Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and Television Uni Print
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and Television Uni Print
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 17, 2015 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with the participants of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and the members of Islamic Radio and Television Union.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and upon his immaculate, pure and chosen household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth.
I would like to welcome the honorable participants and the dear brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters from Ahlul Bayt World Assembly, the brothers and sisters from the Islamic Radio and Television Union and the honorable families of martyrs who are present in the meeting. I ask Allah the Exalted to bestow His blessings on all of you.
I would like to raise a few points about the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and the Islamic Radio and Television Union. As for the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly, its significance originates from the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (a.s.) household. Allah the Exalted says something - in a very explicit manner - about the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.) in the Holy Quran: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, you members of the Family, and to make you pure and immaculate\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 33]. This description has been used for few groups of people in the Holy Quran. The Ahlul Bayt\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s understanding and knowledge lies in their divine purity. Well, this purity has many dimensions. If a group of people associate themselves with the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.), they should observe certain criteria. This is what we want to say: these groups should observe certain criteria. The efforts of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) revolved around these pivots- first, reviving the original teachings of Islam. They wanted to keep Islamic principles alive. Oppressive governments and taghuts always tried to destroy or change and distort Islamic teachings. One of the most important moves of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household was to resist this attempt. They wanted to preserve and revive Islamic teachings. This was one of their tasks.
Another task that the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) did was to implement divine laws. They did so whether during the time when they ruled or during the time when they were removed from government. Their efforts were focused on implementing divine laws in society. This was another task. Another task that they carried out was to engage in jihad in the way of God. You read in the ziarat of the Imams, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I testify that you strove [jihad] in the way of God, such a striving is due to him.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" This means that they did not show any negligence in fighting in the way of God. They engaged in jihad in the way of God with all their power and capability. This was another task.
An important part of this jihad - which is a separate chapter in itself - was fighting against oppression and oppressors. The lives of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.) were imbued with fighting against oppression and oppressors. The reason behind all those pressures and poisoning attempts and all that martyrdom was this- they fought against oppression and oppressors. This is the life of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household. Now, we want to be their followers. Therefore, we should observe these things. These things should be observed. We should promote Islamic teachings. We should consider implementing divine laws as one of our goals. We should engage in jihad in the way of God with all our power. We should fight against oppressors. We should fight against and confront oppressors. This is our responsibility.
Well, jihad is not confined to a military war. Jihad includes all kinds of fighting, ranging from cultural to political and economic fighting. All these kinds of fighting are included in jihad. Our minds should not only switch to a military war. Sometimes, it is possible that a military war breaks out, but jihad is not only this.
In our opinion, today, the manifestation of jihad for us Muslims and followers of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household is fighting against the plots of arrogance in this Islamic region. Today, this is the greatest form of jihad. We should fight against the plots of arrogance. First, we should identify these plots and study the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s thoughts so that we know what he is going to do. After that, we should plan on how we want to fight against his goals. And this is not confined to defense. Fighting includes both defense and offense. Sometimes, it is necessary for us to adopt a defensive position and sometimes, it is necessary to adopt an offensive position. In both cases, the goal is fighting against the plans of arrogance - which is the main enemy - in the region.
This fighting should take place in the entire Islamic region - particularly in this region which is West Asia. The Europeans insist on referring to this region as the Middle East region. In other words, they locate east on the basis of Europe. To them, a region is Far East, another is Middle East and another region is Near East. Because of the Europeans\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' arrogance, this region has been called, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the Middle East\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" from the beginning. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The Middle East\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is a wrong name. This is West Asia. This is Asia - a large continent - and we are in West Asia. This region is a very sensitive region. It is a very important region in terms of strategy, military power, important underground resources and connection between three continents - Asia, Europe and Africa. It is an important region for which they have certain plans. We should see what these plans are and then we should confront them. This is jihad. The Holy Quran says to us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And strive hard in the way of Allah, such a striving is due to Him\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 22: 78]. Today, this is jihad in the way of God.
Hatching plots against the world of Islam and this region in particular is not a new development. Since many years ago - since 100 years ago: since World War I until today - this region has been exposed to many pressures by arrogant powers. One day, it was England, one day it was America and one day it was France. It is 100 years or more now that arrogant powers have been pursuing their goals here. However, these pressures, plans and plots have been reinforced since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. This is because the victory of Islam in an important, great and sensitive country like Iran was confusing for arrogance. In the beginning, they lost the power to analyze events. We used to pursue events and we were witness to this. In the beginning, they were confused. Later on, when they collected themselves, they began to exert pressure and the pivot of this pressure was the Islamic Republic of Iran. First, they focused their efforts on preventing this experience from being repeated in other countries. They were after this. This was why they thought of increasing pressures on Iran. It is 35 years now that we have gotten used to the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s pressures. The people of Iran have gotten used to pressures. It is 35 years now that we have been facing threats, sanctions, security pressures, different political plots and all kinds of pressures.
