*FULL SPEECH* Leader Ayatollah Khamenei addressing to commanders of the...
The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will not back down an iota from its rights and will never give in to...
The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will not back down an iota from its rights and will never give in to pressure. Ayatollah Khamenei said the rights of the nation including its nuclear rights must be recognized. The leader expressed his support for the Iranian government and officials including the nuclear negotiating team. Ayatollah Khamenei also said he will not get involved with the details of the negotiations between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. But he said there are red lines and limitations that the Iranian negotiators will have to heed. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in an address to commanders and members of the Basij volunteer force in Tehran.
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Basij Commanders Print
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Basij CommandersThe following is the full text of the speech delivered on November 20, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with fifty thousand Basij commanders. The meeting was held at the Musalah in Tehran.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al Qassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and upon his immaculate, pure and chosen household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth.
Greetings be upon you Abi Abdullah and upon those who laid down their lives for you. I will send you God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s eternal greetings as long as I live and as long as night and day prevail. May God not make this prayer my last covenant with you. Greetings be upon Hussein, upon Ali ibn al-Hussein, upon the children of Hussein and upon the companions of Hussein - those who laid down their lives for Hussein (a.s.).
This meeting is a very important meeting. Basij is the manifestation of the greatness of our nation and the domestic capability of our country. This meeting is the meeting of commanders. You tens of thousands of commanders of Basij have gathered in this place and one can guess from this large gathering how glorious Basij is. You are a source of satisfaction, hope and trust for the supporters of the Islamic Republic, the Revolution and the country and you are a source of intimidation and fear for the ill-wishers, enemies and those who bear a grudge [against the Revolution and the Islamic Republic].
The coincidence of Basij Week with these days, which are the days of the great epic of the history of Islam, is a good and valuable occasion. What I mean by this great epic is the epic created by Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) which complements the epic of Ashura. The epic that Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) created revived and preserved the epic of Ashura. The greatness of what Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) did, cannot be compared to other great events in history. It should only be compared to the event of Ashura itself and truly, these two events complete one another.
This great personality and this great lady of Islam and all of humanity managed to stand firm in the face of the great mountain of hardships and there was not even a tremble in her voice because of all these events. She stood firm like a glorious mountain peak both in the face of enemies and in the face of hardships and bitter events. She became a lesson, a role model, a leader and a pioneer.
At the bazaar of Kufa, while she was held captive, she made this astonishing speech: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Oh people of Kufa, who are treacherous and disloyal, do you cry for us? May your tears not dry and may your moans not stop. You are like a woman who loosens her threads after she pulls them together\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [al-Ihtijaj, Volume 2, page 303]. The words are as firm as steel and the meaning flows like a river and it influences hearts and souls. In such conditions, Zaynab al-Kubra delivered a speech, which was like the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.), and she shook hearts and souls and she shook history with these words. This speech became eternal in history. It was delivered in front of the people while she was held captive.
After that, she delivered a speech in front of Ibn Ziad in Kufa and a few weeks later, she spoke in front of Yazid with such strength that it both humiliated the enemy and the hardships which the enemy had imposed. She said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Do you foolishly think that you can defeat, suppress and humiliate the household of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the believers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 63: 8]. Zaynab al-Kubra is the manifestation of dignity, as Hussein ibn Ali (a.s.) was the manifestation of dignity in Karbala on the day of Ashura.
The way she looks at events is different from the way other people look at those events. Despite all those hardships, when the enemy wants to taunt her, she says, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I did not see anything except for beauty\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Lohuf, page 160]. She said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"What I saw was beautiful. It was martyrdom. Although it was difficult, it was in the way of God and it was done for preserving Islam. It was the creation of an epic in history so that Islamic Ummah knows what it should do and how it should move forward and stand firm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". This is a great achievement made by the epic of Zaynab (s.a.). This is the dignity of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s saint. Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) is one of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s saints. Her dignity is the dignity of Islam and she made Islam and the Holy Quran valuable.
Of course, we are not as aspirational and determined as Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) and therefore we cannot say that the behavior of this great lady is our model. We are too inferior to say such things, but anyway, our movement should be in line with the movement of Zaynab (s.a.). Our efforts should be focused on bringing dignity for Islam, the Islamic community and the entire humanity. This is the same responsibility that Allah the Exalted has entrusted to prophets through Islamic obligations and rules.
In the first part of my speech, what I want to briefly discuss with you dear basijis and dear youth is that one of the factors which brought about this spirit and this patience in Zaynab al-Kubra (s.a.) and other divine saints - who moved forward with such spirit and patience - is sincerity and honesty. It is very important to honor our promises to Allah the Exalted and to devote our hearts to the path of God in a sincere way.
In the Holy Quran, this sincerity is necessary for divine prophets as well: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And remember We took from the prophets their covenant, as We did from you, from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant, that (Allah) may question the custodians of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 7-8]. God says that this covenant is very firm and serious. In the phrase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Leyasala\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" lam signifies results and consequences. The result of this covenant is that these great prophets will be questioned about their sincerity in this covenant. That is to say, our Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and other great prophets should prove before God the level of their sincerity concerning the conditions of this covenant. This part is related to prophets.
God also says to ordinary people and believers: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah: of them some have completed their vow (fully), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least, that Allah may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites if that be His Will\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 23-24]. When addressing great prophets, God referred to unbelievers as the opposite of honest individuals: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And He has prepared for the unbelievers a grievous Penalty\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 8]. And when addressing these believers, He referred to hypocrites as the opposite of honest individuals and there are important points in this comparison. You and I will be questioned about our promise to God. We have a covenant with God. In the holy ayah \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", the pledge that believers made to God and that was honored by them is the same as another ayah in this holy sura: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And yet they had already covenanted with Allah not to turn their backs\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 15].
All of us should pay attention to such points. Believers promised Allah the Exalted not to escape in the face of the enemy and not to turn their backs. The Holy Quran stresses that abandoning one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s positions and retreating in the face of the enemy are among the things which should not be done. One should stand up against the enemy in any military, political and economic war and in any arena which is a test of strength. Your determination should overcome the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s determination. Your willpower should overcome the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s willpower. This can be done and this is possible. From the viewpoint of the Holy Quran and Islam, running away and retreating from the enemy are forbidden in any arena of jihad and confrontation.
When we used the phrase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"heroic flexibility\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", some people defined it as abandoning the ideals and the goals of the Islamic Republic. Some of the enemies too used it to accuse the Islamic Republic of betraying its principles. These interpretations were wrong and they misunderstood this phrase. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Heroic flexibility\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" means an artful maneuver for reaching one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s goal. It means that the followers of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s path - any divine path - should utilize different methods, in any way possible, in order to reach their goal and this should be done whenever they move towards the different ideals of Islam. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If any do turn his back to them on such a day - unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 8: 16].
Like the arena of war, any movement - whether forward or backward - should be launched in order to reach one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s predetermined goals. There are certain goals and at each stage, the Islamic government pursues one of these goals in order to make progress, achieve transcendence and create the great Islamic civilization. The Islamic government should try to achieve this goal at this stage. Of course, there are certain stages and phases to reach these goals. Experts, intellectuals and officials in charge of this are identifying these phases and goals and, as a result, our collective movement will begin. Everyone should try to make any movement, at any stage, reach its goal. This is a proper system which is based on logical and rational measures. All activists in the arena of politics and macromanagement of the country should always keep this in mind. All the people and you dear basijis too - who are activists in the arena of Basij - should always keep this in mind.
Well, when we say that we want to move forward, does this mean that the Islamic government is warmongering? Does this mean that the Islamic government wants to confront all nations and all countries in the world? Sometimes one hears that the enemies of the Iranian nation - specifically the najis-mouthed dirty dog of the region, the Zionist regime - move their jaws to say that Iran is a threat for the entire world. This is the claim of the enemy, but this is exactly the opposite of Islamic principles. On the contrary, those evil and malevolent forces - including the fake Zionist regime and some of its supporters - that show nothing except for malevolence, are a threat for the entire world.
The lesson that the Islamic government learned from the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) and the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) is a different lesson: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allah commands justice and the doing of good\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 16: 90]. Allah the Exalted invites us to administer justice and do good. The commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said that we should be kind to everyone because \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Those who have the same religion as you have, they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 53]. People are either your Islamic brothers or human beings like you. This is the logic of Islam. We want to render services and show kindness to everyone. We want to establish a friendly and kind relationship with all human beings and all nations. We even have no enmity with the American people despite the fact that the government of America is an arrogant, hostile and evil government which bears a grudge against the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic. The American people are like other peoples.
What the Islamic Republic is opposed to is arrogance. The hostility of the Islamic Republic is oriented towards global arrogance. We are opposed to and fight against arrogance. Arrogance is a Quranic word and it has been used in the Holy Quran to refer to people like Pharaoh and the groups of people who are ill-wishers and who are opposed to truth. Arrogance existed in the past as well and it has continued to prevail until the present time. In all eras, arrogance has had the same structure. Of course, it has used different methods and tactics in different eras. There is arrogance today as well and it is led by the United States of America.
We should know arrogance and its characteristics. We should know the methods and the orientation of arrogance so that we can organize our behavior in the face of arrogance. We are opposed to unreasonable behavior in all arenas. We believe that we should move forward with wisdom and acumen in all arenas, in all collective and individual orientations and in all plans. If we do not know the scene, if we do not know our friends and our enemies, if we do not know imperialism and arrogance in the present time, then how can we move forward with wisdom and acumen? How can we make accurate plans? Therefore, we should know these things.
