Leader - Unlike West, Islam on Family and Status of Women is very Clear...
**MORE DETAILS** On Occasion of milade hazarate zahra as - Leader of islamic revolution agha syed ali khamenei said that Unlike the West View of...
**MORE DETAILS** On Occasion of milade hazarate zahra as - Leader of islamic revolution agha syed ali khamenei said that Unlike the West View of Islam on Family and Status of Women is very Clear
باید به طور صریح مبانی غلط غرب در مقوله زن را مورد انتقاد جدی قرار داد
ساعت خبر: 14:11 - تاريخ خبر: 01/03/1390
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی، صبح امروز در دیدار صدها نفر از « زنان فرهیخته، استادان حوزه و دانشگاه و نخبگان عرصه های مختلف»، « زن» را از دید اسلام، بزرگ خانه و گل و ریحانه خانواده خواندند و با اشاره به بحران زن در جوامع غربی افزودند: در نظام اسلامی، کارهای فراوان برای احیای جایگاه حقیقی زن انجام شده اما هنوز مشکلات زیادی بخصوص در عرصه رفتار با زن در خانواده، وجود دارد که باید با ایجاد پشتوانه های قانونی و اجرایی آنها را حل کرد.
به گزارش واحد مرکزی خبر ، حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در این دیدار که در آستانه میلاد بانوی دو عالم حضرت فاطمه زهرا سلام الله علیها، و روز زن برگزار شد، با تبریک این میلاد خجسته، تشکیل جلسه با حضور جمعی از بانوان برجسته و نخبه کشور و نگاه دقیق و موشکافانه آنان به مسائل مختلف از جمله مسئله زنان و خانواده را نمادی از حرکت عظیم بانوان به سمت کمال و تعالی دانستند و تأکید کردند: نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران توانسته است به قله ای دست یابد که عبارت است از پرورش زنان فرزانه و صاحب اندیشه و رأی، در ظریف ترین و حساس ترین مسائل جامعه.
ایشان مبنای مشکلات دنیای امروز در مورد مسئله زن را نگاه غلط غرب به جایگاه و شأن زن در جامعه و کج فهمی نسبت به موضوع خانواده برشمردند و تأکید کردند: این دو مشکل موجب شده است که موضوع زن در دنیا، به یک بحران تبدیل شود.
ایشان در تشریح نگاه ظالمانه غرب به « زن»، افزودند: در نامعادله ای که غرب تدریجاً در جوامع مختلف تبلیغ و القا کرده است بشریت به دو بخش تقسیم می شود: «مردان» که طرف ذینفع به شمار می آیند، و «زنان» که طرف مورد انتفاع و مورد استفاده هستند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای افزودند: براساس همین مبنا و نگاه غلط، اگر زنان بخواهند در جوامع غربی نمود و شخصیت یابند باید حتماً به گونه ای رفتار کنند که مردان یعنی طرف ذینفع می خواهند و می پسندند که این اهانت بزرگترین ظلم و حق کشی در حق زنان است.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با اشاره به تلاش سازمان یافته و تدریجی سیاست گذاران راهبردی غرب برای جا انداختن این فرهنگ غلط در افکار ملتها، خاطرنشان کردند: به همین علت، امروز اگر کسی رفتار مبتنی بر جذابیتهای زنانه را در محیطهای عمومی محکوم کند مورد هجوم و جار و جنجال دستگاههای تبلیغاتی و سیاسی غرب قرار می گیرد.
ایشان علنی شدن مخالفت با حجاب در غرب را از دیگر پیامدهای نگاه ظالمانه به مسئله زن دانستند و افزودند: غربی ها مدعی اند که حجاب یک مسئله دینی است و در جوامع لائیک نباید ظهور پیدا کند اما علت واقعی مخالفت غرب با حجاب این است که سیاست راهبردی و بنیانی غرب درباره زن یعنی عرضه شدن و هرزه شدن زن را با چالش روبرو می کند و مانع تحقق آن می شود.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با استناد به گزارشهای مراکز رسمی جهانی، سست شدن بنیان خانواده، رشد سریع تجارت شرم آور و رقت بار زنان – پدیده کودکان نامشروع و زندگیهای مشترک اما بدون ازدواج را از پیامدهای شوم نگاه مبتنی بر سوءاستفاده غرب به مقوله زن دانستند و افزودند: جمهوری اسلامی باید بطور صریح و بدون پرده پوشی، مبانی غلط غرب در مقوله زن را مورد هجوم و انتقاد جدی و بی وقفه قرار دهد و به مسئولیت خود در دفاع از جایگاه و شأن حقیقی زنان عمل کند.
