19th June [Must Watch] Rehbar Ayatullah Khamenie - Very Sensational...
Rehbar Ayatullah Khamenie - Very Sensational and Emotional
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\\\\\'unprecedented\\\\\\\'...
Rehbar Ayatullah Khamenie - Very Sensational and Emotional
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\\\\\'unprecedented\\\\\\\' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a \\\\\\\'political quake\\\\\\\' for the enemy.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said high turnout in the election, which witnessed more than 40 million Iranians casting their votes, was a great manifestation of people\\\\\\\'s solidarity with the Islamic establishment. Addressing Friday prayers congregation, Ayatollah Khamenei said that last Friday\\\\\\\'s election indicated a \\\\\\\'common sense of responsibility\\\\\\\' of the Iranian nation to determine the future of the country.
The Leader added that all those who took part in the election proved their \\\\\\\'political consciousness and commitment\\\\\\\' towards the establishment to the whole world.
The Leader said the high voter turnout in the election was a \\\\\\\'political quake\\\\\\\' for the enemy and a \\\\\\\'real celebration\\\\\\\' for the friends of the country.
\\\\\\\"The Islamic Republic of Iran will by no means betray the votes of the nation,\\\\\\\" the Leader said, adding the legal system of the election will not allow any ballot rigging in Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei, however, maintained that the Guardian Council, the body tasked with overseeing the election, would look into the complaints of the candidates who are unhappy with the election results.
The Leader also added that the establishment would never give-in to illegal demands, urging all presidential candidates to pursue their complaints through legal channels. Ayatollah Khamenei called for an end to illegal street protests aimed at reversing the result of the election.
Following the announcement of the election outcome, supporters of the defeated candidate Mir-Hussein Mousavi-who rejected the election results-- took to the streets of Tehran and other cities in daily rallies.
The Leader also warned against attempts made by foreign media outlets seeking to destabilize the country and blamed Britain in particular. Ayatollah Khamenei also decried the slander of former and incumbent top officials in pre-election debates by candidates.
President Ahmadinejad was re-elected the next president of the country with over 60% percent of the votes.
He won over his three rivals Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Mohsen Rezaei with almost 25 million votes.
The Leader said the time is over for rivalry, stressing that all should unite and line up behind the president-elect
Rehabr Ali Khamenie - Most Urgent Issue of the world - Pakistani Flood -...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the flood disaster in Pakistan as the \\\"most urgent\\\"...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the flood disaster in Pakistan as the \\\"most urgent\\\" issue of the Muslim world.
Addressing crowds of worshippers at Tehran University after Eid al-Fitr prayers on Friday, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed deep sorrow over the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and the lingering humanitarian crisis it has brought to the country.
Iran has so far sent more than 400 tons of humanitarian aid including tents, blankets, food and medicine to Pakistan, and has also announced its readiness to play an active role in the reconstruction of the country\\\'s flood-ravaged regions.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the measures taken so far to relieve the disaster-hit Pakistanis was far from enough and appealed to all Muslims across the globe to help their brothers in Pakistan.
\\\"The Iranian nation and government, other Muslim nations and governments, and Islamic societies including the Organization of the Islamic Conference and Muslims communities in any corner of the world [must] rush to help the Pakistani nation and government and meet the various needs of the flood victims in Pakistan,\\\" the Leader said.
The international community has also pleaded for a boost in global relief efforts to help some 800,000 Pakistanis stranded in areas only accessible by air in the aftermath of the country\\\'s worst-ever natural disaster.
The floods washed through one-fifth of Pakistan in August, leaving at least 1,760 people dead and affecting at least another 17 million.
Ayatollah Khamenei further warned about efforts by some powers to take advantage of the political unrest and security gap in the violence-wracked country.
\\\"Some are seeking to turn Pakistan into their military base,\\\" the Leader cautioned, expressing hope that Islamabad would resolve the predicament by fulfilling its obligations.
Part 2 (Must Watch) Tehran Sermon - Rehbar Syed Ali Khamenie...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\\\\\'unprecedented\\\\\\\' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a \\\\\\\'political...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\\\\\'unprecedented\\\\\\\' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a \\\\\\\'political quake\\\\\\\' for the enemy.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said high turnout in the election, which witnessed more than 40 million Iranians casting their votes, was a great manifestation of people\\\\\\\'s solidarity with the Islamic establishment.
Addressing Friday prayers congregation, Ayatollah Khamenei said that last Friday\\\\\\\'s election indicated a \\\\\\\'common sense of responsibility\\\\\\\' of the Iranian nation to determine the future of the country.
The Leader added that all those who took part in the election proved their \\\\\\\'political consciousness and commitment\\\\\\\' towards the establishment to the whole world.
The Leader said the high voter turnout in the election was a \\\\\\\'political quake\\\\\\\' for the enemy and a \\\\\\\'real celebration\\\\\\\' for the friends of the country.
\\\\\\\"The Islamic Republic of Iran will by no means betray the votes of the nation,\\\\\\\" the Leader said, adding the legal system of the election will not allow any ballot rigging in Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei, however, maintained that the Guardian Council, the body tasked with overseeing the election, would look into the complaints of the candidates who are unhappy with the election results.
The Leader also added that the establishment would never give-in to illegal demands, urging all presidential candidates to pursue their complaints through legal channels. Ayatollah Khamenei called for an end to illegal street protests aimed at reversing the result of the election.
Following the announcement of the election outcome, supporters of the defeated candidate Mir-Hussein Mousavi-who rejected the election results-- took to the streets of Tehran and other cities in daily rallies.
The Leader also warned against attempts made by foreign media outlets seeking to destabilize the country and blamed Britain in particular. Ayatollah Khamenei also decried the slander of former and incumbent top officials in pre-election debates by candidates.
President Ahmadinejad was re-elected the next president of the country with over 60% percent of the votes.
He won over his three rivals Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Mohsen Rezaei with almost 25 million votes.
The Leader said the time is over for rivalry, stressing that all should unite and line up behind the president-elect
Complete Transcript
In this sermon, I call all the respected brothers and sisters who have attended the Friday prayers here to piety and I advise them against any wrongdoing.
In this sermon, I will address the issue of the election, which is a hot topic in our country.
I want to address three different groups on three different issues; firstly, I want to address the general public. Secondly, I want to address the political elite, the candidates of the presidential election, activists and those who have been active in the process of election.
I also have something to say to the leaders of the global arrogance, certain Western governments and their media.
On the first issue, where I address you dear people, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude. I do not like to exaggerate while I am addressing my audience, but regarding the recent election, I must tell you great people that no matter what I say, words cannot describe the greatness of your great accomplishment.
The June 12 election was a great show of the people\\\\\\\'s sense of responsibility, their will to participate, and their dedication to the system.
Truly, I have never heard of anything similar to what you have accomplished taking place in any of the democratic systems around the world, whether they are false democracies or truly built on their people\\\\\\\'s vote.
In the Islamic Republic, aside from the 1979 referendum, there has no election like the one held last Friday with a turnout of almost 85 percent. This means almost 40 million voters. You can see the presence of the 12 and last Shia Imam behind this. This is a sign of God\\\\\\\'s blessing to us.
It is necessary that I address you all across the nation from the depths of my heart, to express my respect and tell you that I feel humble in your presence.
Our young generation showed and proved they have insight and that like the first generation of the Islamic Revolution, they are committed. The difference is, during the days of the revolution, revolutionary fire burned in the hearts of all. It was the same is the days of the imposed war but in a different sense.
Today, however, there is no more of that but we still witness this commitment, this sense of responsibility, this understanding and fervor in our youth. This is not something that can be ignored.
Of course, there are differences of taste and of opinion among our people. Some people support a certain candidate; others back another person and his words and ideas. This is natural, but you can see a collective commitment amid all this and amongst people of all walks of life. You can see a consensus, a collective commitment to the protection of our country and system.
Everyone entered the political scene in villages, towns, cities, major cities, different ethnic groups, people of different faiths, men, women, young and old. They all entered the scene. They all took part in this great movement.
My dear people, this election was a political tremor for your enemies. For your friends across the world, it was a real celebration -- a historical ceremony and victory.
Thirty years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, such a huge turnout and show of commitment to the Islamic system and the late Imam [Khomeini] shows the renewal of the pledge of allegiance to the late Imam and the martyrs. This was a breath of fresh air, a new movement and a great opportunity for the Islamic system.
This election put religious democracy on display for the whole world to witness. All ill-wishers of the Islamic establishment saw for themselves the meaning of religious democracy.
This is an alternative path in the face of dictatorships and arrogant regimes on the one side and democracies devoid of spirituality and religion on the other. This is religious democracy. This is what brings the hearts of people together and draws them to the scene.
This is the first point I wanted to make about the election. The second point is that the June 12 election showed that people live with trust, hope and national enthusiasm in this country.
This is against a great deal of comments your enemies make in their propaganda. If the people of this country were not hopeful about their future, they would not have taken part in any election.
If people were not dedicated to the Islamic establishment, they would have never voted. If they did not feel free, they would have never shown up at polling stations. The trust they have in the Islamic system was evident in this election.
