus acompañantes, entre octubre del año pasado y enero de este, antes de que tomara Trump su mandato.
¿Trump está continuando al expresidente de EE.UU. Barack Obama quien se disfrazó de corderito, pues no estaba en contra de Obama? A esto le contraponemos la cuestión humana, ¿el arrancar al hijo de su madre no provoca una lesión psiquiátrica al individuo hasta el final de sus días? ¿No son medidas nazis, con el pretexto de proteger su país, su pueblo y la supremacía de su país?
Más aún, si la frontera de EE.UU. es perforada como queso con agujeros por migrantes ignorantes, débiles, incultos, que como cualquier ser vivo quiere una vida mejor ¿es en realidad culpa de los migrantes o de la Policía de EE.UU. que está llena de corrupción?
Porque no se podría explicar de otra forma, que una de las fronteras más seguras del mundo, vigiladas por drones, satélites, cámaras infrarrojas, patrullas y miles de agentes, y también un muro de cientos de kilómetros, inconcluso hasta ahora, sea traspasada caminando por inmigrantes inexpertos a menos que alguien cobre la entrada a EE.UU. Y no serán ni mexicanos ni centroamericanos los que cobren, sino obviamente los del \"control room\", los que controlan la seguridad de los propios EE.UU.
Porque ¿tienen la tecnología para encontrar a un terrorista entre valles y montañas del mundo, escondido además metros bajo tierra, y no tienen la tecnología para frenar a un pobre migrante que corre del frío, las víboras y los coyotes, durante cientos de kilómetros para llegar a un Freeways que lo lleve al sueño americano?
Hay algo que no cuadra. Si va a romper familias con su pretexto de hacer respetar la ley, porque no hace que sus policías respeten la ley y deporten a las familias enteras, por lo menos para no provocar una lesión peor a un ser humano que está empezando a vivir.
Familias rotas en Detrás de la Razón. Opine usted también en nuestra página de YouTube y promueva el debate de ideas contrarias con el público de todo el mundo.
Y recuerde: En Detrás de la Razón, preguntamos. Apoyamos la idea de justicia en cada quién y cuestionamos todo. Los analistas contestan y usted en su casa concluye. Y si la realidad hace lo que quiere, entonces nosotros volveremos a preguntar. Lo importante es descubrir los ángulos que no dicen los Gobiernos ni los medios de comunicación.
El análisis, las preguntas y respuestas a las nueve y treinta de la noche, desde los estudios de Teherán; Londres y Madrid, siete de la tarde; México a las 12 y Colombia, una de la tarde.
Por: Roberto de la Madrid.
As Russia Reneges On S-300 Deal, Iran Announces It Will Develop Its Own...
Iran to build system similar to S-300
Iran says the construction of a missile defense system similar to the sophisticated Russian S-300...
Iran to build system similar to S-300
Iran says the construction of a missile defense system similar to the sophisticated Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system is still on the country's agenda.
Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told reporters on Wednesday that Iran still plans to construct the system.
His remarks come after Moscow decided to suspend a much-delayed deal to deliver the system to Iran.
"A decision has been taken not to supply the S-300 to Iran, they undoubtedly fall under sanctions," chief of the Russian General Staff, Gen. Nikolai Makarov said on Wednesday.
"The authorities decided to suspend the process of supplies," ITAR-TASS News Agency quoted Makarov as saying.
Under a contract signed in 2005, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 air-defense systems. However, Moscow's continuous delays in delivering the defense system drew criticism from Tehran on several occasions.
Following the adoption of Resolution 1929 by UN Security Council (UNSC) against Iran, Russian authorities began making conflicting statements about how the new sanctions would affect the contract.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said in June that Moscow would "freeze the delivery of the S-300 missiles" to Iran as it runs counter to the new round of UN Security Council sanctions on the country.
Putin's remarks came as Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had earlier said UN sanctions would not affect the S-300 contract with Iran, as these missiles are "defensive weapons" and do not fall under the terms of the sanctions.
Iran has been trying to obtain the sophisticated defense system to improve its deterrence power in reaction to Israeli war rhetoric.
Experts believe the S-300 missile defense system can shield Iranian nuclear sites from any Israeli airstrike.
