Husayn, the son of Ali - Documentary - Farsi sub English
Documentary about Imam Husayn(A), the son of Imam Ali(A), the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad(S). This documentary, by...
Documentary about Imam Husayn(A), the son of Imam Ali(A), the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad(S). This documentary, by Press TV, looks at the commemorations of Ashura, the martyrdom of Imam Husayn(A) by the forces loyal to the Umayyad Caliph, Yazid ibn Muawiyyah (aka Yazid I). A massacre that took place in around 680AD (61AH) on the 10th of Muharram - the first month of the Lunar Calendar.
This documentary focuses on the commemorations of Ashura by the Turkish Muslims, and how the event of Ashura serves as a uniting and invigorating force in the lives of the Muslims of Turkey.
The documentary is in English, with English subtitles when interviews are conducted in Turkish.
The Second Revolution | Documentary (Part 2 of 3) | English
(Part 2 of 3)
Title: Capturing the Den of Espionage
What did Imam Khomeini (R) say in his first Hajj message after the victory...
(Part 2 of 3)
Title: Capturing the Den of Espionage
What did Imam Khomeini (R) say in his first Hajj message after the victory of the Islamic Revolution?
Where was Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei during this first Hajj after the victory of the Islamic Revolution?
What did Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei hear on the radio that was concerning to him?
How did Imam Khomeini (R) support the students that took over the American Embassy in Tehran?
What did Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei do in order to clarify the truth in opposition to the fraudulent media campaign by the mass media to portray that the American hostages were being mistreated by the Islamic Republic?
And what was said in a conversation between Imam Khomeini (R) and Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, when the pressure from the mass media and the world became a little too overwhelming?
Did the American government ever fully abide by the Algiers Agreement that they agreed to?
And finally, what is a famous statement by John Negroponte, that explains why there hasn\'t occurred a coup d’état in the United States of America?
This short 3-part documentary helps to clarify and explain some of the ins and outs, when in 1979, Iranian students loyal to Imam Khomeini (R) embarked upon \"The Second Revolution and \"Capturing the Den of Espionage\".
Video Tags:
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 1 - Urdu
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part1
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must...
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part1
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 2 - Urdu
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part2
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must...
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part2
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 3 - Urdu
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 3
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must...
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 3
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 4 - Urdu
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 4
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must...
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 4
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 5 - Urdu
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 5
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must...
Documentary film on imam khomaini-rooh ullah in urdu part 5
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
*NEW* Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English
Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family...
Documentary - What is Karbala & Ashura - English. A great documentary about the Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his family (a.s). Why is that we remember that incidence? What was this about? Why did Imam Hussain (a.s) sacrificed his family and himself? This documentary will answer a lot of the questions people have in their minds. The story of Karbala and Ashura is narrated along with historical facts making it very helpful for kids, non-muslims and new converts to understand Islam in the light of Karbala.
Children of Gaza - Documentary - Part 1/2 - English
This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when...
This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when Israel launched its military attack on their homes, killing many of their parents and relatives, and shattering their already fragile existences. It shows how they have bravely tried to deal with their losses and bereavements and have tried to move on with their lives, and simultaneously how Israel has ensured that this is well near impossible as a result of the children’s literal incarceration in Gaza due to Israel’s illegal and ongoing siege. The documentary focuses on how they have been struggling to deal with the fallout of their physical injuries as well as their psychological scars which, in all probability, they will never fully recover from. For once, this documentary is an opportunity for the children of Gaza themselves to speak out and to tell their own stories instead of it being told on their behalf by propagandists with a vested interest in how these children are portrayed.
Children of Gaza - Documentary - Part 2/2 - English
This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when...
This documentary focuses on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when Israel launched its military attack on their homes, killing many of their parents and relatives, and shattering their already fragile existences. It shows how they have bravely tried to deal with their losses and bereavements and have tried to move on with their lives, and simultaneously how Israel has ensured that this is well near impossible as a result of the children’s literal incarceration in Gaza due to Israel’s illegal and ongoing siege. The documentary focuses on how they have been struggling to deal with the fallout of their physical injuries as well as their psychological scars which, in all probability, they will never fully recover from. For once, this documentary is an opportunity for the children of Gaza themselves to speak out and to tell their own stories instead of it being told on their behalf by propagandists with a vested interest in how these children are portrayed.
Toronto G20 EXPOSED Final Cut (Original Full-Length Edited)...
Filmmaker’s documentary examines troubled Toronto summit Like you would expect in North Korea, it doesn’t look like we are going to get a...
Filmmaker’s documentary examines troubled Toronto summit Like you would expect in North Korea, it doesn’t look like we are going to get a federal inquiry into what the hell happened during the G20 But thanks to independent documentary filmmaker Derek Soberal we do have a comprehensive record they can’t quash.