Later on, I will tell you how the enemy targeted the very trust of the people in the Islamic establishment. This trust is the very thing they want to crush. This trust is the greatest asset of the Islamic system, so they want to take it away from the Islamic establishment.
They want to cast doubt on the election and weaken the confidence of the people in the system. They want to cause the people to panic. The enemies of the Iranian nation know that without trust there would have been a low turnout.
A low turnout would have questioned the legitimacy of the establishment. That is what they are after. They wanted to take away your [people] trust and keep you away from the polls to target this legitimacy, and if they had achieved this goal, the damage done would have been incomparable to any other.
For the people to come to the polls en masse and then be told that they made a mistake and should not have trusted the Islamic establishment, this is an enemy game.
This path is the same one they pursued even before the elections. A few months before the election, in late march, I said in Mashhad that the enemy has started whispers and rumors that their will be vote rigging. They were preparing the grounds for the events of today.
I advised our friends in the country not to repeat what the enemy wants to plant in people\\\\\\\'s minds. The Islamic establishment has the people\\\\\\\'s trust and it has not gained this trust easily.
For the past 30 years, authorities in the Islamic Republic have managed to maintain this trust, with their performance and painstaking efforts.
The third issue I want to touch upon is the issue of rivalry. This competition was a free, serious and transparent race between four candidates as we all witnessed.
These competitions, debates and discussion were so transparent that some began to voice objections. I will tell you that to they had the right to object to some extent.
Certain problems were also created that resulted in what you see today. I must tell you that we were and still are under the impression that these rivalries were between the four candidates who are all individuals committed to the system.
The Enemies want to portray the situation in the media - some of which belong to the Zionists -as if there is a row between the proponents and opponents of the Islamic Republic. No, this is not the case, this very untrue.
The four candidates who entered the presidential race all belonged and still belong to the Islamic establishment. One of these four is the president of our country - a hardworking and trustworthy president. One of them is the two-term prime minister, he served the country when I myself was president. He was my prime minister for eight years. One of them was the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and one of the wartime commanders. One them was two-time head of parliament and Majlis speaker. They are all members of our Islamic establishment.
Of course, they have differences of opinion and plans that differ from one another. But, they all belong to this Islamic establishment. This race was defined within the framework of the system. It was not a competition between insiders and outsiders as the Zionist and the US were trying to portray. No, this was a competition within the framework of the system between members of the system.
I know them all personally, I know their system of thought and their tastes very well. I am familiar with their personalities. I have worked with all of them closely. I know them all. But of course, I do not share all their views. I believe some of their views and executive records are subject to criticism.
I see some more suitable to serve the country than others. But, this is up to the people to decide, and this is exactly what happened, they chose who they wanted.
My desire and my choice was never announced nor was there any need for the people to pay heed to it. The people had their own criteria and this is what they based their decision on. Millions here and outside the country decided for themselves. This is an internal issue.
Misrepresenting the problem is underhand. The row is not between insiders of the system and outsiders. The row is not between revolutionary and anti-revolutionary forces, it is a difference of opinion between the members of the Islamic Revolution.
People who voted for these four candidates, voted with faith in the system. They believed their candidate of choice was better for the country so they voted for him. They voted in favor of the person they found most competent.
Well, these campaigns and debates were an important and interesting initiative. They were very clear, to the point and serious. The televised debates proved wrong those who were trying to say from the outside that these competitions are formalities.
They saw that these rivalries are real and serious. They saw that they are really battling it out and exchanging viewpoints. From this perspective, these debates were positive. But, they also had some negative points which I will touch upon.
The positive aspect was that in these televised discussions and debates everyone spoke their mind clearly and casually. A flood of criticism followed. Everyone was forced to respond. Everyone was criticized and they defended themselves. The stances that these individuals and groups had were unveiled before the eyes of the nation. They talked about their plans, commitments and projects.
All this was publicized for the people so that they could judge for themselves. People felt that in the Islamic system they are not the outsiders. Everything was clearly laid out before the people.
They were shown that the nature of their vote is not ceremonial. The right to vote truly does belong to the people. People want to have the right to choose. This is what the televised debates indicated.
One of the main reasons that ten million additional voters participated in this election was because the people\\\\\\\'s minds had been engaged, therefore they came and voted for the candidate of their choice.
These debates found their way into the streets and homes. These debates helped the people become better informed and hence make better decisions. The Islamic establishment is in favor of such debates.
Note that such debates should not be steered in a direction that may cause people to hold grudges against one another. If these debates had remained within their intended framework, they would have been positive. But when they turn into arguments than they will gradually bring grudges and hard feelings.
Of course, such debates should continue at managerial levels, but without a negative aspect. Officials should allow criticism and feel responsible to answer. If an individual is criticized, he must see it as an opportunity to enlighten the people and reveal fact and truth.
If these debates are regularly carried out [as normal government practice], at election time when there are such debates we would not witness such reactions. All arguments would emerge and all ideas would be exchanged over time. These are the positive aspects of such debates.
But, there have also been some negative aspects to the debates that need to be dealt with. In some cases, we saw that logical points were undermined and emotional and destructive responses dominated the debate.
There were efforts to portray the last four years as a dark era. There were also attempts to portray previous administrations in a similar light. Allegations were made that have not been proven in any court, rumors were used as a reference, and unjust remarks were made.
This administration, despite the excellent services it had rendered came under unjust attacks. Similarly, the performance of previous governments in the past 30 years came under attack. The candidates gave in to their emotions.
They made some positive points. They also raised some unpleasant negative issues. Like the rest of the nation, I sat and watched these TV debates. I took pride in the freedom of speech I witnessed. I enjoyed the fact that the Islamic Republic has been able to aid the people in deciding their future, but the shortcomings saddened me.
For supporters of the candidates the shortcomings and negative aspects were also a cause for concern; both sides were a party to this... both sides had their problems.
On the one hand, insults were hurled against the president of the country, even two to three months prior to these debates, speeches were brought to me and in them, I read the insults made and the accusations leveled against the president of the country who was elected by the vote of the people. They accused him of lying. This is not good. They fabricated documents against the government and distributed them everywhere.
I saw what was going on. They [accusations] were all untrue and contrary to the facts. They swore at the president, called him superstitious, and called him names. They closed their eyes to ethics and the law.
On the other hand, almost the same thing happened. The performance of the past 30 years of the Revolution was brought under question. People were named who are among the system\\\\\\\'s veteran figures.
They are people who have dedicated their lives to this establishment. Never before have I mentioned people by name in the Friday prayer sermons, but today, I have to mention some names, particularly Mr. [Akbar] Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mr. [Ali Akbar] Nateq-Nouri. I must mention their names and point out that nobody has accused them of corruption.
Now, if anyone has any claims or complaints regarding their [Hashemi Rafsanjani and Nateq-Nouri\\\\\\\'s] relatives they should refer to judicial authorities.
You cannot raise these issues in the media before they are proven. If it is proven, you can raise the issue as every member of society is equal, but you are not allowed to make claims. When such things are mentioned, misunderstandings are the outcome. This can cause misunderstandings for the younger generation.
Everyone knows Mr. Hashemi. My relationship with him goes back to before the Islamic Revolution. I have known him for more than 25 years. Mr. Hashemi was one of the main revolutionary figures.
He was one of the most active proponents of the revolution, and after the Islamic Revolution, he was one of the main political figures serving the people alongside the late Imam, And after the departure of the founder of the Islamic Revolution he has been alongside the leadership to date.
On several occasions, there were assassination attempts on his life. Before the revolution, he donated his possessions for the revolutionary cause. Our youth should know these facts. After the revolution, he had different responsibilities.
For eight years, he served as the president and before that he was the parliament speaker. He held other sensitive positions as well. Throughout these years, I am not aware of one incident in which he gathered wealth. These are the facts that everyone should know.
In the most sensitive of periods, he served the revolution and the establishment. Of course, my opinion and Mr. Rafsanjani\\\\\\\'s differs on numerous issues, which is natural. However, we should not create any misunderstandings for the people.
The president and Mr. Rafsanjani have had differences of opinion since the president took office in 2005. They have differences of opinion in foreign policy, in the manner of spreading social justice as well as on some cultural issues. However, the president\\\\\\\'s ideas are closer to mine.
The same goes fort Mr. Nateq-Nouri. He has also served the revolution, rendered great services for the establishment and there is not a shred of doubt about that.
The live televised debates are a positive step, but these shortcomings should be removed. After the debates, I had a talk with the president because I knew he would listen to me. The stance of the Islamic establishment is clear-cut regarding corruption and social justice. Corruption should be fought anywhere it is traced.
There is a point I want to make here. We do not claim that our establishment is free of all economic and financial corruption. Yes, there is corruption. If there was no corruption, I would not have written the eight-point letter to the heads of the legislative, judiciary, and executive branches of the country.
We have corruption, but the Islamic establishment is one of the healthiest establishments in the world today. However, it is not right to accuse the country of corruption based on some Zionist reports and sources.
Moreover, questioning the credibility of statesmen goes beyond the bounds of decency. Financial corruption is an important issue in the Islamic establishment. The judiciary, executive and legislative branches of the country must do everything within their power to fight against it.
Everyone is duty-bound to fight corruption. If corruption is not contained, it will spread in the same manner as you see occurring in many countries…. They are struggling with an alarming level of corruption as you have heard about in the UK. This is only a fraction of the scandal as it goes way beyond what has been publicized.