Article Source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/143576.html
Dar e Zahra (s.a.) - Urdu Islamic Animation Film for Children...
Al Muntazar TV Presents
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلي ألله عليك يا ولي العصر (عج) ادركنا...
Al Muntazar TV Presents
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلي ألله عليك يا ولي العصر (عج) ادركنا
Jis ke darwaze se koi Saael, koi Maangne wala, Khaali haath nahi gaya,
woh Dar-e-Zahra (s.a.) hai,
Jis k darwaaze par Rizwan-e-Jannat, khayyaat ban kar aayein,
woh Dar-e-Zahra (s.a.) hai,
Jis k darwaaze par Jibraeel bhi baghair ijaazat daakhil naa ho,
woh Dar-e-Zehra (s.a.) hai,
Ek lafz me kaha jaayein, Jis Dar par Quran ki Aayatien naazil hoti hain,
woh Dar-e-Zahra (s.a.) hai.
Wiladat Ba Sa\'aadat Janab-e-Zahra (s.a.) aapko aur Tamaam Mohibbaan e Ahlebait (a.s.) ko bahot bahot Mubarak ho
Parwardigaar tujhe Waasta hai Ummul Aimma Janab-e-Zahra (s.a.) ka, hamare Imam-e-Waqt (atfs) ke Zuhoor mein Taa\'jeel Farmaa
On this auspicious occasion of Wiladat of Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a.) Al Muntazar TV presents:
📖 Islamic Animation: Dar e Zahra (s.a) –
[درِ زہراء [سلام الله علیہا
Dar e Zahra (s.a.) - Urdu Islamic Animation Film for Children - 2018
An Animation children Islamic story film based on Incident of Blessed Door of Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a) in Urdu made especially for Kids.
The Incident is based on Holy Quran Surah Ad - Dahr Ayat # 5 - 9.
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as)...
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Abdullah bin Umar met Aba Abdillah al-Husayn (as) in Medina. He said, “I’ve heard you want to go.” “Yes, come with me and help us,” said the Imam. “No, I can’t,” he said. “O Abdullah bin Umar, this world is not worth it. Come with me.” The Imam then told him a reason for him to be able to think correctly. He said, “This world is such that the Children of Israel would behead their prophet at night and live their life comfortably in the morning.” The Imam recited an elegy for one of the beheaded prophets in order to help Abdullah bin Umar lose his infatuation with this world. “This world isn’t worth it. Come with me. It’s a world where such crimes take place.”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? You friends who are mourning for Aba Abdillah al-Husayn and who love him, accept this that we have just started our relationship with Imam Husayn (as). The Imam’s martyrdom has not yet affected us. Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. It’s when you take this elegy seriously on the night of Ashura, “Tonight the king of religion is a guest in her tent. O morning, don’t rise!”
Who can be affected by Aba Abdillah al-Husayn’s (as) martyrdom? The one who has this unusual thought the night before Ashura, “Maybe they won’t kill Husayn (as) tomorrow. Maybe. Could it be possible?” You say, “The story finished 1,400 years ago!” But when one has an intense love, his mind functions like this and is under the influence of his love. When he is told that Husayn, the son of Lady Fatimah, was martyred on the evening of Ashura, his life changes. He’ll live differently from the next day. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. He’ll live differently. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
Detrás de la Razón - Diálogos nucleares - 4 April 2015 - Spanish
Finalmente y después de 12 años de tensiones, triunfó el diálogo. Las 6 potencias del mundo, EE.UU., China, Alemania, Francia, Rusia, y el...
Finalmente y después de 12 años de tensiones, triunfó el diálogo. Las 6 potencias del mundo, EE.UU., China, Alemania, Francia, Rusia, y el Reino Unido, llegaron a un entendimiento con los iraníes.
Un principio de acuerdo basado en el respeto y el derecho internacional que apunta a reconocer el derecho inalienable del país persa de tener su programa nuclear pacífica, y además el levantamiento de las sanciones que han tratado de aislarlo del concierto mundial económico.
Fue después de maratónicas sesiones de día y noche después de dos semanas en un hotel de Lausana, Suiza. Diálogos que comenzaron hace 2 años con un nuevo ángulo para terminar con la sinrazón de sancionar a Irán.