This began with the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. However, after the emergence of Islamic Awakening - that began four, five years ago in North African countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and other African countries - the enemies increased their pressures. That is to say, the enemy became anxious and uneasy in the real sense of the word. They adopted many measures that are continuing in the present time. Of course, they think that they have suppressed Islamic Awakening, but this humble person believes that Islamic Awakening is not suppressible. Although they have adopted some measures, this movement exists and it will find its true position sooner or later. In any case, they have increased their efforts in the recent years. They have adopted many measures and they have brought new elements into the equation.
The enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plans are based on two things. First, I will tell you that when we say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" we do not refer to an imaginary and fictional creature. By \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" we mean global arrogance and arrogant powers: powers whose existence depends on dominating others, interfering in their affairs and possessing their financial and vital resources. These are arrogant powers or in other words, the leaders of global arrogance. We have a term in our political literature which is global arrogance. It means the division of the world into \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the oppressor\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the oppressed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". This is global arrogance. Those who are the leaders of this system are enemies.
If we want to give an example of who this enemy is in the outside world, we should refer to the regime of the United States of America. This regime is the epitome of global arrogance. Of course, others are part of global arrogance as well, but the clearest and the most obvious example is the regime of the United States of America. It knows nothing about human morality and it is not ashamed of committing any crime - of any nature. It covers these crimes, pressures and violent acts behind its smiles and its good and beautiful words. The manifestation of global arrogance is this regime. Therefore, when we say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", it means this.
This enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan in the region is mainly based on two things. Of course, it has many branches, but these are the main two. One is creating discord and the second it exerting influence. This is the basis of the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan in the region. They want to create discord between governments and - after that - between nations which is more dangerous than discord between governments. They want to make peoples bear grudge against each other and establish biased groups with different names. One day, it was \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Iranism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Arabism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Turkism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and other such orientations and today, it is the issue of Shia and Sunni, takfirism and other such things. They create discord with anything they can. This is only item of their measures and they are working on it in a very serious way. Of course, the English were the first experts of this measure. They have expertise in creating religious discord. The Americans have learned this from them and they are working on it today with all their power.
All the takfiri groups that you see are their handicraft. Of course, we have been saying this for several years, but some people had doubts. Today, the Americans themselves are acknowledging this. They are acknowledging that it was they who created DAESH, al-Nusra Front and other takfiri groups. A bunch of simple-minded - although sincere - Muslims were deceived by them. This is the important point. What is very instructive to us and what we should pay attention to is that sometimes well-intentioned individuals work inside the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan because of lack of vigilance. This has happened. One clear example of this is the issue of Syria. When taghuti governments were overthrown in Tunisia and Egypt with Islamic slogans, all of a sudden the Americans and the Zionists decided to use this formula for destroying resistant governments and countries. Therefore, they turned to Syria and as a result, a group of simple-minded and naïve individuals became the target of this plan. They made Syria reach the current situation. It is four, five years now that Syria has been experiencing this tumultuous situation and it is not clear when it will come to an end.
This was what the enemy did and simple-minded individuals were incorporated in this plan. They filled in the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s puzzle. This happens in many cases. It was they who created takfiri groups. It was they who created thuggish and violent groups and set them on the Islamic Ummah. They pretend that this is a denominational war. I will tell you that the conflicts that they are trying to label as denominational conflicts in Iraq, Syria and other countries are not denominational at all. They are of a political nature. The war in Yemen is a political war, not a religious one. They falsely claim that the issue is about Shia and Sunni while this is not the case. Some of those people who are losing their children, women, infants and their hospitals and schools in Yemen under the bombardment of the Saudis are Shafi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'i and some of them are Zaidi . So, the issue is not about Shia and Sunni. The conflict is a political conflict, the conflict between policies. Today, they are creating such a situation in the region. It was they who created discord.
We should try to eliminate these differences and conflicts. We have said to everyone in an outspoken way that we extend the hand of friendship to all regional and Muslim governments. We have no problems with Muslim governments. Of course in the present time, our relations with many of our neighbors are already friendly and brotherly. The countries to the north, south, east and west of the Islamic Republic of Iran have good relations with us. Of course, some countries - near and far away - have certain differences with us. They behave in an obstinate way and show malevolence. This exists as well, but our principle is based on establishing good relations with neighboring countries, governments and - particularly - peoples. Our country has very good relations with peoples.