What I am saying about arrogance is a few examples regarding the behavior of today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s global arrogance in the world. In many of these examples and cases, today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrogance shares the characteristics of arrogance in previous centuries and previous eras. One of the characteristics of arrogance is egotism. When arrogant groups - those people who have taken everything in their hands as the highest-ranking individuals in a country, in a group of countries or in a global system - consider themselves to be superior to other people, when they regard themselves as the pivot, when they place everyone, except for themselves, on the periphery, then a wrong and dangerous equation will be formed in global interactions.
When arrogance views itself as superior and as the pivot and core [of everything], then the result will be that it grants itself the right to interfere in the affairs of other people and other nations. If arrogance considers something to be a value and if other people do not, this will grant it the right to interfere in their affairs and bully and pressure them. This egotism makes them claim to be the guardian of nations and to be responsible for global management. It also makes them consider themselves to be the boss of all the people in the world.
As you can hear, American officials and politicians speak about the government of America as if it were the leader of all countries. They say that they cannot let this be done. They say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We cannot allow this person to be or not to be in charge\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". They speak about our region in a way that it seems they are the owners of this region. They speak about the Zionist regime in a way that it seems regional nations have to accept this imposed and fake regime. They behave towards independent nations and governments as if they did not have the right to live. This egotism and this attitude of considering oneself to have a special position among all people, all nations and all human beings is the main foundation on which arrogance has been built and this is its biggest problem.
This egotism will lead to another characteristic and another criterion for arrogance which is the tendency to ignore other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s rights. They neither accept truth nor the rights of other nations. They do not at all acknowledge other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s rights. In international negotiations, someone says something which is right, but America does not accept it. It tries to deny such rights with different methods and it does not accept truth. This has happened many times. In the present time, one of the examples of this behavior is our current issues related to nuclear activities and industries. Imagine that someone says something which is true. If one is fair, reasonable and rational, he should give up when he faces the truth. But arrogance does not give up. It hears the truth, but it does not accept it. This is one of its characteristics. It does not acknowledge the rights of other nations either. It does not acknowledge the right of a people to choose, to do what they want and to adopt those economic and political measures which they want. They believe in imposing things on other nations.
Another characteristic of colonialism and arrogance is that it condones crimes against nations and the entire humanity and that it is indifferent towards such crimes. This is one of the greatest disasters of arrogance in modern times. Modern times means the era of scientific progress and the era of the emergence of dangerous weapons. When these weapons became available to arrogant powers, they created a disaster for all nations. They do not attach any value on the lives of individuals - those individuals who do not follow, obey and surrender to them.
There are many examples in this regard. One example is the behavior of arrogant powers towards Native Americans - those people whose financial and natural resources, whose geography and whose entire properties are in the hands of non-natives now. Well, there were native people in America. Their behavior towards these Native Americans was so violent and so disgusting that it is one of the darkest points in the history of modern America. The Americans themselves have written many things about the massacres that took place and the pressures that they exerted. The same thing was done by the English in Australia. The English hunted people, for pleasure, like animals and like kangaroos. They did not attach any value on the lives of human beings. This is only one example. There are hundreds of examples which have been recorded in their own history books.
Another example is the nuclear bombardment that was launched in the year 1945 of the Christian calendar - that it to say, the year 1324 of the Hijri calendar - when the Americans destroyed two Japanese cities and, as a result, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Over the course of time, the number of people who suffered from deformities and different diseases because of nuclear radiations was several times larger than this and these problems have persisted until the present time. They did not have any cogent reason for this - I will refer to this later on. They easily dropped these bombs. Until now, atomic bombs have been used twice and both times, they were used by the Americans who consider themselves to be the main responsible party for the nuclear issues of other countries.
They like to forget these events, but it is not forgettable. All these lives were destroyed, but it was not at all important to them. For arrogance, the lives of human beings have no value and it is easy for arrogant regimes to commit crimes. They massacred the people in Vietnam. In Iraq, their security services and their mercenary security agencies - such as Blackwater which I referred to in the year 1390 - committed certain crimes. They are still committing crimes in Pakistan with their drones. In Afghanistan, they conduct a number of bombardments and they commit crimes. They are not afraid of committing crimes in each area they can get their hands on and in each area their interests dictate. These crimes include murder and torture. The Guantanamo prison - which belongs to the Americans - still has prisoners. It is 10, 11 years now that they have been arresting a number of people from different countries and putting them in this prison on different charges. They have been keeping them in this prison without any trial and with extremely difficult conditions and they have been torturing them. In Iraq, the Abu Ghraib prison was one of the American prisons. In this prison, they used to torture and set dogs on prisoners.
Looting the vital resources of other nations is easy for them. Capturing and enslaving Africans is one of the tragic events in history which American imperialism and other such regimes do not like to be reviewed. They do not like the issue of enslaving the people of Africa to be reflected on. They used to sail ships from the Atlantic Ocean and anchor them on the coast of West African countries such as Gambia and other countries in this continent. Then, they used to go and capture hundreds of thousands of men and women and old and young people with guns and other weapons which were not available to people at that time. While these people were in difficult conditions, they were taken to America on such ships for slavery. They captivated free people who were living in their houses and in their own cities. In the present time, the black people who live in America are the descendents of those slaves. For several centuries, the Americans exerted such an eccentric pressure and there are many books in this regard such as the book \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Roots\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" written by Alexander Haley. This book is a very valuable book for showing part of these crimes. How can today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s modern man forget such events? Despite all these crimes, the white people continue to discriminate against blacks in America.
Another characteristic of arrogance is deception and hypocritical behavior. You should pay attention to this issue. They try to justify the crimes which were referred to and they try to show that they were rendering services by committing these crimes. Global arrogance, which intends to dominate all nations, is frequently using this method in its entire life: the method of justifying crimes and taking on the appearance of rendering services. When the Americans want to apologize for their attack on Japan - that is to say, the two bombs which exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - they say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Although tens of thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were killed by the two bombs that we dropped on these two cities, this was the cost of ending World War II. If we the Americans had not dropped these bombs, the war would have continued. If we had not done this, then two million people - instead of the 200 thousand people who were killed as a result of these bombs - would have been killed. Therefore, we rendered a service by dropping these bombs\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Notice that this is a statement which the Americans make in their official propaganda. Now, around 65 years have passed from that day, but they have repeatedly said this. This is one of the deceptive and hypocritical statements and one of the elaborate lies that is not made and told by anyone except arrogant regimes. These bombs were dropped on and exploded in these two cities in the summer of the year 1945 of the Christian calendar and this crime was committed in that year. This was while four months before that - that is to say, in the early spring of 1945 - Hitler, who was the primary warmonger, had committed suicide. Moreover, Mussolini - the president of Italy at that time, who was the second important element in the war - had been arrested and the war was practically over. Japan too, which was the third important element in the war, had announced that it was ready to surrender. Therefore, there was practically no war, but these bombs were dropped anyway. Why? It is because these bombs had been built and they must have been tested somewhere. Certain weapons had been built and they must have been tested somewhere. Where should they test them now? The best option was to drop these bombs on the innocent people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the excuse of war so that it becomes clear whether these bombs work properly or not. Such is their deceit.
They claim to be the supporters of human rights, but they target the Iranian passenger plane in the air and they kill about three hundred passengers who are unaware of this. Moreover, they do not apologize and they award a medal to the person who commits this crime. You have heard that in recent weeks, the Americans - from the President to lower-ranking politicians - have created uproar about the use of chemical weapons in Syria. They accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. I do not want to judge who has used these weapons. Of course, evidence shows that terrorist groups have used them, but anyway, they said that the Syrian government has used such weapons. They created uproar about this and they said that the use of chemical weapons is our red line. American officials said this 10 times or more. But not only did the government and the regime of the United States of America not express any opposition to Saddam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s use of chemical weapons during its criminal attacks on Iran, but it also provided him with 500 tons of hazardous and lethal chemicals which could be turned into mustard gas.
Many of our dear youth of those times are still suffering from the effects of those chemicals and it is several years that they have been suffering from various diseases. The Americans helped Saddam to be equipped with such chemicals. Of course, he had bought such chemicals from other countries as well, but it was America that provided Saddam with 500 tons of lethal chemicals - which could turn into mustard gas - and that helped him to use it. After that, when the United Nations Security Council decided to issue a resolution against Saddam, it was America that prevented this. This is the meaning of hypocritical behavior. On the issue of Syria, the use of chemical weapons is a red line, but on the issue of Iran, it can be allowed and supported. This is because on this issue, chemical weapons are used against an independent Islamic government and against a nation which does not want to give in to America.
These are some of the characteristics of arrogance. Of course, the characteristics of arrogance are more than these. Arrogant powers wage wars, create discord and confront independent governments. They even confront their own people when the interests of specific groups dictate so. During the war that Saddam waged against Iran, they offered all kinds of help - which was possible for them - to Saddam. I referred to the case of chemicals, but they also gave him secret information about Iran. After the war, when the head of intelligence services of Saddam was interviewed, he said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I used to go to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad three times a week and they gave me a sealed package in which all satellite information about the movements of the Iranian Armed Forces existed and therefore, we knew where they were\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". They offered such kinds of help to Saddam.
The Islamic government is opposed to such arrogance. The Islamic government is not opposed to people and nations. It is not opposed to human beings. Rather, it is opposed to arrogance. This opposition has existed since the time of Abraham - God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Friend - Noah, the Holy Prophet of Islam and other great prophets and it has continued until today. Since that time, the camp of right has confronted arrogance. Why is that? Why does today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Islamic government confront arrogance? It is because arrogance with the characteristics that I described cannot tolerate an Islamic government such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is because the Islamic Republic of Iran was formed on the basis of opposition to arrogance. The Revolution was carried out in Iran in opposition to arrogance and the agents of arrogance. It was formed on the basis of this opposition. It grew, it became strong and it challenged the logic of arrogance on the basis of this opposition. Arrogance cannot tolerate this unless it is frustrated.