Hubo muchos aplazamientos y prórrogas pero finalmente el canciller iraní, Mohamad Yavad Zarif, y la jefa de Diplomacia de la Unión Europea (UE), Federica Mogherini, leyeron el principio de entendimiento que marca un periodo para la redacción del texto final y entendimientos técnicos para que se firme el acuerdo total en unos meses.
Entonces el mundo será mejor. Porque se habrá demostrado que la razón, el derecho, y el respeto están por arriba del rencor militar, y que esos ingredientes son los únicos para que haya paz en el mundo.
¿En qué consiste el punto de entendimiento? ¿A qué se compromete Irán? ¿A qué se comprometen las potencias del mundo con los persas? ¿Qué enemigos hay? ¿Cuántas centrifugadoras nucleares, porcentajes de uranio, y restricciones militares? Todo esto y más en Detrás de la Razón, esta noche en Teherán, a las 18:00 GMT.
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Imam Ali’s (as) Beautiful Entertainment Agha Ali Raza...
See the Imam’s (as) outlook
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See the Imam’s (as) outlook
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There is a beautiful tradition narrated from a man named Nauf. He said, “I saw Imam Ali (as) turn away from everyone and move away quickly and eagerly.” Have you seen when someone is pursuing something he likes how he moves away from others? He doesn’t say goodbye ten times. He‘s like an arrow that has been shot from a bow! This is a description of how the Imam went away.
The man asked him, “Where are you going?” It was midnight when he saw the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (as), leaving! Now see how the Imam said he wanted to go pray the Midnight Prayer and worship. [The Imam said,] “Nauf, leave me. Indeed my longings take me to the presence of my beloved.”
O Imam, may I be sacrificed for you. Worshiping to you is going toward your longings, right? May I be sacrificed for you. It’s obvious that this worshiping is fun and enjoyable for you.
“I said, ‘My master, what are your longings?’ The Imam said, ‘The One Who should know, the One Whom I long for knows this Himself. I don’t need to tell this to anyone else.’”
See how the Commander of the Faithful talked. This is how he was. Nauf said, “O Commander of the Faithful, I’m afraid of my greed...”He saw Imam Ali’s (as) position. He looked at himself and said he’s afraid! Nauf was a good person. He saw Imam Ali’s (as) longings and what was fun to him. So Nauf said he was afraid of his own greed for this world. He saw that he didn’t have that same enthusiasm the Imam had for worshiping. He asked what he should do. The Imam (as) was surprised.
The Imam said, “Why don’t you take refuge with He Who protects those who are afraid and is the shelter of the mystics?” Why don’t you get help from God? He gives refuge. If you’re truly afraid, He gives refuge to those who are afraid. Get help from God Himself! He is the shelter of the mystics. You understood you’re not in a good situation? You understood there is a better situation? He is the shelter of the mystics. He gives refuge Himself. Why do you ask the Imam?
What a truly high-level conversation. It is very beautiful and mystical. Nauf said, “Guide me to Him.” I don’t know how to read the words of the Commander of the Faithful (as). The Imam said, “He is the Exalted and Great God. Attach your longings to His good grace.” This is how worshiping becomes something fun and enjoyable! See the Commander of the Faithful’s (as) outlook. The Exalted and Great God will take you to your longings. Don’t you want to be like this?! So ask Him. God will take you to your longings. [The Imam said,] “Don’t you want to worship God like me?!” The Imam didn’t say, “like me.” I’m saying it like this. Don’t you want to worship God like the Imam? God will take you to your longings.
What is worshiping my dear ones? Worshiping means you talk about your longings with God and He takes you to them. O God, so worshiping is fun and enjoyable.
The 3 Qualities of the Messenger (S) That You Must Have | Imam...
How does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution describe the people of Iran?
And who are the followers of the Holy Prophet (S)?
How does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution describe the people of Iran?
And who are the followers of the Holy Prophet (S)?
But what does it mean to truly ‘follow’ the Messenger of Allah (S)?
Whom does the holy Qur\'an present as an excellent role model for the Muslims and humanity as a whole?
Furthermore, is it possible to follow the holy Prophet (S) perfectly in every aspect of our lives?
And how does the honorable wife of the Holy Prophet (S) describe him?
