A Day for Humanity: International al-Quds Day | IP Talk Show | English
How important is the International al-Quds Day?
What does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say about the International Day of al-Quds?
Who is the...
How important is the International al-Quds Day?
What does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say about the International Day of al-Quds?
Who is the founder of the International Al-Quds Day and thus is it limited to just the Shia?
What does al-Quds Day stand for and thus is it limited to just Muslims?
Should you commemorate the International al-Quds Day if you have a small community; or can you commemorate it even as an individual or small group?
And what can one do in support of the International al-Quds via the social media?
And what are some other examples of oppression that have occurred in history which is similar to that of Palestine?
What is the stance of some Rabbis, Orthodox Jews, the Neturei Karta, and even Secular Jews when it comes to Zionism and the state of israel?
Finally, what is our duty when it comes to the International al-Quds Day?
In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder from the United Kingdom, to sit down with us and discuss the International al-Quds Day; A Day for Humanity.
Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea!
Allah Guarantees It.
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Resistance #Khomeini #Khamenei #Freedom #BDS #BoycottApartheid #FlyTheFlag #AlQuds2022 #AlQudsTheAxis #alQuds #QudsDay #FreePalestine #Palestine #Zionism #israel #Oppressor #DeathToisrael #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Oppression
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The al-Quds Day, Holy Ramadhan, & Resistance | IP Talk Show | English
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode, we\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re talking about \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The al-Quds Day, Holy Ramadhan,...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode, we\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re talking about \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The al-Quds Day, Holy Ramadhan, & Resistance\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
What is the fundamental relationship between the International al-Quds Day, the holy month of Ramadhan, and resistance?
How is the holy month of Ramadhan a manifestation of resistance?
What does it mean when it is said that the holy month of Ramadhan is the month of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Silent Book\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' and the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Speaking Book\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
What is the relationship between Imam Ali (A) and sincerity, and the subsequent followers of Imam Ali (A)?
What are some spiritual aspects of the International Day of al-Quds?
And how have the present-day Zionists surpassed the crimes of the Pharaohs of old?
And finally, how is the International Day of al-Quds the day of the emancipation of humanity\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s soul from the shackles of Satan?
In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Sayyid Agha Ali Raza to come and speak a little bit about \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The al-Quds Day, Holy Ramadhan, & Resistance\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Our congratulations to all the believers, wherever you are, upon the auspicious and the holiest of holy months, the holy month of Ramadhan and the International Day of al-Quds.
May Allah help our Palestinian brothers and sisters achieve victory.
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #IslamicRevolution #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #FreePalestine #Gaza #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #AlQudsDay #AlQuds2024 #QudsDay2024 #OnePalestine #GazaMassacre #AlAqsaStorm #GazaGenocide #PalestineResistance #Freedom #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #FloodOfTheFree #AlAqsaFlood #AlAqsaStorm #StormOfTheFree
[Islam & Life] Al-Quds day: How should we spread the message to...
It has been thirty years since Imam Khomeini declared the last Friday of Ramadan the Al-Quds day.
He said “it is the day for the weak and...
It has been thirty years since Imam Khomeini declared the last Friday of Ramadan the Al-Quds day.
He said “it is the day for the weak and oppressed to confront the arrogant powers… Al-Quds day is the day of Islam.”In this edition of the show we ask the following question: Al-Quds day: How should we spread the message to improve support of this day?
[20 May 2012] 64th anniversary of Nakba Day - Remember Palestine - English
[20 May 2012] 64th anniversary of Nakba Day - Remember Palestine - English
15th of May will see Palestinians commemorate the 64th anniversary of...
[20 May 2012] 64th anniversary of Nakba Day - Remember Palestine - English
15th of May will see Palestinians commemorate the 64th anniversary of Nakba Day; where over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and 400 Palestinian villages destroyed to form the illegal State of Israel. The same day where Palestinians will be mourning their dead, Israeli's will celebrate their Independence Day- the formation of occupied territories that were created by force and aggression to form a land with Jewish majority. Sixty-four years have passed however; Palestine is still under the illegitimate occupation of the Israelis and their supporters- Palestinians are still faced with Zionist hostilities, daily torment and anguish. The Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) isn't over - for the Palestinians the ethnic cleansing never ended. The refugees are still barred from their homeland; Palestinians are being forced from their land to make way for Israeli settlements, and the Israeli administration have even stated that they don't want Palestinians to exceed 30% of the population of Jerusalem.