The Iranian people, the Iranian youth, the Iranian activists and those Iranians who believe in their homeland and their country for any reason - even if it may be a non-Islamic reason - should do something to make the enemy hopeless. The enemy should become hopeless. It is very difficult for global arrogance and for the government of the United States of America in the present time to see that in this sensitive region - in West Asia, which is the one of the most sensitive regions in the world in terms of politics and economy and which influences the entire world - a country, a government and a people have emerged who do not consider themselves to be dependent on and to be the followers of this self-proclaimed superpower. This Islamic government is independent and despite the strong opposition that it is faced with, it overcomes all problems and hardships. As the Americans themselves admit, this government is challenging the influence of America in the region and it is extending its own influence.
This Islamic government is becoming a role model for regional nations and this is very difficult for the Americans to tolerate. The Americans want to say that the lives of all nations depend on America. Now a people have emerged who not only are not dependent on America, but who also have not been influenced by all these hostilities. From the first day, the Americans did whatever they could, but it was not effective. These people have achieved growth and they have become stronger on a daily basis.
The hostilities that the government of the United States of America has shown against the Islamic Republic happened during the time of different presidents, but all of these hostilities are of the same nature. All of these hostilities are the same. Therefore, no one should say that such and such a plot was hatched during the time of such and such a president and this plot has not been hatched during the time of the current President of America. This is not the case. All of these presidents behave in the same way. First, they provoked ethnicities in Iran, then they launched a coup d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'état and after that, they made Iraq attack us. The next thing that they did was to help our enemy - which was the regime of Saddam - in his war against us and after the war, they imposed sanctions on us. Then, they provoked all media networks in the world and they made them align themselves against the Islamic Republic. All of these things have been done during the time of different presidents of America and now too, these things are being done.
In the fitna of the year 1388 - during the term of the current President of America - one of the social networks, which could be used to further the goals of fitna and those who provoked the fitna, needed to fix some technical problems. The government of America asked this network to delay fixing these technical problems because they hoped to overthrow the Islamic Republic with the help of media activities and networks such as Facebook, Twitter and other such networks. They had these foolish delusions. Therefore, they did not let this network fix its technical problems and they said that it should delay it and attend to this task which is more important.
They used all kinds of tools against the Islamic Republic and sanctions are one of these tools. From their viewpoint, this tool is enough for defeating the Islamic Republic. Their mistake is that they do not know the Iranian nation. Their mistake is that they do not know the element of faith and unity among our people. Their mistake is that they did not learn a lesson from their past mistakes. Therefore, they hope that they can bring the people of Iran to their knees by imposing sanctions, exerting pressures and other such measures. Of course, they are making a mistake. The permanent experience of the Islamic Republic during the past 35 years shows that the only way to get rid of the interference of the enemy is national power and national resistance. This is the only factor which can make the enemy retreat. Of course, the enemy is the enemy. He uses all kinds of tools. As I said, he has used and is using sanctions. We should know what it is that can help us achieve our goal.
I would like to say a few things about Basij and after that, I would like to briefly speak about the current issues regarding our foreign policies. As I said, Basij is a source of dignity for the country and the Islamic Republic. Why? It is because the meaning of Basij is the presence of all the people in arenas of fundamental activities for the sake of the people and the country. Any government that has people by its side and any country in which the people show their presence and move towards a specific direction, will definitely achieve victory. This is completely clear. Countries receive a blow and they are defeated whenever the people are not present on the scene or whenever they do not have unity of action. Whenever the people are present on the scene and whenever there is unity among them, victory and progress will be certain. Basij is the example of such presence. Basij is the manifestation of the presence of the people on the scene and the unity of the people. We should adopt such an outlook towards Basij.
On the issue of sincerity, which I referred to in the beginning of my speech, Basij has emerged victorious out of the test of sincerity. Basij was put to this test during the imposed war and the Sacred Defense Era which was a time when the country was in difficult conditions. Also, during the different events that took place after the Sacred Defense Era until the present time, Basij has emerged victorious out of the test of sincerity. The Basij organization has shown that it enjoys sincerity. Of course, in my opinion, Basij is not confined to this number of people who are active in the Basij organization. There are many people whose hearts are with you. They praise and respect you and they appreciate your value. These people are not active in the Basij organization, but they are basijis as well. In my opinion, those people who believe in and respect your values and who respect your efforts, your services and your jihad are basijis as well. Being present on the scene is one of the most important tasks.
Moreover, the capabilities of Basij help us solve problems. Fortunately, today inside the organization of Basij, there are many scientific, artistic, social and political personalities and there are many social activists and people who can influence the people. Until today, Basij has represented a group of people who have been achieving growth and transcendence on a daily basis and it should act in the same way from now on too.
What I recommend is that we should increase the capabilities of Basij. There are certain prerequisites for this: moral, behavioral and practical prerequisites. Moral prerequisites means that we should build and develop Islamic virtues in our hearts and souls. A number of these virtues are patience, forgiveness, fortitude, self-control and humility. We should strengthen these characteristics in ourselves. Behavioral prerequisites means that we should utilize these virtues when we interact with the people, the environment, society and human beings in general. Imam Sadiq (peace and greetings be upon him) used to say to his companions, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"You should act in a way that whenever people see you, they say, ‘These people are the companions of Imam Sadiq. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy be upon Imam Sadiq. You should make us be proud of you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [al-Kafi, Volume 2, page 233]. Each and every one of you dear basijis, you dear youth with your pure and enlightened hearts and souls should behave towards all the people - as I said, many of the people are basijis in the real sense of the word - in a way that they say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"These people are students of the Islamic government. They are a source of respect for the Islamic government and the Islamic Republic\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
And practical, jihadi and social prerequisites are the tasks that should be carried out. That is to say, we should strengthen these virtues in ourselves. It means that we should behave in a kind, diligent and praiseworthy way towards the [social] environment. It means that we should act in a serious way in all arenas including the arena of science, the arena of social services, the arena of work, the arena of politics and the arena of production. Wherever you are, you should work in a serious way without any feeling of tiredness and any laziness. We should work. This great group of basijis - tens of thousands of people from this great group are present in this meeting - can move the country towards positive paths in the real sense of word. This group of people can be a source of solidity and stability. It can be a source of grandeur for the Islamic Republic and thankfully it is playing such a role today. Today, Basij is a source of grandeur and honor for the Islamic Republic.
I would like to raise a point about the recent contentions over the arena of foreign policies, our nuclear issues, the current negotiations and other such things. First of all, I insist on supporting the officials who are in charge of this. I support all administrations and all officials - whether officials in charge of domestic affairs or officials in charge of foreign affairs - and this is our responsibility. I myself have been an executive official. I have been in the middle of the arena and I felt with all my heart the difficulty of the work. I know that the responsibility of managing the country is difficult. Therefore, these officials need help and I help and support them. This is one part of the issue which is clear. On the other hand, I also insist on establishing the rights of the Iranian nation including the issue of our nuclear rights. We insist that these officials should not even take one step back on the rights of the Iranian nation. Of course, we do not interfere in the details of these negotiations. There are certain red lines and limits in this regard. These limits should be observed. We have said this to officials in charge and it is their responsibility to observe these limits. They should not be afraid of the fuss that the enemies and opponents make. They should show no fear in the face of such fuss and uproar.
Everyone should know that primarily, the sanctions which have been imposed on the Iranian nation result from the arrogant grudge of America. The grudge that the Americans bear against us is like the grudge of a camel. They want to exert pressures on the Iranian nation in the hope that they can perhaps make the Iranian nation surrender. They are making a mistake because the Iranian nation will not surrender to anyone under pressure. You Americans have failed to know the people of Iran. They are a people who can, by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, endure these pressures and who will turn these threats and pressures into an opportunity. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, the Iranian nation will do this.
We have had certain weak points in the area of economic decisions and plans. These weak points have made the enemy feel that he can create a rift. This is an opportunity for us to know and eliminate these weak points and, by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, we will eliminate them. The Americans should know and I think they know that sanctions do not work. The reason why we say they themselves know that sanctions do not work is the military threats they issue. Well, if sanctions can serve the purpose, then why do they issue military threats? This shows that sanctions have not served the purpose and that they do not work. They have to issue military sanctions. Of course, the act of issuing military threats is a very disgusting and despicable act. Instead of issuing military threats against different countries, you Americans should go and improve your own devastated economy. You should do something so that your government will not be shut down for 15, 16 days. You should go and pay your debts. You should think of improving your own economy.
As I said, the Americans should know that the Iranian nation behaves in a brotherly way towards all nations: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Those who have the same religion as you have, they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". The people of Iran respect other nations, but they behave towards transgressors in a way that they become regretful. They slap transgressots across the face in a way that they will never forget. The Americans consider themselves responsible for saying something in support of the Zionist regime and the capitalist Zionists and this is a source of weakness and humiliation for them. In fact, the Zionist regime is a regime whose foundations are extremely shaky. The Zionist regime is doomed to destruction. It is a regime which is imposed [on regional nations] and it has been formed on the basis of bullying. Any phenomenon and any organism which has come into being by use of force cannot survive and this regime cannot survive either. The support of the Americans - who are indebted to Zionist capitalists - for the wretched Zionist regime is a source of disgrace for them. Unfortunately, a number of European countries flatter this regime. These Europeans go and flatter these creatures who do not deserve to be called human beings and they humiliate themselves and their people in front of these creatures. The leaders of the Zionist regime are really like wild animals and one cannot call them human beings.