And finally, what are three characteristics of the Holy Prophet (S) that Imam Khamenei asks us to give importance to and follow?
Imam Khamenei talks about the vastness of the character of the Holy Prophet (S) and explains what it means to truly follow him.
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Attain Allah's Blessings In The Holy Month of Ramadhan | One Minute...
Do you want to \\\"Attain Allah\\\'s Blessings In The Holy Month of Ramadhan\\\"?
What are three easy things that we can do in this...
Do you want to \\\"Attain Allah\\\'s Blessings In The Holy Month of Ramadhan\\\"?
What are three easy things that we can do in this holiest of holy months, the holy month of Ramadhan that can help us attain Allah\\\'s blessings?
What does the Messenger of Allah (S) say about all this?
Finally, what do orphans and family ties have to do with all these interesting questions?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom using the beautiful, wise, and immaculate words of the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), who gave a magnificent sermon regarding the holy month of Ramadhan found in the following references: Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, v . 96, p. 157 and al-Saduq, Uyun Akhbar al-Redha, v. 1, p. 295.
Salutations and congratulations to all the believers, all across the world, wherever you are, on the most holiest of holy months, the holy month of Ramadhan.
And before it\\\'s all over and done with, make sure to take every opportunity to \\\"Attain Allah\\\'s Blessings In The Holy Month of Ramadhan\\\".
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[29 Nov 2015] Common Worry - Supreme Leader slams West’s support for...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
To the Youth in Western Countries,
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation, however the truth is that if painful matters do not create the grounds for finding solutions and mutual consultation, then the damage caused will be multiplied.
The pain of any human being anywhere in the world causes sorrow for a fellow human being. The sight of a child losing his life in the presence of his loved ones, a mother whose joy for her family turns into mourning, a husband who is rushing the lifeless body of his spouse to some place and the spectator who does not know whether he will be seeing the final scene of life- these are scenes that rouse the emotions and feelings of any human being. Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
Without a doubt, the one-and-a-half billion Muslims also have these feelings and abhor and are revolted by the perpetrators and those responsible for these calamities. The issue, however, is that if today’s pain is not used to build a better and safer future, then it will just turn into bitter and fruitless memories. I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship, have the power to discover new means for building the future and who can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
It is correct that today terrorism is our common worry. However it is necessary for you to know that the insecurity and strain that you experienced during the recent events, differs from the pain that the people of Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have been experiencing for many years, in two significant ways. First, the Islamic world has been the victim of terror and brutality to a larger extent territorially, to greater amount quantitatively and for a longer period in terms of time. Second, that unfortunately this violence has been supported by certain great powers through various methods and effective means.
Today, there are very few people who are uninformed about the role of the United States of America in creating, nurturing and arming al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their inauspicious successors. Besides this direct support, the overt and well-known supporters of takfiri terrorism- despite having the most backward political systems- are standing arrayed as allies of the west while the most pioneering, brightest and most dynamic democrats in the region are suppressed mercilessly. The prejudiced response of the west to the awakening movement in the Islamic world is an illustrative example of the contradictory western policies.
I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
The other side of these contradictory policies is seen in supporting the state terrorism of Israel. The oppressed people of Palestine have experienced the worst kind of terrorism for the last sixty years. If the people of Europe have now taken refuge in their homes for a few days and refrain from being present in busy places- it is decades that a Palestinian family is not secure even in its own home from the Zionist regime’s death and destruction machinery. What kind of atrocious violence today is comparable to that of the settlement constructions of the Zionists regime?
This regime- without ever being seriously and significantly censured by its influential allies or even by the so-called independent international organizations- everyday demolishes the homes of Palestinians and destroys their orchards and farms. This is done without even giving them time to gather their belongings or agricultural products and usually it is done in front of the terrified and tear-filled eyes of women and children who witness the brutal beatings of their family members who in some cases are being dragged away to gruesome torture chambers. In today’s world, do we know of any other violence on this scale and scope and for such an extended period of time?
Shooting down a woman in the middle of the street for the crime of protesting against a soldier who is armed to the teeth- if this is not terrorism, what is? This barbarism, because it is being done by the armed forces of an occupying government, should not be called extremism? Or maybe only because these scenes have been seen repeatedly on television screens for sixty years, they should no longer stir our consciences.