Let me summarize the points I made. The Friday election was a historical event, which touched the entire world. Some of our enemies, however, attempted to cast doubt over this absolute and definitive victory. Some even attempted to portray it as a national defeat.
They did not want you to enjoy this victory. They did not want to see the highest turnout in the world go down in history in your name. However, it has happened, it has been recorded in history. They cannot manipulate this.
The time for rivalry is passed... These four candidates have all fought in the battlefront of this revolution and they are members of this establishment. Forty million people went to the polls and cast their votes for this revolution.
It was not only the 24 million votes that went to the president; 40 million votes were cast in favor of the revolution. The people have trust [in the establishment], and all supporters of candidates should rest assured that the Islamic establishment would never betray the people\\\\\\\'s trust.
In fact, the electoral system of the country does not allow for any vote rigging, which is testified to by all those in charge of the election process.
When there is a margin of one hundred thousand or one million at most, then one can doubt that there may have been some form of manipulation or irregularity; however, when there is a difference of eleven million votes, how could any vote rigging have taken place?
However, as I have said, and the Guardian Council has accepted, if some people have doubts then it should be dealt with through legal channels. Everything must be dealt strictly though legal channels. I will never accept illegal demands.
If the legal frameworks are breached today, then no future election can be guaranteed. In every election, there is only one winner, and of course, some defeated candidates. Complaints, if there is any doubt, should be pursued through legal channels. We have a comprehensive and competent legal system.
Just as the candidates have the right to appoint observers, they are given the right to file complaints. I have requested the Guardian Council conduct a partial vote recount in the presence of the candidates and their representatives. We have no problem with this.
I want to address the politicians, candidates and political parties at this point. We are at a critical historical juncture. Look at current world affairs, the situation in the Middle East, global economic woes and the situation in our neighboring countries.
We are duty bound to remain vigilant and to be careful not to commit mistakes at this critical point in time. In the election, people fulfilled their duty in the best way possible, which was by going to the polls. We have heavier responsibilities on our shoulders now.
Those figures who are looked up to by the people and politicians, should be cautious about their words and deeds. If they show any amount of extremist attitude, it will penetrate into the ranks of the people.
It may have dangerous consequences and may eventually get out of control. Extremism in society will trigger or fan other extremist moves in the country. If political elites disobey the law and make wrong decisions, they will be held accountable for any violent actions or rioting that ensues.
I urge these people, these friends of mine, to exercise restraint and patience. You should see enemy hands at work [against the country]. You should see hungry wolves laying in ambush. They are taking off their masks of diplomacy and are showing their true colors. I urge you to open your eyes and see the enemy.
In the past few days the prominent diplomats of some Western countries, which have been dealing with us through diplomatic rhetoric, have removed their masks. Today you can see their true face. They are now showing their enmity toward the Islamic establishment and the most treacherous of them all is Britain.
I tell these brothers of ours to think of their responsibility. You are responsible before God. I call on you to remember what Imam has written in his will; the law has the final say.
All differences should be settled at the ballot box. This is what elections are for, to let ballot boxes and not the streets determine what the people want.
If after every election, the supporters of the candidates who have lost take to streets and the supporters of the candidate who has won respond in the same manner, then what need would we have for elections?
Why should the people have to suffer? We should not take to the streets to show off with the number of our supporters to the people. Such acts are not a political issue for those terrorists who take advantage of the situation to hide among the masses in order to carry out their agenda.
It is a very good cover for these saboteurs. Who will take responsible for this? Some of the people who were killed in these riots were ordinary people, ordinary Basij members. Who will be held accountable for this?
They may start taking advantage of this situation to assassinate Basij members, which will naturally provoke emotional reactions. Who is to be held responsible for this? One is grieved to see them attack religious students at Tehran University dormitories and afterwards chant slogans in support of the leadership.
Post-election rivalry on the streets is not the right way to go. It only challenges the election. I want all sides to put an end to this. If they do not stop such actions, then they will be responsible for the repercussions of such incidents.
It is also wrong to assume that street riots can be used as leverage to pressure the establishment and to force officials to listen to them for what they believe is in the interest of the country.
Giving in to illegal demands under pressure is in itself the beginning of dictatorship. This is a miscalculation and the consequences will be directed at those who orchestrated them. If necessary, I will tell the people about them in due time.
I ask all these brothers and friends of mine to act based on friendship and abide by the law. I hope God will help us choose the righteous path. The celebration of 40 million votes should be appreciated and the enemy must not be allowed to ruin the celebration. However, if certain people decide to choose another path, then I will have no choice but to talk with the people more openly.
The third group I wish to address are the leaders of the Western media and arrogant powers. In the past two to three weeks, I have heard the words and witnessed the actions of politicians from the United States and certain European countries.
Before the elections, they attempted to cast doubt over the election itself so that there would be a low voter turnout. They had their own assessments of results forecasts, but they did not expect the mass participation of the people. They never predicted an 85 percent turnout, or 40 million voters.
When they saw the mass turnout, they were shocked. They realized the reality of Iran. They came to understand that they need to adapt themselves to the new situation be it regional, nuclear or internal.
When they saw the great popular movement on Election Day, they realized that a new chapter had been opened with regards to Iran and that they must come to terms with it. When some candidates began protesting the results, they felt that there was a change, so they jumped at the chance to ride this wave.
Their tone after the election changed on Saturday and Sunday. Their attention shifted to the riots and that was when they gradually began removing their masks.
Western officials, their presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers commented on this situation. The US President said that we were waiting for the day when people would take to the streets. At the same time they write letters saying that they want to have ties and that they respect the Islamic Republic. Which are we to believe?
Inside the country, their elements [foreign countries] began street protests and vandalism, they set fire to public property, they made shops and businesses insecure, and they are trying to rob the people of their security.
This has nothing to do with the people and their preferred candidates. This kind of behavior stems from ill-wishers, mercenaries and elements working for Western and Zionist secret services.
The incidents occurring inside the country have misled some of those outside our borders, who imagine Iran to be the same as Georgia. A Zionist American capitalist a few years ago, had been quoted in the media saying that he had spent 10 million dollars in Georgia to start a velvet revolution.
Our nation cannot be compared to any another nation. Their problem is they have not come to know this revolution and its people.
American officials say they are worried about the Iranian nation, how can you be worried? Can you even speak about human rights when you are responsible for the blood shed in Afghanistan and Iraq? In Palestine who has and is supporting and funding the Zionist regime?
During the term of a previous US government, eighty people affiliated with the Davidian sect were burnt alive in their compound in Waco, Texas. For some reason these people were disliked by the then US administration. Eighty people were burnt in that building, how dare you talk of human rights?
In my opinion, these western officials should at least feel a little embarrassment!
Comments on Speech - Rehbar Syed Ali Khamenie Praying - All Languages
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\'unprecedented\\\' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a \\\'political quake\\\' for...
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has described the \\\'unprecedented\\\' turnout of almost 85% in the election as a \\\'political quake\\\' for the enemy.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said high turnout in the election, which witnessed more than 40 million Iranians casting their votes, was a great manifestation of people\\\'s solidarity with the Islamic establishment. Addressing Friday prayers congregation, Ayatollah Khamenei said that last Friday\\\'s election indicated a \\\'common sense of responsibility\\\' of the Iranian nation to determine the future of the country.
The Leader added that all those who took part in the election proved their \\\'political consciousness and commitment\\\' towards the establishment to the whole world.
The Leader said the high voter turnout in the election was a \\\'political quake\\\' for the enemy and a \\\'real celebration\\\' for the friends of the country.
\\\"The Islamic Republic of Iran will by no means betray the votes of the nation,\\\" the Leader said, adding the legal system of the election will not allow any ballot rigging in Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei, however, maintained that the Guardian Council, the body tasked with overseeing the election, would look into the complaints of the candidates who are unhappy with the election results.
The Leader also added that the establishment would never give-in to illegal demands, urging all presidential candidates to pursue their complaints through legal channels. Ayatollah Khamenei called for an end to illegal street protests aimed at reversing the result of the election.
Following the announcement of the election outcome, supporters of the defeated candidate Mir-Hussein Mousavi-who rejected the election results-- took to the streets of Tehran and other cities in daily rallies.
The Leader also warned against attempts made by foreign media outlets seeking to destabilize the country and blamed Britain in particular. Ayatollah Khamenei also decried the slander of former and incumbent top officials in pre-election debates by candidates.
President Ahmadinejad was re-elected the next president of the country with over 60% percent of the votes.
He won over his three rivals Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Mohsen Rezaei with almost 25 million votes.
The Leader said the time is over for rivalry, stressing that all should unite and line up behind the president-elect
(Latest) ZAVIA Part 1 (only49minutes-see part2)- News...
Complete will be uploaded soon - Zavia 1(Latest) ZAVIA- News Round Up By Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Irans Election- Urdu
Complete will be uploaded soon - Zavia 1(Latest) ZAVIA- News Round Up By Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Irans Election- Urdu
[FULL SPEECH] Supreme Leader Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Friday...
Complete Transcript
In this sermon, I call all the respected brothers and sisters who have attended...
