[ENGLISH e-Book] Al-Ghadir and its Relevance to ISLAMIC UNITY by Shaheed...
Message of Thaqalayn
\"Al-Ghadir\" and its Relevance to Islamic Unity
Ayatullah Murtaza...
Message of Thaqalayn
\"Al-Ghadir\" and its Relevance to Islamic Unity
Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari
Translated by Mojgan Jalali
Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2 (1417 AH/1996 CE)
The distinguished book entitled \"al-Ghadir\" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity. In this review the Islamic unity has been dealt with from a social point of view.
Contemporary Muslim thinkers and reformists are of the view that unity and solidarity of Muslims are the most imperative Islamic exigencies at the present juncture when the enemies have made extensive inroads upon the Islamic community and have tried to resort to different ways and means to spread the old differences and create new ones. We are aware that Islamic unity and fraternity is the focus of attention of the Holy Legislator of Islam and is actually the major objective pursued by this Divine religion as firmed by the Qur\'an, the \"Sunnah\", and the history of Islam.
For this reason, some people have been faced with this question: Wouldn\'t the compilation and publication of a book such as \"al-Ghadir\" which deals with the oldest issue of differences among the Muslims- create a barrier in the way of the sublime and lofty objective of the Islamic unity?
To answer this question, it is necessary first to elucidate the essence of this issue, that is, the Islamic unity, and then proceed to examine the role of the magnum opus entitled \"al-Ghadir\"and its eminent compiler \'Allamah Amini in bringing about Islamic unity.
Islamic Unity
What is meant by the Islamic unity? Does it mean that one Islamic school of thought should be unanimously followed and others be set aside? Or does it mean that the commonalties of all Islamic schools of thought should be taken up and their differences be put away to make up a new denomination which is not completely the same as the previous ones? Or does it mean that Islamic unity is in no way related to the unity of the different schools of Fiqh (jurisprudence) but signifies the unity of the Muslims and the unity of the followers of different schools of Fiqh, with their different religious ideas and views, vis-a-vis the aliens?
To give an illogical and impractical meaning to the issue of the Islamic unity, the opponents of the issue have called it to be the formation of a single Madhhab, so as to defeat it in the very first step. Without doubt, by the term Islamic unity, the intellectual Islamic \'Ulama\' (scholars) do not mean that all denominations should give in to one denomination or that the commonalties should be taken up and the different views and ideas be set aside, as these are neither rational and logical nor favorable and practical. By the Islamic unity these scholars mean that all Muslims should unite in one line against their common enemies.
These scholars slate that Muslims have many things in common, which can serve as the foundations of a firm unity. All Muslims worship the One Almighty and believe in the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (s). The Qur\'an is the Book of all Muslims and Ka\'abah is their \"qiblah\" (direction of prayer). They go to\"hajj\" pilgrimage with each other and perform the \"hajj\" rites and rituals like one another. They say the daily prayers and fast like each other. They establish families and engage in transactions like one another. They have similar ways of bringing up their children and burying their dead. Apart from minor affairs, they share similarities in all the aforementioned cases. Muslims also share one kind of world view, one common culture, and one grand, glorious, and long-standing civilization.
Unity in the world view, in culture, in the civilization, in insight and disposition, in religious beliefs, in acts of worship and prayers, in social rites and customs can well turn the Muslim into a unified nation to serve as a massive and dominant power before which the big global powers would have to bow down. This is especially true in view of the stress laid by Islam on this principle. According to the explicit wording of the Qur\'an, the Muslims are brothers, and special rights and duties link them together. So, why shouldn\'t the Muslims use all these extensive facilities accorded to them as the blessing of Islam?
This group of \'Ulama\' are of the view that there is no need for the Muslims to make any compromise on the primary or secondary principles of their religion for the sake of Islamic unity. Also it is not necessary for the Muslims to avoid engaging in discussions and reasons and writing books on primary and secondary principles about which they have differences. The only consideration for Islamic unity in this case is that the Muslims- in order to avoid the emergence or accentuation of vengeance - preserve their possession, avoid insulting and accusing each other and uttering fabrications, abandon ridiculing the logic of one another, and finally abstain from hurting one another and going beyond the borders of logic and reasoning. In fact, they should, at least, observe the limits which Islam has set forth for inviting non-Muslims to embrace it:
\"Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best manner... \"(16: 125)
Some people are of the view that those schools of fiqh, such as, Shafi\'i and Hanafi which have no differences in principle should establish brotherhood and stand in one line. They believe that denominations which have differences in the principles can in no way be brothers. This group view the religious principles as an interconnected set as termed by scholars of Usul, as an interrelated and interdependent set; any damage to one principle harms all principles.
As a result, those who believe in this principle are of the view that when, for instance, the principle of \"imamah\" is damaged and victimized, unity and fraternity will bear no meaning and for this reason the Shi\'ah and the Sunnis cannot shake hands as two Muslim brothers and be in the same rank, no matter who their enemy is.
The first group answers this group by saying: \"There is no reason for us to consider the principles as an interrelated set and follow the principle of \"all or none\". Imam \'Ali (\'a) chose a very logical and reasonable approach. He left no stone unturned to retrieve his right. He used everything within his power to restore the principle of \"imamah\", but he never adhered to the motto of \"all or none\". \'Ali (\'a) did not rise up for his right, and that was not compulsory. On the contrary, it was a calculated and chosen approach. He did not fear death. Why didn\'t he rise up? There could have been nothing above martyrdom. Being killed for the cause of the Almighty was his ultimate desire. He was more intimate with martyrdom than a child is with his mother\'s breast. But in his sound calculations, Imam \'All (\'a) had reached the conclusion that under the existing conditions it was to the interest of Islam to foster collaboration and cooperation among the Muslims and give up revolt. He repeatedly stressed this point.
In one of his letters (No.62 \"Nahj al Balaghah\") to Malik al-Ashtar, he wrote the following:
\"First I pulled back my hand until I realized that a group of people converted from Islam and invited the people toward annihilating the religion of Muhammad(s). So I feared that if I did not rush to help Islam and the Muslims, I would see gaps or destruction which calamity would be far worse than the several-day-long demise of caliphate.\"
In the six-man council, after appointment of \'Uthman by \'Abdul-Rahman ibn \'Awf, \'Ali (\'a) set forth his objection as well as his readiness for collaboration as follows:\"
You well know that I am more deserving than others for caliphate. But now by Allah, so long as the affairs of the Muslims are in order and my rivals suffice with setting me aside and only I am alone subjected to oppression, I will not oppose (the move) and will give in (to it).\" (From Sermon 72, \"Nahj al- Balaghah\").
These indicate that in this issue \'Ali (\'a) condemned the principle of \"all or none\". There is no need to further elaborate the approach taken by \'Ali (\'a) toward this issue. There are ample historical proofs and reasons in this regard.