The military invasions of the Islamic world in recent years- with countless victims- are another example of the contradictory logic of the west. The assaulted countries, in addition to the human damage caused, have lost their economic and industrial infrastructure, their movement towards growth and development has been stopped or delayed and in some cases, has been thrown back decades. Despite all this, they are rudely being asked not to see themselves as oppressed. How can a country be turned into ruins, have its cities and towns covered in dust and then be told that it should please not view itself as oppressed? Instead of enticements to not understand and to not mention disasters, would not an honest apology be better? The pain that the Islamic world has suffered in these years from the hypocrisy and duplicity of the invaders is not less than the pain from the material damage.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives. In my opinion, the first step in creating security and peace is reforming this violence-breeding mentality. Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good” and “bad” types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.
Unfortunately, these roots have taken hold in the depths of western political culture over the course of many years and they have caused a soft and silent invasion. Many countries of the world take pride in their local and national cultures, cultures which through development and regeneration have soundly nurtured human societies for centuries. The Islamic world is not an exception to this. However in the current era, the western world with the use of advanced tools is insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. I consider the imposition of western culture upon other peoples and the trivialization of independent cultures as a form of silent violence and extreme harmfulness.
Humiliating rich cultures and insulting the most honored parts of these, is occurring while the alternative culture being offered in no way has any qualification for being a replacement. For example, the two elements of “aggression” and “moral promiscuity” which unfortunately have become the main elements of western culture, has even degraded the position and acceptability of its source region.
So now the question is: are we “sinners” for not wanting an aggressive, vulgar and fatuous culture? Are we to be blamed for blocking the flood of impropriety that is directed towards our youth in the shape of various forms of quasi-art? I do not deny the importance and value of cultural interaction. Whenever these interactions are conducted in natural circumstances and with respect for the receiving culture, they result in growth, development and richness. On the contrary, inharmonious interactions have been unsuccessful and harmful impositions.
We have to state with full regret that vile groups such as DAESH are the spawn of such ill-fated pairings with imported cultures. If the matter was simply theological, we would have had to witness such phenomena before the colonialist era, yet history shows the contrary. Authoritative historical records clearly show how colonialist confluence of extremist and rejected thoughts in the heart of a Bedouin tribe, planted the seed of extremism in this region. How then is it possible that such garbage as DAESH comes out of one of the most ethical and humane religious schools who as part of its inner core, includes the notion that taking the life of one human being is equivalent to killing the whole humanity?
One has to ask why people who are born in Europe and who have been intellectually and mentally nurtured in that environment are attracted to such groups? Can we really believe that people with only one or two trips to war zones, suddenly become so extreme that they can riddle the bodies of their compatriots with bullets? On this matter, we certainly cannot forget about the effects of a life nurtured in a pathologic culture in a corrupt environment borne out of violence. On this matter, we need complete analyses, analyses that see the hidden and apparent corruptions. Maybe a deep hate- planted in the years of economic and industrial growth and borne out of inequality and possibly legal and structural prejudice- created ideas that every few years appear in a sickening manner.
Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
In any case, you are the ones that have to uncover the apparent layers of your own society and untie and disentangle the knots and resentments. Fissures have to be sealed, not deepened. Hasty reactions is a major mistake when fighting terrorism which only widens the chasms. Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America- which are comprised of millions of active and responsible human beings- and which would deprive them of their basic rights more than has already happened and which would drive them away from society- not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
Superficial measures and reactions, especially if they take legal forms, will do nothing but increase the current polarizations, open the way for future crises and will result in nothing else. According to reports received, some countries in Europe have issued guidelines encouraging citizens to spy on Muslims. This behavior is unjust and we all know that pursuing injustice has the characteristic of unwanted reversibility. Besides, the Muslims do not deserve such ill-treatment. For centuries, the western world has known Muslims well- the day that westerners were guests in Islamic lands and were attracted to the riches of their hosts and on another day when they were hosts and benefitted from the efforts and thoughts of Muslims- they generally experienced nothing but kindness and forbearance.
