** MUST Listen ** Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (S) at...
Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAWW at Ghadeer Khum by Agha Hassan Mujtaba Rizvi - English
The Ghadir event and its significance...
Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAWW at Ghadeer Khum by Agha Hassan Mujtaba Rizvi - English
The Ghadir event and its significance
Seventy days before his demise, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) 1 was returning to Medina after his last pilgrimage to Mecca, he reached the pond of Khum
(Ghadir Khum) near Juhfa. It was the 18th of the month of Dhul-Hijja of the year 10 AH (March 15, 632 AD). By this time, the Prophet (PBUH&HF) had conveyed
all of the divine commandments to his nation except for the formal and explicit public announcement of his divinely appointed successors as the leaders,
guardians, and guides for the believers for all days to come.
By the order of Allah, the Prophet (PBUH&HF) stopped at the pond of Khum, gathered the crowd of pilgrims, and delivered his last universal speech. In this
sermon, he presented his last religious instruction which finalized the last divine religion and made Islam the perfect religion in the sight of Allah. Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir (PBUH), the fifth Imam and successor of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: “The last obligatory duty that Allah sent down was al-Walaya(adherence
to the guardian assigned by Allah). Then, He sent down the verse: ‘Today, I completed your religion…’1 once the Messenger of Allah established it in Juhfa
This message was the most unique in the entire mission of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) due to the revelation of Verse 67, Chapter 5 of the Holy Quran before his
speech. In this revelation, Allah warned His Messenger that failing to deliver this last message would nullify his entire mission. This unprecedented warning
proves that this last message contained the most important religious commandment of Allah for the Muslim nation.
Moreover, the contents of this last message were so crucial to the faith that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) emphatically required all those who directly or
indirectly heard the sermon of Ghadir Khum to convey it to people who were not aware of its details, and parents to convey it to their children for all
generations to come. Hence, this sermon addresses all Muslim generations of the world until the Day of Judgement. This emphasis naturally implies that
the content of this message has a vital role in the future of the Muslims, their spiritual health, and their felicity in the Hereafter.
The main issue that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) addressed in his speech in Ghadir Khum was that Allah appointed Ali Ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) as the guardian (Wali),
the master (Mawla), the leader (Imam), and the commander (Amir) of all believing men and women, the deputy and the executor of his affairs (Wasi), and his
successor (Khalifa). His sayings and commands should be preferred over the opinions of all others in every matter. Obeying him is obeying Allah, and
disobeying him is disobeying Allah. Whoever follows him (and his sayings) is a believer under the guardianship of Allah, and whoever turns away from him (or
his sayings) is a disbeliever under the guardianship of Satan.
Guardianship (al-Walaya) expresses a bilateral relation between the guardian and the people. Observing al-Walaya by people means adhering to the guardian and
acknowledging his authority by heart, tongue, and action. On the other hand, the action of al-Walaya by the guardian means offering protection from evil,
spiritual assistance, care, support, and guidance for his adherents. A divinely appointed guardian guards his adherents from misguidance, spiritual
destruction, wrongdoing, and sin as much as they adhere to him and his commands. Establishing al-Walaya has been the ultimate goal of religion and the fruit
of the entire efforts of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) during his mission.
One who submits to Allah’s representative and adheres to him has indeed acknowledged Allah’s authority and guardianship and is a true monotheist in obeying
Allah. Acknowledging the guardianship of the leaders that Allah appointed and submitting to them is the greatest pillar of faith. It safeguards the followers
from the wrath and punishment of Allah. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (PBUH) said: “Islam is established by five things: prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and
al-Walaya (adhering to the guardians authorized by Allah). None (among them) was called for as (emphatically as) al-Walaya was called for. However, people
accepted the first four and abandoned al-Walaya.