\'Allamah Amini
Now it is time to see to which group the eminent \'Allamah, Ayatullah Amini - the distinguished compiler of the \"al-Ghadir\" - belonged and how he thought. Did he approve of the unity of the Muslims only within the light of Shi\'ism? Or did he consider Islamic fraternity to be broader? Did he believe that Islam which is embraced by uttering the \"shahadatayn\" (the Muslim creed) would willy-nilly create some rights for the Muslims and that the brotherhood and fraternity set forth in the Qur\'an exists among all Muslims?
\'Allamah Amini personally considered this point - i.e. the need to elucidate his viewpoint on this subject and elaborate whether\"al-Ghadir\" has a positive or a negative role in (the establishment of) Islamic unity. In order not to be subject to abuse by his opponent - be they among the pros and cons - he has repeatedly explained and elucidated his views.
\'Allamah Amini supported Islamic unity and viewed an open mind and clear insight. On different occasions, he set forth this matter in various volumes of the \"al-Ghadir\'. Reference will be made to some of them below:
In the preface to volume I, he briefly mentions the role of \"al-Ghadir\" in the world of Islam. He states: \"And we consider all this as service to religion, sublimation of the word of the truth, and restoration of the Islamic \'ummah\' (community).\"
In volume 3 (page 77), after quoting the fabrications of Ibn Taymiyah, Alusi, and Qasimi to the effect that Shi \'ism is hostile to some of the Ahl al-Bayt (the Household of the Prophet) such as Zayd bin \'Ali bin al-Huseyn, he notes the following under the title of \"Criticism and Correction\":
\"These fabrications and accusations sow the seeds of corruption, stir hostilities among the \'ummah\',create discord among the Islamic community, divide the \'ummah\', and clash with the public interests of the Muslims.
Again in volume 3 (page 268), he quotes the accusation leveled on the Shi\'ahs by Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Rida to the effect that \"Shi\'ahs are pleased with any defeat incurred by Muslims, so much as they celebrated the victory of the Russians over the Muslims.\" Then he says:
\"These falsehoods are fabricated by persons like Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Rida. The Shi\'ahs of Iran and Iraq against whom this accusation is leveled, as well as the orientalists, tourists, envoys of Islamic countries, and those who traveled and still travel to Iran and Iraq, have no information about this trend. Shi\'ahs, without exception, respect the lives, blood, reputation, and property of the Muslims be they Shi\'ahs or Sunnis. Whenever a calamity has befallen the Islamic community anywhere, in any region, and for any sects, the Shi\'ahs have shared their sorrow. The Shi\'ahs have never been confined to the Shi\'ah world, the (concept of) Islamic brotherhood which has been set forth in the Qur\'an and the \'sunnah\'(the Prophet\'s sayings and actions), and in this respect, no discrimination has been made between the Shi\'ahs and the Sunnis.\"
Also at the close of volume 3, he criticizes several books penned by the ancients such as \"Iqd al-Farid\" by Ibn Abd al-Rabbih, \"al-Intisar\" by Abu al-Husayn Khayyat al-Mu\'tazili,\"al Farq bayn al-Firaq\" by Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi, \"al-Fasl\" by Ibn Hazm al-Andulusi, \"al-Milal wa al-Nihal\" by Muhammad ibn Abdul-Karim al-Shahristani \"Minhaj al-Sunnah\" by Ibn Taymiah and \"al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah\"by Ibn Kathir and several by the later writers such as \"Tarikh al-Umam al-Islamiyyah\" by Shaykh Muhammad Khizri, \"Fajr al Islam\" by Ahmad Amin, \"al-Jawlat fi Rubu al-Sharq al-Adna\" by Muhammad Thabit al-Mesri, \"al-Sira Bayn al-Islam wa al-Wathaniyah\" by Qasimi, and \"al- Washi\'ah\" by Musa Jarallah. Then he states the following:
\"By quoting and criticizing these books, we aim at warning and awakening the Islamic \'ummah\' (to the fact) that these books create the greatest danger for the Islamic community, they destabilize the Islamic unity and scatter the Muslim lines. In fact nothing can disrupt the ranks of the Muslims, destroy their unity, and tear their Islamic fraternity more severely than these books.\"
\'Allamah Amini, in the preface to volume 5, under title of\"Nazariyah Karimah\" on the occasion of a plaque of honor forwarded from Egypt for \"al-Ghadir\", clearly sets forth his view on this issue and leaves no room for any doubt. He remarks:
\"People are free to express views and ideas on religion. These (views and ideas) will never tear apart the bond of Islamic brotherhood to which the holy Qur\'an has referred by stating that \'surely the believers are brethren\'; even though academic discussion and theological and religious debates reach a peak. This has been the style of the predecessors, and of the \'sahaba\' and the\'tabi\'un\', at the head of them.
\"Notwithstanding all the differences that we have in the primary and secondary principles, we, the compilers and writers in nooks and corners of the world of Islam, share a common point and that is belief in the Almighty and His Prophet. A single spirit and one (form of) sentiment exists in all our bodies, and that is the spirit of Islam and the term\'ikhlas,\"
\"We, the Muslim compilers, all live under the banner of truth and carry out our duties under the guidance of the Qur\'an and the Prophetic Mission of the Holy Prophet (s). The message of all of us is \'Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam ... (3:18)\' and the slogan of all of us is \'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.\' Indeed, we are (the members of) the party of Allah and the supporters of his religion.
In the preface to volume 8, under the title of \"al-Ghadir Yowahhad al-Sufuf fil-Mila al-Islami\", \'Allamah Amini directly makes researches into the role of \"Al- Ghadir\" in (the establishment of) Islamic unity. In this discussion, this great scholar categorically rejects the accusations leveled by those who said: \'Al-Ghadir\' causes greater discord among the Muslims. He proves that, on the contrary, \"Al-Ghadir\"removes many misunderstandings and brings the Muslims closer to one another. Then he brings evidence by mentioning the confessions of the non-Shi\'i Islamic scholars. At the close, he quotes the letter of Shaykh Muhammad Saeed Dahduh written in this connection.
To avoid prolongation of this article, we will not quote and translate the entire statements of \'Allamah Amini in explaining the positive role of \"al-Ghadir\" in (establishing) Islamic unity, since what has already been mentioned sufficiently proves this fact.
The positive role of \"al-Ghadir\" is established by the facts that it firstly clarifies the proven logic of the Shi\'ahs and proves that the inclination of Muslims to Shi\'ism - notwithstanding the poisonous publicity of some people - is not due to political, ethnic, or other trends and considerations. It also verifies that a powerful logic based on the Qur\'an and the \"sunnah\" has given rise to this tendency.