Of course, we believe that we should be committed to principles. We say that principles should be preserved. It was with commitment to principles that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) managed to achieve victory, preserve the Revolution and give stability to the Islamic Republic. He was committed to principles. One of these principles is \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are strong against unbelievers, compassionate amongst each other\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 29]. This is one of the principles. We do not make peace with our enemies - with arrogance - and we do not show enmity towards our Muslim brothers, rather we behave in a friendly and brotherly manner towards them because we believe that we should be \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers, compassionate amongst each other.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
This is the lesson of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). This is the clear line of the Islamic Republic. In supporting the oppressed, we do not look, have not looked and will not look at the other side\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s religion and denomination. This is our magnanimous Imam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) guideline. Imam behaved towards Shia resistance in Lebanon in the same way that he behaved towards Sunni resistance in Palestine. He behaved towards them without any difference. We supported our brothers in Lebanon in the same way that we supported our brothers in Gaza without any difference. The former were Sunnis and the latter were Shias. The main issue for us is defending Islamic identity and supporting the oppressed. The main issue for us is the issue of Palestine which is the main issue for Muslims in the present time. This is the main issue for us.
We behave in the same way towards our enemies. Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) fought against Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who was apparently a Shia. Likewise, he fought against Saddam Hussein who was apparently a Sunni. Of course, the former was not a true Shia and the latter was not a true Sunni either. Both of them were separate from Islam, but the former was apparently a Shia and the latter was apparently a Sunni. Imam (r.a.) fought against them in the same way. Therefore, the issue for us is not the issue of Sunni, Shia, denominational bias and other such things. The issue is the issue of Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s principles: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Be an enemy of the oppressor and helper of the oppressed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 47]. This is Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s command. This is our path. This is our line.
Intensifying discord in the world of Islam is forbidden. We are opposed to the behavior of some Shia groups, as it leads to discord. We have said outspokenly that we are opposed to insulting the holy beliefs of Sunnis. Some people from both sides intensify and fuel the fire of enmities. Many of them have good intentions, but they do not have foresight. Foresight is necessary. We should see what the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan is. The enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s first plan is creating discord and his second plan is exerting influence. They want to have decade-long influence in Islamic and regional countries. Today in the region, America does not enjoy the reputation that it did in the past and therefore, it wants to retrieve it. They have the same intention in our country. They have the same intention in Iran. They thought that they could use the nuclear negotiations to exert influence inside our country. Now, the fate of this nuclear agreement is not clear either in Iran or in America. It is not clear whether it will be approved or not in both countries. They wanted to use it as a means to exert influence in our country, but we blocked their path and we will definitely block their path in the future as well [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"].
We will not allow the Americans to have economic or political influence in our country, nor will we allow them to have a political presence and cultural influence in our country. We will confront them with all our power which is thankfully great in the present time. The same is true of the region. In the region too, they want to exert influence, have an excuse to show their presence and pursue their goals. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor and grace, we will do our best to prevent this. Our policies in the region are the exact opposite of the Americans. The territorial integrity of regional countries is very important to us. The territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria is very important to us. On the contrary, they are after dismembering these countries. I have said before that the Americans are after dismembering Iraq, but some people expressed surprise. Recently, the Americans themselves have acknowledged that they are after dismembering Iraq. They want to dismembering Iraq. If they can, they want to dismember Syria as well.
Their purpose of doing this is to create small and obedient countries, but by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor and grace, this will not happen [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]. We will defend the Resistance in the region. We will defend the Palestinian Resistance which is one of the most prominent chapters in the history of the Islamic Ummah throughout these years. We will defend this group. We will support anyone who fights against Israel, who condemns the Zionist regime and who approves of the Palestinian Resistance. We will offer all kinds of support, within the scope of our capabilities, to such people. We will offer all kinds of possible support to anyone who confronts the Zionist regime. We will support the Resistance. We will support the territorial integrity of countries. We will support all those individuals who resist the divisive policies of America. We confront all those people who create discord.
We do not approve of the kind of Shia whose headquarters are in London [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"] because it is not the kind of Shia that the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) promoted. The kind of Shia that is based on creating discord and on clearing the road for the presence of the enemies of Islam is not real Shia, rather it is deviation. Shia is the epitome of original Islam and the Holy Quran. We will support all those people who help unity and we will oppose all those who act against unity. We will support all the oppressed. We will not leave the arena just because they say that we interfered in the affairs of Bahrain and other countries. We did not interfere at all, but we will support them. We feel for the oppressed people of Bahrain and Yemen. We pray for them and we will offer any kind of help we can.
Today, the people of Yemen are really oppressed. They are destroying a country just because of some arrogant and political polices which are pursued in a foolish manner. They could have pursued political goals in a different manner, but they are pursuing them foolishly. The events of Yemen and many other events in the world of Islam - in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other such countries - are really painful for us. And these events are too many and they are really painful. The world of Islam should cure such problems with vigilance and foresight.