[155] Hadith Explanation by Imam Khamenei | Seize the Day | Farsi Sub...
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei narrates and explains a tradition from Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A), where his eminence speaks a tradition...
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei narrates and explains a tradition from Imam Ja\\\'far al-Sadiq (A), where his eminence speaks a tradition from the Commander of the Believers, Amirul Mo\\\'mineen, Imam Ali (A).
What does \\\"the day\\\" say every single day to the sons and daughters of Prophet Adam?
And what is a profound difference between yesterday and today?
Furthermore, is it possible that \\\"this day\\\" will bear witness to our actions in the Grand Court of Allah\\\'s Justice?
What is the opportunity that every single one of us is given on a daily basis with the start of a new day?
Finally, once this day passes by, will we ever see it again?
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei expounds upon the wise words of Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib (A).
It seems that it is the Ahlul Bayt (A) that have truly helped humanity to fully understand the phrase \\\"Seize the day.\\\"
The International al-Quds Day Movement | IP Talk Show | English
What was the turnout like in this year when it comes to the International al-Quds Day?
And what do we see on social media when it comes to the...
What was the turnout like in this year when it comes to the International al-Quds Day?
And what do we see on social media when it comes to the creation of awareness for the cause of Palestine?
Is the International al-Quds Day event limited to just Muslims?
And what is one of the miracles of Imam Khomeini (R)?
What is one of the beautiful attributes of Imam Khomeini (R)?
And what is the role of the Muslims who don\\\\\\\'t vocalize their stance when it comes to the issue of Palestine?
What is the time frame that has been set for the freedom of Palestine?
Finally, when is the time for us to stand up for the rights and the freedom of Palestine?
In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder from the United Kingdom, to sit down with us and discuss \\\\\\\"The International al-Quds Day Movement\\\\\\\".
Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea!
Allah Guarantees It.
It\\\\\\\'s Time To Turn The International Al-Quds Day Into \\\\\\\"The International Al-Quds Day Movement\\\\\\\".
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #BoycottApartheid #FlyTheFlag #AlQuds2022 #AlQuds_The_Axis #alQuds #Palestine #QudsDay #FreePalestine #Zionism #israel #Oppressor #DeathToisrael #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Oppression
Video Tags:
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And...
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
Every year on the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate...
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
Every year on the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate al-Quds day and show their solidarity with the people of Palestine. The Palestinian cause is an indisputable aspiration shared by almost every Muslim in the world, regardless of their national, lingual and sectarian diversities. Their wish to liberate Palestine and al-Quds from the Zionists goes beyond all their differences. This year's al-Quds day, in the aftermath of revolutions and political turbulences in the Muslim and Arab world, and in the prospect of sectarian conflicts and civil wars ignited by the western powers, is a unique opportunity to forget all differences, to use the spiritual and liberating experience of Ramadan and to come together as brothers and sisters.
Muslims traditionally tend to ignore the material life and worldly pleasures and to restrain themselves from any dispute during the month of Ramadan. This week's Islam and Life asks: How important is the international Al-Quds day for Muslim unity?
[24 May 13] Iranians celebrate Father Day in Tehran - English
Father\\\\\\\'s Day is a national holiday in Iran, which is celebrated annually on the birthday of Imam Ali, the first Shiite Imam. Imam Ali was...
Father\\\\\\\'s Day is a national holiday in Iran, which is celebrated annually on the birthday of Imam Ali, the first Shiite Imam. Imam Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The reason that Father\\\\\\\'s Day is celebrated on this day is that, when Prophet Muhammad (PHUB) received his divine revelation, Imam Ali was the first male to accept his message. He then dedicated his life to the cause of Islam. On this day many Iranians gather in various mosques in Tehran to honor his memory.
Many people are finding ways to thank and honor their fathers on this day for influencing their upbringing. They take the opportunity to spend more time with their fathers and grandfathers. They often express their gratitude and pay their respects with a small gift.
Iranians believe the father is someone who is always there to trust and depend on, regardless of one\\\\\\\'s age.
Marcia - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017 - Urdu
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Noha - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017 - Mujrai Khalq main Urdu
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Majlis - Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017, Moulana Hussain Sherizi Urdu
1000\\\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st,...
1000\\\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
Toronto Ashura Day Procession 2017, 10th Moharram 1439H
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017...
1000\'s of Men, Women and children attended the GTA Central Ashura Day Procession, Toronto Canada on 10th Moharram 1439H, Sunday October 1st, 2017 to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS) (the Grand son of Holy Prophet SAWW) in Karbala.