Complete Transcript
In this sermon, I call all the respected brothers and sisters who have attended the Friday prayers here to piety and I advise them against any wrongdoing.
In this sermon, I will address the issue of the election, which is a hot topic in our country.
I want to address three different groups on three different issues; firstly, I want to address the general public. Secondly, I want to address the political elite, the candidates of the presidential election, activists and those who have been active in the process of election.
I also have something to say to the leaders of the global arrogance, certain Western governments and their media.
On the first issue, where I address you dear people, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude. I do not like to exaggerate while I am addressing my audience, but regarding the recent election, I must tell you great people that no matter what I say, words cannot describe the greatness of your great accomplishment.
The June 12 election was a great show of the people\\\\\\\'s sense of responsibility, their will to participate, and their dedication to the system.
Truly, I have never heard of anything similar to what you have accomplished taking place in any of the democratic systems around the world, whether they are false democracies or truly built on their people\\\\\\\'s vote.
In the Islamic Republic, aside from the 1979 referendum, there has no election like the one held last Friday with a turnout of almost 85 percent. This means almost 40 million voters. You can see the presence of the 12 and last Shia Imam behind this. This is a sign of God\\\\\\\'s blessing to us.
It is necessary that I address you all across the nation from the depths of my heart, to express my respect and tell you that I feel humble in your presence.
Our young generation showed and proved they have insight and that like the first generation of the Islamic Revolution, they are committed. The difference is, during the days of the revolution, revolutionary fire burned in the hearts of all. It was the same is the days of the imposed war but in a different sense.
Today, however, there is no more of that but we still witness this commitment, this sense of responsibility, this understanding and fervor in our youth. This is not something that can be ignored.
Of course, there are differences of taste and of opinion among our people. Some people support a certain candidate; others back another person and his words and ideas. This is natural, but you can see a collective commitment amid all this and amongst people of all walks of life. You can see a consensus, a collective commitment to the protection of our country and system.
Everyone entered the political scene in villages, towns, cities, major cities, different ethnic groups, people of different faiths, men, women, young and old. They all entered the scene. They all took part in this great movement.
My dear people, this election was a political tremor for your enemies. For your friends across the world, it was a real celebration -- a historical ceremony and victory.
Thirty years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, such a huge turnout and show of commitment to the Islamic system and the late Imam [Khomeini] shows the renewal of the pledge of allegiance to the late Imam and the martyrs. This was a breath of fresh air, a new movement and a great opportunity for the Islamic system.
This election put religious democracy on display for the whole world to witness. All ill-wishers of the Islamic establishment saw for themselves the meaning of religious democracy.
This is an alternative path in the face of dictatorships and arrogant regimes on the one side and democracies devoid of spirituality and religion on the other. This is religious democracy. This is what brings the hearts of people together and draws them to the scene.
This is the first point I wanted to make about the election. The second point is that the June 12 election showed that people live with trust, hope and national enthusiasm in this country.
This is against a great deal of comments your enemies make in their propaganda. If the people of this country were not hopeful about their future, they would not have taken part in any election.
If people were not dedicated to the Islamic establishment, they would have never voted. If they did not feel free, they would have never shown up at polling stations. The trust they have in the Islamic system was evident in this election.
Later on, I will tell you how the enemy targeted the very trust of the people in the Islamic establishment. This trust is the very thing they want to crush. This trust is the greatest asset of the Islamic system, so they want to take it away from the Islamic establishment.
They want to cast doubt on the election and weaken the confidence of the people in the system. They want to cause the people to panic. The enemies of the Iranian nation know that without trust there would have been a low turnout.
A low turnout would have questioned the legitimacy of the establishment. That is what they are after. They wanted to take away your [people] trust and keep you away from the polls to target this legitimacy, and if they had achieved this goal, the damage done would have been incomparable to any other.
For the people to come to the polls en masse and then be told that they made a mistake and should not have trusted the Islamic establishment, this is an enemy game.
This path is the same one they pursued even before the elections. A few months before the election, in late march, I said in Mashhad that the enemy has started whispers and rumors that their will be vote rigging. They were preparing the grounds for the events of today.
I advised our friends in the country not to repeat what the enemy wants to plant in people\\\\\\\'s minds. The Islamic establishment has the people\\\\\\\'s trust and it has not gained this trust easily.
For the past 30 years, authorities in the Islamic Republic have managed to maintain this trust, with their performance and painstaking efforts.
The third issue I want to touch upon is the issue of rivalry. This competition was a free, serious and transparent race between four candidates as we all witnessed.
These competitions, debates and discussion were so transparent that some began to voice objections. I will tell you that to they had the right to object to some extent.
Certain problems were also created that resulted in what you see today. I must tell you that we were and still are under the impression that these rivalries were between the four candidates who are all individuals committed to the system.
The Enemies want to portray the situation in the media - some of which belong to the Zionists -as if there is a row between the proponents and opponents of the Islamic Republic. No, this is not the case, this very untrue.
The four candidates who entered the presidential race all belonged and still belong to the Islamic establishment. One of these four is the president of our country - a hardworking and trustworthy president. One of them is the two-term prime minister, he served the country when I myself was president. He was my prime minister for eight years. One of them was the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps and one of the wartime commanders. One them was two-time head of parliament and Majlis speaker. They are all members of our Islamic establishment.
Of course, they have differences of opinion and plans that differ from one another. But, they all belong to this Islamic establishment. This race was defined within the framework of the system. It was not a competition between insiders and outsiders as the Zionist and the US were trying to portray. No, this was a competition within the framework of the system between members of the system.
I know them all personally, I know their system of thought and their tastes very well. I am familiar with their personalities. I have worked with all of them closely. I know them all. But of course, I do not share all their views. I believe some of their views and executive records are subject to criticism.
I see some more suitable to serve the country than others. But, this is up to the people to decide, and this is exactly what happened, they chose who they wanted.
My desire and my choice was never announced nor was there any need for the people to pay heed to it. The people had their own criteria and this is what they based their decision on. Millions here and outside the country decided for themselves. This is an internal issue.
Misrepresenting the problem is underhand. The row is not between insiders of the system and outsiders. The row is not between revolutionary and anti-revolutionary forces, it is a difference of opinion between the members of the Islamic Revolution.
People who voted for these four candidates, voted with faith in the system. They believed their candidate of choice was better for the country so they voted for him. They voted in favor of the person they found most competent.
Well, these campaigns and debates were an important and interesting initiative. They were very clear, to the point and serious. The televised debates proved wrong those who were trying to say from the outside that these competitions are formalities.
They saw that these rivalries are real and serious. They saw that they are really battling it out and exchanging viewpoints. From this perspective, these debates were positive. But, they also had some negative points which I will touch upon.
The positive aspect was that in these televised discussions and debates everyone spoke their mind clearly and casually. A flood of criticism followed. Everyone was forced to respond. Everyone was criticized and they defended themselves. The stances that these individuals and groups had were unveiled before the eyes of the nation. They talked about their plans, commitments and projects.
All this was publicized for the people so that they could judge for themselves. People felt that in the Islamic system they are not the outsiders. Everything was clearly laid out before the people.
They were shown that the nature of their vote is not ceremonial. The right to vote truly does belong to the people. People want to have the right to choose. This is what the televised debates indicated.
One of the main reasons that ten million additional voters participated in this election was because the people\\\\\\\'s minds had been engaged, therefore they came and voted for the candidate of their choice.
These debates found their way into the streets and homes. These debates helped the people become better informed and hence make better decisions. The Islamic establishment is in favor of such debates.
Note that such debates should not be steered in a direction that may cause people to hold grudges against one another. If these debates had remained within their intended framework, they would have been positive. But when they turn into arguments than they will gradually bring grudges and hard feelings.
Of course, such debates should continue at managerial levels, but without a negative aspect. Officials should allow criticism and feel responsible to answer. If an individual is criticized, he must see it as an opportunity to enlighten the people and reveal fact and truth.
If these debates are regularly carried out [as normal government practice], at election time when there are such debates we would not witness such reactions. All arguments would emerge and all ideas would be exchanged over time. These are the positive aspects of such debates.
But, there have also been some negative aspects to the debates that need to be dealt with. In some cases, we saw that logical points were undermined and emotional and destructive responses dominated the debate.
There were efforts to portray the last four years as a dark era. There were also attempts to portray previous administrations in a similar light. Allegations were made that have not been proven in any court, rumors were used as a reference, and unjust remarks were made.
This administration, despite the excellent services it had rendered came under unjust attacks. Similarly, the performance of previous governments in the past 30 years came under attack. The candidates gave in to their emotions.
They made some positive points. They also raised some unpleasant negative issues. Like the rest of the nation, I sat and watched these TV debates. I took pride in the freedom of speech I witnessed. I enjoyed the fact that the Islamic Republic has been able to aid the people in deciding their future, but the shortcomings saddened me.
For supporters of the candidates the shortcomings and negative aspects were also a cause for concern; both sides were a party to this... both sides had their problems.
On the one hand, insults were hurled against the president of the country, even two to three months prior to these debates, speeches were brought to me and in them, I read the insults made and the accusations leveled against the president of the country who was elected by the vote of the people. They accused him of lying. This is not good. They fabricated documents against the government and distributed them everywhere.