As for the Islamic Radio and Television Union, I want to say that this union is very important. The task that you have begun - that is to say, establishing this union - is a very important task. Notice that in the present time, at least 70, 80 percent of the people in Muslim countries are committed to religious principles and beliefs. If you take a look at Islamic countries, you will see that the people are committed to and believe in their religion. To what extent are the radio and television networks in such countries - which should be the representatives of the people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s wishes and demands - committed to religion? There is a shocking gap and rift. Seventy, eighty percent of the people are religious, but radio and television networks in such countries do not move in a religious direction and they do not reflect the people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s demands. This is very strange. They reflect the same things that the dangerous media empire of arrogance wants. Today, arrogance has created a great media empire. They distort and cover up news and they tell lies. This way, they promote their policies. This is while they constantly say that they take an impartial position. The English radio claims that it is impartial, but they are lying. They are not impartial at all. They move in the exact direction of arrogant and colonialist policies - whether American or English policies.
Audio and print media, news agencies and the complicated means of mass communication that exist today are all at the service of their policies. They are at the service of arrogance, Zionism and their goals. We should do something in the face of this dangerous empire and this large media mafia that is in the hands of American and Zionist capitalists and cartels. What you are doing is the beginning of a movement and therefore, it should be pursued and strengthened on a daily basis. You should bring your partners and colleagues into the arena as well.
By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, a good future is awaiting us. I will tell you that despite the boastful behavior of arrogance and the great efforts that arrogance and its allies and followers are carrying out in financial, military, political and security areas, the future belongs to Islam in the region and in the entire world of Islam. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s dignity and power will increase on a daily basis. Of course, it is necessary to show diligence. Thankfully, there are many mujahid men, women and youth in the entire world of Islam. Therefore, we should appreciate their value and we should use our slogans, our moves, our words and our activities in this direction. If we do so, Allah the Exalted will definitely help: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you help the cause of Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7].
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
[Clip] Tell me about the future of the world | Agha Ali Reza Panahian...
What will the future be like? The future is Islam.
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What will the future be like? The future is Islam.
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We are at the end of one century and the start of a new century based on the Hijri solar calendar. Even if it wasn’t the beginning of a new century the changes in the world show that a long period of history has finished and the state of the world is changing.
Maybe we couldn’t have said this eight months ago. We couldn’t have said it last year. But now, with the events that we are witnessing in the world in recent months and in the period that we are in, everyone agrees that we are at a turn in history, an expression used by the dear Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
The last century can be called the century of the rise and fall of Western civilization. When I was a teenager, about fifty years ago, people used to say that we are at the end of the world. But this statement was retracted by the world\\\'s most prominent thinkers some time ago. Fukuyama said, “I was wrong when I said the end of history is liberal democracy. We don’t know where the end of history is because liberal democracy hasn’t been successful.”
What do you predict for this coming century? What do you suggest for its name? I have a suggestion for the name of this century. The coming century is bringing a civilization that will replace Western civilization. It will be an alternative civilization to Western civilization, according to many thinkers. Of course, they say this quietly and don’t announce it frequently on TV.
The alternative civilization will be the \\\"new Islamic civilization.\\\" The future civilization will be a \\\"Mahdavi [Imam Mahdi] civilization.\\\" Why am I saying this? Because no one in the world has any plans for the future! There is no thinker in the world to say that the future will be determined by socialism, or by liberal democracy, or to say the future will be determined by a certain lifestyle.
Yes, in terms of technology, they say technology will advance a lot! Yes, it is said that the world’s governments will be saved from dictatorial rulers. Yes, everyone is saying that a new chaos is being created in the world. Everyone says these things. But can the United Nations ensure order in the world? No. The previous century was the century of the rise and fall of Western civilization. The next century is the century of the new Islamic civilization.
It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as), “Our government will be the last government. Because after our government has been established, has succeeded and that great civilization ‘has been raised by God above all religions’ [Qur’an 61:9], no one will say, ‘If I had been in charge, I would have done that too.’” According to Imam Baqir (as), when that government is established no one will have anything else to say. A theoretical vacuum will have existed.
There is no voice in the universe talking about the future of the world for us to evaluate it to see if it is right or wrong! No one in the world says that in the future everyone will go toward Marxism, or that everyone will go toward a certain religion. Except for us. We are the only ones talking about the future! For forty years, we have been answering in religious forums. We have answered doubts. We have answered false claims. There is no longer a false claim in the world for us to answer! No one even has a claim for the future.
Only these minarets and mosques of yours talk about the future. Only you have hope for the future! This is a big celebration itself. And our community must be the one to explain the Mahdavi civilization. Every mosque, gathering, class or book that does not talk about the Mahdavi future of the world, has reduced its own value to nearly zero. Tell me about the future! What will the future be like?
