**WARNING Inappropriate lang in the end** Mustafa Kamal analysis...
mustafa kamal analysing and use abusive language during discussion with the dunya tv investigation program on karachi ashura blast
mustafa kamal analysing and use abusive language during discussion with the dunya tv investigation program on karachi ashura blast
[1] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في...
[1] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Al-Haidari - Arabic
[1] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Al-Haidari - Arabic
[3] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في...
[3] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Al-Haidari - Arabic
[3] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Al-Haidari - Arabic
[2] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في...
[2] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haidari - Arabic
[2] سب علي عليه السلام وبغضه - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haidari - Arabic
تقييم ابن تيمية للعصر الاموي مطارحات في...
تقييم ابن تيمية للعصر الاموي - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haidari - Arabic
تقييم ابن تيمية للعصر الاموي - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haidari - Arabic
الاتجاه الاموي ومشروعية قتل الحسين -...
الاتجاه الاموي ومشروعية قتل الحسين - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haydari - Arabic
الاتجاه الاموي ومشروعية قتل الحسين - مطارحات في العقيدة - Ayatullah Kamal Haydari - Arabic
[NO WAR ON IRAN] - Kamal Reilly - Org. Israeli Apartheid Week - Rally in...
Kamal Reilly (Organizer of Israeli Apartheid Week) speaks on "NO WAR ON IRAN" in Toronto 04Mar2012
The war drums are beating...
Kamal Reilly (Organizer of Israeli Apartheid Week) speaks on "NO WAR ON IRAN" in Toronto 04Mar2012
The war drums are beating again and the Western Governments and media are
calling for regime change again- this time in IRAN. The Harper Government
supports this disastrous WAR which will result in UNTOLD death and
destabilization of the entire region. It is time for CANADIANS to STAND UP and
stop this new war drive.
A RALLY and MARCH to show HARPER and other warmongers that we want no part of
another war BASED ON LIES.
[email protected]
Sayyid Kamal al-Haydari: Lady Fatimah (a.s) & the leadership...
Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal al-Haydari answers a question asked by one of the callers on the show \\\"Theological Discussions\\\".The...
Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal al-Haydari answers a question asked by one of the callers on the show \\\"Theological Discussions\\\".The question is related to the topic discussing the Imamate of Ali(as).
[November 2017] La mort de Daech en Syrie - Death of Daesh in Syria -...
Published on Nov 21, 2017
Ce qu’a perdu Riyad à Abou Kamal
Le dernier fief de Daech a...
Published on Nov 21, 2017
Ce qu’a perdu Riyad à Abou Kamal
Le dernier fief de Daech a été repris aux terroristes. C’est une grande victoire pour l’armée syrienne et ses alliés.
À cette occasion, le commandant en chef de la Force Qods du Corps des gardiens de la Révolution islamique (CGRI), qui a commandé en personne la bataille pour la libération d’Abou Kamal, a adressé un message au Leader de la Révolution islamique, l’Ayatollah Khamenei.
Ayssar Midani, analyste franco-syrienne des questions internationales, nous donne plus de détails sur cette grande victoire.
[11/21/2017] Irán: Victoria del eje de la Resistencia contra Daesh -...
El Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica informa al Líder iraní de la victoria de la Resistencia en la lucha contra el EIIL....
El Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica informa al Líder iraní de la victoria de la Resistencia en la lucha contra el EIIL.
El comandante de las Fuerzas de Quds del Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica (CGRI), el general Qasem Soleimani, en un importante mensaje enviado hoy martes al Líder de la Revolución Islámica, el ayatolá Seyed Ali Jamenei, ha informado de la victoria de los combatientes del eje de Resistencia en su lucha contra el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe) en Siria.
“Le informo humildemente del fin de la operación para la liberación de la ciudad de Abu Kamal, último feudo de Daesh en Siria, con la retirada de la bandera de este grupo estadounidense-sionista y su sustitución por la bandera de Siria”, ha señalado el general Soleimani.
En su nota destaca, por una parte, el liderazgo y las directrices del máximo clérigo chií de Irak, el gran ayatolá Seyed Ali Sistani, y, por otra, la resistencia de las Fuerzas Armadas de Siria e Irak, en especial, de las fuerzas populares de Al-Hashad Al-Shabi. También el determinante papel del Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica de El Líbano (Hezbolá) y de su secretario general, Seyed Hasan Nasrolá, y el coraje de los jóvenes musulmanes que desempeñaron un rol definitivo a la hora de encarar dicho “envenenado huracán”.
También ha mencionado los crímenes de lesa humanidad perpetrados por los terroristas, su brutalidad, sus acciones violentas y el alto nivel de destrucción que han provocado en los últimos seis años en “dos países muy influyentes del mundo islámico” con el objetivo de crear lo que califican de estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante.
Le informo humildemente del fin de la operación para la liberación de la ciudad de Abu Kamal, último feudo de Daesh en Siria, con la retirada de la bandera de este grupo estadounidense-sionista y su sustitución por la bandera de Siria”, ha señalado el general Qasem Soleimani, comandante de las Fuerzas de Quds del Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica (CGRI).
Israel reconoce que Al-Asad gana la guerra contra terroristas | HISPANTV
El ministro israelí para asuntos militares, Avigdor Lieberman, reconoce que Siria ha ganado la lucha contra el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe).
“Líderes y organizaciones vinculados con Estados Unidos diseñaron al detalle los crímenes perpetrados por los extremistas takfiríes, tal como han confesado las máximas autoridades estadounidenses”, ha apostillado.