I saw what was going on. They [accusations] were all untrue and contrary to the facts. They swore at the president, called him superstitious, and called him names. They closed their eyes to ethics and the law.
On the other hand, almost the same thing happened. The performance of the past 30 years of the Revolution was brought under question. People were named who are among the system\\\\\\\'s veteran figures.
They are people who have dedicated their lives to this establishment. Never before have I mentioned people by name in the Friday prayer sermons, but today, I have to mention some names, particularly Mr. [Akbar] Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mr. [Ali Akbar] Nateq-Nouri. I must mention their names and point out that nobody has accused them of corruption.
Now, if anyone has any claims or complaints regarding their [Hashemi Rafsanjani and Nateq-Nouri\\\\\\\'s] relatives they should refer to judicial authorities.
You cannot raise these issues in the media before they are proven. If it is proven, you can raise the issue as every member of society is equal, but you are not allowed to make claims. When such things are mentioned, misunderstandings are the outcome. This can cause misunderstandings for the younger generation.
Everyone knows Mr. Hashemi. My relationship with him goes back to before the Islamic Revolution. I have known him for more than 25 years. Mr. Hashemi was one of the main revolutionary figures.
He was one of the most active proponents of the revolution, and after the Islamic Revolution, he was one of the main political figures serving the people alongside the late Imam, And after the departure of the founder of the Islamic Revolution he has been alongside the leadership to date.
On several occasions, there were assassination attempts on his life. Before the revolution, he donated his possessions for the revolutionary cause. Our youth should know these facts. After the revolution, he had different responsibilities.
For eight years, he served as the president and before that he was the parliament speaker. He held other sensitive positions as well. Throughout these years, I am not aware of one incident in which he gathered wealth. These are the facts that everyone should know.
In the most sensitive of periods, he served the revolution and the establishment. Of course, my opinion and Mr. Rafsanjani\\\\\\\'s differs on numerous issues, which is natural. However, we should not create any misunderstandings for the people.
The president and Mr. Rafsanjani have had differences of opinion since the president took office in 2005. They have differences of opinion in foreign policy, in the manner of spreading social justice as well as on some cultural issues. However, the president\\\\\\\'s ideas are closer to mine.
The same goes fort Mr. Nateq-Nouri. He has also served the revolution, rendered great services for the establishment and there is not a shred of doubt about that.
The live televised debates are a positive step, but these shortcomings should be removed. After the debates, I had a talk with the president because I knew he would listen to me. The stance of the Islamic establishment is clear-cut regarding corruption and social justice. Corruption should be fought anywhere it is traced.
There is a point I want to make here. We do not claim that our establishment is free of all economic and financial corruption. Yes, there is corruption. If there was no corruption, I would not have written the eight-point letter to the heads of the legislative, judiciary, and executive branches of the country.
We have corruption, but the Islamic establishment is one of the healthiest establishments in the world today. However, it is not right to accuse the country of corruption based on some Zionist reports and sources.
Moreover, questioning the credibility of statesmen goes beyond the bounds of decency. Financial corruption is an important issue in the Islamic establishment. The judiciary, executive and legislative branches of the country must do everything within their power to fight against it.
Everyone is duty-bound to fight corruption. If corruption is not contained, it will spread in the same manner as you see occurring in many countries…. They are struggling with an alarming level of corruption as you have heard about in the UK. This is only a fraction of the scandal as it goes way beyond what has been publicized.
Let me summarize the points I made. The Friday election was a historical event, which touched the entire world. Some of our enemies, however, attempted to cast doubt over this absolute and definitive victory. Some even attempted to portray it as a national defeat.
They did not want you to enjoy this victory. They did not want to see the highest turnout in the world go down in history in your name. However, it has happened, it has been recorded in history. They cannot manipulate this.
The time for rivalry is passed... These four candidates have all fought in the battlefront of this revolution and they are members of this establishment. Forty million people went to the polls and cast their votes for this revolution.
It was not only the 24 million votes that went to the president; 40 million votes were cast in favor of the revolution. The people have trust [in the establishment], and all supporters of candidates should rest assured that the Islamic establishment would never betray the people\\\\\\\'s trust.
In fact, the electoral system of the country does not allow for any vote rigging, which is testified to by all those in charge of the election process.
When there is a margin of one hundred thousand or one million at most, then one can doubt that there may have been some form of manipulation or irregularity; however, when there is a difference of eleven million votes, how could any vote rigging have taken place?
However, as I have said, and the Guardian Council has accepted, if some people have doubts then it should be dealt with through legal channels. Everything must be dealt strictly though legal channels. I will never accept illegal demands.
If the legal frameworks are breached today, then no future election can be guaranteed. In every election, there is only one winner, and of course, some defeated candidates. Complaints, if there is any doubt, should be pursued through legal channels. We have a comprehensive and competent legal system.
Just as the candidates have the right to appoint observers, they are given the right to file complaints. I have requested the Guardian Council conduct a partial vote recount in the presence of the candidates and their representatives. We have no problem with this.
I want to address the politicians, candidates and political parties at this point. We are at a critical historical juncture. Look at current world affairs, the situation in the Middle East, global economic woes and the situation in our neighboring countries.
We are duty bound to remain vigilant and to be careful not to commit mistakes at this critical point in time. In the election, people fulfilled their duty in the best way possible, which was by going to the polls. We have heavier responsibilities on our shoulders now.
Those figures who are looked up to by the people and politicians, should be cautious about their words and deeds. If they show any amount of extremist attitude, it will penetrate into the ranks of the people.
It may have dangerous consequences and may eventually get out of control. Extremism in society will trigger or fan other extremist moves in the country. If political elites disobey the law and make wrong decisions, they will be held accountable for any violent actions or rioting that ensues.
I urge these people, these friends of mine, to exercise restraint and patience. You should see enemy hands at work [against the country]. You should see hungry wolves laying in ambush. They are taking off their masks of diplomacy and are showing their true colors. I urge you to open your eyes and see the enemy.
In the past few days the prominent diplomats of some Western countries, which have been dealing with us through diplomatic rhetoric, have removed their masks. Today you can see their true face. They are now showing their enmity toward the Islamic establishment and the most treacherous of them all is Britain.
I tell these brothers of ours to think of their responsibility. You are responsible before God. I call on you to remember what Imam has written in his will; the law has the final say.
All differences should be settled at the ballot box. This is what elections are for, to let ballot boxes and not the streets determine what the people want.
If after every election, the supporters of the candidates who have lost take to streets and the supporters of the candidate who has won respond in the same manner, then what need would we have for elections?
Why should the people have to suffer? We should not take to the streets to show off with the number of our supporters to the people. Such acts are not a political issue for those terrorists who take advantage of the situation to hide among the masses in order to carry out their agenda.
It is a very good cover for these saboteurs. Who will take responsible for this? Some of the people who were killed in these riots were ordinary people, ordinary Basij members. Who will be held accountable for this?
They may start taking advantage of this situation to assassinate Basij members, which will naturally provoke emotional reactions. Who is to be held responsible for this? One is grieved to see them attack religious students at Tehran University dormitories and afterwards chant slogans in support of the leadership.
Post-election rivalry on the streets is not the right way to go. It only challenges the election. I want all sides to put an end to this. If they do not stop such actions, then they will be responsible for the repercussions of such incidents.
It is also wrong to assume that street riots can be used as leverage to pressure the establishment and to force officials to listen to them for what they believe is in the interest of the country.
Giving in to illegal demands under pressure is in itself the beginning of dictatorship. This is a miscalculation and the consequences will be directed at those who orchestrated them. If necessary, I will tell the people about them in due time.
I ask all these brothers and friends of mine to act based on friendship and abide by the law. I hope God will help us choose the righteous path. The celebration of 40 million votes should be appreciated and the enemy must not be allowed to ruin the celebration. However, if certain people decide to choose another path, then I will have no choice but to talk with the people more openly.
The third group I wish to address are the leaders of the Western media and arrogant powers. In the past two to three weeks, I have heard the words and witnessed the actions of politicians from the United States and certain European countries.
Before the elections, they attempted to cast doubt over the election itself so that there would be a low voter turnout. They had their own assessments of results forecasts, but they did not expect the mass participation of the people. They never predicted an 85 percent turnout, or 40 million voters.
When they saw the mass turnout, they were shocked. They realized the reality of Iran. They came to understand that they need to adapt themselves to the new situation be it regional, nuclear or internal.
When they saw the great popular movement on Election Day, they realized that a new chapter had been opened with regards to Iran and that they must come to terms with it. When some candidates began protesting the results, they felt that there was a change, so they jumped at the chance to ride this wave.
Their tone after the election changed on Saturday and Sunday. Their attention shifted to the riots and that was when they gradually began removing their masks.
Western officials, their presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers commented on this situation. The US President said that we were waiting for the day when people would take to the streets. At the same time they write letters saying that they want to have ties and that they respect the Islamic Republic. Which are we to believe?
Inside the country, their elements [foreign countries] began street protests and vandalism, they set fire to public property, they made shops and businesses insecure, and they are trying to rob the people of their security.
This has nothing to do with the people and their preferred candidates. This kind of behavior stems from ill-wishers, mercenaries and elements working for Western and Zionist secret services.