#AliRezaPanahian #EndOfTheWorld
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as)...
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Abdullah bin Umar met Aba Abdillah al-Husayn (as) in Medina. He said, “I’ve heard you want to go.” “Yes, come with me and help us,” said the Imam. “No, I can’t,” he said. “O Abdullah bin Umar, this world is not worth it. Come with me.” The Imam then told him a reason for him to be able to think correctly. He said, “This world is such that the Children of Israel would behead their prophet at night and live their life comfortably in the morning.” The Imam recited an elegy for one of the beheaded prophets in order to help Abdullah bin Umar lose his infatuation with this world. “This world isn’t worth it. Come with me. It’s a world where such crimes take place.”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? You friends who are mourning for Aba Abdillah al-Husayn and who love him, accept this that we have just started our relationship with Imam Husayn (as). The Imam’s martyrdom has not yet affected us. Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. It’s when you take this elegy seriously on the night of Ashura, “Tonight the king of religion is a guest in her tent. O morning, don’t rise!”
Who can be affected by Aba Abdillah al-Husayn’s (as) martyrdom? The one who has this unusual thought the night before Ashura, “Maybe they won’t kill Husayn (as) tomorrow. Maybe. Could it be possible?” You say, “The story finished 1,400 years ago!” But when one has an intense love, his mind functions like this and is under the influence of his love. When he is told that Husayn, the son of Lady Fatimah, was martyred on the evening of Ashura, his life changes. He’ll live differently from the next day. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. He’ll live differently. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
[97] Stay Away From People Who Love The World | Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi...
When it is said that one should refrain from the world and worldly things, does it mean that one should hate everything that is related to the...
When it is said that one should refrain from the world and worldly things, does it mean that one should hate everything that is related to the material world?
What is the correct definition of refraining from the world?
What are the two ways that the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'world\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' can be used for?
And why is detachment from the world emphasized, especially when considering the adverse effects of loving the world?
What is an adverse affect of being friends with people who are in love with the world and with worldly things?
What are some of the attributes of the people who are attached to the world and to worldly things?
Finally, what are some of the steps to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Stay Away From People Who Love The World\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"?
The late Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi (R) provides us with a short, but profound lesson on the basics of loving Allah.
#Islam #QomTv #Misbah_Yazdi #Akhlaq #Love #Allah #Concepts #Beliefs #Salvation #Spirituality #Shia
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A NEW WORLD ORDER Is On The Horizon | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
Is unipolarity and oppressing and colonizing other nations still legitimate and submissively accepted by the weaker nations of the world?
Is unipolarity and oppressing and colonizing other nations still legitimate and submissively accepted by the weaker nations of the world?
Why and how is this shift in the power dynamics of the world coming about?
Furthermore, is a New World Order emerging?
What are some of the characteristics and fundamental lines of this new global order?
Additionally, what will be the condition of America in this new world order?
And finally, why is political literacy absolutely essential for the youth of today?
The honorable Rahbar, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, educates the youth on world politics, and encourages them to get interested and involved in the progress and politics of their beloved country which is about to take center stage as his eminence explains that \"A New World Order Is On The Horizon\".
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The New World Order | Br. Zafar Bangash | English
What is \"The New World Order\" that is taking shape in present-day?
What the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this new world...
What is \"The New World Order\" that is taking shape in present-day?
What the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this new world order?
What are some of the advancements achieved by the Islamic Republic of Iran?
What is our responsibility in the creation of this just new world order?
And what is the future like for the world in the wake of \"The New World Order\"?
In this Scholar Clip, Br. Zafar Bangash speaks about \"The New World Order\".
And it\'s a beautiful new world order, indeed.
#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #Resistance #Revolution #NewWorldOrder #NWO #IslamicCivilization #IslamicRepublic #Iran #Salvation #IslamicAwareness #IslamicRevolution #Khomeini #Khamenei #TheLeader
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[13 June 2012] World Awakening Awards Exhibition in Tehran - English
[13 June 2012] World Awakening Awards Exhibition in Tehran - English
World Awakening Awards Exhibition. Veteran artists from 59 countries from...
[13 June 2012] World Awakening Awards Exhibition in Tehran - English
World Awakening Awards Exhibition. Veteran artists from 59 countries from around the globe forwarded their art works in the forms of posters, caricatures and photographs to the secretariat of World Awakening Exhibition in Tehran. 439 art works from 3006 works of art were selected to compete in the first World Awakening Awards Exhibition. The head of Imam Ali Religious Museum where the event took place said that bringing together renowned international artists to work with top Iranian experts as jury members was an important event all by itself.