Procession Started from Milliken Park (McCowan and Steels Ave) and ended at Hussainiyah Passmore Toronto.
Organized by: Ashura Day Organization Toronto Canada.
[17 May 13] Yemenis mark Nakba Day - English
These young Yemeni activists here are marking the 65th anniversary of Nakba Day-translated as Day of the Catastrophe-when Israel was created back...
These young Yemeni activists here are marking the 65th anniversary of Nakba Day-translated as Day of the Catastrophe-when Israel was created back in 1948.
In this conference, organized by the Arab Youth Foundation, the young Yemeni activists put up a play in a bid to call attention to the mass forced expulsion and displacement of millions of Palestinians on Nakba Day.
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Imam Husayn Day (Houston, TX) - Opening Speech by Sh. Hurr...
Husayn Day: Beacon of Unity
Press Release
Husayn Day Exemplifies Muslim Unity in Houston:
Houston, TX – Dec 07, 2013, Muslims from all...
Husayn Day: Beacon of Unity
Press Release
Husayn Day Exemplifies Muslim Unity in Houston:
Houston, TX – Dec 07, 2013, Muslims from all factions of society came together to promote the cause of unity and brotherhood amongst the believers, by drawing lessons from the sacrifices of Imam Husayn (as); the grandson of the last Prophet, Mohammad (saw), a mercy upon the mankind.
The annual Husayn day was organized and sponsored by Islamic Education Center (IEC) Houston and supported by prominent Muslim organizations of Houston including but not limited Makkah Masjid Dairy Ashford, Muslim Council of USA, Buzm-e-Mustafa, Minhaj-ul-Quran, Markazi Tanzeem-e-Imamia, Dar-e-Abbas, Ali School, Azadar-e-Husayn, Scouts of Islam, CAIR, ACT, et al. Each participating institution in itself plays a significant role in bridging social disparities and promoting unity, harmony, tolerance and justice amongst the community at large.
The event packed with mesmerizing Qir’at, beautiful poetry, thought provoking lectures exemplified that Imam Husayn’s (as) sacrifice continues to be the spring source for unity and global reforms against oppression and injustice.
Moulana Wahidi and Qari Hamdani mesmerized the gathering with awe-inspiring Qir’at.
Speakers stresses that more opportunities like Husayn Day should be organized collaboratively to actuate awareness, harmony and cooperative environment in the community, and expel the views spread by Takfiri’s and other agencies of hatred and sectarianism.
During the program Salat ul Asr with Jamat was performed, lead by Moulana Shabbiri and attended by all the Muslim participants.
In the opening note, resident Aalim of IEC Moulana Shabbiri emphasized on the principles of Islam extensively shared by Muslims across the globe. Muslims must pay attention that we all believe in the Tawheed, Qur\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'an and Prophethood and should work together to serve Allah (swt) by emulating the footsteps of Prophet (saw), his infallible progeny and trusted companions. He further highlighted that the insignificant theological differences acts as exploitation tools in hands of dividing agencies. Muslims must avoid division and embrace brotherhood to defeat the common enemies of Islam. He said that Today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Jihad is to establish unity with in Muslim Ummah because enemies of Islam all are gathered to create fitna of disunity. Also he said that Movement of Imam Husayn is one of the foundation for the unity, and today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s program is not only a program but it’s a movement to establish unity within Muslim community in Houston specifically and Muslims in North America.
Moulana Awaisi resident Aalim of Makkah Masjid stressed on Qur’anic teachings that regardless of theological orientations, all Muslims, Shia or Sunni, shall embrace brotherhood to fail divisive plots of external enemies.
Br. Afeef khan, an eloquent intellectual, highlighted how ignorance and absence of public mindset is weakening Muslims and acting as an apparatus for exploitation by oppressive political powers. We must take lessons from Imam Husayn (as) on how to confront such oppressors and remain steadfast to sacrifice everything for truth and righteousness.
Similarly, Dr. Butt, a prominent intellectual, shared his views that our common goal must be to help each other in attaining pleasure of Allah (swt) and this should be a sufficient call for Muslims to come together.
Br. Mustapha Carol, Executive Director of CAIR, articulated that civil liberties and social justice would prevail, if Muslims stand fortified for the common causes and become active on socio-political fronts.
Researcher and scholar Moulana Shamshad Haider elaborated that the Islamic principles are based on humanity so one should act as human in order to be a Muslim.