One day in Europe, the French nation gained a good political reputation because the president of France in those days did not allow England to enter the European Community due to the fact that England was dependent on America. This became a source of dignity for France. On that day, the dignity of the French government increased because it stood up against America and because it did not let England - which was dependent on America - enter the European Community. A people achieve dignity in such a way. Today, the politicians of this country [France] go and humble themselves not only before America, but also before these damned and dirty Zionists. This is a source of humiliation for the French nation. Of course, the people of France themselves should find a cure for this problem.
I would like to speak to you dear youth about a few things. You youth should know that without a doubt, the bright and promising future of this country and the Islamic Republic belongs to you. You will manage to help your country and your people reach the peak of glory. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, you will be able to build a perfect model of the modern Islamic civilization in this country. In order to carry out these great tasks, you should promote and strengthen - as much as you can - religion, piety, morality and purity of soul among yourselves. Today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s youth need religion, piety, science, enthusiasm, trustworthiness, morality, social services and physical exercise. These are the things which today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s youth need and by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, you dear basijis will succeed in doing this.
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), bestow Your blessings on these people and on all the basijis of our country. Dear God, make the Iranian nation conquer the peaks of honor on a daily basis. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), make the immaculate soul of Imam satisfied with us and with these people. Dear God, make the pure souls of martyrs satisfied and pleased with us. Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), make the holy heart of the Imam of the Age satisfied and pleased with us and hasten the re-appearance of this great Imam. Make us be among his companions and his accompanying mujahids and make us be martyrs by his side.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings.
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1839&Itemid=4
** MUST Listen ** Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (S) at...
Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAWW at Ghadeer Khum by Agha Hassan Mujtaba Rizvi - English
The Ghadir event and its significance...
Complete Sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAWW at Ghadeer Khum by Agha Hassan Mujtaba Rizvi - English
The Ghadir event and its significance
Seventy days before his demise, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) 1 was returning to Medina after his last pilgrimage to Mecca, he reached the pond of Khum
(Ghadir Khum) near Juhfa. It was the 18th of the month of Dhul-Hijja of the year 10 AH (March 15, 632 AD). By this time, the Prophet (PBUH&HF) had conveyed
all of the divine commandments to his nation except for the formal and explicit public announcement of his divinely appointed successors as the leaders,
guardians, and guides for the believers for all days to come.
By the order of Allah, the Prophet (PBUH&HF) stopped at the pond of Khum, gathered the crowd of pilgrims, and delivered his last universal speech. In this
sermon, he presented his last religious instruction which finalized the last divine religion and made Islam the perfect religion in the sight of Allah. Imam
Muhammad al-Baqir (PBUH), the fifth Imam and successor of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: “The last obligatory duty that Allah sent down was al-Walaya(adherence
to the guardian assigned by Allah). Then, He sent down the verse: ‘Today, I completed your religion…’1 once the Messenger of Allah established it in Juhfa
This message was the most unique in the entire mission of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) due to the revelation of Verse 67, Chapter 5 of the Holy Quran before his
speech. In this revelation, Allah warned His Messenger that failing to deliver this last message would nullify his entire mission. This unprecedented warning
proves that this last message contained the most important religious commandment of Allah for the Muslim nation.
Moreover, the contents of this last message were so crucial to the faith that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) emphatically required all those who directly or
indirectly heard the sermon of Ghadir Khum to convey it to people who were not aware of its details, and parents to convey it to their children for all
generations to come. Hence, this sermon addresses all Muslim generations of the world until the Day of Judgement. This emphasis naturally implies that
the content of this message has a vital role in the future of the Muslims, their spiritual health, and their felicity in the Hereafter.
The main issue that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) addressed in his speech in Ghadir Khum was that Allah appointed Ali Ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) as the guardian (Wali),
the master (Mawla), the leader (Imam), and the commander (Amir) of all believing men and women, the deputy and the executor of his affairs (Wasi), and his
successor (Khalifa). His sayings and commands should be preferred over the opinions of all others in every matter. Obeying him is obeying Allah, and
disobeying him is disobeying Allah. Whoever follows him (and his sayings) is a believer under the guardianship of Allah, and whoever turns away from him (or
his sayings) is a disbeliever under the guardianship of Satan.
Guardianship (al-Walaya) expresses a bilateral relation between the guardian and the people. Observing al-Walaya by people means adhering to the guardian and
acknowledging his authority by heart, tongue, and action. On the other hand, the action of al-Walaya by the guardian means offering protection from evil,
spiritual assistance, care, support, and guidance for his adherents. A divinely appointed guardian guards his adherents from misguidance, spiritual
destruction, wrongdoing, and sin as much as they adhere to him and his commands. Establishing al-Walaya has been the ultimate goal of religion and the fruit
of the entire efforts of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) during his mission.
One who submits to Allah’s representative and adheres to him has indeed acknowledged Allah’s authority and guardianship and is a true monotheist in obeying
Allah. Acknowledging the guardianship of the leaders that Allah appointed and submitting to them is the greatest pillar of faith. It safeguards the followers
from the wrath and punishment of Allah. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (PBUH) said: “Islam is established by five things: prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and
al-Walaya (adhering to the guardians authorized by Allah). None (among them) was called for as (emphatically as) al-Walaya was called for. However, people
accepted the first four and abandoned al-Walaya.
People who refused to submit to the leaders that Allah appointed resemble the Satan who refused to submit to the viceregent of Allah, Adam (PBUH), and
consequently, became an outcast and went under the curse of Allah forever as mentioned in the Holy Quran.1 It is narrated that Imam al-Ridha (PBUH) said:
“The similitude of the believers in accepting the guardianship of the Commander of the Believers (Ali) on the day of Ghadir Khum is that of the angels in
prostrating before Adam (i.e., submitting to him), and the similitude of those who turned away from the guardianship of the Commander of the Believers on the
day of Ghadir is that of the devil (Iblis).
In one of his speeches on the anniversary of the day of Ghadir, Imam Ali (PBUH) said: “Allah does not accept the faith (of an individual) except after he
acknowledges the guardianship of whom He required. He does not arrange the means of His obedience (for an individual) except after he adheres to His ropes
and the ropes of His authorized people. Thus, Allah sent down to His Prophet (PBUH&HF) on the day of the large trees1 that which explained His will for His
sincere and chosen servants. Allah commanded him to convey (the message) without being concerned about the hypocrites or the deviants, and guaranteed him
protection against their evil... By that, Allah completed His religion, and delighted the eyes of His Prophet (PBUH&HF), and the believers. Some of you
witnessed this event and some received its news. This (appointment) concluded the beautiful word of Allah for those who observe patience… ”
Imam Khomeini: The Incident of Tabas was a miracle by Allah - Farsi
April 25, marks the anniversary of failure of US military aggression to Tabas.
Thirty years ago on April 25, 1980, the US staged a military...
April 25, marks the anniversary of failure of US military aggression to Tabas.
Thirty years ago on April 25, 1980, the US staged a military aggression against Iran's soil with a number of choppers and planes.
The US administration, whose different plots to defeat the sacred Islamic system had failed, launched this military aggression with the goal of releasing the spies that had been detained throughout the seizure of US spy den in Tehran.
Meanwhile, despite precise planning, usage of advanced equipment, and numerous exercises that the Americans had done in similar locations, this military assault failed due to occurrence of a sand storm throughout the deserts in the vicinity of the city of Tabas, central Iran, while a number of US choppers and planes caught fire; a number of US troopers were killed; and the rest of these US troopers fled Iran's soil. The Americans had planned to fly to Tehran with a chopper, after landing in the city of Tabas. The occurrence of a sand storm astounded the American officials, who had made all the essential arrangements and had even studied the weather conditions.
In fact, with divine blessings, US military aggression was doomed to fail.
Meanwhile, in reference to the humiliating military failure of the US in Tabas, the Founder of Islamic Republic of Iran late Imam Khomeini (May his soul rest in peace) noted now that the Great Satan has committed such an absurd act, the honorable Iranian nation should become fully prepared for confrontation with the enemies, with all its potential and through reliance on God's strength.
April 25, 1980 is a memorable day for the Iranian nation. This date is unforgettable for the Iranian nation because on this day the Iranian people were blessed by the Almighty in the face of the enemy's plot and conspiracy. This day will also not be forgotten in US history, because it showed that sole reliance on military equipment in confrontation with faithful people will not bring about victory.
Tabas incident paved the way for further unity and solidarity of Iran's revolutionary forces, while also proving Islamic Revolution's righteousness throughout the international community. Throughout the course of this incident, the true ominous visage of the enemy was revealed more than ever and the divine nature of Islamic Revolution was proved to the international community.
In fact, this sand storm unveiled the ugly visage of Washington's rulers and displayed their clear aggression, which was in violation to international rules and regulations.
Anniversary of a failed US operation in Tabas Desert - English
April 25, marks the anniversary of failure of US military aggression to Tabas.
Thirty years ago on April 25, 1980, the US staged a military...
April 25, marks the anniversary of failure of US military aggression to Tabas.
Thirty years ago on April 25, 1980, the US staged a military aggression against Iran's soil with a number of choppers and planes.
The US administration, whose different plots to defeat the sacred Islamic system had failed, launched this military aggression with the goal of releasing the spies that had been detained throughout the seizure of US spy den in Tehran.