Art critiques talked about some intricate points in the art works and tried to explain to us what the artist wants the viewer to see.Some visitors said that looking at different works of art at this exhibition made them feel the pains and struggles of people fighting for freedom in the region and through out the world. The event kicked off on May 13th and was to end on June 11th but it was extended until June 21st because of great number of people wanting to attend.
The World War of Sanctions | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
What is \"The World War of Sanctions\"?
What is one of the kinds of unconventional wars that are taking place in the world?
What is...
What is \"The World War of Sanctions\"?
What is one of the kinds of unconventional wars that are taking place in the world?
What is one of the countries in the present-day that is waging a world war of sanctions on various countries all across the world?
Why is the war of sanctions and the economic war being waged by America unique when it comes to the Islamic Republic of Iran?
Is the Islamic Republic of Iran the only country that has been targeted in America\'s global economic war?
What response is a mistake when it comes to responding to America\'s economic war?
And finally, what is the correct response when it comes to responding to America\'s economic war?
The Leader of the Islamic Republic, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, delineates how to break America\'s economic siege as he speaks about \"The World War of Sanctions\".
Video Tags:
[27 July 2012] International Muslim charity organizations in today world...
[27 July 2012] International Muslim charity organizations in today world - Islam And Life - English
Muslims regard charitable giving as an...
[27 July 2012] International Muslim charity organizations in today world - Islam And Life - English
Muslims regard charitable giving as an important religious duty in their lives; many religious scholars place giving to charity alongside praying to God. This constitutes one of five Islam's pillars called zakah, an Arabic word for "purification". According to one estimate, citizens of Muslim countries give 10 percent of their income to charitable causes. However the Muslim charitable deeds lack a visible presence in the world. This could be mainly because Muslims are not allowed to advertise their charitable works. It is more virtues according to their belief to give charities anonymously. In recent years some large Muslim charities have entered the international arena.
For example after the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004 and the earthquake in Kashmir, 3 major Islamic charities in Britain offered 1.7 million pound of emergency relief. (Muslim Aids, Muslim Hands and Islamic Relief) The Muslim presence in the world of international, modern, professional charity was not always welcomed, most notably those involved in giving aids to the people of Palestine. This week's Islam and Life asks: How important is the role of international Muslim charity organizations in today's world?
CIA: Biggest terrorist organization of the World - English
A close look at the history of the CIA from its initial mission of intelligence gathering during World War II to covert subversive,...
A close look at the history of the CIA from its initial mission of intelligence gathering during World War II to covert subversive, counterrevolutionary, assassination operations around the world to CIA-led coups and regime changes from its backyard of Latin America to Africa, Europe, Middle East/Near East, Far East, Central Asia, ... to its present day War on Terror. Also a look at CIA-run torture chambers around the world including Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and countless unknown brigs on the deck of US ships around the world.
Operations such as operation Condor of 1975 when at least 60,000 revolutionaries were assassinated in Southern America and Operation Ajax, the 1953 coup against Iran\'s Musaddegh. A close look at CIA\'s role in creating and fostering terror and terrorists around the world from Latin American assassins to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Islamic Architecture and Mosque Around the World - English
World best historical place
Best Architecture Around the World
Muslim Architecture Around the World
World Best And Beautiful Mosque Around the...
World best historical place
Best Architecture Around the World
Muslim Architecture Around the World
World Best And Beautiful Mosque Around the World
The First-Ever World War That The West LOST | Dr. Hasan Abbasi | Farsi...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2?...
What goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 1?
And likewise, what goals were achieved by the Arrogant Powers in World War 2? What about World War 3 - the cold war?
What were the Arrogant Powers trying to achieve in the West Asian region and who stood in their way?
And finally, was either Islam or the Islamic Republic defeated by the Arrogant Powers of the World?
Dr. Hasan Abbasi speaks about \\\"The First-Ever World War That The West LOST\\\".
And most likely, it won\\\'t be last.
Palestine Shook the World's Conscience | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English
What is at the top of the issues that are related to the Islamic World?
What has the issue of Palestine and the genocide occurring there done to...
What is at the top of the issues that are related to the Islamic World?
What has the issue of Palestine and the genocide occurring there done to the conscience of the world?
And where are solidarity protests for Palestine occurring in the world; is it just Muslim nations?
And will these protests occurring in solidarity with Palestine across the world ever settle down?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speaks about how \"Palestine Shook the World\'s Conscience\".
Food riots around the world New World Order Agenda-English
The plan has been put into place We have been conditioned into believing that there are too many people in the world and there is not enough food...