Secondly, it reflects that some accusations leveled on Shi\'ism - which have made other Muslims distanced from the Shi\'ah- are totally baseless and false. Examples of these accusations are the notion that the Shi\'ites prefer the non-Muslims to the non- Shi\'i Muslims, rejoice at the defeat of non-Shi\'ite Muslims at the hands of non-Muslims, and other accusations such as the idea that instead of going to hajj pilgrimage, the Shi\'ahs go on pilgrimage to shrines of the Imams, or have particular rites in prayers and in temporary marriage.
Thirdly, it introduces to the world of Islam the eminent Commander of the faithful \'Ali (\'a) who is the most oppressed and the least praised grand Islamic personality and who could be the leader of all Muslims, as well as his pure offspring.
Other Comments on \"al-Ghadir\"
Many unbiased non-Shia Muslims interpret the \"al-Ghadir\" in the same way that has already been mentioned.
Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Hasan al-Mesri, in his foreword on\"al-Ghadir\", which has been published in the preface to volume I, second edition, states:
\"I call on the Almighty to make your limpid brook (in Arabic, \'Ghadir\' means brook) the cause of peace and cordiality between the Shia and Sunni brothers to cooperate with one another in building the Islamic \"ummah.\"
\'Adil Ghadban, the managing editor of the Egyptian magazine entitled \"al-Kitab\", said the following in the preface to volume 3:
\"This book clarifies the Shi\'ite logic. The Sunnis can correctly learn about the Shi\'i through this book. Correct recognition of the Shi\'ahs brings the views of the Shi\'ahs and the Sunnis closer, and they can make a unified rank\".
In his foreword to the \"al-Ghadir\" which was published in thepreface to volume 4, Dr. Muhammad Ghallab, professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Religious Studies al-Azhar University said:
\"I got hold of your book at a very opportune time, because right now I am busy collecting and compiling a book on the lives of the Muslims from various perspectives. Therefore, I am highly avidfor obtaining sound information about \'Imamiyah\' Shi\'ism. Your book will help me. And I will not make mistakes about the Shi\'ahs as others have\".
In this foreword published in the preface to volume 4 of the\"al-Ghadir\", Dr. \'Abdul-Rahman Kiali Halabi says the following after referring to the decline of the Muslims in the present age and the factors which can lead to the Muslims\' salvation, one of which is the sound recognition of the successor of the Holy Prophet (s):
\"The book entitled \"al-Ghadir\" and its rich content deserves to be known by every Muslim to learn how historians have been negligent and see where the truth lies. Through this means, we should compensate for the past, and by striving to foster the unity of the Muslims, we should try to gain the due rewards\".
These were the views of \'Allamah Amini about the important social issues of our age and such were his sound reflections in the world of Islam.
Peace be upon him.
Text Source: http://www.al-islam.org/mot/default.asp?url=ghadir-relevance.htm
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The Leader of the Islamic Ummah – Imam Khamenei – explains our duty towards Muslim Unity, as he explains to us how \"Islamic Unity Requires Planning & Execution\".
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Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Officials and Participants of Conference on Islamic Unity Print
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 27th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
I would like to congratulate all of you dear audience who are present in this meeting, the dear guests of Unity Week, the ambassadors of Islamic countries and all the honorable officials who have accepted heavy responsibilities in the country, on the occasion of the auspicious birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and his outstanding grandson - Imam Sadiq (a.s.). I would like to extend my congratulations to all the people of Iran, all Muslims and all liberated people throughout the world.
This auspicious birthday is the source of many blessings which have been bestowed on the lives of human beings over the course of many centuries. It has helped nations, peoples and humanity in general to achieve the best human, intellectual and mental qualities. It has helped them to create a lofty civilization and to achieve bright prospects for a better life. On this birthday anniversary, what is important for the world of Islam and the Islamic community is to pay attention to the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\'s (s.w.a.) expectations of the Islamic community and to try hard to meet these expectations.
The happiness of the world of Islam lies in this and nothing else. Islam emerged for the liberation of humanity- both liberation from the suppression and pressures of oppressive and dictatorial regimes which have ruled over all people and in order to form a just government for the entire humanity, and liberation from deceptive thoughts and illusions which dominate the lives of people and which make their lives deviate from the right path.
At a time when Islam was about to emerge, the Commander of the Faithful (peace and greetings be upon him) described the environment in which people were living as an environment of \\\\\\\"fitna\\\\\\\":
\\\\\\\"At that time, people had fallen into fitna, whereby the rope of religion had been broken\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 2]. Fitna means a dusty climate in which one cannot see anything. In such a climate, one cannot see the path and he does not know what to do. This was the conditions of the people who lived in that difficult area.
The same conditions dominated - in a different way - the lives of the people in great countries and civilizations which existed at that time. It is not the case that we can think the people who were living in the Arabian Peninsula at a time when Islamic was about to emerge had terrible conditions while other people living in other areas were happy. The domination of cruel and oppressive regimes, their indifference towards the position of human beings and human principles and the outbreak of disastrous wars which were waged by powers for the sake of power had destroyed the lives of people. History shows that the two well-known civilizations of those days - that is to say, the Persian Sassanid civilization and the Roman civilization - were in such terrible conditions that it makes one pity the masses of the people who were living in those societies. The living conditions of those people were terrible and they were living in captivity.
In such conditions, Islam came and freed people. This freedom first manifests itself in the hearts and souls of people. When one feels that he is free and when he feels the need to break chains, the forces inside him will be influenced by this feeling and then he can achieve social freedom if he shows determination and if he moves forward. Islam did this for people. The same message that Islam delivered at that time exists today in the world of Islam and in other parts of the world. The enemies of freedom kill the thought of freedom in people. When there is no thought of freedom, the movement towards freedom will either slow down or stop.
Today, what we Muslims should do is to try to achieve the kind of freedom that Islam wants. The independence of Muslim nations, the establishment of popular governments throughout the world of Islam, the participation of all people in making decisions and determining fates and their movement on the basis of Islamic sharia are things which liberate nations. Of course, Muslim nations feel that they need this movement today. This feeling exists throughout the world of Islam and without a doubt, it will finally achieve results.
If outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific and religious personalities - in Muslim countries carry out their responsibilities in the proper way, then the future of the world of Islam will be a bright one. Muslims are hopeful about this future. Today, the world of Islam feels that it is awake. It is exactly at this point that the enemies of Islam - those people who are opposed to Islamic Awakening, independence of nations and the domination of God\\\\\\\'s religion in all countries - enter the arena. It is exactly at this point that all kinds of tricks are used for creating obstacles in the way of Islamic societies. And the most important trick that they use is creating discord.