ایشان نگاه غلط به خانواده را مشکل دومی دانستند که باعث بروز بحران مربوط به زنان در جوامع غربی شده است.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در این زمینه افزودند: برخلاف غرب، نظر اسلام درباره خانواده و جایگاه زن بسیار روشن است و پیامبر گرامی اسلام و ائمه اطهار (ع) در سخنان مختلف بر این جایگاه رفیع تأکید کرده اند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای، تحقق دیدگاه و خواسته اسلام درباره زن و خانواده را، نیازمند پشتوانه قانونی و ضمانت اجرایی خواندند و خاطرنشان کردند: با وجود همه کارهایی که پس از انقلاب انجام شده است، هنوز درباره زن و رفتار در محیط خانواده، کمبودهای زیادی وجود دارد که باید برطرف شود.
ایشان تأکید کردند: محیط خانواده برای زن باید محیطی امن – با عزت و آرامش بخش باشد تا زن بتواند وظیفه اصلی خود را که حفظ خانواده است به بهترین وجه انجام دهد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با اشاره به نگاه و حرکت هولناکی که قبل از انقلاب درباره زنان رایج بود افزودند: زن ایرانی به علت گوهر ناب ایمان، بر آن موج مخرب فائق آمد و به یکی از پایه های اساسی پیروزی و استمرار انقلاب تبدیل شد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی نگاه خوشبینانه به روند ارتقای جایگاه زنان در سه دهه اخیر را نگاهی واقع بینانه خواندند و با اشاره به پیشرفتهای تحسین برانگیز زنان در عرصه های مختلف سیاسی – اجتماعی – فرهنگی و بویژه علمی افزودند: در قله پرافتخار این روند، مادران و همسران شهیدان – رزمندگان و جانبازان به عنوان اسوه های صبر و مقاومت، همچون کوه ایستاده اند و به دیگران درس ایثار و ایمان می آموزند.
رهبر انقلاب افزودند: البته این نگاه خوش بینانه نباید مانع دیدن ضعفها بشود بلکه باید با شناخت دقیق نقائص و مشکلات و برطرف کردن آنها ، روند موفقیت آمیز جمهوری اسلامی را در مقوله «زنان» شتاب بخشید و بر فرهنگ غلط غربی رایج در دنیا فائق آمد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای خاطرنشان کردند: عمده کارهای مربوط به مقوله «زن» باید با مطالعه و اندیشه ورزی زنان و ارائه راهکارهای اجرایی حل مشکلات انجام شود تا به فضل الهی، زنان و دختران جوان، گامهای بلندتری در این زمینه بردارند و ایران اسلامی روز به روز به اهداف متعالی خود نزدیکتر شود.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با تأکید بر اینکه مسئله زن و خانواده یکی از موضوعات مهم برای بحث و مطالعه و اندیشه ورزی است، خاطرنشان کردند: بر همین اساس یکی از سلسله نشست های اندیشه های راهبردی در آینده، به موضوع زن و خانواده اختصاص خواهد یافت.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با دعوت از همه بانوان اندیشمند برای مشارکت جدی در مباحث مربوط به این نشست، افزودند: باید فصول مربوط به مسئله زن بصورت تخصصی و علمی و با تکیه بر منابع اسلامی و فکر ناب انقلابی بررسی و در نشست اندیشه های راهبردی مطرح شود تا نتایج آن مبنای برنامه ریزی و عمل قرار گیرد.
در ابتدای این دیدار 10 نفر از زنان فرهیخته، نخبه و روشنفکر دیدگاههای خود را درباره مسائل مختلف فرهنگی – اجتماعی – سیاسی بیان کردند.