Last summer the G20 visited Toronto.
In advance of that, the G20 sent the city millions of
dollars for "equipment and training."
This video shows some of what the G20 got for their money.
This story was not reported in the US or elsewhere for that matter.
It's time for the rest of the world to learn what happened and who
is responsible.
This documentary covers:
unconstitutional kettling, detainment, and arrest of hundreds of innocent people at Queen & spidina Toronto.
Horrific conditions at the eastern ave detention center
Abandon Police cars allowed to burn on live tv
Police ordered to stand down while the Black Bloc riots
Largest mass arrest in Canadian history
Secret laws (The public works protection act.)
In Pursuit Of Truth - Four Iranian Diplomats Kidnapped By Israel -...
Special Documentary by Press TV's Beirut Bureau and Documentary Team on the four Iranian Diplomats kidnapped by the Lebanese Militia...
Special Documentary by Press TV's Beirut Bureau and Documentary Team on the four Iranian Diplomats kidnapped by the Lebanese Militia (Phalangist Militian) and who have disappeared since.
On the 4th of July 1982, during the occupation of Lebanon by the Israeli Army, four Iranian diplomats namely Sayyed Mohsen Mousavi, Ahmad Motavasselian, Kazem Akhavan and Taghi Rastegar Moqaddam, were arrested in the North of Lebanon by the Lebanese Militia (aka Lebanese Forces, Phalangist Militia) and have since then disappeared without a trace.
Iran believes that the Lebanese Militia handed over the four diplomats to the Israeli Army but Israel claims that it was not aware of the kidnapping and they were killed by the Lebanese Militia a while after detention.
This documentary follows Sayyed Raaed Mousavi, the son of one of the four kidnapped Iranian diplomats as he strives to obtain some clarity on the fate of his father and the other three Iranian diplomats.
This was broadcast on Press TV between December 25 and December 26, 2011.
The Islamic Revolution: Freedom From The West | Short Documentary |...
What was Muhammad Reza Pahlavi’s reaction when the British ambassador said that he couldn’t be trusted because he listened to Berlin’s radio?...
What was Muhammad Reza Pahlavi’s reaction when the British ambassador said that he couldn’t be trusted because he listened to Berlin’s radio?
And what does the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, have to say about the behavior of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi in front of the American President?
Moreover, what was the condition of the nation when Imam Khomeini rose?
Additionally, what excuse did the Shah make for fleeing Iran?
And finally, what felicitation is more than the felicitation of the leaving of Shah?
The Father of the Islamic Revolution and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution – Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei – speak and narrate the events and conditions that led up to the Islamic Revolution, in this short documentary
#Documentary #IslamicRevolution #IslamicRepublic #Freedom
Video Tags:
[Documentary] He Was With US | Gen. Qasem Soleimani | Arabic sub English
Subtitled by Al-Ahed News
On the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah, the Arabic-speaking channel...
Subtitled by Al-Ahed News
On the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah, the Arabic-speaking channel al-Mayadeen released a documentary detailing the importance of martyred Iranian general Qassem Soleimani to the group, as well as his role during the July 2006 “Israeli” aggression on Lebanon.
The documentary, titled “He Was With US”, features excerpts of interviews and speeches of Hezbollah secretary general His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in addition to footage of martyr Soleimani speaking about Hajj Imad Mughniyeh.
Al-Mayadeen’s documentary focuses on the events of the “Israeli” entity’s brutal aggression on Lebanon in 2006 and the armaments used in that war which Hezbollah acquired with help of Hajj Qassem.
The Second Revolution | Documentary (Part 1 of 3) | English
(Part 1 of 3)
Title: The Actual Start of America\'s Enmity with Iran
When did America\'s enmity with Iran start?
Was the Islamic...
(Part 1 of 3)
Title: The Actual Start of America\'s Enmity with Iran
When did America\'s enmity with Iran start?
Was the Islamic Revolution in Iran the start of the enmity of America against Iran?
Has the American and British government ever conducted a coup d’état in Iran?
And furthermore, has the American government ever admitted to conducting a coup d’état in Iran?
What was the Shah of Iran turning the nation and the people of Iran into?
What is one of the most repeated themes of the speeches of Imam Khomeini (R)?
What are some of the massacres that occurred during the Pahlavi era?
And what did some university students who were on the path of Imam Khomeini (R) do vis-à-vis, the American embassy in Tehran in the year 1979?
What is known as \'The Second Revolution\'?
And what are some words that Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei has to say regarding this subject?
This short 3-part documentary helps to clarify and explain some of the ins and outs, when in 1979, Iranian students loyal to Imam Khomeini (R) embarked upon \"The Second Revolution and explains, contrary to popular belief, \"The Actual Start of America\'s Enmity with Iran\".