The plan has been put into place We have been conditioned into believing that there are too many people in the world and there is not enough food Yes there is not enough food when our own government pays FARMERS NOT TO PLANT Look it up it is true Lets raise gas so we all complain and look for ALTERNATIVE FUEL like BIO FUEL Ridiculous when we can have Electric even Cars that run on WATER or AIR look that up Its simple the NWO plan is called EUGENICS look that up They are controlling us now creating panic making it so that we will turn to them the almighty for solutions WAKE UP NOW otherwise face the terrible consequences Our rights are being taken away daily and the third world countries are made to suffer first Google Kissinger s Plan for Food Control Genocide www larouchepub com slash other slash 1995
NWO Bilderberg controls the world — Alex Jones -ENGLISH
Contributed by syed_nadeemi. For decades some of the world s most powerful people have come together to meet and discuss world affairs in secret...
Contributed by syed_nadeemi. For decades some of the world s most powerful people have come together to meet and discuss world affairs in secret but some of their secrets may now be coming out
[22 Oct 2013] Islamic knowledge and humanities introduced to world...
For many centuries, Iran was the intellectual Center of the Islamic World. The great Iranian philosophers wrote dozens of works, some of which are...
For many centuries, Iran was the intellectual Center of the Islamic World. The great Iranian philosophers wrote dozens of works, some of which are still globally referred to in philosophy. Besides, there are books on theology, Shiism and Islamic culture which have not been properly introduced to the rest of the world. In Iran, a center has been founded with a mission to organize, translate, and publish books on Islamic Knowledge and Humanities.
The Center translates distinguished Islamic works into different languages such as English, French, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Armenian, and Korean.
The center has uploaded all its translated books in digital formats on their website Islamica-dot-ir. The digital library has managed to attract as many as three million visitors in a short period of time.
The center for organizing and translating Islamic knowledge and humanities has focused on translating the part of Islam and Iran which are new to people around the world.
Exchanging cultures through translation can contribute enormously to the western understanding of Islam and its peaceful goals.
[Friday Sermon] Using this World without being Its Slave; Ali\'s...
- Minimum wage mandatory raise in the province of Ontario and its reactions within all aspects of society.
- Employees receive higher wages,...
- Minimum wage mandatory raise in the province of Ontario and its reactions within all aspects of society.
- Employees receive higher wages, however some employers cut off other benefits and plans as a result.
- In any country, when the government want to handle their own finances or budgets, it’s always the poor section of the society who suffers the most.
- On the other hand, officials and executives continue living a lavish lifestyle.
- Narration of Khutba # 209 of Nahjul Balagha.
- The advice given in the above Khutba is relevant to us even today.
- The executives who cut budgets should first start from themselves.
- Imam Ali(a.s) was not poor. He had many properties and wells that he gave away as waqf for charity.
- Imam Ali(a.s) ate only dry bread in-spite of having the means. This was to maintain the lowest level so that even the poor people of the society could relate to him.
- Imam Ali(a.s) is an eternal example for the Muslim world and the wise people of the world.
- Islam does not believe in complete isolation in order to enhance spirituality.
- We can use the luxury of this world but not become its slave.
- Islam only believes in temporary isolation known as ‘iteqaf’
- What we need to be careful of is the ‘greed’.
- Example of the fly that sits on the sugar and of the fly that sits on honey.
- We should not submerge into the luxury of this world and become its slave.
- Quote of passages from dua # 8 and #39 of the 4th Imam from Sahifa Sajjadiyya.
Friday Juma Khutba
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: January 12th, 2018
[95] Can You Detach Yourself From The World? | Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi |...
What is the true meaning of being detached from the world?
And what is one of the prominent qualities that is seen in the immaculate and...
What is the true meaning of being detached from the world?
And what is one of the prominent qualities that is seen in the immaculate and infallible Imams (A), especially in Imam Ali (A)?
Were the divinely appointed Imams (A) detached from the world because they didn\\\\\\\'t have access to the world?
What is the Islamic recommendation on how to treat one\\\\\\\'s family members?
And even though we can\\\\\\\'t reach the level of Imam Ali (A), does this mean that we shouldn\\\\\\\'t try to be like his eminence (A)?
When training and nurturing one\\\\\\\'s family members, what is an important thing that one must keep in mind, vis-à-vis their capacity?
Finally, how will you answer when asked, \\\\\\\"Can You Detach Yourself From The World?\\\\\\\"
The late Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi (R) provides us with a short, but profound lesson on the basics of loving Allah.