It is 65 years now that the world of arrogance has been trying with all its power to impose the existence of the Zionist regime on Muslim nations and to make them accept this regime. But it has failed. We should not look at some countries and governments which are willing to act against their national interests in order to safeguard the interests of their foreign friends - who are the enemies of Islam - and to consign Islamic interests to oblivion. Peoples are opposed to the presence of the Zionists.
It is 65 years now that they have been trying to erase the memory of Palestine, but they have failed. During the 33-day war in Lebanon and during the 22-day war and - for the second time - the eight-day war in Gaza which were waged in recent years, Muslim nations and the Islamic Ummah showed that they are alive. The Islamic Ummah showed that despite the investment of America and other western powers, it has managed to preserve its identity, to slap the fake and imposed Zionist regime across the face and to frustrate the allies of oppressive Zionists who did their best during this time to preserve this imposed, oppressive and criminal regime. The Islamic Ummah showed that it has not forgotten about Palestine. This is a very important issue.
It is in such conditions that the enemy is focusing all its efforts on making the Islamic Ummah forget about Palestine. How do they want to do this? They want to do this by creating discord, waging domestic wars, promoting deviant extremism in the name of Islam, religion and Islamic sharia. They want a group of people to say takfiri things against Muslims. The existence of these takfiri orientations which have emerged in the world of Islam is good news for arrogance and the enemies of the world of Islam. It is these takfiri orientations that attract the attention of Muslims towards insignificant issues instead of letting them pay attention to the truth about the existence of the malevolent Zionist regime.
This is the exact opposite of what Islam wants. Islam has asked Muslims to be \\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48, 29]. Muslims should be strong against the enemies of religion. They should stand firm and they should not be influenced by the enemies. Being \\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers\\\\\\\" is the clear message of this ayah. Muslims should be compassionate towards one another, they should stay together and join hands and they should hold fast to the rope which Allah stretches out for them. This is the command of Islam.
Now what happens if an orientation emerges which divides Muslims into believers and unbelievers, which targets a group of people as unbelievers and which pits Muslims against one another? Who can doubt the role of arrogance and the security services of arrogant and malevolent governments in creating, supporting and enriching these orientations and in equipping them with weapons? These arrogant powers sit and plan for this. The world of Islam should attend to this issue because it is a grave danger.
Unfortunately, a number of Muslim governments unwittingly add fuel to the fire of this discord. They do not understand that fueling this discord will kindle a fire which will burn them as well. This is what arrogance wants: they want a group of Muslims to wage a war against another group of Muslims.
Those who give rise to this war are people who benefit from the money provided by puppet rulers. These puppet rulers give them money and weapons in order to pit people in such and such a country against one another. This move has been reinforced by arrogance in the past three, four years during which a wave of Islamic Awakening has emerged in a number of Islamic and Arabic countries. They want to do this in order to overshadow Islamic Awakening. By making this move, they are pitting Muslims against one another.
Moreover, the propaganda networks of the enemies are projecting an ugly image of Islam for public opinion throughout the world. They are doing this by magnifying events. What do people think of Islam when media networks show a person who is devouring the liver of another person in the name of Islam? The enemies of Islam have planned this.
These are not things that happen all of a sudden and out of the blue. These are things for which many plans have been devised over a long period of time. There are different policies and spy rings behind these moves. There is big money behind these moves. Muslims should confront any phenomenon which is against their unity. This is a great responsibility for all of us. Both Shia and Sunni Muslims, and different groups which exist among Shia and Sunni Muslims should shoulder this responsibility.
Unity means reliance on common points. We have many common points. Muslims\\\\\\\' common points are more than their disagreements and therefore, they should rely on them. The main responsibility in this regard falls on the shoulders of outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific or religious personalities. Religious scholars in the world of Islam should prevent Muslims from creating sectarian and religious discord. Academic scholars should help students understand that today, unity is the most important issue in the world of Islam. The most important issue is unity for the sake of reaching goals. These goals are achieving political independence, establishing religious democracy and observing divine rules in Islamic societies.
Islam invites people to freedom, dignity and honor. This is an obligation and responsibility today. Political personalities too should know that their dignity and honor lies in their reliance on Muslim peoples, not on foreigners and those who are arch enemies of Islamic societies.
One day, arrogant powers dominated people everywhere in Islamic regions. One day, policies carried out by America and before that England and other countries, dominated the lives of people in Islamic regions. Nations gradually managed to liberate themselves from this direct domination. In the present time, the enemies want to replace this direct domination, which they imposed during the era of imperialism, with indirect domination - that is to say, political, economic and cultural domination. Of course, in some areas they are imposing this direct domination again. As you see, a number of European countries want to create the same situation which existed in the past in Africa.
The path is Islamic Awakening. The path is awareness about the position of Muslim nations. Muslim nations have many resources, they have sensitive geographical locations, they have a very valuable historical legacy and they have unique economic resources. If Muslims collect themselves, find their true identity, rely on themselves and extend the hand of friendship, then this region will be an outstanding and enlightened region and the world of Islam will witness dignity, greatness and honor.
By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, this is what will happen in the future. One can see the signs of this future such as the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the establishment and stability of the Islamic Republic in this sensitive region.
It is 35 years now that arrogant regimes - including America and other powers - have been doing their best to work against the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran. Despite this, the people of Iran and the Islamic Republic are becoming stronger, more rooted, more powerful and more influential on a daily basis. By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, this strength, this stability and this power will increase in the future.
In the world of Islam too, one sees that the awareness of people and youth about Islam and the future of Islam has increased compared to the past. In some countries, people are much more aware than they were in the past. Of course, the enemy is making some efforts, but if we look carefully and vigilantly, we will see that - by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor - this wave of Islamic movement is going forward.
God\\\\\\\'s mercy be upon our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) who opened up this path for us. He taught us that we should rely on God, ask Him alone for help and be hopeful about the future. Then, we moved forward on this path and by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, we will continue to do this. I hope that Islam and Muslims achieve victory and I ask God to bestow His mercy and forgiveness on the martyrs of this bright path.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1859
[ENGLISH] Islamic Unity Conference - Full Speech by Leader Sayed Ali...
Supreme Leader\\\'s Speech to Government Officials and Participants of Conference on Islamic Unity
The following is the full text of...
Supreme Leader\\\'s Speech to Government Officials and Participants of Conference on Islamic Unity
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 29, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 26th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
I would like to congratulate all of you honorable audience, the dear guests, who have come here from other countries, the ambassadors of Islamic countries and also all the great people of Iran - who proved their kindness and commitment to the issue of prophethood in practice - on this auspicious and great Eid. I also congratulate the entire Islamic Ummah - who has a feeling of unity and unanimity centered on the auspicious name of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) - on this great Eid. I would like to extend my congratulation to all the liberated people throughout the world on this auspicious Eid. The blessings which have been bestowed on the great birthday of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) really belong to all the liberated people throughout the world. These blessings belong to all the people who are after liberation, justice and achieving lofty and divine values.