The incidents occurring inside the country have misled some of those outside our borders, who imagine Iran to be the same as Georgia. A Zionist American capitalist a few years ago, had been quoted in the media saying that he had spent 10 million dollars in Georgia to start a velvet revolution.
Our nation cannot be compared to any another nation. Their problem is they have not come to know this revolution and its people.
American officials say they are worried about the Iranian nation, how can you be worried? Can you even speak about human rights when you are responsible for the blood shed in Afghanistan and Iraq? In Palestine who has and is supporting and funding the Zionist regime?
During the term of a previous US government, eighty people affiliated with the Davidian sect were burnt alive in their compound in Waco, Texas. For some reason these people were disliked by the then US administration. Eighty people were burnt in that building, how dare you talk of human rights?
In my opinion, these western officials should at least feel a little embarrassment!
Supreme Leader Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei - Friday Prayer Speech - 19Jun09 - English
Tehran Sermon - Rehbar asked for the meaning of HUMAN RIGHTS ? - English...
No rigging in Election. Ahmedineejad \"Our enemies and their media have hired some opportunist and mischievous elements and have misused the...
No rigging in Election. Ahmedineejad \"Our enemies and their media have hired some opportunist and mischievous elements and have misused the simple-mindedness of some people to cause unrest,\" the government said in a Thursday statement.
It further accused the Western media of \'spreading lies and rumors\' to create doubts over the health of Friday\'s presidential election.
Iran\'s European Union envoy criticized the Western countries for their \"support for these trouble-makers and anarchists under the cover of supporting democracy and the voice of the Iranian people\".
In a Thursday statement, the Iranian embassy in Brussels said, \"All foreign involvement will have a damaging impact and is rejected by the people and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran\".
Incumbent Ahmadinejad was re-elected as the Iranian president on June 12 with almost two-thirds of votes, but his main rival Mir-Hossein Moussavi has rejected the result as fraudulent and demanded a re-run of the election.
In the statement, the Ahmadinejad administration called on the security forces to take measures to uproot vandalism and the frightening of the public.
Hundreds of thousands of Moussavi supporters have staged daily rallies since the announcement of election results on Saturday, asking the Guardian Council to nullify the election.
Despite Moussavi\'s insistence on the peaceful nature of protests, violence flared in early stages of demonstrations. At least eight people were killed in Tehran and many others sustained injuries.
Iran has revoked all foreign media accreditations and foreign reporters are not allowed to cover gatherings which are banned as illegal.
Moussavi\'s camp has stressed that the post-election rioters are \"not supporters of, or linked to\" the former prime minister, who suffered a crushing defeat in the June 12 poll.
The Moussavi camp says that a number of \"miscreants\" are attempting to de-fame the popular figure and his supporters \"by conducting acts of vandalism\" in his name.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has also shed light on the situation. The Leader said on Tuesday that those who vandalize public property and stage violent riots are not related to any of the presidential candidates or their supporters.
On Thursday, dozens of Ahmadinejad\'s supporters staged a rally in front of the Justice Department in the capital, Tehran. They also called for strong action against the rioters.
Iran raps Western interference in its affairs - English
While the dust from post-election unrest is settling in Iran, the Islamic Republic condemns foreign interference by certain Western states in the...
While the dust from post-election unrest is settling in Iran, the Islamic Republic condemns foreign interference by certain Western states in the country's internal affairs.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hassan Qashqavi, said Monday that some European countries and the US have played a major role in provoking the post-election violence that killed scores of people in the past few days.
He made the remarks as the latest pictures show the traffic is normal on Tehran streets, which witnessed calm on Monday and the day before. On Saturday, 'terrorist elements'-who had infiltrated the rallies --created the most violent day of protests by setting fire on a mosque and two gas stations as well as killing a number of people.
“With the main goal of sowing ethnic discord, Western powers have interfered in the election process by hyperbolizing the protests staged against the Iranian poll results,” said Qashqavi in an address to his weekly press conference.
“France has even gone as far as calling for the annulment of the election outcome. What right do they have to make such inappropriate and irresponsible remarks?” asked Qashqavi.
Qashqavi asserted that the Tehran government is planning to respond to the stepped-up “foreign interference” in due time.
Qashqavi went on to criticize foreign media outlets for dramatizing the post-election developments taking place in Iran, saying their efforts to launch a cyber war against the government is “totally out of line”.
“They have resorted into hacking Iranian news sites as a means to widen the gap between the government and the people,” he said.
Earlier on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki had also warned Europe and the US against meddling with Iran's domestic issues.
Over the past few days, Washington and a slew of European powers have adopted a raucous stance on the June 12 election, which saw incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad win by a landslide.
Defeated presidential rivals Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have called for the nullification of the results and demanded a re-run, giving rise to eight consecutive days of protests and illegal rallies.
Must Watch - Borders are Safe be Careful from QOM & TEHRAN...
This lecture was delivered in last Moharram - > Ummot E Kay Urooj o Zawal main Muktlai Tabaqaat ka kirdar (Maslhat Pasan Tabqa) . Visit...
This lecture was delivered in last Moharram - > Ummot E Kay Urooj o Zawal main Muktlai Tabaqaat ka kirdar (Maslhat Pasan Tabqa) . Visit www.islamimarkaz.com for full lecture of H.I. Sayyed Jawad Naqvi.
Rahber e Muazzim watching Basij drill - All Languages
Over 8 million members of the Iranian Basij Organization, accredited to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) staged a nationwide...
Over 8 million members of the Iranian Basij Organization, accredited to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) staged a nationwide drill in preparation against any threat from outside.
Egypt Revolution? Video of deadly anti-Mubarak protests in Cairo - All...
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni...
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni Mubarak.
In Turkey, groups of people gathered outside the Egyptian Embassy in Ankara in a show of solidarity with protesters in Egypt.
In London, demonstrators called on the Egyptian authorities to avoid the use of force against protesters.
In the Tunisian capital of Tunis, a similar rally was held in front of the Egyptian Embassy to support the uprising in Egypt.
"We are here to say that the Tunisian people are behind the Egyptian people. They have suffered in the way that we suffered. It's time for change," AFP quoted one protester as saying.
A demonstration is also expected in Germany to show solidarity with Egyptian protesters.
Egyptian security forces have clashed with protesters in the capital Cairo and several other cities where rallies are held against the government of Mubarak.
Thousands of protesters have defied an overnight curfew and to stay on Cairo's streets. Security forces have been replaced with army troops on the streets of Alexandria.
Latest reports at least three people have been killed during Friday's protests, bringing to 12 the number of those killed in the unrest. Scores of others have been wounded in the massive protests.
Egypt's largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier called on all Egyptians to take to the streets. Sources say the opposition leaders brace for massive arrests across the country.
The Egyptian government has cut all cell-phone and Internet services amid anti-government demonstrations that began after the Friday prayers.
The army has also been brought in and military vehicles are seen on the streets of the capital following violent clashes between police and protesters.
Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei was among other top figures, who attended the rally.
Reports say ElBaradei has been placed under house arrest after joining the massive anti-government protests in Cairo.
Security forces initially prevented ElBaradei from leaving a mosque in Giza.
The mosque was under siege for several hours before ElBaradei was put under house arrest.
ElBaradei has said he would help head a transitional government if Mubarak steps down.
Many more people including opposition activists have been arrested. Protesters want an end to the decades-long rule of Mubarak.
Egypt Unrest: Video of police killing teen protester, riots aftermath -...
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni...
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni Mubarak. In Turkey, groups of people gathered outside the Egyptian Embassy in Ankara in a show of solidarity with protesters in Egypt.
In London, demonstrators called on the Egyptian authorities to avoid the use of force against protesters.
In the Tunisian capital of Tunis, a similar rally was held in front of the Egyptian Embassy to support the uprising in Egypt.
"We are here to say that the Tunisian people are behind the Egyptian people. They have suffered in the way that we suffered. It's time for change," AFP quoted one protester as saying.
A demonstration is also expected in Germany to show solidarity with Egyptian protesters.
Egyptian security forces have clashed with protesters in the capital Cairo and several other cities where rallies are held against the government of Mubarak.
Thousands of protesters have defied an overnight curfew and to stay on Cairo's streets. Security forces have been replaced with army troops on the streets of Alexandria.
Latest reports at least three people have been killed during Friday's protests, bringing to 12 the number of those killed in the unrest. Scores of others have been wounded in the massive protests.
Egypt's largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier called on all Egyptians to take to the streets. Sources say the opposition leaders brace for massive arrests across the country.
The Egyptian government has cut all cell-phone and Internet services amid anti-government demonstrations that began after the Friday prayers.
The army has also been brought in and military vehicles are seen on the streets of the capital following violent clashes between police and protesters.
Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei was among other top figures, who attended the rally.
Reports say ElBaradei has been placed under house arrest after joining the massive anti-government protests in Cairo.
Security forces initially prevented ElBaradei from leaving a mosque in Giza.
The mosque was under siege for several hours before ElBaradei was put under house arrest.
ElBaradei has said he would help head a transitional government if Mubarak steps down.
Many more people including opposition activists have been arrested. Protesters want an end to the decades-long rule of Mubarak.