#Islam #QomTv #Misbah_Yazdi #Akhlaq #Love #Allah #Concepts #Beliefs #Salvation #Spirituality #Shia
Video Tags:
O' World; We Won't Ever Tolerate Oppression! | Nasheed | Farsi Sub English
\\\"O\\\' world, do you see
our power or not?\\\"
\\\"[O\\\'] America, do you hear
our voice or not?\\\"
\\\"O\\\' world, do you see
our power or not?\\\"
\\\"[O\\\'] America, do you hear
our voice or not?\\\"
\\\"We stand against
the oppressor powerfully;\\\"
\\\"we’re resistant,
we are set towards the peak!\\\"
\\\"O\\\' world; we won’t ever tolerate
\\\"[O\\\'] israel; we will soon get
al-Quds back!\\\"
This and more in this powerful Nasheed نسل آرمانی by the Najmul Thaqib Children\\\'s Surood Group, in which they announce to the world, \\\"O\\\' World; We Won\\\'t Ever Tolerate Oppression!\\\"
Video Tags:
Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World | IP Talk Show |...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In ode to the beloved daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), her eminence, lady Fatima Zahra...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In ode to the beloved daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), her eminence, lady Fatima Zahra (A), we decided to speak about \\\"Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World\\\".
So, what is the connection between lady Fatima Zahra (A) and the Unseen world?
What are some beautiful spiritual aspects of lady Fatima Zahra (A)?
And what role does the mother of her eminence, the Mother of the Believers, lady Khadija (A) play in our discussion?
And what role does the unseen world play in the religion of Islam?
And finally, what is the reality of this material realm and that of the Hereafter?
To answer these questions and more, we decided to invite Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi and speak a little bit about \\\"Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World\\\".
Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of lady Fatima Zahra (A).
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Allah #Quran #Muhammad #Ali #Fatima #Zahra #LadyOfLight #Martyr #Martyrdom #Fatimiyya #FatimaZahra #IslamicAwareness #LadyFatima #DivineSecrets #Nihilism #Unseen #UnseenWorld #Ghaib #Khadija #Philosophy #UmmulMomineen #Paradise #Heaven
Video Tags:
Brave New World - Film Lit and the NWO - English
The Corbett Report explores Aldous Huxley s classic work of science fiction Brave New World Brave New World is a dystopic vision of a nightmare...
The Corbett Report explores Aldous Huxley s classic work of science fiction Brave New World Brave New World is a dystopic vision of a nightmare future in which worker drones are engineered from birth to perform slave labour for a world dictatorship
infrastructure Of Secret Socities Running Western World - English
Also See By Murtaza Zaidi On Shiatv A one world government and council of foreign relations in US Which Confirms The Findings Discussed A lecture...
Also See By Murtaza Zaidi On Shiatv A one world government and council of foreign relations in US Which Confirms The Findings Discussed A lecture by G Edward Griffin on the New World Order He explains in detail how they are organized and how they have infiltrated all of the power centers of the Western world
10 World of Webcraft Drag World Flash Game Tutorial Actionscript 3.0 -...
Copy+Paste: http://www.developphp.com/Flash_tutorials/show_tutorial.php?tid=1170
In this lesson we use Actionscript 3.0 to allow the user to drag...
Copy+Paste: http://www.developphp.com/Flash_tutorials/show_tutorial.php?tid=1170
In this lesson we use Actionscript 3.0 to allow the user to drag the world to see all sectors of a world area that is larger than the stage size.
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
The situation in Syria was supposed to be about Syrians demonstrating for...
[28 July 2012] Syria A Small-Scale World War - News Analysis - English
The situation in Syria was supposed to be about Syrians demonstrating for reforms and change: The situation in Syria has turned out into a proxy-war, involving several players, such as the US, UK, Turkey, not to mention fighters from different nationalities, including from Egypt, Libya, and Jordan, with German intelligence citing al-Qaeda's involvement and the money that is being provided by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Some observers say Syria has become the scene of a "small-scale world war".
[06 Aug 2012] Aljazeera Trojan horse of Muslim world - News Analysis -...
[06 Aug 2012] Aljazeera Trojan horse of Muslim world - News Analysis - English
Madness For a decade, Osama bin Laden, who at one time was...
[06 Aug 2012] Aljazeera Trojan horse of Muslim world - News Analysis - English
Madness For a decade, Osama bin Laden, who at one time was supposedly the most wanted man in the world continued to release videos to Al Jazeera which the station would regularly show. And now we see Al Arabia of Saudi Arabia showing the images of 48 Iranians kidnapped in Syria. What type of relationship do these networks have with terrorist organizations and where is the condemnation of the role that these stations play in inciting terrorism.
[18 Nov 2013] Rights groups urge boycott of Qatar World Cup over labor...
South Asian rights groups have called for a boycott of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar unless the Persian Gulf state improves conditions for migrant...
South Asian rights groups have called for a boycott of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar unless the Persian Gulf state improves conditions for migrant construction workers. Migrant workers, mostly from South or Southeast Asia, suffer alarming levels of exploitation. There are many reports of non-payment of wages and hazardous working conditions. Qatar is currently in the middle of a construction boom meant to prepare the gas-rich nation for the world\'s most popular sporting event. Amnesty International has also censured Qatar over its mistreatment of migrant construction workers, describing their conditions as deplorable.