A number of mystics believe that the month of Rabi al-Awwal is the spring of life in the real sense of the word because in this month the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and also his honorable grandson, Imam Abu Abdullah Ja\\\'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq were born. And the birthday of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) is the beginning of all the blessings that Allah the Exalted has bestowed on humanity. We - who consider Islam as a tool for humanity to achieve happiness and salvation - [should know that] this divine blessing is because of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) which has been bestowed on us in this month. In fact, we should consider this great birthday as the beginning of all the blessings with which Allah the Exalted honored the human community, the Islamic Ummah and the followers of truth.
It is not enough to merely celebrate this birthday anniversary. We should primarily strengthen our spiritual relationship with the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). The world of Islam should strengthen its spiritual and emotional relationship with the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) on a daily basis. This is the common ground between all the Muslims throughout the world. Those whose hearts beat for the formation of the Islamic Ummah should rely on this issue: the spiritual and emotional relationship with the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.). That is to say, they should primarily make a serious decision to follow this great personality in all the issues.
In a number of holy Quranic ayahs, certain points have been explained about the Holy Prophet\\\'s (s.w.a.) behavior, his political behavior, the kind of government he had and his feeling towards the people - whether towards Muslims or non-Muslims. The moral education of the great companions of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and their behavior show the kind of orientation that Islam and the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) adopted towards education of the Islamic Ummah. We should practice these in our own lives. We should do these in practice. It is not enough to say these in words.
Today, the ground is prepared for this issue. Islamic Awakening is a truth and it has happened. After many decades of domination during which the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Muslims spread their domination over Islamic countries - in the form of direct colonialism, neocolonialism, indirect colonialism and in the form of cultural, economic and political domination - the core of awakening has grown gradually. And after many years during which the Muslim nations were crushed under the enormous pressure of domination of the west and European and American governments, Islamic Awakening has been established and it is revealing itself. Today, people throughout the world of Islam feel that Islam is their tool for achieving dignity, glory and independence. Thanks to Islam, all the national dreams of a nation can come true in the world of Islam. Thanks to Islam, Islamic nations can stand up against the domination of the west and against the arrogance, oppressive domination and exploitation of western governments.
And the west has to retreat. Today, you can see this in the world of Islam. More than thirty years ago this event took place in Iran. Today, we also see this in the world of Islam such as in North Africa. Steps are taken towards victory. Of course, there are certain problems, but if we remain vigilant, problems cannot create obstacles in our way. The Holy Quran says, \\\"They shall by no means harm you but with a slight evil\\\" [The Holy Quran, 3: 111]. Yes, they harm us and create problems for us. But, if we have determination, rely on God and decide to move forward, they cannot create obstacles in our way.
Today, Islamic nations have awakened. Thanks to Islam, they feel that they can get their message across to the enemies of the world of Islam and the corrupt Zionist network which has established domination over policies of western governments. These victories are very valuable. \\\"Allah promised you many acquisitions which you will take, then He hastened on this one for you\\\". This is part of the divine promise which was fulfilled. \\\"And held back the hands of men from you, and that it may be a sign for the believers and that He may guide you on a right path\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 20]. Each victory that a nation achieves against the enemies and against their propaganda and evil tools is a divine testimony and a divine sign: \\\"And that it may be a sign\\\". If you move forward, you will achieve results.
Today the world of Islam is faced with the plots of the enemies. I would tell you dear brothers and sisters - whether Iranian or non-Iranian - that today, the enemy\\\'s most important tool for confronting Islamic Awakening is creating discord. They want to pitch Muslims against Muslims, destroy Muslims at the hands of Muslims and keep them busy with conflicts. What is better than keeping Muslims busy with conflicts for the enemies of Islamic independence? Since the first day that the Islamic Revolution achieved victory, they pursued the policy of creating discord among our nation and our country. But the Islamic Republic stood up against this plot with absolute determination. We announced, our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) announced and the Iranian nation repeatedly stressed - throughout his lifetime and after his demise - that we believe in Islamic brotherhood.
We condemn any rift among Muslims. This is exactly the opposite of what the enemies\\\' agents, who use any small incident to create discord among Muslims, want. If you take a look, you see that today the policy of the enemies of Islamic Awakening in North African countries is to create discord. This is the policy of global arrogance. They want to make them kill one another and pitch them against one another.
The cure for this disease is a feeling of unity between Muslims. Muslim nations should become united. Inside each country, different groups, different denominations and different parties should join hands. They should not let religious, political and partisan differences and differences of opinion dominate their major moves so that they can stand up against the enemy. Today, this is the only way. The enemies try to create discord by using all kinds of tricks. You can see this. When Muslims busy themselves with conflicts, the issue of Palestine and standing up against the greed of America and the west will be sidelined and the enemies will find the opportunity to hatch their plots.
Today, we can see that westerners have started a new movement in Africa in order to dominate African nations and to maintain their presence again in the lives of African people. When the fire of discord is kindled, the enemy finds the opportunity to do anything. What disasters they are creating in Pakistan, our neighboring country, under the pretext of differences in this country. How they make a group of people kill another group of people in Syria. How they completely silence the voice of a nation in Bahrain. They deprive a nation of everything. How they pitch the people against one another in Egypt and other areas. These are the policies which may have been shaped as a result of certain individuals\\\' personal and religious motives. But the main plot has been hatched by the enemies.
I do not accuse anybody of intentionally and willingly hatching the plot of the enemy. But I firmly say that each kind of discord among Muslim nations or inside each Islamic country means that they are playing into the enemies\\\' hands. This is a kind of help offered to the enemy. Everybody should take the issue of unity seriously. Primarily elites, including political, religious, academic and seminary elites should do this. Elites, wherever they are, should do this. In our country, everybody should take the issue of unity seriously. Creating religious discord among different Muslim groups is a great danger. If the enemies can fuel the fire of sectarian discord somewhere, extinguishing this fire is one of the most difficult tasks. We should prevent this from happening. This is not possible except if the elites, in each country, show their initiative, make efforts and preserve their purity. Scholars, academics, politicians and those who are influential, should explain to the people the plot of the enemy and his hope of creating discord among the people, Islamic countries, Islamic parties, different orientations in different Islamic denominations and between Shia and Sunni. They should inform the people.
This is a great danger which the enemies have been involved with. The English have long experiences in this regard. We have read about them in history books and we can see what they have done to create discord. They know how to do it and the others have learnt this from them. They are busy trying to create discord. We should avoid discord. We should not fuel the fire of discord by arousing shallow and vulgar feelings. This will burn the fate of nations. It will completely destroy them, it will help the enemies of Islam, the enemies of Muslims and the enemies of independence succeed in their goals and it will help them hatch their plots. We should remain vigilant.