Video Tags:
Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah | نصر من اللّٰہ | Short Documentary |...
Beautiful short documentary نصر من اللّٰہ featuring a memorable meeting of Shaheed Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah and Imam Khamenei.
How does...
Beautiful short documentary نصر من اللّٰہ featuring a memorable meeting of Shaheed Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah and Imam Khamenei.
How does Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speak about Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah?
And what are some of things that Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah had said to Imam Khamenei?
What are some of the verses of the holy Quran that Imam Khamenei cite when he speaks with Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah?
And finally, what of Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah is with us, despite his martyrdom?
This and more in this short documentary with excerpts from a meeting with Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah and Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei.
Indeed the victory is from Allah!
[01/10] Ruhollah - Spirit of God - Imam Khomeini Documentary - Arabic...
Ruhollah / Rohollah / Ruhullah OR Spirit of GOD - part 1 of 10 - Very inspiring documentary encompassing details of life of Imam Khomeini from his...
Ruhollah / Rohollah / Ruhullah OR Spirit of GOD - part 1 of 10 - Very inspiring documentary encompassing details of life of Imam Khomeini from his birth till his death in 1989 - Arabic Subtitle English
[10/10] Ruhollah - Spirit of God - Imam Khomeini Documentary - Arabic...
Ruhollah / Ruhullah / Rohullah OR Spirit of GOD - part 10 of 10 - Very inspiring documentary encompassing details of life of Imam Khomeini from...
Ruhollah / Ruhullah / Rohullah OR Spirit of GOD - part 10 of 10 - Very inspiring documentary encompassing details of life of Imam Khomeini from his birth till his death in 1989 - Arabic Subtitle English
Rohullah - Documentary on Imam Khomeini - Part 1 - Urdu
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete...
The very best Documentary on the Life of Imam Khomeini Rohullah now in Urdu. A must watch for everyone to know the complete truth and a complete picture of who this person was and how did he manage to change thie course of History Ruhullah rohollah rohullah ruhollah documentary Khomeini Urdu
Biographical Documentary about Leader of Islamic Revolution [URDU]
Biographical documentary about the life of Rehber e Moazzam Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenai. This short documentary also depicts the torcher cells of...
Biographical documentary about the life of Rehber e Moazzam Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenai. This short documentary also depicts the torcher cells of SAVAK meant for punishment of Rehber e Moazzam during the Islamic revolution movement.
Latest Documentary - Ayatollah Behjat (RA) - Arabic
Latest Documentary - Ayatollah Behjat (RA) - Arabic. May Allah elevate the pure soul of this Aarif. This great documentary was telecasted...
Latest Documentary - Ayatollah Behjat (RA) - Arabic. May Allah elevate the pure soul of this Aarif. This great documentary was telecasted on Al-Manaar TV on July 20, 2009.
[New Documentary] Aspects of the life of Imam Khomeini (r.a) -...
This documentary analyzes the life of Imam Khomeini (r.a) and highlights various aspects of his personality. A very good educational...
This documentary analyzes the life of Imam Khomeini (r.a) and highlights various aspects of his personality. A very good educational documentary about this great man who proved to be a true follower of Ahlulbayt (a.s).
[URDU Documentary] Holocaust: Haqeeqat ya Afsana - Part 1/2
A documentary film exposing holocaust, a fiction about the murder of millions of Jews by Nazis, as being not a historical event but propaganda to...
A documentary film exposing holocaust, a fiction about the murder of millions of Jews by Nazis, as being not a historical event but propaganda to establish a Jews state and for this purpose get the moral support and money from the world and make the Palestinian voice weak. The occurrence of Holocaust is denied in the documentary by presenting the facts, figures and reasoning for every person who wants to know the truth.
[URDU Documentary] Holocaust: Haqeeqat ya Afsana - Part 2/2
A documentary film exposing holocaust, a fiction about the the murder of millions of Jews by Nazis, as being not a historical event but propaganda...
A documentary film exposing holocaust, a fiction about the the murder of millions of Jews by Nazis, as being not a historical event but propaganda to establish a Jews state and for this purpose get the moral support and money from the world and make the Palestinian voice weak. The occurrence of Holocaust is denied in the documentary by presenting the facts, figures and reasoning for every person who wants to know the truth.
زوال و ھلاکت اقوام Downfall of Nations - Urdu Documentary
This documentary highlights the reasons of downfall and destruction of a number of nations.
This is to be viewed as lesson-taking documentary.
This documentary highlights the reasons of downfall and destruction of a number of nations.
This is to be viewed as lesson-taking documentary.
بحرین لہو لہو *NEW* Documentary about Bahrain - Urdu
This documentary is based on a documentary produced by Al-Jazeera which was attempted to hide from public.
This documentary is based on a documentary produced by Al-Jazeera which was attempted to hide from public.