Dramatic video as thousands clash with Egypt riot police in Cairo - English
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni...
Hundreds of people around the world have held demonstrations near Egyptian embassies to support the ongoing protests against President Hosni Mubarak. In Turkey, groups of people gathered outside the Egyptian Embassy in Ankara in a show of solidarity with protesters in Egypt.
In London, demonstrators called on the Egyptian authorities to avoid the use of force against protesters.
In the Tunisian capital of Tunis, a similar rally was held in front of the Egyptian Embassy to support the uprising in Egypt.
"We are here to say that the Tunisian people are behind the Egyptian people. They have suffered in the way that we suffered. It's time for change," AFP quoted one protester as saying.
A demonstration is also expected in Germany to show solidarity with Egyptian protesters.
Egyptian security forces have clashed with protesters in the capital Cairo and several other cities where rallies are held against the government of Mubarak.
Thousands of protesters have defied an overnight curfew and to stay on Cairo's streets. Security forces have been replaced with army troops on the streets of Alexandria.
Latest reports at least three people have been killed during Friday's protests, bringing to 12 the number of those killed in the unrest. Scores of others have been wounded in the massive protests.
Egypt's largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier called on all Egyptians to take to the streets. Sources say the opposition leaders brace for massive arrests across the country.
The Egyptian government has cut all cell-phone and Internet services amid anti-government demonstrations that began after the Friday prayers.
The army has also been brought in and military vehicles are seen on the streets of the capital following violent clashes between police and protesters.
Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei was among other top figures, who attended the rally.
Reports say ElBaradei has been placed under house arrest after joining the massive anti-government protests in Cairo.
Security forces initially prevented ElBaradei from leaving a mosque in Giza.
The mosque was under siege for several hours before ElBaradei was put under house arrest.
ElBaradei has said he would help head a transitional government if Mubarak steps down.
Many more people including opposition activists have been arrested. Protesters want an end to the decades-long rule of Mubarak.
Anti-government protests erupt in Yemen - English
Protestors are putting pressure on governments across the Arab world - demanding changes in leadership and policies.
In Yemen, tens of...
Protestors are putting pressure on governments across the Arab world - demanding changes in leadership and policies.
In Yemen, tens of thousands of people marched in the capital, Sanaa. Opposition groups are calling for the president to stand down, after more than three decades in power.
Tunisian Protests Spread to Algeria, Yemen - English
Drawing inspiration from the revolt in Tunisia, thousands of Yemenis fed up with their president's 32-year rule demanded his ouster Saturday in a...
Drawing inspiration from the revolt in Tunisia, thousands of Yemenis fed up with their president's 32-year rule demanded his ouster Saturday in a noisy demonstration that appeared to be the first large-scale public challenge to the strongman. (Jan. 22)
Leader - Unlike West, Islam on Family and Status of Women is very Clear...
**MORE DETAILS** On Occasion of milade hazarate zahra as - Leader of islamic revolution agha syed ali khamenei said that Unlike the West View of...
**MORE DETAILS** On Occasion of milade hazarate zahra as - Leader of islamic revolution agha syed ali khamenei said that Unlike the West View of Islam on Family and Status of Women is very Clear
باید به طور صریح مبانی غلط غرب در مقوله زن را مورد انتقاد جدی قرار داد
ساعت خبر: 14:11 - تاريخ خبر: 01/03/1390
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی، صبح امروز در دیدار صدها نفر از « زنان فرهیخته، استادان حوزه و دانشگاه و نخبگان عرصه های مختلف»، « زن» را از دید اسلام، بزرگ خانه و گل و ریحانه خانواده خواندند و با اشاره به بحران زن در جوامع غربی افزودند: در نظام اسلامی، کارهای فراوان برای احیای جایگاه حقیقی زن انجام شده اما هنوز مشکلات زیادی بخصوص در عرصه رفتار با زن در خانواده، وجود دارد که باید با ایجاد پشتوانه های قانونی و اجرایی آنها را حل کرد.
به گزارش واحد مرکزی خبر ، حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در این دیدار که در آستانه میلاد بانوی دو عالم حضرت فاطمه زهرا سلام الله علیها، و روز زن برگزار شد، با تبریک این میلاد خجسته، تشکیل جلسه با حضور جمعی از بانوان برجسته و نخبه کشور و نگاه دقیق و موشکافانه آنان به مسائل مختلف از جمله مسئله زنان و خانواده را نمادی از حرکت عظیم بانوان به سمت کمال و تعالی دانستند و تأکید کردند: نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران توانسته است به قله ای دست یابد که عبارت است از پرورش زنان فرزانه و صاحب اندیشه و رأی، در ظریف ترین و حساس ترین مسائل جامعه.
ایشان مبنای مشکلات دنیای امروز در مورد مسئله زن را نگاه غلط غرب به جایگاه و شأن زن در جامعه و کج فهمی نسبت به موضوع خانواده برشمردند و تأکید کردند: این دو مشکل موجب شده است که موضوع زن در دنیا، به یک بحران تبدیل شود.
ایشان در تشریح نگاه ظالمانه غرب به « زن»، افزودند: در نامعادله ای که غرب تدریجاً در جوامع مختلف تبلیغ و القا کرده است بشریت به دو بخش تقسیم می شود: «مردان» که طرف ذینفع به شمار می آیند، و «زنان» که طرف مورد انتفاع و مورد استفاده هستند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای افزودند: براساس همین مبنا و نگاه غلط، اگر زنان بخواهند در جوامع غربی نمود و شخصیت یابند باید حتماً به گونه ای رفتار کنند که مردان یعنی طرف ذینفع می خواهند و می پسندند که این اهانت بزرگترین ظلم و حق کشی در حق زنان است.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با اشاره به تلاش سازمان یافته و تدریجی سیاست گذاران راهبردی غرب برای جا انداختن این فرهنگ غلط در افکار ملتها، خاطرنشان کردند: به همین علت، امروز اگر کسی رفتار مبتنی بر جذابیتهای زنانه را در محیطهای عمومی محکوم کند مورد هجوم و جار و جنجال دستگاههای تبلیغاتی و سیاسی غرب قرار می گیرد.
ایشان علنی شدن مخالفت با حجاب در غرب را از دیگر پیامدهای نگاه ظالمانه به مسئله زن دانستند و افزودند: غربی ها مدعی اند که حجاب یک مسئله دینی است و در جوامع لائیک نباید ظهور پیدا کند اما علت واقعی مخالفت غرب با حجاب این است که سیاست راهبردی و بنیانی غرب درباره زن یعنی عرضه شدن و هرزه شدن زن را با چالش روبرو می کند و مانع تحقق آن می شود.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با استناد به گزارشهای مراکز رسمی جهانی، سست شدن بنیان خانواده، رشد سریع تجارت شرم آور و رقت بار زنان – پدیده کودکان نامشروع و زندگیهای مشترک اما بدون ازدواج را از پیامدهای شوم نگاه مبتنی بر سوءاستفاده غرب به مقوله زن دانستند و افزودند: جمهوری اسلامی باید بطور صریح و بدون پرده پوشی، مبانی غلط غرب در مقوله زن را مورد هجوم و انتقاد جدی و بی وقفه قرار دهد و به مسئولیت خود در دفاع از جایگاه و شأن حقیقی زنان عمل کند.
ایشان نگاه غلط به خانواده را مشکل دومی دانستند که باعث بروز بحران مربوط به زنان در جوامع غربی شده است.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در این زمینه افزودند: برخلاف غرب، نظر اسلام درباره خانواده و جایگاه زن بسیار روشن است و پیامبر گرامی اسلام و ائمه اطهار (ع) در سخنان مختلف بر این جایگاه رفیع تأکید کرده اند.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای، تحقق دیدگاه و خواسته اسلام درباره زن و خانواده را، نیازمند پشتوانه قانونی و ضمانت اجرایی خواندند و خاطرنشان کردند: با وجود همه کارهایی که پس از انقلاب انجام شده است، هنوز درباره زن و رفتار در محیط خانواده، کمبودهای زیادی وجود دارد که باید برطرف شود.
ایشان تأکید کردند: محیط خانواده برای زن باید محیطی امن – با عزت و آرامش بخش باشد تا زن بتواند وظیفه اصلی خود را که حفظ خانواده است به بهترین وجه انجام دهد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با اشاره به نگاه و حرکت هولناکی که قبل از انقلاب درباره زنان رایج بود افزودند: زن ایرانی به علت گوهر ناب ایمان، بر آن موج مخرب فائق آمد و به یکی از پایه های اساسی پیروزی و استمرار انقلاب تبدیل شد.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی نگاه خوشبینانه به روند ارتقای جایگاه زنان در سه دهه اخیر را نگاهی واقع بینانه خواندند و با اشاره به پیشرفتهای تحسین برانگیز زنان در عرصه های مختلف سیاسی – اجتماعی – فرهنگی و بویژه علمی افزودند: در قله پرافتخار این روند، مادران و همسران شهیدان – رزمندگان و جانبازان به عنوان اسوه های صبر و مقاومت، همچون کوه ایستاده اند و به دیگران درس ایثار و ایمان می آموزند.