Islamic unity is a sacred slogan. If the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) were among us today, he would invite us to promote unity as this holy ayah says, \\\"It grieves him that you should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the believers is he most kind and merciful\\\" [The Holy Quran, 9: 128]. He would prevent these kinds of discord. If we love the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), we should meet this major demand that he made.
I ask Allah the Exalted to bestow on all of us the blessing to do what we say.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\'s mercy and blessing
[19 Jan 14] Islamic Unity Conference - Full Speech by Leader Sayed Ali...
This video is the English audio transcription of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic...
This video is the English audio transcription of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 27th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Government Officials and Participants of Conference on Islam Print
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 27th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
I would like to congratulate all of you dear audience who are present in this meeting, the dear guests of Unity Week, the ambassadors of Islamic countries and all the honorable officials who have accepted heavy responsibilities in the country, on the occasion of the auspicious birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and his outstanding grandson - Imam Sadiq (a.s.). I would like to extend my congratulations to all the people of Iran, all Muslims and all liberated people throughout the world.
This auspicious birthday is the source of many blessings which have been bestowed on the lives of human beings over the course of many centuries. It has helped nations, peoples and humanity in general to achieve the best human, intellectual and mental qualities. It has helped them to create a lofty civilization and to achieve bright prospects for a better life. On this birthday anniversary, what is important for the world of Islam and the Islamic community is to pay attention to the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (s.w.a.) expectations of the Islamic community and to try hard to meet these expectations.
The happiness of the world of Islam lies in this and nothing else. Islam emerged for the liberation of humanity- both liberation from the suppression and pressures of oppressive and dictatorial regimes which have ruled over all people and in order to form a just government for the entire humanity, and liberation from deceptive thoughts and illusions which dominate the lives of people and which make their lives deviate from the right path.
At a time when Islam was about to emerge, the Commander of the Faithful (peace and greetings be upon him) described the environment in which people were living as an environment of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"fitna\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\":
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"At that time, people had fallen into fitna, whereby the rope of religion had been broken\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 2]. Fitna means a dusty climate in which one cannot see anything. In such a climate, one cannot see the path and he does not know what to do. This was the conditions of the people who lived in that difficult area.
The same conditions dominated - in a different way - the lives of the people in great countries and civilizations which existed at that time. It is not the case that we can think the people who were living in the Arabian Peninsula at a time when Islamic was about to emerge had terrible conditions while other people living in other areas were happy. The domination of cruel and oppressive regimes, their indifference towards the position of human beings and human principles and the outbreak of disastrous wars which were waged by powers for the sake of power had destroyed the lives of people. History shows that the two well-known civilizations of those days - that is to say, the Persian Sassanid civilization and the Roman civilization - were in such terrible conditions that it makes one pity the masses of the people who were living in those societies. The living conditions of those people were terrible and they were living in captivity.
In such conditions, Islam came and freed people. This freedom first manifests itself in the hearts and souls of people. When one feels that he is free and when he feels the need to break chains, the forces inside him will be influenced by this feeling and then he can achieve social freedom if he shows determination and if he moves forward. Islam did this for people. The same message that Islam delivered at that time exists today in the world of Islam and in other parts of the world. The enemies of freedom kill the thought of freedom in people. When there is no thought of freedom, the movement towards freedom will either slow down or stop.
Today, what we Muslims should do is to try to achieve the kind of freedom that Islam wants. The independence of Muslim nations, the establishment of popular governments throughout the world of Islam, the participation of all people in making decisions and determining fates and their movement on the basis of Islamic sharia are things which liberate nations. Of course, Muslim nations feel that they need this movement today. This feeling exists throughout the world of Islam and without a doubt, it will finally achieve results.
If outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific and religious personalities - in Muslim countries carry out their responsibilities in the proper way, then the future of the world of Islam will be a bright one. Muslims are hopeful about this future. Today, the world of Islam feels that it is awake. It is exactly at this point that the enemies of Islam - those people who are opposed to Islamic Awakening, independence of nations and the domination of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s religion in all countries - enter the arena. It is exactly at this point that all kinds of tricks are used for creating obstacles in the way of Islamic societies. And the most important trick that they use is creating discord.
It is 65 years now that the world of arrogance has been trying with all its power to impose the existence of the Zionist regime on Muslim nations and to make them accept this regime. But it has failed. We should not look at some countries and governments which are willing to act against their national interests in order to safeguard the interests of their foreign friends - who are the enemies of Islam - and to consign Islamic interests to oblivion. Peoples are opposed to the presence of the Zionists.
It is 65 years now that they have been trying to erase the memory of Palestine, but they have failed. During the 33-day war in Lebanon and during the 22-day war and - for the second time - the eight-day war in Gaza which were waged in recent years, Muslim nations and the Islamic Ummah showed that they are alive. The Islamic Ummah showed that despite the investment of America and other western powers, it has managed to preserve its identity, to slap the fake and imposed Zionist regime across the face and to frustrate the allies of oppressive Zionists who did their best during this time to preserve this imposed, oppressive and criminal regime. The Islamic Ummah showed that it has not forgotten about Palestine. This is a very important issue.
It is in such conditions that the enemy is focusing all its efforts on making the Islamic Ummah forget about Palestine. How do they want to do this? They want to do this by creating discord, waging domestic wars, promoting deviant extremism in the name of Islam, religion and Islamic sharia. They want a group of people to say takfiri things against Muslims. The existence of these takfiri orientations which have emerged in the world of Islam is good news for arrogance and the enemies of the world of Islam. It is these takfiri orientations that attract the attention of Muslims towards insignificant issues instead of letting them pay attention to the truth about the existence of the malevolent Zionist regime.
This is the exact opposite of what Islam wants. Islam has asked Muslims to be \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48, 29]. Muslims should be strong against the enemies of religion. They should stand firm and they should not be influenced by the enemies. Being \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is the clear message of this ayah. Muslims should be compassionate towards one another, they should stay together and join hands and they should hold fast to the rope which Allah stretches out for them. This is the command of Islam.
Now what happens if an orientation emerges which divides Muslims into believers and unbelievers, which targets a group of people as unbelievers and which pits Muslims against one another? Who can doubt the role of arrogance and the security services of arrogant and malevolent governments in creating, supporting and enriching these orientations and in equipping them with weapons? These arrogant powers sit and plan for this. The world of Islam should attend to this issue because it is a grave danger.
Unfortunately, a number of Muslim governments unwittingly add fuel to the fire of this discord. They do not understand that fueling this discord will kindle a fire which will burn them as well. This is what arrogance wants: they want a group of Muslims to wage a war against another group of Muslims.