• شایسته خو – استاد حوزه و دانشگاه و مدیر مکتب نرجس مشهد
• دکتر فرشته روح افزا – دکترای الکترونیک و استاد دانشگاه
• دکتر نفیسه اسماعیلی – استاد دانشگاه و رئیس بیمارستان رازی
• دکتر فاطمه فراهانی – دکترای مدیریت و برنامه ریزی فرهنگی و عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه
• دکتر شکیبا محبی تبار – فرزند شهید و دکترای تخصصی رادیوتراپی و اوکولوژی
• مهندس سرور فاضلی پور – کارشناس ارشد مدیریت اجرایی
• دکتر شایگان – استاد جامعه شناسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
• دکتر قنبری – استاد حوزه و جامعه الزهرا
• معصومه حاج حسینی – استاد حوزه و دانشگاه
• و سرکار خانم قوی – عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه
در سخنان خود بر این نکات تأکید کردند:
• ضرورت ارزیابی کیفی در حوزه های علمیه و پرهیز از رقابتهای کمی
• حضور زنان فاضله و اندیشمند در شورای مدیریت حوزه علمیه
• پیشنهاد تشکیل شورای فقهی خواهران برای مسائل مستحدثه
• تمرکز حوزه های علمیه خواهران با مدیریت خواهران فاضله
• ناهنجاریها و نابسامانی های عمیق زندگی فردی و اجتماعی زنان در غرب، اثبات کننده کذب بودن ادعاهای لیبرالیزم و غرب مبنی بر حمایت از زنان
• ضرورت تلاش برنامه ریزی شده برای اصلاح و ارتقای جایگاه اجتماعی زنان
• نقش چندگانه زنان در تحقق اهداف «جهاد اقتصادی»
• تلاش مستمر برای تقویت فرهنگ عفاف و حجاب
• تبیین الگویی اسلامی – ایرانی برای افزایش حضور زنان در عرصه های مختلف جامعه به موازات تقویت نقش آنان در خانواده
• لزوم نگاه سیستماتیک و مبتنی بر آموزه های دینی در دستگاهها و سازمانهای متولی امور زنان
• حضور بیشتر زنان در شوراهای تصمیم سازی و تصمیم گیری در کشور
• توجه لازم به سلامت معنوی افراد جامعه
• افزایش ایجاد و گسترش بیمارستانهای تخصصی و فوق تخصصی زنان
• راه اندازی کرسی های نظریه پردازی در مسائل زنان
• اهمیت نقش و جایگاه بنیان خانواده و مقابله با جنگ نرم دشمن
• اهتمام به حل مشکلات قضایی بانوان با رویکرد برطرف کردن نواقص قوانین قضایی خانواده
• ضرورت توجه حقیقی رسانه ها بویژه رسانه ملی به عمق نگاه اسلام به زنان
• لزوم پرهیز جدی رسانه ها از تبلیغ مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم الگوهای ضد ارزشی و بیگانه
• محکومیت بی توجهی مدعیان حقوق بشر به ظلم مضاعفی که در حق زنان بحرین و فلسطین انجام می شود.
• پرهیز از افراط و تفریط و نگاه متحجرانه یا فمینیستی به مقوله زن
در این دیدار مادر 4 شهید و همسر شهید سیدحمزه سجادیان که در دیدار حضور داشت در پیامی که همسر یکی از فرزندان شهیدش قرائت کرد بر وفاداری و ایستادگی زنان ایرانی بر عهد و پیمان با اسلام و امام و شهیدان تأکید کرد.
Supreme Leader Raps West\\\'s Instrumental Use of Women
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lambasted the western countries for their instrumental use of women, describing the West\\\'s wrong view about woman as the root cause of the different problems existing in the western families.
\\\"In the wrong equation that the West has gradually induced and inspired in the different societies, the human being is divided into two parts; Men who are considered as beneficiaries and women who are exploited and used,\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said on Sunday, addressing a large number of Iranian women on the threshold of the \\\'Women\\\'s Day\\\' in Iran marking the birthday anniversary of Islam\\\'s number one woman Hazrat Fatema (AS), daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), spouse of Shiite\\\'s first Imam and mother of Shiite Islam\\\'s second and third Imams.
Based on this very wrong view, if women in the West want to prove themselves as renowned personalities in the society, they should behave in a way that men, as the beneficiaries, like, and this insult is the biggest oppression and cruelty against women, Ayatollah Khamenei added.