Therefore I want you youth to lay the foundations for a correct and honorable interaction with the Islamic world based on correct understanding, deep insight and lessons learned from horrible experiences. In such a case and in the not too distant future, you will witness the edifice built on these firm foundations which creates a shade of confidence and trust which cools the crown of its architect, a warmth of security and peace that it bequests on them and a blaze of hope in a bright future which illuminates the canvass of the earth.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
8th of Azar, 1394 - 29th of Nov, 2015
It\'s All God\'s Fault | One Minute Wisdom | English
Sometimes we end up committing sins, which is bad enough, but sometimes we go a few steps ahead and do something even worse.
What is that...
Sometimes we end up committing sins, which is bad enough, but sometimes we go a few steps ahead and do something even worse.
What is that something worse that we might end up doing after we have committed a sin?
And why is that something so bad?
And what do we attribute to Allah when we say \\\\\\\"It\\\\\\\'s All God\\\\\\\'s Fault\\\\\\\"?
Finally, what does Allah actually want for us?
Sayyid Shahryar explains using the wise and eloquent words of the tenth divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibne Muhammad al-Naqi (A).
Hey, remember, it\\\\\\\'s never God\\\\\\\'s fault, but it most probably is yours.
Still, it\\\\\\\'s never too late to make amends, even if it is your fault.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #God #Fault #Sin
Video Tags:
[12 July 2012] Moscow to resume supply of S-300 to Iran - English
[12 July 2012] Moscow to resume supply of S 300 to Iran - English
The contract to supply Iran with air defense S-300 was signed in late 2007....
[12 July 2012] Moscow to resume supply of S 300 to Iran - English
The contract to supply Iran with air defense S-300 was signed in late 2007. Despite the advance payments in 2010, former Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, signed a decree on measures to implement the fourth sanctions resolution in the UN Security Council against Iran, which called for a ban on the transfer of S-300 to Iran.
Margarita Bogdanova, Press TV, Moscow
Detrás de la Razón - Refugiados sin refugio - 06Sept2015 - Spanish
Published on Sep 6, 2015
El angelito con las alas rotas, tirado como basura en la orilla del mar, asfixiado por la desesperación, con su boca...
Published on Sep 6, 2015
El angelito con las alas rotas, tirado como basura en la orilla del mar, asfixiado por la desesperación, con su boca tragando arena, ha hecho consciente al mundo de las malditas decisiones que se han tomado desde Europa, desde Arabia Saudí, desde Turquía y desde Washington.
\\\"Querido niño mío... ¡Cómo dueles en Europa! Si la cruel muerte te hubiera encontrado unas semanas antes, antes de abandonar Kobani (Siria), como a tantos otros, nadie sabría de ti, nadie se daría golpes de pecho, nadie lloraría con el perturbador relato de tu padre\\\", escribe nuestra compañera y corresponsal Raquel González.
El angelito con las alas rotas, es el símbolo de inocentes martirizados por los terroristas que devoran Siria, sangre que las potencias del mundo disimulan no ver, pero que hoy a la fuerza tienen que ver (200 mil sirios asesinados, más de 11 millones de desplazados).
El funeral de este pequeño y las palabras de su padre han estremecido el sentimiento mundial, pero la fotografía de la tragedia continúa, si no es el mar y la muerte, entonces les toca lo que estamos viendo en Budapest (capital de Hungría).
Aunque vivos, sucumbirán a la mirada de humillación absoluta, tirados en el suelo, entre la basura o entre el tolete policial. Los dejaron subir al tren, pero los mandaron a un encierro para refugiados. No les abrieron el paso a su Europa soñada, la de Alemania.
Inglaterra acepta un poquito más de refugiados, España dice que no puede, muchos le echan la culpa a la canciller de Alemania, Angela Merkel, por la crisis migratoria. Rusia, a toda Europa.
Pero el problema no son los migrantes ni una Europa incapaz de aceptarlos. El problema es lo que hizo el Occidente con Oriente Medio para ver lo que estamos viendo. El apoyo a las rebeliones y terrorismo ha provocado uno de los más grandes éxodos con dimensiones inconcebibles.
El problema es que lo que se puede hacer ahora, no se hace: ¿Por qué no en vez de contener la migración, detienen la guerra y el terror en Oriente Medio y así ya nadie huiría? ¿Por qué no los Ejércitos más poderosos del mundo, en un santiamén exterminan a los terroristas de los que huía el niñito Aylan?