Meanwhile, despite precise planning, usage of advanced equipment, and numerous exercises that the Americans had done in similar locations, this military assault failed due to occurrence of a sand storm throughout the deserts in the vicinity of the city of Tabas, central Iran, while a number of US choppers and planes caught fire; a number of US troopers were killed; and the rest of these US troopers fled Iran's soil. The Americans had planned to fly to Tehran with a chopper, after landing in the city of Tabas. The occurrence of a sand storm astounded the American officials, who had made all the essential arrangements and had even studied the weather conditions.
In fact, with divine blessings, US military aggression was doomed to fail.
Meanwhile, in reference to the humiliating military failure of the US in Tabas, the Founder of Islamic Republic of Iran late Imam Khomeini (May his soul rest in peace) noted now that the Great Satan has committed such an absurd act, the honorable Iranian nation should become fully prepared for confrontation with the enemies, with all its potential and through reliance on God's strength.
April 25, 1980 is a memorable day for the Iranian nation. This date is unforgettable for the Iranian nation because on this day the Iranian people were blessed by the Almighty in the face of the enemy's plot and conspiracy. This day will also not be forgotten in US history, because it showed that sole reliance on military equipment in confrontation with faithful people will not bring about victory.
Tabas incident paved the way for further unity and solidarity of Iran's revolutionary forces, while also proving Islamic Revolution's righteousness throughout the international community. Throughout the course of this incident, the true ominous visage of the enemy was revealed more than ever and the divine nature of Islamic Revolution was proved to the international community.
In fact, this sand storm unveiled the ugly visage of Washington's rulers and displayed their clear aggression, which was in violation to international rules and regulations.
[Audio] A Brief Account of the Life of Martyr Allameh Motahhari - English
Martyred professor, Allameh Morteza Motahhari, was born on February 2, 1919 in the town of Fariman, 75 kilometers from the holy city of Mashhad. At...
Martyred professor, Allameh Morteza Motahhari, was born on February 2, 1919 in the town of Fariman, 75 kilometers from the holy city of Mashhad. At the age of twelve, he set off for Mashhad seminary to embark on learning the basics of Islamic sciences. In 1937, despite Reza Khan’s intense confrontation with clergymen and also opposition by some of his friends and relatives, he left for Qom seminary to complete his studies.
During 15 years of his stay in Qom, he benefited from the presence of Grand Ayatollah Borujerdi (in jurisprudence and the principles of jurisprudence), Imam Khomeini (12 years in the philosophy of Molla Sadra, gnosis, ethics and principles of jurisprudence) and Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaiee (in philosophy). He had also benefited from the presence of the late Ayatollah Haj Mirza Ali Aqa Shirazi in ethics and gnosis. Among other teachers of professor Motahhari mention can be made of the late Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Hojjat (in principles of jurisprudence) and the late Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Mohaqqeqdamad (in jurisprudence). While he was in Qom, in addition to education, he participated in socio-political affairs as well and he was in contact with Fadaiyan-e-Eslam group.
In 1952, he migrated to Tehran though he was one of the renowned teachers and among the future hopes of the seminary. In Tehran, he taught at Marvi School and delivered well-researched speeches. In 1955, the first session of the exegesis of the holy Qur’an in the Students\\\' Islamic Association was held by professor Motahhari. In the same year, he began teaching at the faculty of divinity and Islamic teachings of Tehran University. In 1958-59 concurrent with the establishment of the Physicians\\\' Islamic Association, professor Motahhari was one of the main speakers of the Association and during 1961-1971 he was the only speaker of the Association leaving behind a number of important deliberations.
In 1962, with the start of Imam Khomeini’s uprising, professor Motahhari accompanied him to the extent that one can consider the organizing of the June 5th uprising in Tehran and its coordination with Imam Khomeini’s leadership as being indebted to him and his companions. Having given an enlightening speech against the Shah on Wednesday, 5th of June 1963, Ayatollah Motahhari was detained by the police at 1 a.m. and sent to the interim police headquarters and was imprisoned with a number of Tehrani clergymen. 43 days later, following the migration of Ulema from other provinces to Tehran and public pressure, he was freed together with other clergymen.
After the formation of groups called “Mo’talefe Eslami”, which was among the combatant groups of the time, Imam Khomeini called on martyr Motahhari to lead these groups along with a number of clergymen.
Following Imam Khomeini\\\'s exile, professor Motahhari and his companions shouldered a heavier responsibility. At that time, he wrote books covering social requirements and delivering speeches at universities, the Physicians\\\' Islamic Association and mosques. Professor Motahhari made a lot of ideological efforts to Islamicize the content of the movement and strongly fought against diversions and falsehoods. In 1967, he established Hosseinieh Ershad with the help of some friends.
In 1969, after releasing an announcement signed by him, Allameh Tabatabai and Ayatollah Haj Seyyed Abolfazl Mojtahed Zanjani calling for collection of aid for the displaced Palestinians and because of publicizing it during a speech in Hosseinieh Ershad, he was detained and held in solitary confinement for a short while. From 1970-72 he supervised publicity works by Al-jawad mosque where he was the main speaker until the mosque and the Hosseinieh were closed and professor Motahhari was detained for a while. Later, Ayatollah Motahhari gave speeches at Javid, Ark and a number of other mosques. After a while Javid mosque was also closed. Around the year 1974 he was forbidden to speak which lasted till the triumph of the Islamic revolution.
Presenting genuine Islamic ideology through teaching, speech and writing books were among the valuable activities of professor Motahhari reaching its climax particularly during the years 1972-78; since in those years the leftists had increased their propaganda and groups of leftist Muslims and also those with a hotchpotch of ideas had emerged. After Imam Khomeini, professor Motahhari was the first figure who found out the ideological deviation of the heads of the so-called “Mojahedin-e-Khalq” organization and prevented others from cooperating with them and even foresaw their change of ideology. In those years, upon Imam Khomeini’s recommendation, professor Motahhari traveled to Qom twice a week to teach at its seminary where he taught important courses and at the same time he taught some courses at home in Tehran. In 1976, following an ideological dispute with a communist teacher of the faculty of divinity, he became retired prematurely. Furthermore; in those years Ayatollah Motahhari, in collaboration with some clergymen, established “Jameye Rohaniat-e-Mobarez” of Tehran hoping that such an institution would be gradually established in other cities as well.
Although professor Motahhari’s contact with Imam Khomeini continued after the Imam’s exile in France via letters and other means, in the year 1976 he managed to travel to the holy city of Najaf and consulted with Imam Khomeini on the important issues of the revolution and also seminaries. After the martyrdom of Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Khomeini and the start of the new phase of the Islamic revolution, professor Motahhari fully devoted himself to the revolution and hence played a fundamental role in all of its phases.
At the time of Imam Khomeini’s stay in Paris, Ayatollah Motahhari traveled to France where he spoke with the Imam on the important issues of the revolution and it was then that Imam Khomeini urged him to shape the Islamic Revolution Council. Upon Imam Khomeini’s return to Iran, he personally took the responsibility of the welcoming committee and till the victory of the revolution and after that he always acted as a supporter of the leader of the Islamic revolution and served as a kind and trusted advisor for him. But at 22:20 p.m. of Tuesday, 1st of May 1979 he was martyred by a grouplet called “Forqan” after leaving an ideological and political gathering. This caused profound sorrow and grief for Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Ummah who had a lot of hopes for this great man’s future.
There remain tens of works by Ayatollah Motahhari. These works deal with a variety of religious issues and offer responses to many of the important questions of religious society so much so that we can name his works as a reliable source concerning the Islamic ideology system.
Some of Imam Khomeini’s Words on Martyr Allameh Morteza Motahhari
[Motahhari] was rare in Islamology and different Islamic and Qur’anic sciences. I have lost a very dear child. I am mourning for him who was one of the figures who was considered the fruit of my life. Martyrdom of this righteous child and immortal clergyman created a vacuum in the dear Islam that cannot be filled by any means.
Motahhari, who was rare in purifying spirit, the strength of belief and the power of speech, flew to the ethereal world, but the ill-wishers should know that his Islamic, scientific and philosophical personality won’t perish with his departure.
Motahhari was a dear child for me and a firm stronghold for the religious and scientific seminaries and a useful servant for people and country.
I recommend the students and the committed intellectuals not to let this dear professor’s books be forgotten by non-Islamic schemes.
In his short life, [Motahhari] left behind immortal works which stemmed from a wakeful conscience and a spirit filled with the love for religion. He embarked on educating and training the society with an eloquent style and an able thought in analyzing Islamic subjects and explaining philosophical facts with a popular diction and without uncertainty. His oral and written works are unexceptionally instructive and inspiring; and his advice and admonitions, which sprang from a heart filled with faith and belief, are useful both for the Ulema and the laymen.
Late Motahhari was an individual who had different aspects of personality; and few people have done the service to the young generation and others as Motahhari has done. All his works are unexceptionally good and I don’t know anybody else whose works I could call unexceptionally good. His works are unexceptionally good and constructive for humans.
Professor Motahhari from the Viewpoint of Ayatollah Khamenei
Interview with the Supreme Leader on Martyr Motahhari
‘I consider myself Mr. Motahhari’s pupil’
As you know late professor Motahhari was a philosopher; the science sought by him was mostly the philosophical science. Later on; however, he got to the subjects of theology, i.e. he dealt with Islamic issues with new argumentation method of modern philosophy. But he spent most of his time on philosophical matters. He was considered the philosophical student of Imam Khomeini and Allameh Tabatabaiee. Thus what he maintains in theology is Hekmat Mota’aliah, i.e. the Philosophy of Molla Sadra.