Referring to the figures published by the international centers, Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the weakening foundations of the western families, rapid growth of women trafficking and women trade, illegitimate births and shared life outside matrimony are just a few of the evil consequences of the West\\\'s improper view of women, which is based on misuse.
Every day, women in Europe and the US fall victim to one of the most flagrant abuses of their human rights - the right to live without violence.
It might be the stranger lurking in the back alley: much more likely it is the partner, relative, friend or colleague - for most violence against women is carried out by someone they know.
Crime statistics show that one woman in four has been attacked at some time in their lives and that at least 15 per cent of all European women have experienced domestic violence in a relationship after the age of 16. With domestic violence still very much a hidden crime, the real figure is sure to be higher. Other forms of violence - such as stalking, forced marriage, forced abortions, and forced sterilization - still pass largely unrecorded.
Conviction rates for any type of violence against women are notoriously low. When police pick up a case, on average there are 35 previous incidents to take into account. And law enforcement agents do not always possess the required expertise to produce the evidence necessary to see perpetrators brought to justice. Is it any wonder that convictions are rare?
Governments throughout Europe are recognizing the challenge, but have fallen short of action. Some have now set up refuges for abused women, some have criminalized harassment. Others use restraining orders, counseling or mediation services, or expel the violent partner from the home. Practices differ from country to country, with no clear legislative model - leaving Europe\\\'s women vulnerable to a crime that should have passed into the history books years ago.
Given the mottos chanted by Europe about its pioneering role in the protection of human rights throughout the world, is this the utopia that the western society is calling everyone to?
[MUST WATCH] The Eye-opening REALITY of Living in the West | REFLECT |...
Finally revealed: The truth about living in the West. Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar talks on the spiritual secrets of the Islamic Revolution. What does...
Finally revealed: The truth about living in the West. Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar talks on the spiritual secrets of the Islamic Revolution. What does it mean to attain true freedom? Are you a Slave to a Taghuti System in the West? The Revolutionaries are celebrating the 22nd of Bahman - the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution paving the way towards the global uprising of Imam Mahdi (A)… but what does this mean for those living in non-Islamic environments, particularly in the West? Shaykh explains using Quran how you cannot live comfortably under Taghuti (tyrannical) systems like in the West. But what if you were born in the West? What about being an “ambassador to Islam” in the West? Is integrating into the Taghuti system problematic?
\\\\\\\"…Exit your people from the veils of darkness towards the light
and remind them of the Days of Allah…” - The Holy Quran [14:5]
#ImamMahdi #22Bahman #RevolutionDay #IslamicRevolution #DaysOfAllah #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #IslamicRepublic #Iran #Iranian #1979 #41Years #40Years #Immigration #Exodus #Tehran #Qom #ImmigrationLaws #Islamic #Reality #Quran #Iraq #Pakistan #Trump #BorisJohnson #BorisTheLiar #UK #USA #France #Hijab #HIjabBan #Women #Education #LGBT #LGBTRights #NoToRSE #D2A
Video Tags:
Shackled by the West | Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R) | Farsi Sub...
Don\'t expect any gifts from the West.
Don\'t expect any favors from the West.
Don\'t expect any good to come to your nation, if it\'s...
Don\'t expect any gifts from the West.
Don\'t expect any favors from the West.
Don\'t expect any good to come to your nation, if it\'s something coming from the West.
Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R) describes the aforementioned things and he speaks about the chains and shackles that were placed upon the Iranian people and the Iranian nation by the West prior to the Islamic Revolution.
Now that the we have been freed, we will never again be shackled.
Video Tags:
[29 July 2012] West Bank under fire - Remember Palestine - English
[29 July 2012] West Bank under fire - Remember Palestine - English
A number of NGOs including UNICEF and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights...
[29 July 2012] West Bank under fire - Remember Palestine - English
A number of NGOs including UNICEF and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as Palestinian Al Haq and the Israeli Yesh Din, issued yet another statement on the continued rise in settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The statement which states there has been an astounding 150% increase in settler violence since 2009 comes just a few days after a lethal attack on a Palestinian who was repeatedly stabbed by settlers after just being shot by Israeli soldiers.
A report from the Palestine Center published this year identifies three potential causes for settler violence; it\'s response to Israeli government actions; it\'s a product of demographics and security arrangements; it is a response to Palestinian violence. The report also states that while Israeli settler violence is not new, the extent and frequency with which it is perpetrated today is new.