People who refused to submit to the leaders that Allah appointed resemble the Satan who refused to submit to the viceregent of Allah, Adam (PBUH), and
consequently, became an outcast and went under the curse of Allah forever as mentioned in the Holy Quran.1 It is narrated that Imam al-Ridha (PBUH) said:
“The similitude of the believers in accepting the guardianship of the Commander of the Believers (Ali) on the day of Ghadir Khum is that of the angels in
prostrating before Adam (i.e., submitting to him), and the similitude of those who turned away from the guardianship of the Commander of the Believers on the
day of Ghadir is that of the devil (Iblis).
In one of his speeches on the anniversary of the day of Ghadir, Imam Ali (PBUH) said: “Allah does not accept the faith (of an individual) except after he
acknowledges the guardianship of whom He required. He does not arrange the means of His obedience (for an individual) except after he adheres to His ropes
and the ropes of His authorized people. Thus, Allah sent down to His Prophet (PBUH&HF) on the day of the large trees1 that which explained His will for His
sincere and chosen servants. Allah commanded him to convey (the message) without being concerned about the hypocrites or the deviants, and guaranteed him
protection against their evil... By that, Allah completed His religion, and delighted the eyes of His Prophet (PBUH&HF), and the believers. Some of you
witnessed this event and some received its news. This (appointment) concluded the beautiful word of Allah for those who observe patience… ”
[Al-Quds 2015] Poem by Sister Romesa Khan at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally -...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Poem by Hussein Mojtahedy at Toronto Al-Quds Rally 2015 -...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Br. Denis Lemelin at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Br. Nazih Khatatba at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Sister Karin Brothers at Toronto Al-Quds Day...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Br. Ken Stone at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally -...
Ken Stone, A member of the Independent Jewish Voices and Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, has stood up for the rights of Palestinian people. Ken...
Ken Stone, A member of the Independent Jewish Voices and Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, has stood up for the rights of Palestinian people. Ken is of Jewish origins but insists the Zionists do NOT speak for all Jewish people. His strong advocacy of the Palestinians\\\' right is proof of this.
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Br. Ali Mallah at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally...
Br Ali Mallah, Former Vice President Canadian Arab Federation, is a long time advocate for social and political justice. He is also very active in...
Br Ali Mallah, Former Vice President Canadian Arab Federation, is a long time advocate for social and political justice. He is also very active in the Labour movement.
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Moulana Asad Jafri at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of...
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
[Al-Quds 2015] Speech by Br. Zafar Bangash at Toronto Al-Quds Day Rally...
Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought has been a forceful voice for the rights of the Palestinian people. He is...
Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought has been a forceful voice for the rights of the Palestinian people. He is also the author of many books, his latest book is title:
July 11, 2015: Thousands of Torontonians joined millions of people in 800 cities across 85 countries to denounce the barbaric occupation of indigenous Palestinians by the Zionists. The streets in Toronto and around the world were abuzz with the slogans of “Shame Shame USA”, “Shame Shame israel” and “From the river to the sear, Palestine will be free”. The Al-Quds rally in Toronto was attended by Jews, Christians, Muslims and supporters of peace and justice from all walks of life.
Addressing the rally, the Jewish speakers pointed out that a large number of Jews oppose Zionism and the war crimes committed by the state of israel in the name of Judaism. The Jewish law does not allow for illegal occupation of land, mass incarceration of men, women and children and forced expulsion of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their homes. Other speakers vowed to defeat efforts by the state of israel to silence the condemnation of its crimes against humanity by accusing the protestors of anti-Semitism. They pledged to work together with the Jews, who oppose the racist and inhumane policies of israel , to give a voice to the voiceless Palestinians. Many of the attendees pointed out that Canadians, Americans, French or citizens of any other country will never accept if the Zionist came to their land and tried to expel them forcibly from their homes by claiming that they are the chosen people and their god has gifted the land to them.
There was a small group of counter protestors representing the illegal settlers and the state of israel. They primarily consisted of members of B’nai Brith and the Jewsih Defence League. The former has been credited with the creation of the terrorist state of israel and its continued illegal occupation and the later has been declared as a terrorist organization due to its violent activities against innocent civilians. Despite the best efforts by the representatives of israel in various countries to silence the protest against the apartheid state, the number of cities participating in the Al-Quds rallies and the number of organizations signing up for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement continues to grow. The day is not far, when Palestine will be free and the war criminals in israel will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.