His behaviour was like that of the mystics who would set out to find a perfect instructor. Basically his spiritual and moral condition was in such a way. He would search to know for example if a perfect elderly instructor is somewhere in the world, and he would go to him to stay by him. Indeed, spiritually, such a situation was fitting him. Yet he had found such a perfect instructor in Iran. He was absorbed in Imam Khomeini and Allameh Tabatabaiee. He was captivated by their love and regarded their scientific and mystic status very high.
Morally, late Motahhari was a prominent man; and a pure-hearted, enlightened, just, self-possessed and mature person. In his personal bonds with God he was a mystic, a man of God’s remembrance, journey towards God and worship. He used to say: “I have learnt paying attention to and worship of God from my father.”
Professor Motahhari had a lot of historical information especially about the recent history, and particularly on the issues related to the Ulema, seminaries, scientific, spiritual, philosophical and mystic figures. These pieces of information were not registered in any book and are heard from the professors and great figures and kept in mind. Since he knew all professors and Ulema of Najaf, Samarra and Isfahan, he was well-informed about their events and he would talk of them in the gatherings and visits held on different occasions.
Supereme Leader’s Words on Professor Motahhari’s Personality and Works
“As time passes from his martyrdom, his spiritual and ideological works and bounties manifest more fresh dimensions. The ideological and scientific works of that grand clergyman become clearer in the scene of the country press and religious knowledge; and one understands that an intellectual clergyman with responsibilities could have so fruitful life.”
Martyr Motahhari with his strong and decent thought stepped in the fields of Islamic subjects that hitherto nobody had stepped; and considering the ideas that had prevailed or were going to prevail in the country---through translation and import from the west and east, he entered a profound, vast and interminable scientific challenge. He both embarked on a very clever struggle to confront with the Marxists and entered the scene to confront with the western and Liberalist thoughts. This role is very important; it needs both courage and self-confidence, it requires both thinking strength and Ijtihad (being well- qualified in jurisprudence and different theological fields), it both needs certainty and resolute belief. This great man had all these together; he was both a learned man and very faithful, he was firm in his belief and had self-confidence, too; these are all necessary.”
Leader’s Visit with Martyr Motahhari’s Family (1996)
He had three characteristics regarding ideological issues: First, he had a strong thought and he was a true thinker. Secondly, while presenting and spreading the ideological principles, he had no intention but God’s nearness, promotion of the truth and fighting against the false. There was sincerity in him and his personal actions which would naturally make the second characteristic tangible. For example think of some people who are thinkers, yet do not present their thought for God’s sake, but they present it to show that they are knowledgeable, to draw people’s attention and to say that they are philosophers. Martyr Motahhari was not such. He would present thought for God’s sake and for Islam. He would truly burn up [like a candle] and would gush forth [like a fountain] and would present [Islamic ideas]. The reason for his survival is his second characteristic. It means that sincerity will have its impact and the Almighty God will grace any deed done with sincerity. The third characteristic was his working hard and his inexhaustibility.
The truth is that he wouldn’t sit till he might be referred to; but rather he would himself go after activity. He had these three characteristics.”
Leader’s Visit with Martyr Motahhari’s Family (1998)
“We should introduce Mr. Motahhari to the world especially the Islamic world. And if we want to introduce him, which points should be highlighted? I think this is your most important job. Some aspects of a figure’s personality are either unique that must be highlighted or are very outstanding that should be stressed.
In the life of the late Martyr Ayatollah Motahhari, his personality and his scientific identity there are numerous examples of these. One point, that in my opinion has the prime importance, is the new interpretation of the Islamic teachings. This is apart from his philosophical aspect and his strong and compelling arguments in the footnotes of ‘The principles of philosophy’ by ‘Ayatollah Tabatabaiee. This is another point. He elucidated Islamic concepts and teachings with a novel diction and expression which was much needed. I don’t say that if the works of the predecessors were pondered and scrutinized signs of this exegesis would not be found. Really if one had attentively studied the works of the Ulema he would have found some hints and cues; but I want to say that nobody had done this. As far as we know, nobody had done it before Mr. Motahhari. Even the modernist writers, who had emerged in the Arab countries, and we knew some of them, had not done this. These Egyptian authors, who were modernists and would write things with a broader sight and who knew the world somewhat more than Martyr Motahhari, most of them had traveled a lot and had visited different universities. Yet he [Ayatollah Motahhari] was not so, he was confined. I mean he was inside Iran and Tehran but his profound vision of the Islamic issues and his novel understanding of the verses [of Qur’an] and the narrations [of the Ahl-ul-Bayt], in my opinion, was one of his most outstanding aspects. It was he who, for the first time, substantively expressed the subjects related to principles of ideology, piety, patience, love, fairness, justice, and so on in the ideological atmosphere of Iran.
We thank God that Mr. Motahhari’s name was not forgotten in our society and the mental atmosphere of this country; but rather it became more prominent day by day. Many of the world phenomena are naturally perishable and by the lapse of time they become older. Most of the world phenomena are such. Yet there are some phenomena that not only do not fall into oblivion via lapse of time but become brighter, more manifest, more spectacular and more impressive. The phenomena based on reality are usually such. I clearly feel that, thank God, Martyr Ayatollah Motahhari’s thoughts are such.”
Memoirs of Dr. Ali Motahhari (Martyr Motahhari’s Son)
Night Supplication in front of the Word Allah
As it is said he didn’t give up midnight vigilance, midnight prayer, and wakefulness since his youth till the end of his life. It was his practice both at the time of studentship and after that and even at the time of martyrdom. I remember that facing our house there was the house of one of the previous regime’s officials which was usually guarded by two police officers. Apparently since the official had seen that the lamp of our house was lit at midnight, had worried to find the reason and it was important for him from the security point of view. He had told the guards to look for the reason. Professor [Motahhari] had a neon board of Allah which was green when lit. He would turn it on and perform his midnight prayer in its light. After the revolution one of the officers said, we had examined several nights and I had looked through the window to see what was going on inside the house. At the end I myself saw that he came at midnight and started worshipping for an hour. We were somehow absorbed by the professor, and despite much negative propaganda against the clergymen and him in particular to make us pessimist to them, we became very interested in him so much so that some would say we got our salary from the government but it was as if we were guarding him.
A Voice vis-à-vis MHe was very sensitive against ideological deviations and believed that we were seeking Islamic revolution and not mere revolution. It is not important that Shah goes but it is important to see what system is established after his going. Because if after the ouster of the Shah, for example the Mojahedin-e-Khalq take the lead, it is much better not to stage a revolution at all. Thus the deviated groups had found out professor Motahhari’s sensitiveness and had become his enemy. Three or four months before the victory of the Islamic revolution, a person, who had some tendencies to Mojahedin-e-Khalq and the leftists and was intended to be religious, too, was freed from the prison. Professor [Motahhari] said we had better visit him. I was with the professor. There was a man by the name of Ashuri as one of the heads of the Forqan group. He spoke of Islam and Marxism and said: ‘These two religions say one single thing and their content is the same with different forms. They speak of the laborers and we speak of the oppressed. Therefore our word is the same. We should unite to topple the regime of Shah and basically there is no difference between Islam and Marxism, etc.’ Professor was very upset and that man knew that professor Motahhari would answer him. That’s why he rose to leave. The professor said: ‘No, Be seated! Be seated!’ He made him sit and explained him in detail that our path is fundamentally separate from that of the Marxists. In no way can the forms be different with the same content. And we cannot unite with the Marxists in any way.
Immortal among People
Prior to the victory of the Islamic revolution, at the time of Imam Khomeini’s staying in Paris, it was heard everywhere that the regime of Shah wanted to arrest the leaders and prominent figures of the revolution.
Some people told him [Ayatollah Motahhari] it was better to go somewhere else to hide. He said: ‘Such actions are not good for clergymen. It is not good for us to escape from one place to another to hide; such things are not good for us.’ He stayed at home like before and nothing happened.
His Method of Training Children
One of the features of the professor’s training method for his children was that he would never resort to force and coercion and he would let them to realize and choose the right path with their own thought and wisdom. About choosing the field of education and the way of spending leisure time and the like he would never force us to do something necessarily; but he would show us the way. As the holy Qur’an says: ‘…be he grateful or ungrateful.’ And it was we who would choose the way. There was never force over our heads and we would choose one way with interest and free will.
The Professor’s Arrest after anti-Israel Speech
I have another memory from the year 1969 when he delivered the provocative speech on Palestine in Hosseinieh Ershad. This speech has been broadcast many times by IRIB. It was a very provocative, important and interesting speech which shook the regime of Shah; and it required a lot of courage to deliver such a speech when the regime of Shah was in the zenith of power and had the highest level of relations and unity with Israel. When the Israeli planes would refuel in Iran’s airport(s) during the 1967 war and would fly over the heads of the Arabs and Muslims, much bravery was needed to give such a speech and we saw that professor Motahhari gave that speech and was promptly arrested and taken away. When he was freed he said, ‘They made me sit in a car and blindfolded me and the car set out. I told them there is no need to blindfold and I will not look. If you want me not to look I will close my eyes. But they didn’t agree. Yet I realized the route till Ferdowsi square but didn’t realize after that.’ Apparently they had taken him to the committee of the SAVAK which was presumably located in the same Ferdowsi Street.
Allameh Tabatabaiee’s Message on the Occasion of Ayatollah Motahhari’s Martyrdom
In the name of the Almighty God
In memory of a scientific and philosophical personality who cast a world into grief and made the world of science and merit mournful with his departure.