[29 Nov 2015] Common Worry - Supreme Leader slams West’s support for...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
To the Youth in Western Countries,
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation, however the truth is that if painful matters do not create the grounds for finding solutions and mutual consultation, then the damage caused will be multiplied.
The pain of any human being anywhere in the world causes sorrow for a fellow human being. The sight of a child losing his life in the presence of his loved ones, a mother whose joy for her family turns into mourning, a husband who is rushing the lifeless body of his spouse to some place and the spectator who does not know whether he will be seeing the final scene of life- these are scenes that rouse the emotions and feelings of any human being. Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
Without a doubt, the one-and-a-half billion Muslims also have these feelings and abhor and are revolted by the perpetrators and those responsible for these calamities. The issue, however, is that if today’s pain is not used to build a better and safer future, then it will just turn into bitter and fruitless memories. I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship, have the power to discover new means for building the future and who can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
It is correct that today terrorism is our common worry. However it is necessary for you to know that the insecurity and strain that you experienced during the recent events, differs from the pain that the people of Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have been experiencing for many years, in two significant ways. First, the Islamic world has been the victim of terror and brutality to a larger extent territorially, to greater amount quantitatively and for a longer period in terms of time. Second, that unfortunately this violence has been supported by certain great powers through various methods and effective means.
Today, there are very few people who are uninformed about the role of the United States of America in creating, nurturing and arming al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their inauspicious successors. Besides this direct support, the overt and well-known supporters of takfiri terrorism- despite having the most backward political systems- are standing arrayed as allies of the west while the most pioneering, brightest and most dynamic democrats in the region are suppressed mercilessly. The prejudiced response of the west to the awakening movement in the Islamic world is an illustrative example of the contradictory western policies.
I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
The other side of these contradictory policies is seen in supporting the state terrorism of Israel. The oppressed people of Palestine have experienced the worst kind of terrorism for the last sixty years. If the people of Europe have now taken refuge in their homes for a few days and refrain from being present in busy places- it is decades that a Palestinian family is not secure even in its own home from the Zionist regime’s death and destruction machinery. What kind of atrocious violence today is comparable to that of the settlement constructions of the Zionists regime?
This regime- without ever being seriously and significantly censured by its influential allies or even by the so-called independent international organizations- everyday demolishes the homes of Palestinians and destroys their orchards and farms. This is done without even giving them time to gather their belongings or agricultural products and usually it is done in front of the terrified and tear-filled eyes of women and children who witness the brutal beatings of their family members who in some cases are being dragged away to gruesome torture chambers. In today’s world, do we know of any other violence on this scale and scope and for such an extended period of time?
Shooting down a woman in the middle of the street for the crime of protesting against a soldier who is armed to the teeth- if this is not terrorism, what is? This barbarism, because it is being done by the armed forces of an occupying government, should not be called extremism? Or maybe only because these scenes have been seen repeatedly on television screens for sixty years, they should no longer stir our consciences.
The military invasions of the Islamic world in recent years- with countless victims- are another example of the contradictory logic of the west. The assaulted countries, in addition to the human damage caused, have lost their economic and industrial infrastructure, their movement towards growth and development has been stopped or delayed and in some cases, has been thrown back decades. Despite all this, they are rudely being asked not to see themselves as oppressed. How can a country be turned into ruins, have its cities and towns covered in dust and then be told that it should please not view itself as oppressed? Instead of enticements to not understand and to not mention disasters, would not an honest apology be better? The pain that the Islamic world has suffered in these years from the hypocrisy and duplicity of the invaders is not less than the pain from the material damage.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives. In my opinion, the first step in creating security and peace is reforming this violence-breeding mentality. Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good” and “bad” types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.
Unfortunately, these roots have taken hold in the depths of western political culture over the course of many years and they have caused a soft and silent invasion. Many countries of the world take pride in their local and national cultures, cultures which through development and regeneration have soundly nurtured human societies for centuries. The Islamic world is not an exception to this. However in the current era, the western world with the use of advanced tools is insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. I consider the imposition of western culture upon other peoples and the trivialization of independent cultures as a form of silent violence and extreme harmfulness.