Revered poets, Ayaz Mufti and Zafar Taqvi blessed the gathering with beautiful and thought provoking poetry. The program concluded with Salat-al-Jamat and a community dinner for all attendees.
The organizers are grateful to the community of Greater Houston, Media Partners, and participating agencies who showed such interest and cooperation in making the program successful.
This program was highly appreciated by the scholars and participants and they insisted to hold programs geared towards the unity of Muslims in the Houston.
Imam Husayn Day (Houston, TX) - Dr. Laeeq Khan - 7 December 2013...
Husayn Day: Beacon of Unity
Press Release
Husayn Day Exemplifies Muslim Unity in Houston:
Houston, TX – Dec 07, 2013, Muslims from all...
Husayn Day: Beacon of Unity
Press Release
Husayn Day Exemplifies Muslim Unity in Houston:
Houston, TX – Dec 07, 2013, Muslims from all factions of society came together to promote the cause of unity and brotherhood amongst the believers, by drawing lessons from the sacrifices of Imam Husayn (as); the grandson of the last Prophet, Mohammad (saw), a mercy upon the mankind.
The annual Husayn day was organized and sponsored by Islamic Education Center (IEC) Houston and supported by prominent Muslim organizations of Houston including but not limited Makkah Masjid Dairy Ashford, Muslim Council of USA, Buzm-e-Mustafa, Minhaj-ul-Quran, Markazi Tanzeem-e-Imamia, Dar-e-Abbas, Ali School, Azadar-e-Husayn, Scouts of Islam, CAIR, ACT, et al. Each participating institution in itself plays a significant role in bridging social disparities and promoting unity, harmony, tolerance and justice amongst the community at large.
The event packed with mesmerizing Qir’at, beautiful poetry, thought provoking lectures exemplified that Imam Husayn’s (as) sacrifice continues to be the spring source for unity and global reforms against oppression and injustice.
Moulana Wahidi and Qari Hamdani mesmerized the gathering with awe-inspiring Qir’at.
Speakers stresses that more opportunities like Husayn Day should be organized collaboratively to actuate awareness, harmony and cooperative environment in the community, and expel the views spread by Takfiri’s and other agencies of hatred and sectarianism.
During the program Salat ul Asr with Jamat was performed, lead by Moulana Shabbiri and attended by all the Muslim participants.
In the opening note, resident Aalim of IEC Moulana Shabbiri emphasized on the principles of Islam extensively shared by Muslims across the globe. Muslims must pay attention that we all believe in the Tawheed, Qur\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'an and Prophethood and should work together to serve Allah (swt) by emulating the footsteps of Prophet (saw), his infallible progeny and trusted companions. He further highlighted that the insignificant theological differences acts as exploitation tools in hands of dividing agencies. Muslims must avoid division and embrace brotherhood to defeat the common enemies of Islam. He said that Today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Jihad is to establish unity with in Muslim Ummah because enemies of Islam all are gathered to create fitna of disunity. Also he said that Movement of Imam Husayn is one of the foundation for the unity, and today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s program is not only a program but it’s a movement to establish unity within Muslim community in Houston specifically and Muslims in North America.
Moulana Awaisi resident Aalim of Makkah Masjid stressed on Qur’anic teachings that regardless of theological orientations, all Muslims, Shia or Sunni, shall embrace brotherhood to fail divisive plots of external enemies.
Br. Afeef khan, an eloquent intellectual, highlighted how ignorance and absence of public mindset is weakening Muslims and acting as an apparatus for exploitation by oppressive political powers. We must take lessons from Imam Husayn (as) on how to confront such oppressors and remain steadfast to sacrifice everything for truth and righteousness.
Similarly, Dr. Butt, a prominent intellectual, shared his views that our common goal must be to help each other in attaining pleasure of Allah (swt) and this should be a sufficient call for Muslims to come together.
Br. Mustapha Carol, Executive Director of CAIR, articulated that civil liberties and social justice would prevail, if Muslims stand fortified for the common causes and become active on socio-political fronts.
Researcher and scholar Moulana Shamshad Haider elaborated that the Islamic principles are based on humanity so one should act as human in order to be a Muslim.
Revered poets, Ayaz Mufti and Zafar Taqvi blessed the gathering with beautiful and thought provoking poetry. The program concluded with Salat-al-Jamat and a community dinner for all attendees.
The organizers are grateful to the community of Greater Houston, Media Partners, and participating agencies who showed such interest and cooperation in making the program successful.
This program was highly appreciated by the scholars and participants and they insisted to hold programs geared towards the unity of Muslims in the Houston.