Those who give rise to this war are people who benefit from the money provided by puppet rulers. These puppet rulers give them money and weapons in order to pit people in such and such a country against one another. This move has been reinforced by arrogance in the past three, four years during which a wave of Islamic Awakening has emerged in a number of Islamic and Arabic countries. They want to do this in order to overshadow Islamic Awakening. By making this move, they are pitting Muslims against one another.
Moreover, the propaganda networks of the enemies are projecting an ugly image of Islam for public opinion throughout the world. They are doing this by magnifying events. What do people think of Islam when media networks show a person who is devouring the liver of another person in the name of Islam? The enemies of Islam have planned this.
These are not things that happen all of a sudden and out of the blue. These are things for which many plans have been devised over a long period of time. There are different policies and spy rings behind these moves. There is big money behind these moves. Muslims should confront any phenomenon which is against their unity. This is a great responsibility for all of us. Both Shia and Sunni Muslims, and different groups which exist among Shia and Sunni Muslims should shoulder this responsibility.
Unity means reliance on common points. We have many common points. Muslims\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' common points are more than their disagreements and therefore, they should rely on them. The main responsibility in this regard falls on the shoulders of outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific or religious personalities. Religious scholars in the world of Islam should prevent Muslims from creating sectarian and religious discord. Academic scholars should help students understand that today, unity is the most important issue in the world of Islam. The most important issue is unity for the sake of reaching goals. These goals are achieving political independence, establishing religious democracy and observing divine rules in Islamic societies.
Islam invites people to freedom, dignity and honor. This is an obligation and responsibility today. Political personalities too should know that their dignity and honor lies in their reliance on Muslim peoples, not on foreigners and those who are arch enemies of Islamic societies.
One day, arrogant powers dominated people everywhere in Islamic regions. One day, policies carried out by America and before that England and other countries, dominated the lives of people in Islamic regions. Nations gradually managed to liberate themselves from this direct domination. In the present time, the enemies want to replace this direct domination, which they imposed during the era of imperialism, with indirect domination - that is to say, political, economic and cultural domination. Of course, in some areas they are imposing this direct domination again. As you see, a number of European countries want to create the same situation which existed in the past in Africa.
The path is Islamic Awakening. The path is awareness about the position of Muslim nations. Muslim nations have many resources, they have sensitive geographical locations, they have a very valuable historical legacy and they have unique economic resources. If Muslims collect themselves, find their true identity, rely on themselves and extend the hand of friendship, then this region will be an outstanding and enlightened region and the world of Islam will witness dignity, greatness and honor.
By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, this is what will happen in the future. One can see the signs of this future such as the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the establishment and stability of the Islamic Republic in this sensitive region.
It is 35 years now that arrogant regimes - including America and other powers - have been doing their best to work against the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran. Despite this, the people of Iran and the Islamic Republic are becoming stronger, more rooted, more powerful and more influential on a daily basis. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, this strength, this stability and this power will increase in the future.
In the world of Islam too, one sees that the awareness of people and youth about Islam and the future of Islam has increased compared to the past. In some countries, people are much more aware than they were in the past. Of course, the enemy is making some efforts, but if we look carefully and vigilantly, we will see that - by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor - this wave of Islamic movement is going forward.
God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy be upon our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) who opened up this path for us. He taught us that we should rely on God, ask Him alone for help and be hopeful about the future. Then, we moved forward on this path and by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, we will continue to do this. I hope that Islam and Muslims achieve victory and I ask God to bestow His mercy and forgiveness on the martyrs of this bright path.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1859
The 4 Levels Of The Islamic Unity | Leader of the Muslim Ummah | Farsi...
]At times, the Islamic Unity is misunderstood. In this short clip, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei explains the levels and stages of the Islamic Unity. He...
]At times, the Islamic Unity is misunderstood. In this short clip, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei explains the levels and stages of the Islamic Unity. He mentions 4 levels at which Islamic Unity needs to be materialized by the Islamic Ummah. Had the 1st basic level of Islamic Unity materialized, the world would have been a different place to live!
#TheProphetUnites #ProphetUnites #ProphetMuhammad #TheHolyProphet #Muhammad #SealOfTheProphets #MuslimsUnited #YaRasoolAllah #OneSolution #IslamicRevolution #ImamKhomeini #ImamKhamenei #France #CharlieHebdo #Shia #Sunni #Unity #UnityWeek
Video Tags:
What Is Unity Week? | Fact Flicks | English
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world upon the auspicious birth of appointed Messenger of Allah, the...
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world upon the auspicious birth of appointed Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S).
And once again the Muslims globally join hand in hand to celebrate Unity Week!
But the real questions wandering in our minds are,
What exactly is Unity Week?!
What is the purpose behind celebrating it?
And What issues does Unity Week highlight?
How can we achieve Unity between Muslim communities?
Watch this new episode of Fact Flicks presented to you by Sister Huda and find out the answers to some of your Questions regarding Unity Week!
#IslamicPulse #FactFlicks #Islam #Allah #Quran #Muslim #Mohammad #Messenger #AhlulBayt #Khomeini #Khamenei #Sunni #Shia #MuslimUnity #UnityWeek #Unity
Video Tags:
I Just Love Muslim Unity! | Unity Week Special | Sister Fatima | English
Don\\\'t you just love Muslim Unity Week!
And why wouldn\\\'t you, especially since it\\\'s a divine commandment of the Almighty Allah.
Don\\\'t you just love Muslim Unity Week!
And why wouldn\\\'t you, especially since it\\\'s a divine commandment of the Almighty Allah.
So what are some real quick and snappy ins and outs of Muslim Unity Week?
And approximately how many Muslims are in the world in the present-day?
And more amazingly, how many Muslims are there expected to be in the year 2030?
And finally, what is just one of the things that we Muslims can accomplish if we are united with one another?
Well, Sister Fatima answers as she talks about how all true Muslims love Muslim Unity, wherever you are.
And remember, One Goal, One Purpose, Muslim Unity!
Congratulations to all the believers, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Messenger of Allah (S) and Muslim Unity Week.
#IslamicPulse #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #12Rabi #17Rabi #MiladunNabi #Medina #MasjidNabawi #MuslimUnity #UnityWeek #MuslimUnity2023 #MuslimUnity1445 #IslamicUnity #ShiaSunniUnity #SunniShiaUnity #Shia #Sunni #Truth #Palestine #IslamicAwakening
Video Tags:
[Unity Conference] Signing of the UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration - English
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press...
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
[Unity Conference] Azan and Dua Wahdah after signing of UJN Pakistan...
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed...