Heaven's First Gate | One Minute Wisdom | English
There\\\\\\\'s a beautiful tradition where the honorable Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about what his eminence...
There\\\\\\\'s a beautiful tradition where the honorable Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about what his eminence saw when on the Me\\\\\\\'raj, the Ascension, towards the Heavens.
What did the Messenger of Allah see?
What did the Messenger of Allah hear?
How many gates does Heaven have?
And what was written upon \\\\\\\"Heaven\\\\\\\'s First Gate\\\\\\\"?
Sayyid Shahryar tells us about this golden tradition, that even though it passes quickly in this \\\\\\\"One Minute Wisdom\\\\\\\", will have you rewinding, pausing and writing down these secrets of the world and the hereafter.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #Heaven #Meraj #Ascension #Prophet #Muhammad #Life
Video Tags:
Heaven's Eighth Gate | One Minute Wisdom | English
There\\\\\\\'s a beautiful tradition where the honorable Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about what his eminence...
There\\\\\\\'s a beautiful tradition where the honorable Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about what his eminence saw when on the Me\\\\\\\'raj, the Ascension, towards the Heavens.
What did the Messenger of Allah see?
What did the Messenger of Allah hear?
How many gates does Heaven have?
And what was written upon \\\\\\\"Heaven\\\\\\\'s Eighth Gate\\\\\\\"?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar tells us one last time about this golden tradition because we have reached the last gate of Heaven.
So pay attention because though this minute passes by all too quickly in this \\\\\\\"One Minute Wisdom\\\\\\\", you might still have to rewind and write down these secrets of the world and the hereafter.
And hey, it\\\\\\\'s never a bad idea to start again from \\\\\\\"Heaven\\\\\\\'s First Gate\\\\\\\"!
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #Heaven #Meraj #Ascension #Prophet #Muhammad #Life
Video Tags:
Reaction of a Martyr\'s Parents | Shaheed Mahdi Sabiri | Farsi Sub English
OWho was Shaheed Mahdi Sabiri?
How did the father of Shaheed Mahdi react when he found out about his son\\\'s martyrdom?
How did the mother...
OWho was Shaheed Mahdi Sabiri?
How did the father of Shaheed Mahdi react when he found out about his son\\\'s martyrdom?
How did the mother of Shaheed Mahdi react when she found out about her son\\\'s martyrdom?
What did the mother of Shaheed Mahdi say to her brother after she found out about her son\\\'s martyrdom?
This clip is a beautiful narrative of one of the Defenders of the Shrine and how Shaheed Mahdi\\\'s family reacted to his martyrdom.
O\\\' followers of lady Zaynab;
you are the Dua of lady Zaynab!
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Leader\'s visit to Imam Khomeini\'s shrine Feb 2014
Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s visit to Imam Khomeini\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s shrine Feb 2014
Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s visit to Imam Khomeini\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s shrine Feb 2014
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Detrás de la Razón - Crímenes de Daesh - Spanish
La degeneración humana en su máxima expresión. Un río de fuego que corre por el suelo y sube por las venas de un piloto jordano, gritando el...
La degeneración humana en su máxima expresión. Un río de fuego que corre por el suelo y sube por las venas de un piloto jordano, gritando el dolor más grande, la muerte.
En el show más aterrador, terroristas del grupo takfirí EIIL (Daesh, en árabe) queman vivo a su rehén y lo registran en un video de gran producción lo que hace que la saña sea aún peor.
Es este el mundo de hoy que las superpotencias o lo ignoran o lo controlan, pero que de cualquier forma exhibe que la empatía de la raza humana se extingue rápidamente, lo que significa que estamos fabricando al nuevo ser humano del siglo de la degeneración.
¿Quién patrocina este video? ¿Quiénes fueron los artistas de la muerte para producir esta película real? ¿Dónde trabajan? ¿Qué pretende el EIIL con producciones estilo Hollywood?, la reacción del mundo, y el llamado que se hace desde Egipto para exterminar a uno y cada uno de los terroristas del EIIL.
Todo esto hoy, en \\\'Detrás de la Razón\\\'.
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