Late Motahhari, who was a scientist, a thinker and a researcher with an overflowing intellect, a bright thought and a realistic mind, has left behind marvelous works and researches written about scientific and argumentative purposes that are seen in his books.
Late Motahhari, through his precious and blissful life that was abundant with scientific effort and philosophical thinking, sends an expressive and valuable message to the enthusiasts of science and philosophy never to repose from effort towards perfection and never forget scientific struggle for perfection; and in the market of realities turn their life--which is the best human commodity-- to the spiritual life— which is the lofty human life and is lasting till the world exists; and not to be absorbed and deceived by fabricated and imaginary personalities in this short life.
Yes, a narrow route opened by a scientist towards realities will bestow eternal life upon him and this is more valuable than the world and what it contains.
[AL-QUDS 2012][AQC] Portland, OR USA : Glimpses of Al-Quds Day Protest -...
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee....
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee.
For more details, please visit : freealquds.org
Resolutions - International Day of Al-Quds:
The following Resolutions are intended to be read out at your event.
This peaceful representative gathering of freedom and justice-loving individuals from various faiths passes the following twelve resolutions:
1. We demand an immediate end to the 60 year occupation of Palestinian land by the criminal barbaric and terrorist Zionist regime and we support the return of millions of Palestinians who have been forced to live in refugee camps.
2. We support the Palestinians right of self-determination and to be governed by whoever they choose in a free and fair election.
3. We announce our boycott of corporations that support the Apartheid Zionist Regime and its heinous crimes, through their investments.
4. We demand an immediate release of over 10,000 political prisoners, the innocent being held in Zionist jails, especially women and children.
5. We respect Judaism but denounce Zionism as a racist, hateful and oppressive philosophy based on expulsion, oppression and occupation of the native population of Palestine.
6. We demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza where innocent civilians, men, women and children, are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition and disease, due to lack of employment, food, medicines and electricity.
7. We denounce the mainstream media for its biased coverage of the conflict, and for depicting the oppressive, criminal Zionist Regime as the victim; and the true owners of the land as "oppressors".
8. We completely reject: the effort to equate Zionism with Judaism. We also reject: the effort to equate condemnation of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism. We will not be intimidated by this bogus spin. This effort has been opposed and rejected by the truly religious Torah-abiding Jews.
9. We completely reject the Zionist justification of settlement and occupation, in the name of racial superiority, and we support the right of all victims of the Zionist Regime, including the injured, the prisoners and the refugees, to bring the Zionists war criminals to justice in a just court of Law.
10. We demand an immediate end to the biased and prejudiced attitude of the US administration in supporting the Apartheid regime under the influence of the Zionist lobbies in politics and media. We demand that our tax dollars and resources be focused on resolving the issues in our countries rather than funding the occupation and the war crimes of the Zionist Apartheid regime.
11. We demand an immediate and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist Regime, and call for a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day illegal borders of the Zionist Regime, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the entire region, in order that they can decide their own fate. Without this dismantling of the cancerous Apartheid system of the Zionist Regime, there can be no peace in the region.
12. We demand that the Great Al-Aqsa Mosque be freed from the clutches of the Zionist Regime, and furthermore, we completely reject any and all Zionist claims made on Al-Quds Jerusalem.
Despite the influence of Zionist lobbies around the world, especially in US, today the Zionist Regime is recognized as a criminal, barbaric, racist and apartheid state by the masses around the world. The number of people standing up for the oppressed people of Palestine continues to grow and all of us promise to continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.
Long Live Palestine!!!
[AL-QUDS 2012][AQC] Detroit, MI USA : Glimpses of Al-Quds Day Protest -...
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee....
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee.
For more details, please visit : freealquds.org
Resolutions - International Day of Al-Quds:
The following Resolutions are intended to be read out at your event.
This peaceful representative gathering of freedom and justice-loving individuals from various faiths passes the following twelve resolutions:
1. We demand an immediate end to the 60 year occupation of Palestinian land by the criminal barbaric and terrorist Zionist regime and we support the return of millions of Palestinians who have been forced to live in refugee camps.
2. We support the Palestinians right of self-determination and to be governed by whoever they choose in a free and fair election.
3. We announce our boycott of corporations that support the Apartheid Zionist Regime and its heinous crimes, through their investments.
4. We demand an immediate release of over 10,000 political prisoners, the innocent being held in Zionist jails, especially women and children.
5. We respect Judaism but denounce Zionism as a racist, hateful and oppressive philosophy based on expulsion, oppression and occupation of the native population of Palestine.
6. We demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza where innocent civilians, men, women and children, are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition and disease, due to lack of employment, food, medicines and electricity.
7. We denounce the mainstream media for its biased coverage of the conflict, and for depicting the oppressive, criminal Zionist Regime as the victim; and the true owners of the land as "oppressors".
8. We completely reject: the effort to equate Zionism with Judaism. We also reject: the effort to equate condemnation of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism. We will not be intimidated by this bogus spin. This effort has been opposed and rejected by the truly religious Torah-abiding Jews.
9. We completely reject the Zionist justification of settlement and occupation, in the name of racial superiority, and we support the right of all victims of the Zionist Regime, including the injured, the prisoners and the refugees, to bring the Zionists war criminals to justice in a just court of Law.
10. We demand an immediate end to the biased and prejudiced attitude of the US administration in supporting the Apartheid regime under the influence of the Zionist lobbies in politics and media. We demand that our tax dollars and resources be focused on resolving the issues in our countries rather than funding the occupation and the war crimes of the Zionist Apartheid regime.
11. We demand an immediate and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist Regime, and call for a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day illegal borders of the Zionist Regime, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the entire region, in order that they can decide their own fate. Without this dismantling of the cancerous Apartheid system of the Zionist Regime, there can be no peace in the region.
12. We demand that the Great Al-Aqsa Mosque be freed from the clutches of the Zionist Regime, and furthermore, we completely reject any and all Zionist claims made on Al-Quds Jerusalem.
Despite the influence of Zionist lobbies around the world, especially in US, today the Zionist Regime is recognized as a criminal, barbaric, racist and apartheid state by the masses around the world. The number of people standing up for the oppressed people of Palestine continues to grow and all of us promise to continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.
Long Live Palestine!!!
[AL-QUDS 2012][AQC] NewYork, NY USA : Glimpses of Al-Quds Day Protest -...
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee....
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee.
For more details, please visit : freealquds.org
Resolutions - International Day of Al-Quds:
The following Resolutions are intended to be read out at your event.
This peaceful representative gathering of freedom and justice-loving individuals from various faiths passes the following twelve resolutions:
1. We demand an immediate end to the 60 year occupation of Palestinian land by the criminal barbaric and terrorist Zionist regime and we support the return of millions of Palestinians who have been forced to live in refugee camps.
2. We support the Palestinians right of self-determination and to be governed by whoever they choose in a free and fair election.
3. We announce our boycott of corporations that support the Apartheid Zionist Regime and its heinous crimes, through their investments.
4. We demand an immediate release of over 10,000 political prisoners, the innocent being held in Zionist jails, especially women and children.
5. We respect Judaism but denounce Zionism as a racist, hateful and oppressive philosophy based on expulsion, oppression and occupation of the native population of Palestine.
6. We demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza where innocent civilians, men, women and children, are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition and disease, due to lack of employment, food, medicines and electricity.
7. We denounce the mainstream media for its biased coverage of the conflict, and for depicting the oppressive, criminal Zionist Regime as the victim; and the true owners of the land as "oppressors".
8. We completely reject: the effort to equate Zionism with Judaism. We also reject: the effort to equate condemnation of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism. We will not be intimidated by this bogus spin. This effort has been opposed and rejected by the truly religious Torah-abiding Jews.
9. We completely reject the Zionist justification of settlement and occupation, in the name of racial superiority, and we support the right of all victims of the Zionist Regime, including the injured, the prisoners and the refugees, to bring the Zionists war criminals to justice in a just court of Law.
10. We demand an immediate end to the biased and prejudiced attitude of the US administration in supporting the Apartheid regime under the influence of the Zionist lobbies in politics and media. We demand that our tax dollars and resources be focused on resolving the issues in our countries rather than funding the occupation and the war crimes of the Zionist Apartheid regime.
11. We demand an immediate and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist Regime, and call for a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day illegal borders of the Zionist Regime, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the entire region, in order that they can decide their own fate. Without this dismantling of the cancerous Apartheid system of the Zionist Regime, there can be no peace in the region.
12. We demand that the Great Al-Aqsa Mosque be freed from the clutches of the Zionist Regime, and furthermore, we completely reject any and all Zionist claims made on Al-Quds Jerusalem.
Despite the influence of Zionist lobbies around the world, especially in US, today the Zionist Regime is recognized as a criminal, barbaric, racist and apartheid state by the masses around the world. The number of people standing up for the oppressed people of Palestine continues to grow and all of us promise to continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.
Long Live Palestine!!!
[AL-QUDS 2012][AQC] Chicago, IL USA : Glimpses of Al-Quds Day Protest -...
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee....
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee.
For more details, please visit : freealquds.org
Resolutions - International Day of Al-Quds:
The following Resolutions are intended to be read out at your event.
This peaceful representative gathering of freedom and justice-loving individuals from various faiths passes the following twelve resolutions:
1. We demand an immediate end to the 60 year occupation of Palestinian land by the criminal barbaric and terrorist Zionist regime and we support the return of millions of Palestinians who have been forced to live in refugee camps.
2. We support the Palestinians right of self-determination and to be governed by whoever they choose in a free and fair election.
3. We announce our boycott of corporations that support the Apartheid Zionist Regime and its heinous crimes, through their investments.