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
Spoken Words by Br. Mohsin Jaffery at Muslim Unity Seminar -English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Speech by Sheikh Jaffar - Muslim Unity Seminar - English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Naat by Br. Masiuddin at Muslim Unity Seminar - Urdu
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Speech by Sheikh Ibrahim Chishti - Muslim Unity Seminar - English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Poetry by Br. Jihad Hijazi at Muslim Unity Seminar -English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Speech by Dr. Zafar Bangash - Muslim Unity Seminar -English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Naat By Br. Shakeel at Muslim Unity Seminar -Urdu
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Speech by Sheikh Salim Yusufali at Muslim Unity Seminar - English
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Salam by Sheikh Ibrahim Chishti at Muslim Unity Seminar - Urdu
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary...
WIIRE and Masumeen Islamic Centre (MIC) hosted a successful Muslim Unity Seminar on January 18th 2015 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The topic of the seminar was “The Noble Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Muslim Ummah”
Speakers from Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim enlightened the participants with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the importance of Muslim Unity. The objective of the Muslim Unity is to create an environment of collaboration and communication among Muslim organizations on issues of interest to Muslim Canadians nationally as well as on the international front.
In addition to the eloquent speeches, the seminar also had spoken words and poetry and they were very inspirational. The spoken words and poetry propagated the message of harmony, hope, spirituality, unity and cooperation in an intellectual and creative way. The Muslim Unity seminar ended with participants holding hands of each other and reciting Dua-e-Wahdat (supplication for Unity) among the Muslim Ummah.
Islamic Unity: A Divine Command | IP Talk Show | English
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world and upon humanity in general, on the auspicious birth of the...
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world and upon humanity in general, on the auspicious birth of the divinely appointed Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S).
Islamic Pulse is humbled and honored to present our very first Unity Week special talk show that focuses on Muslim Unity.
In this episode, we sit down and talk with Shaykh Muhammad Husayn about how Muslim Unity is a divine command of Allah and has been mentioned in the holy Qur\\\'an, as well as what practical things we can do to promote and strengthen Islamic Unity.
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Messenger #Prophet #Muhammad #UnityWeek #Muslims #Islam #Unity
Video Tags:
Shirk and the Enemies of Islamic Unity | IP Talk Show | English
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world and upon humanity in general, on the auspicious birth of the...
Countless blessings and congratulations be upon the believers all across the world and upon humanity in general, on the auspicious birth of the divinely appointed Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) and Imam Ja\\\'far Sadiq (A).
Islamic Pulse is humbled and honored to present our very first Unity Week special talk show that focuses on Muslim Unity.
In this episode, we sit down and talk with Sayyid Amir Behbahani about how shirk is one of the reasons for disunity amongst the Muslims, as well as giving us some insight on just some of the enemies of Islamic Unity.
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Messenger #Prophet #Muhammad #UnityWeek #Muslims #Islam #Unity
Video Tags:
The Importance of Muslim Unity | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
What is the importance of Muslim Unity?
Who established Muslim Unity Week?
And how often has the Leader, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei spoken...
What is the importance of Muslim Unity?
Who established Muslim Unity Week?
And how often has the Leader, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei spoken about Muslim Unity?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, speaks about \"The Importance of Muslim Unity\".
Congratulations to the believers on Muslim Unity Week.
Unity, Harmony, and Imam Mahdi (A)| Sister Spade | English
After we have decided to have a special program in order to hasten the reappearance of the Living Imam (A), what must be an integral aspect...
After we have decided to have a special program in order to hasten the reappearance of the Living Imam (A), what must be an integral aspect of this program?
What relationship should the goals, desires, and wishes of the Living Imam (A) have with our said, special program?
What are two qualities that Imam al-Mahdi (A) expects from the Shias?
Is the priority to do things for the reappearance on an individual and isolated manner, or is it recommended to do so in a societal and communal manner?
Since unity is such an important and integral pillar for the reappearance of the Living Imam (A), what are some obstacles to this unity?
What are some cultural and personal obstacles to this unity required for the reappearance of the Living Imam (A)?
And finally, what\'s the relationship between \"Unity, Harmony, and Imam Mahdi (A)\"?
Sister Spade explains and answers these questions and more, based upon selections from the book, The Essence of Creation, 3rd edition.
It\'s time to get in sync with the Imam (A) of your time.
#IslamicPulse #SisterSpade #Life #Questions #Islam #Allah #Quran #Ahlulbayt #Muslim #Shia #RealityCheck #Mahdi #ImamMahdi #AwaitedOne #Savior #Unity #Harmony #12thImam
Video Tags:
Muslim Unity Week and Palestine | Unity Week Special | One Minute Wisdom...
Isn\\\'t it just wonderful to be celebrating the birth anniversaries of the Messenger of Allah (S) and Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A)...
Isn\\\'t it just wonderful to be celebrating the birth anniversaries of the Messenger of Allah (S) and Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A) AND Muslim Unity Week!
Well, with all these great celebrations going on, don\\\'t forget our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
How are all these connected?
Sayyid Shahryar explains in this Muslim Unity Week One Minute Special using the wise and immaculate words of the Messenger of Allah (S).
Our congratulations to the believers, wherever you are, on Muslim Unity Week.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #HolyProphet #MuslimUnity #IslamicUnity #UnityWeek #MessengerOfAllah #Muhammad #Palestine #Gaza #SaveGaza #WestBank #Quds
International Islamic Unity Conference 2012 held in Tehran - English
Paving the way for unity and solidarity in the Muslim world; this is the main objective of the 25th International Islamic Unity Conference held in...
Paving the way for unity and solidarity in the Muslim world; this is the main objective of the 25th International Islamic Unity Conference held in Tehran. The three day event which is held by the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought also aims at revising the forum's performance during the past two decades.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the opening session in the presence of recognized Shiite and Sunni scholars. The President pointed to many political issues related to the Islamic world.
The Islamic unity conference provides an opportunity for scholars to share views and review problems facing Muslims while presenting solutions.
A big part of the conference revolves around the topic of Islamic Awakening and the popular uprisings in the Arab world.
The World Forum for Proximity is an international organization founded by Iran. Its main aim is to create more unity and solidarity among Muslims worldwide, regardless of their Schools of Thought.
How the Infallible Imams (A) promoted Unity | Shaykh Salim...
Unity between Muslims is an absolute fundamental of our faith, backed up by the...
Unity between Muslims is an absolute fundamental of our faith, backed up by the Quran and numerous ahadith.
In this video, Shaykh Salim eloquently details how our Infallible Imams actively promoted Islamic unity. What a shame that some now use the names of those same blessed Imams to sow discord and disunity in the Ummah!
Ayatollah Bahjat (may Allah bless his soul) stated \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"One who does not seek the unity of Muslims, is not a Muslim. Our Infallibles, peace be upon them, used to participate in their congregational prayers for the sake of unity of Muslims.”
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