Poetry by Sister Zehra at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Poetry By Sister at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution by...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Spokenwords by Zafir at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Speech by zafar bangash at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Poetry By Sister at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution by...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
[Friday Sermon] The 3 Alifs to Live By | How to Approach Our Desires -...
- Importance of reminding ourselves of the mission of Imam Hussain (a.s).
- In a will to his brother, Muhammad Hanafia, Imam Hussain...
- Importance of reminding ourselves of the mission of Imam Hussain (a.s).
- In a will to his brother, Muhammad Hanafia, Imam Hussain (a.s) explains the purpose of his actions in 4 points:
-- He negates wrong motives towards himself knowing that people would try to portray him as having ulterior motives.
-- He then expresses what his purpose is, to seek reformation in the community of his grandfather.
-- He explains the method of the Islamic law that he is using: bidding people to do good and forbidding them from evil.
-- And lastly he confirms that what he is doing is continuing the path of his grand father and his father.
- Reform should be an ongoing process at an individual and collective level.
- Examples of reformation on a personal level: focusing on improving our prayers, reflections of our fasts, giving charity, reflection on our means of livelihood etc..
- Examples of reformation on a social level by taking lessons from Karbala: brotherhood and unity of fellow Muslims in spite of the diversity in race, colour, language and ethnic background, outlook towards Muslim community on a global level, outlook towards non-Muslim etc..
- Importance of responding to Imam Hussain’s(a.s) call by submitting our heart, ears, mind, eyes, opinions and desires to him.
- When our heart is longing for something that is not permissible then make the choice that Imam Hussain(a.s)would make.
- We are surrounded by different circles around us.
- Inner circle are the Shias of the Ahlulbayt.
- Bigger circle around it, is the Muslim community.
- Outer bigger circle is the humanity at large.
- 3 Alif to keep in mind when interacting which each circle of groups:
-- Ithaar which means to sacrifice. For the inner circle the expectation is to have willingness to sacrifice for one another.
-- Infaaq which means to be charitable. This needs to be applied towards the Muslim community at large.
-- Insaaf which means to be just. The minimum requirement towards the humanity at large is to be just towards them. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to be charitable towards them either.
- Ilm-ul Ghayb (knowledge of the unseen) is only given to the chosen ones by the grace of Allah.(s.w.t).
- Narration of the story of the thirst of Hur and his army to show that Imam Hussain(a.s) had ilm-e ghayb.
- Imam Hussain(a.s) did not ask Hur if he had come as a supporter or an enemy. He saw they were thirsty and he quenched their thirst. That’s called humanity. Yet he was denied water in Karbala.
- He used his ilm-e ghayb in order to guide others but he would never use it for his own benefit. That was his test and trial. He knew water would be stopped yet he did not fill extra water for his own self.
- He personally used less water then others. On the day of Ashura, the most thirsty person was Imam Hussain (a.s).
- We need to reflect and see how we treat one another.
- Importance for volunteers to realize that those who come for the commemoration are the guests of Imam Hussain(a.s) and the volunteer is the host on behalf of Imam Hussain(a.s). So they should treat the guests well.
- It’s the kindness that Imam Hussain (a.s) showed towards them, that eventually brought back Hur to Imam’s camp and he then attained martyrdom.
Friday Juma Khutba
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: September 30th, 2016
[26 Jan 2014] Palestinian teenager brutally assaulted by israeli...
A Palestinian teenager has been brutally attacked by Israeli settlers, and arrested by Israeli soldiers. The teenager was then taken to an Israeli...
A Palestinian teenager has been brutally attacked by Israeli settlers, and arrested by Israeli soldiers. The teenager was then taken to an Israeli court, where he\'s been forced to sign a document to plead guilty of assaulting the settlers. Press TV\'s Nel Burden tells us more from al-Khalil.