Humiliating rich cultures and insulting the most honored parts of these, is occurring while the alternative culture being offered in no way has any qualification for being a replacement. For example, the two elements of “aggression” and “moral promiscuity” which unfortunately have become the main elements of western culture, has even degraded the position and acceptability of its source region.
So now the question is: are we “sinners” for not wanting an aggressive, vulgar and fatuous culture? Are we to be blamed for blocking the flood of impropriety that is directed towards our youth in the shape of various forms of quasi-art? I do not deny the importance and value of cultural interaction. Whenever these interactions are conducted in natural circumstances and with respect for the receiving culture, they result in growth, development and richness. On the contrary, inharmonious interactions have been unsuccessful and harmful impositions.
We have to state with full regret that vile groups such as DAESH are the spawn of such ill-fated pairings with imported cultures. If the matter was simply theological, we would have had to witness such phenomena before the colonialist era, yet history shows the contrary. Authoritative historical records clearly show how colonialist confluence of extremist and rejected thoughts in the heart of a Bedouin tribe, planted the seed of extremism in this region. How then is it possible that such garbage as DAESH comes out of one of the most ethical and humane religious schools who as part of its inner core, includes the notion that taking the life of one human being is equivalent to killing the whole humanity?
One has to ask why people who are born in Europe and who have been intellectually and mentally nurtured in that environment are attracted to such groups? Can we really believe that people with only one or two trips to war zones, suddenly become so extreme that they can riddle the bodies of their compatriots with bullets? On this matter, we certainly cannot forget about the effects of a life nurtured in a pathologic culture in a corrupt environment borne out of violence. On this matter, we need complete analyses, analyses that see the hidden and apparent corruptions. Maybe a deep hate- planted in the years of economic and industrial growth and borne out of inequality and possibly legal and structural prejudice- created ideas that every few years appear in a sickening manner.
Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
In any case, you are the ones that have to uncover the apparent layers of your own society and untie and disentangle the knots and resentments. Fissures have to be sealed, not deepened. Hasty reactions is a major mistake when fighting terrorism which only widens the chasms. Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America- which are comprised of millions of active and responsible human beings- and which would deprive them of their basic rights more than has already happened and which would drive them away from society- not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
Superficial measures and reactions, especially if they take legal forms, will do nothing but increase the current polarizations, open the way for future crises and will result in nothing else. According to reports received, some countries in Europe have issued guidelines encouraging citizens to spy on Muslims. This behavior is unjust and we all know that pursuing injustice has the characteristic of unwanted reversibility. Besides, the Muslims do not deserve such ill-treatment. For centuries, the western world has known Muslims well- the day that westerners were guests in Islamic lands and were attracted to the riches of their hosts and on another day when they were hosts and benefitted from the efforts and thoughts of Muslims- they generally experienced nothing but kindness and forbearance.
Therefore I want you youth to lay the foundations for a correct and honorable interaction with the Islamic world based on correct understanding, deep insight and lessons learned from horrible experiences. In such a case and in the not too distant future, you will witness the edifice built on these firm foundations which creates a shade of confidence and trust which cools the crown of its architect, a warmth of security and peace that it bequests on them and a blaze of hope in a bright future which illuminates the canvass of the earth.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
8th of Azar, 1394 - 29th of Nov, 2015
The Iranian Woman Has Defeated the West | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
What does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, mean when his eminence says that \"The Iranian Woman Defeated the...
What does the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, mean when his eminence says that \"The Iranian Woman Defeated the West\"?
And how has the Iranian woman defeated the west?
And in general, how does the west view women?
What physical manifestation of religiosity and religious value has been able to help the Iranian woman defeat the west?
And finally, what has nullified the 200-300 years\' efforts of the enemies of women and their true freedom and independence?
The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, speaks and answers how \"The Iranian Woman Has Defeated the West\".
Video Tags:
The Gift of the West is Colonization | Imam Khomeini (R) | Farsi...
If the West brings the Islamic World a gift, what is it usually based upon?
And is it sensical to believe that the West would bring the Islamic...
If the West brings the Islamic World a gift, what is it usually based upon?
And is it sensical to believe that the West would bring the Islamic World a gift that was of no benefit to the ulterior motives of the West?
Finally, how should we behave if we have realized that we have freed ourselves from some of the chains of the West?
The founding father of the Islamic Republic, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R), speaks about how \"The Gift of the West is Colonization\".