رهبر انقلاب افزودند: البته این نگاه خوش بینانه نباید مانع دیدن ضعفها بشود بلکه باید با شناخت دقیق نقائص و مشکلات و برطرف کردن آنها ، روند موفقیت آمیز جمهوری اسلامی را در مقوله «زنان» شتاب بخشید و بر فرهنگ غلط غربی رایج در دنیا فائق آمد.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای خاطرنشان کردند: عمده کارهای مربوط به مقوله «زن» باید با مطالعه و اندیشه ورزی زنان و ارائه راهکارهای اجرایی حل مشکلات انجام شود تا به فضل الهی، زنان و دختران جوان، گامهای بلندتری در این زمینه بردارند و ایران اسلامی روز به روز به اهداف متعالی خود نزدیکتر شود.
رهبر انقلاب اسلامی با تأکید بر اینکه مسئله زن و خانواده یکی از موضوعات مهم برای بحث و مطالعه و اندیشه ورزی است، خاطرنشان کردند: بر همین اساس یکی از سلسله نشست های اندیشه های راهبردی در آینده، به موضوع زن و خانواده اختصاص خواهد یافت.
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با دعوت از همه بانوان اندیشمند برای مشارکت جدی در مباحث مربوط به این نشست، افزودند: باید فصول مربوط به مسئله زن بصورت تخصصی و علمی و با تکیه بر منابع اسلامی و فکر ناب انقلابی بررسی و در نشست اندیشه های راهبردی مطرح شود تا نتایج آن مبنای برنامه ریزی و عمل قرار گیرد.
در ابتدای این دیدار 10 نفر از زنان فرهیخته، نخبه و روشنفکر دیدگاههای خود را درباره مسائل مختلف فرهنگی – اجتماعی – سیاسی بیان کردند.
• شایسته خو – استاد حوزه و دانشگاه و مدیر مکتب نرجس مشهد
• دکتر فرشته روح افزا – دکترای الکترونیک و استاد دانشگاه
• دکتر نفیسه اسماعیلی – استاد دانشگاه و رئیس بیمارستان رازی
• دکتر فاطمه فراهانی – دکترای مدیریت و برنامه ریزی فرهنگی و عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه
• دکتر شکیبا محبی تبار – فرزند شهید و دکترای تخصصی رادیوتراپی و اوکولوژی
• مهندس سرور فاضلی پور – کارشناس ارشد مدیریت اجرایی
• دکتر شایگان – استاد جامعه شناسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی
• دکتر قنبری – استاد حوزه و جامعه الزهرا
• معصومه حاج حسینی – استاد حوزه و دانشگاه
• و سرکار خانم قوی – عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه
در سخنان خود بر این نکات تأکید کردند:
• ضرورت ارزیابی کیفی در حوزه های علمیه و پرهیز از رقابتهای کمی
• حضور زنان فاضله و اندیشمند در شورای مدیریت حوزه علمیه
• پیشنهاد تشکیل شورای فقهی خواهران برای مسائل مستحدثه
• تمرکز حوزه های علمیه خواهران با مدیریت خواهران فاضله
• ناهنجاریها و نابسامانی های عمیق زندگی فردی و اجتماعی زنان در غرب، اثبات کننده کذب بودن ادعاهای لیبرالیزم و غرب مبنی بر حمایت از زنان
• ضرورت تلاش برنامه ریزی شده برای اصلاح و ارتقای جایگاه اجتماعی زنان
• نقش چندگانه زنان در تحقق اهداف «جهاد اقتصادی»
• تلاش مستمر برای تقویت فرهنگ عفاف و حجاب
• تبیین الگویی اسلامی – ایرانی برای افزایش حضور زنان در عرصه های مختلف جامعه به موازات تقویت نقش آنان در خانواده
• لزوم نگاه سیستماتیک و مبتنی بر آموزه های دینی در دستگاهها و سازمانهای متولی امور زنان
• حضور بیشتر زنان در شوراهای تصمیم سازی و تصمیم گیری در کشور
• توجه لازم به سلامت معنوی افراد جامعه
• افزایش ایجاد و گسترش بیمارستانهای تخصصی و فوق تخصصی زنان
• راه اندازی کرسی های نظریه پردازی در مسائل زنان
• اهمیت نقش و جایگاه بنیان خانواده و مقابله با جنگ نرم دشمن
• اهتمام به حل مشکلات قضایی بانوان با رویکرد برطرف کردن نواقص قوانین قضایی خانواده
• ضرورت توجه حقیقی رسانه ها بویژه رسانه ملی به عمق نگاه اسلام به زنان
• لزوم پرهیز جدی رسانه ها از تبلیغ مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم الگوهای ضد ارزشی و بیگانه
• محکومیت بی توجهی مدعیان حقوق بشر به ظلم مضاعفی که در حق زنان بحرین و فلسطین انجام می شود.
• پرهیز از افراط و تفریط و نگاه متحجرانه یا فمینیستی به مقوله زن
در این دیدار مادر 4 شهید و همسر شهید سیدحمزه سجادیان که در دیدار حضور داشت در پیامی که همسر یکی از فرزندان شهیدش قرائت کرد بر وفاداری و ایستادگی زنان ایرانی بر عهد و پیمان با اسلام و امام و شهیدان تأکید کرد.
Supreme Leader Raps West\\\'s Instrumental Use of Women
TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lambasted the western countries for their instrumental use of women, describing the West\\\'s wrong view about woman as the root cause of the different problems existing in the western families.
\\\"In the wrong equation that the West has gradually induced and inspired in the different societies, the human being is divided into two parts; Men who are considered as beneficiaries and women who are exploited and used,\\\" Ayatollah Khamenei said on Sunday, addressing a large number of Iranian women on the threshold of the \\\'Women\\\'s Day\\\' in Iran marking the birthday anniversary of Islam\\\'s number one woman Hazrat Fatema (AS), daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), spouse of Shiite\\\'s first Imam and mother of Shiite Islam\\\'s second and third Imams.
Based on this very wrong view, if women in the West want to prove themselves as renowned personalities in the society, they should behave in a way that men, as the beneficiaries, like, and this insult is the biggest oppression and cruelty against women, Ayatollah Khamenei added.
Referring to the figures published by the international centers, Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the weakening foundations of the western families, rapid growth of women trafficking and women trade, illegitimate births and shared life outside matrimony are just a few of the evil consequences of the West\\\'s improper view of women, which is based on misuse.
Every day, women in Europe and the US fall victim to one of the most flagrant abuses of their human rights - the right to live without violence.
It might be the stranger lurking in the back alley: much more likely it is the partner, relative, friend or colleague - for most violence against women is carried out by someone they know.
Crime statistics show that one woman in four has been attacked at some time in their lives and that at least 15 per cent of all European women have experienced domestic violence in a relationship after the age of 16. With domestic violence still very much a hidden crime, the real figure is sure to be higher. Other forms of violence - such as stalking, forced marriage, forced abortions, and forced sterilization - still pass largely unrecorded.
Conviction rates for any type of violence against women are notoriously low. When police pick up a case, on average there are 35 previous incidents to take into account. And law enforcement agents do not always possess the required expertise to produce the evidence necessary to see perpetrators brought to justice. Is it any wonder that convictions are rare?
Governments throughout Europe are recognizing the challenge, but have fallen short of action. Some have now set up refuges for abused women, some have criminalized harassment. Others use restraining orders, counseling or mediation services, or expel the violent partner from the home. Practices differ from country to country, with no clear legislative model - leaving Europe\\\'s women vulnerable to a crime that should have passed into the history books years ago.
Given the mottos chanted by Europe about its pioneering role in the protection of human rights throughout the world, is this the utopia that the western society is calling everyone to?
Charlie Rose Interviews Mohammad Javad Larijani on Nov, 18th 2011 English
Reference: CharlieRose.com
Mohammad-Javad Larijani is an Iranian politician, cleric and academic. Larijani is the head of the human rights...
Reference: CharlieRose.com
Mohammad-Javad Larijani is an Iranian politician, cleric and academic. Larijani is the head of the human rights council in the judiciary and a top adviser to the supreme leader. Additionally Larijani has been the Director of Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics in Tehran. Previously, he has been a Majlis representative and the director of Majlis Research Center, and a Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.
08 Ayatullah Khamenei - Identification of Israeli Agent (farsi...
This clip is a part of the speech delivered by The Supreme Leader Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenie at the Islamic Awakening & Youth Conference held...
This clip is a part of the speech delivered by The Supreme Leader Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenie at the Islamic Awakening & Youth Conference held in Tehran on 30th January 2012.
In this speech the supreme leader covered various topics related to the revolutions going on throughout the world and specially the Islamic World and emphasized the importance of the role played by the youths in these revolutions.
01 Ayatullah Khamenei - Youth The Bearers of Great News (farsi...
This clip is a part of the speech delivered by The Supreme Leader Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenie at the Islamic Awakening & Youth Conference held...
This clip is a part of the speech delivered by The Supreme Leader Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenie at the Islamic Awakening & Youth Conference held in Tehran on 30th January 2012.
In this speech the supreme leader covered various topics related to the revolutions going on throughout the world and specially the Islamic World and emphasized the importance of the role played by the youths in these revolutions.