[05 Feb 2014] Syria is committed to destroying its chemical weapons...
Syria says it\'s committed to destroying its chemical weapons despite difficulties caused by the ongoing fighting with foreign-backed militants....
Syria says it\'s committed to destroying its chemical weapons despite difficulties caused by the ongoing fighting with foreign-backed militants.
Deputy foreign minister, Faisal Meqdad says the difficulties may at times prevent Damascus from implementing some of its commitments. However, he says the government will fully turn over its chemical weapons by June, as required by the deal brokered by the US and Russia last year. Damascus has already met several deadlines in the process of destroying its chemical weapons so far. But, it has reportedly delayed the work twice. The US and Britain have criticized Syria for that, with Washington accusing Damascus of having a slow pace in moving the weapons abroad. Syria has rejected such claims and blamed the U-S for the delays because of its support for militants.
Moulana Asad Jafri at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Moulana Hassan Mujtaba at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Moulana Zaki Baqri at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
Ali Mallah at Toronto Protest to Condemn Sheikh Nimr Execution by Saudi...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir...
Human right activists and people of conscious assembled outside US consulate on Sunday 3rd January 2016 to condemn and mourn Sheikh Baqir al-Nimr’s illegitimate execution by the Saudi regime.
The rally began with Quran recitation followed by chants condemning the Saudi monarchy, their US master and Canadian government for exporting arms to the Saudi government.
The spoken word by the youths highlighted the brave and courageous, non-violent stand of Sheikh Nimr against corruption of Saudi rulers and human rights violation. The speech by the religious scholar questioned the false accusation of terrorism against Sheikh Nimr, despite the fact that Sheikh Nimr always supported the roar of the words against authorities rather than weapons. Human right activist highlighted the influence of US imperialism and Zionism on the Saudi monarchy.
Protestor’s young and old stood strong in the harsh weather condition holding placard that read, “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins”. They concluded with their spiritual batteries charged and with firm determination to remember martyr Sheikh Nimr and to continue his mission.
Complete Photo Coverage: https://goo.gl/photos/aMr4ce6JSSnUnjZ19
[06 July 2012] Comment with George Galloway: Arafat poisoned by polonium...
[06 July 2012] Comment with George Galloway: Arafat poisoned by polonium (I) - English
Scientists of a Swiss institute say they have...
[06 July 2012] Comment with George Galloway: Arafat poisoned by polonium (I) - English
Scientists of a Swiss institute say they have evidence that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat may have been poisoned with polonium. According to the findings of laboratory research conducted at the Institute de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland, Arafat was poisoned by polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element, al-Jazeera reported on Tuesday. "I can confirm that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr. Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids," said Dr. Francois Bochud, the director of the institute.
Bochud stated that the tests focused on biological samples taken from his belongings, which were given to his wife Suha Arafat by the hospital in Paris where he died. "If (Suha Arafat) really wants to know what happened to her husband (we need) to find a sample -- I mean, an exhumation... should provide us with a sample that should have a very high quantity of polonium if he was poisoned," he added. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat died on November 11, 2004, following several weeks of medical treatment. At the time, French officials refused to reveal the exact cause of his death on grounds of privacy laws, fueling rumors that the Mossad had poisoned him with thallium, another radioactive element.
[05 Aug 2012] Iran judicial body revokes a decree by social security...
[05 Aug 2012] Iran judicial body revokes a decree by social security fund - English
He was appointed by Iran's President to lead one of the...
[05 Aug 2012] Iran judicial body revokes a decree by social security fund - English
He was appointed by Iran's President to lead one of the countries wealthiest economic foundations, Iran's social security fund; but according to Iran's administrative court of justice his appointment is illegal.
In a case pushed by some MP's, Saeed Mortazavi former judge and Tehran prosecutor was officially called off from the position through a direct court order published in official newspapers.
Despite the verdict, Iran's Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi said that Mortazavi will maintain the post as managing director of the social security fund.