[03 July 2012] West must condemn Israeli barbarism - English
[03 July 2012] West must condemn Israeli barbarism - English
Human rights group B'Tselem has uploaded a video showing Israeli police officers...
[03 July 2012] West must condemn Israeli barbarism - English
Human rights group B'Tselem has uploaded a video showing Israeli police officers brutally attacking a Palestinian child, providing more evidence of Israeli violence against Palestinian children.
The video shows a border policeman apprehending a nine-year-old boy, identified as Abd al-Rahman Burkan, and knocking him to the ground while the child shouts, near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the south of the occupied West Bank on June 29.
A second policeman is then seen approaching the child and kicking him.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Bruce Katz, president of Palestinian and Jewish Unity, to further discuss the issue.
[03 Aug 2012] How can Muslims in West help Islamic Awakening - English
[03 Aug 2012] How can Muslims in West help Islamic Awakening - English
After too much expectation and uncertainty, finally the Muslim Brotherhood...
[03 Aug 2012] How can Muslims in West help Islamic Awakening - English
After too much expectation and uncertainty, finally the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi won the election with 51.7 percent of the votes against Ahmed Shafiq. This came after a close competition in the second round, while some rumours were suggesting that the old regimes remnant Ahmed Shafiq might win. Thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters filled the streets and squares in Cairo and other cities to celebrate this victory, a turning point in Egypt's history to move from dictatorship to.
While Morsi succeeds Hosni Mubarak, who was overthrown 16 months ago after a popular uprising, the military council has this month curbed the powers of the presidency. This means that the head of state will have to work closely with the army on a planned democratic constitution. This week's Islam and Life asks: Egypt changes: How can Muslims in the west help the Islamic Awakening?
[31 Oct 2013] israeli troops kill Palestinian man in West Bank - English
Reports coming out of the occupied Palestinian territories say Israeli forces have killed at least one Palestinian man.
Ahmad Tazazaa was killed...
Reports coming out of the occupied Palestinian territories say Israeli forces have killed at least one Palestinian man.
Ahmad Tazazaa was killed in a village near the West Bank city of Jenin. The 22-year old is the latest victim of Israeli military attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. About 20 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank this year alone. Israeli troops also made some arrests in the village of Qabatiya south of Jenin. Meanwhile, Israeli troops arrested 12 Palestinians in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Three Hamas officials were among the detainees.
[08 Feb 2014] Tehran tells West to avoid adventurism - English
Iran says the West must avoid adventurism over its nuclear energy program.
Ali Akbar Salehi, the director of the Atomic Energy Organization of...
Iran says the West must avoid adventurism over its nuclear energy program.
Ali Akbar Salehi, the director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, has stated that the West\'s efforts to undermine the nuclear deal reached in Geneva last November would be self-defeating. Salehi has criticized US officials\' recent remarks about Iran\'s nuclear program. He says such remarks violate the terms of the Geneva deal signed by Iran and the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany. Salehi added that any adventurism targeting Iran would only boomerang on the West and Iran would lose nothing.
The Best Retreats of Old Year 2023: America, West Asia & Palestine |...
What an absolutely eventful and fortunately short year was the Gregorian Calendar year 2023; so many strange and bizarre things occurred.
So in...
What an absolutely eventful and fortunately short year was the Gregorian Calendar year 2023; so many strange and bizarre things occurred.
So in this end-of-year Gregorian Calendar part 2 episode of Keepin\\\\\\\' It Real, we decided to talk about the \\\\\\\"The Best Retreats of Old Year 2023: America, West Asia & Palestine\\\\\\\".
Well, what are some of the best \\\\\\\"retreats\\\\\\\" of America, West Asia & Palestine that the world hopefully saw in the old year 2023?
What are some notorious things that happened in the United States of America?
And what were just some of the retreats that occurred in West Asia, commonly misknown as the Middle East?
And finally, what unfortunate things did the world witness as regards to Palestine, and likewise, what fortunate things did the world witness as regards to Palestine?
And finally, how can we get out of this hysterically psychedelic loop that the world has bizarrely become stuck in? [ans. Imam Mahdi (A)]
Well, unfortunately, you\\\\\\\'re going to have to watch to find out what all happened in Old Year 2023, America, West Asia & Palestine, before we head into New Year 2024 Gregorian Calendar.