En la última parte de su mensaje al Líder de Irán, ha felicitado esta gran victoria tanto al ayatolá Jamenei como a la nación de Irán, amén de a los pueblos reprimidos de Irak y Siria y a los musulmanes del mundo.
El general Soleimani desempeñó un papel crucial en los duros combates del domingo para hacerse con el total control de la ciudad de Abu Kamal, la última urbe que controlaba Daesh en el este de Siria, en la provincia oriental de Deir Ezzor, fronteriza con Irak, por lo que, además, se cierra el acceso de los terroristas a las fronteras con Irak.
Desde el inicio de las crisis de Irak y Siria, la República Islámica de Irán ha apoyado a los Gobiernos y las naciones de Irak y Siria con asesoría militar por solicitud de Bagdad y Damasco, respectivamente, y asegura que seguirá ayudando a sus vecinos hasta la derrota total del terrorismo en la región.
Syrians stage mass anti-US rally - All Languages
Syrians stage mass anti-US rally
(BBC NEWS) -- Thousands of people have held a peaceful demonstration in Damascus against an...
Syrians stage mass anti-US rally
(BBC NEWS) -- Thousands of people have held a peaceful demonstration in Damascus against an alleged US raid on a village that Syria says killed eight people.
Riot police armed with batons and shields surrounded the US embassy in Damascus, which closed due to what it said were increased security concerns.
The US state department and the White House have refused to confirm, deny or comment on
The assault claimed the lives of eight civilians, including a father and his four sons.
They protestos said the act of aggression is a flagrant violation of international law and a form of systematic terrorism exercised by the American administration on the Arab world, Lebanese Al-Manar TV reported.
Damascus witnessed a huge public demonstration in protest to the US act of aggression which targeted the al-Sukkariah farm outside Abu Kamal.
The protestors, who came from student, women, civic societies, religious and trade union activists, voiced condemnation of the American crime which targeted peaceful building workers on a farm outside the town of Abu Kamal near the border with Iraq on Sunday.
The protestors called on the international community to put an end to reckless US arrogance, appealing to international organizations to condemn such acts of terrorism and take the needed procedures to put on trial the aggressors who show disregard for international laws, norms and charters.
The US Embassy in Damascus was closed Thursday because of security concerns related to the protest. The Syrian government has ordered the closure of a US school, expected within a week, and the immediate closing of the American cultural center linked to the embassy.
The US Embassy meanwhile warned Americans on Thursday to be vigilant. The announcement raises concerns about the safety of US citizens in Syria.
In Washington, State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood said Wednesday that Syria had formally notified the US of the closure order for the cultural center, effective immediately, and the school by November 6.
Wood said Washington was considering how to respond and stressed the US expects the Syrian government to provide adequate security for the buildings housing the cultural center and the Damascus Community School.
Sharah Khutba Fadak - Part 3 - Allama Syed Zaki Baqri - Ahlebait TV -...
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Munji e Bashriat Ki Zarorat I Agha Ali Moosavi I Moulana Ahmed Ali Naqvi...
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Ahlebait TV Islamic TV Channel is a great source of knowledge about Islam and Fiqa-E-Jafria for those who are ambiguous in their ideology and are searching for a righteous path and also for those who belong to the followers of Aima(A.S.)
Pakistan bans Facebook and Youtube - 20May2010 - English
Pakistani authorities have decided to block access to Facebook and YouTube following the announcement of an online competition to draw pictures of...
Pakistani authorities have decided to block access to Facebook and YouTube following the announcement of an online competition to draw pictures of the Prophet Mohammed.
The country's telecommunication authority asked internet service providers to indefinitely block the popular social networking websites, saying they contained "blasphemous" material.
Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports from Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.
Muslim Brotherhood Hails Imam Khamenei - Persian and English
Muslim Brotherhood Hails Imam Khameneis Support. A senior member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has expressed gratitude to the Leader of the Islamic...
Muslim Brotherhood Hails Imam Khameneis Support. A senior member of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has expressed gratitude to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for his support of the Egyptian revolution.
Kamal al-Halbavi made the remark in an interview with the state-funded BBC Persian on Sunday night.
Halbavi further expressed hope that Egypt would have "a good government, like the Iranian government, and a good president like Mr. Ahmadinejad, who is very brave."
When asked about the Muslim Brotherhood's opinion of Ayatollah Khamenei's statements on Egypt's developments, Halbavi said, "Many thanks for Imam Khamenei and all who support the revolution in Egypt."
Ayatollah Khamenei said in Tehran's Friday prayers last week that the recent developments in North Africa are the result of "Islamic awakening, which followed the great Islamic Revolution of the Iranian nation."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution made reference to Egyptians' fight for "dignity and honor" and noted that Mubarak's biggest crime was turning Egypt into an instrument in the hands of the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood member added that he wants his country to develop in all spheres "like Iran, achieving more technological and scientific advances and becoming a regional power."
Troubled Egypt has been the scene of violent clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces during the past two weeks.
Egyptians on Sunday took to the streets on the thirteenth consecutive day of demonstrations, called the "Day of Martyrs," to honor hundreds of protesters killed during the revolution in the crisis-hit country.
The number of people killed in the Egyptian revolution is reported to be at least 300, and thousands were also injured in clashes that have rocked Cairo, Suez, and Alexandria, according to the United Nations.