And our hearts and prayers go out to the brave Palestinian people.
God willing, you will be victorious.
Hey, we\\\\\\\'re just Keepin\\\\\\\' It Real, wherever you are!
#IslamicPulse #KeepinItReal #KIR #NewsCommentary #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #GlobalArrogance #USA #America #WestAsia #MiddleEast #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #IslamicRepublic #FreePalestine #Gaza #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #PalestineGenocide #AlQuds #2023 #2024 #NewYear #HappyNewYear #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #UnitedNations #UN #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #ImamMahdi #Media #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness #Funny #Laugh #Smile
Video Tags:
[26 Nov 2013] israeli forces have killed three Palestinians in the...
Israeli troops killed the Palestinians while trying to arrest them near the West bank city of al-Khalil-- also known as Hebron. Israeli troops make...
Israeli troops killed the Palestinians while trying to arrest them near the West bank city of al-Khalil-- also known as Hebron. Israeli troops make incursions into the West Bank of River Jordan almost on a daily basis, and abduct Palestinian activists. Israel has also set up hundreds of checkpoints there to launch its raids from within the occupied territory.
Muslim women in West - Mother Valued - English
Women is programs that talks about the most important issues pertaining to Muslim women living in the West
Women is programs that talks about the most important issues pertaining to Muslim women living in the West
The West's Democracy Is Blatant Hypocrisy | Agha Rahimpour Azghadi |...
Is there any government in any corner of the world which allows the opponents of its constitution to come to power?
How many countries let the...
Is there any government in any corner of the world which allows the opponents of its constitution to come to power?
How many countries let the people decide the principles of its system?
What happens to those who do not abide by the rules of a country?
And are those same rules constitutionalized by the vote of the people?
Besides, does Britain have a written constitution?
And are the Northern and West European countries which make bold claims about democracy and freedom and human rights, actually republics?
Are the officials of these phoney governments elected by the people?
Furthermore, what is the situation of freedom in the so-called liberal country of France?
Given that liberalism declares freedom of clothing, why are thousands of Muslim French girls with Hijab expelled from schools, universities and practically, everywhere else?
Why has the liberal French government, which claims to believe in freedom of clothing, banned the Hijab – when the Hijab is also a piece of clothing?
Additionally, has America – which makes grand declarations of freedom and liberty, and is called the land of the free – ever put its constitution to the vote of the people?
Which is the one and only country in the world that has let the people vote for the principle of the system and put its constitution to the vote of the people?
And finally, can such a system, and such a republic that has been completely chosen by its people, be uprooted by these fake, dishonest, hypocritical, and oppressive Western regimes?
Ustad Rahimpour Azghadi pulls no punches as he presents facts and proves that ‘The West\\\'s Democracy Is Blatant Hypocrisy.’
Video Tags:
The First-Ever World War That The West LOST | Dr. Hasan Abbasi | Farsi...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2?...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2? What about World War 3 - the cold war?
What were the Arrogant Powers trying to achieve in the West Asian region and who stood in their way?
And finally, was either Islam or the Islamic Republic defeated by the Arrogant Powers of the World?
Dr. Hasan Abbasi speaks about \\\"The First-Ever World War That The West LOST\\\".
And most likely, it won\\\'t be last.
israel Is A Tool Of The Collective West | Imam Khamenei | Arabic Sub...
What do we Muslims owe to the Resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen?
How does israel serve the interests of the collective West,...
What do we Muslims owe to the Resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen?
How does israel serve the interests of the collective West, including America?
And with the above question in mind, why is israel of such strategic importance for the collective West?
Finally, will the global Arrogant Powers realize their desires to be fulfilled via israel?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speaks about how \"israel Is A Tool Of The Collective West\" in his Friday Prayer sermon delivered on Oct. 4, 2024.
Sermon 1️⃣ Text:
Sermon 2️⃣ Text:
Sun Of West Hazarat Muhammad [SAWA] - Philosophical Development in...
Sun Of West - Philosophical Development in Islamic Iran -Interviews and Affect of pure teaching of Sun Of West Hazarat Muhammad [SAWA]
Sun Of West - Philosophical Development in Islamic Iran -Interviews and Affect of pure teaching of Sun Of West Hazarat Muhammad [SAWA]