4. We demand an immediate release of over 10,000 political prisoners, the innocent being held in Zionist jails, especially women and children.
5. We respect Judaism but denounce Zionism as a racist, hateful and oppressive philosophy based on expulsion, oppression and occupation of the native population of Palestine.
6. We demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza where innocent civilians, men, women and children, are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition and disease, due to lack of employment, food, medicines and electricity.
7. We denounce the mainstream media for its biased coverage of the conflict, and for depicting the oppressive, criminal Zionist Regime as the victim; and the true owners of the land as "oppressors".
8. We completely reject: the effort to equate Zionism with Judaism. We also reject: the effort to equate condemnation of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism. We will not be intimidated by this bogus spin. This effort has been opposed and rejected by the truly religious Torah-abiding Jews.
9. We completely reject the Zionist justification of settlement and occupation, in the name of racial superiority, and we support the right of all victims of the Zionist Regime, including the injured, the prisoners and the refugees, to bring the Zionists war criminals to justice in a just court of Law.
10. We demand an immediate end to the biased and prejudiced attitude of the US administration in supporting the Apartheid regime under the influence of the Zionist lobbies in politics and media. We demand that our tax dollars and resources be focused on resolving the issues in our countries rather than funding the occupation and the war crimes of the Zionist Apartheid regime.
11. We demand an immediate and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist Regime, and call for a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day illegal borders of the Zionist Regime, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the entire region, in order that they can decide their own fate. Without this dismantling of the cancerous Apartheid system of the Zionist Regime, there can be no peace in the region.
12. We demand that the Great Al-Aqsa Mosque be freed from the clutches of the Zionist Regime, and furthermore, we completely reject any and all Zionist claims made on Al-Quds Jerusalem.
Despite the influence of Zionist lobbies around the world, especially in US, today the Zionist Regime is recognized as a criminal, barbaric, racist and apartheid state by the masses around the world. The number of people standing up for the oppressed people of Palestine continues to grow and all of us promise to continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.
Long Live Palestine!!!
[AL-QUDS 2012][AQC] Tampa, FL USA : Glimpses of Al-Quds Day Protest - 17...
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee....
All the efforts were made by local organizing committees of the respective cities.
Nationally coordinated and organized by Al-Quds Committee.
For more details, please visit : freealquds.org
Resolutions - International Day of Al-Quds:
The following Resolutions are intended to be read out at your event.
This peaceful representative gathering of freedom and justice-loving individuals from various faiths passes the following twelve resolutions:
1. We demand an immediate end to the 60 year occupation of Palestinian land by the criminal barbaric and terrorist Zionist regime and we support the return of millions of Palestinians who have been forced to live in refugee camps.
2. We support the Palestinians right of self-determination and to be governed by whoever they choose in a free and fair election.
3. We announce our boycott of corporations that support the Apartheid Zionist Regime and its heinous crimes, through their investments.
4. We demand an immediate release of over 10,000 political prisoners, the innocent being held in Zionist jails, especially women and children.
5. We respect Judaism but denounce Zionism as a racist, hateful and oppressive philosophy based on expulsion, oppression and occupation of the native population of Palestine.
6. We demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza where innocent civilians, men, women and children, are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition and disease, due to lack of employment, food, medicines and electricity.
7. We denounce the mainstream media for its biased coverage of the conflict, and for depicting the oppressive, criminal Zionist Regime as the victim; and the true owners of the land as "oppressors".
8. We completely reject: the effort to equate Zionism with Judaism. We also reject: the effort to equate condemnation of the Zionist state with anti-Semitism. We will not be intimidated by this bogus spin. This effort has been opposed and rejected by the truly religious Torah-abiding Jews.
9. We completely reject the Zionist justification of settlement and occupation, in the name of racial superiority, and we support the right of all victims of the Zionist Regime, including the injured, the prisoners and the refugees, to bring the Zionists war criminals to justice in a just court of Law.
10. We demand an immediate end to the biased and prejudiced attitude of the US administration in supporting the Apartheid regime under the influence of the Zionist lobbies in politics and media. We demand that our tax dollars and resources be focused on resolving the issues in our countries rather than funding the occupation and the war crimes of the Zionist Apartheid regime.
11. We demand an immediate and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist Regime, and call for a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day illegal borders of the Zionist Regime, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the entire region, in order that they can decide their own fate. Without this dismantling of the cancerous Apartheid system of the Zionist Regime, there can be no peace in the region.
12. We demand that the Great Al-Aqsa Mosque be freed from the clutches of the Zionist Regime, and furthermore, we completely reject any and all Zionist claims made on Al-Quds Jerusalem.
Despite the influence of Zionist lobbies around the world, especially in US, today the Zionist Regime is recognized as a criminal, barbaric, racist and apartheid state by the masses around the world. The number of people standing up for the oppressed people of Palestine continues to grow and all of us promise to continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinians.
Long Live Palestine!!!
[29 April 2013] Speech Leader of Islamic Revolution Syed Ali Khamenei -...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech at Inauguration of Islamic Awakening and Ulama Conference
The following is the full text of the...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech at Inauguration of Islamic Awakening and Ulama Conference
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on April 29, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting at Inauguration of Islamic Awakening and Ulama Conference.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad al-Mustafa, and upon his immaculate household, chosen companions and those who follow them well, until the Day of Judgment.
I welcome you honorable guests and I ask Almighty and Merciful God to bless this collective effort and make it an effective step towards happiness of Muslims. \\\\\\\"Surely He listens and responds.\\\\\\\"
Today the subject of Islamic Awakening, which you will discuss in this conference, tops the list of the issues of the Islamic world and the Islamic Ummah, an amazing phenomenon that will result in the re-emergence of Islamic civilization - for the Islamic Ummah and then for all of the world - in the not too distant future providing that, with Allah\\\\\\\'s permission, it stays healthy and continues.
Today what lies in front of our eyes and cannot be denied by any informed and intelligent individual is that the world of Islam has now emerged out of the sidelines of social and political equations of the world, that it has found a prominent and outstanding position at the center of decisive global events, and that it offers a fresh outlook on life, politics, government and social developments. This is considered an important and significant phenomenon in today\\\\\\\'s world, which is suffering from a deep intellectual and theoretical vacuum after the failure of communism and liberalism. This is the first sign of the political and revolutionary events in North Africa and the Arab region on a global scale, which itself is a harbinger of greater truths that will come to pass in the future.
Islamic Awakening, which speakers in the arrogant and reactionary camp do not even dare to mention in words, is a truth whose signs can be witnessed in almost all parts of the world of Islam. The most obvious sign of it is the enthusiasm of public opinion, especially among young people, to revive the glory and greatness of Islam, to become aware of the nature of the international order of domination and to remove the mask from the shameless, oppressive and arrogant face of the governments and centers that have been pressuring the Islamic and non-Islamic East in their clutches for more than two hundred years and have been exposing nations to their brutal and aggressive thirst for power disguised with the mask of civilization and culture.
The dimensions of this auspicious awakening are widespread and mysterious, but what was witnessed of its immediate outcomes in a few North African countries can make hearts confident about the great and amazing outcomes that will be achieved in the future. Miraculous fulfillment of divine promises is always a hope-inspiring sign that promises the fulfillment of greater promises. The Quranic account of the two promises that Allah the Exalted gave to the mother of Prophet Moses is an example of this divine tactic. At that difficult moment, when she was ordered to cast her baby in the river in a basket, Allah the Exalted said, \\\\\\\"Surely We will bring him back to you and make him one of the messengers.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Qasas, Ayah 7] The fulfillment of the first promise, which was the smaller promise and a cause for happiness for the mother, became the sign of the fulfillment of the promise of prophetic mission, which was far greater and of course, it required long-term suffering, struggle and patience: \\\\\\\"So We restored him to his mother that her eye might be refreshed, and that she might not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true...\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Qasas, Ayah 13] This true promise was the great mission which was fulfilled after many years and it changed the course of history.
Another example is the reminder about the overwhelming power of God to suppress the invaders of the Holy House: in order to encourage His audience through the Holy Prophet to submit to His order, Allah the Exalted makes use of this example \\\\\\\"so let them serve the Lord of this House\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura Quraysh, Ayah 3] and says, \\\\\\\"Did He not cause their war to end in confusion?\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Fil, Ayah 2] Similarly, in order to raise the spirits of His beloved Prophet and convince him of the truth of the promise \\\\\\\"your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura ad-Dhuha, Ayah 3], Allah the Exalted gives the reminder about the miraculous blessing: \\\\\\\"Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? He found you astray and guided you.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura ad-Dhuha, Ayah 6-7] And there are many such examples in the Holy Quran.
The day when Islam achieved victory in Iran and managed to capture the fort of America and Zionism in one of the most important countries in this extremely sensitive region, those who were wise and quick to learn realized that if they had patience and insight, other victories will come one after another.
The brilliant truths in the Islamic Republic, which are acknowledged by our enemies, have all been achieved in the shade of trust in divine promises, patience, resistance and asking God for assistance. In the face of temptations by weak people who, during tense times, shout \\\\\\\"we are sure to be overtaken,\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura ash-Shuara, Ayah 61] our people have always shouted \\\\\\\"by no means, my Lord is with me and soon will He guide me.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura ash-Shuara, Ayah 62]
Today this is a precious experience that is available to the peoples who have stood up against arrogance and tyranny and have managed to overthrow and shake corrupt governments that are subservient to and dependent on America. Resistance, patience, insight and faith in the divine promise \\\\\\\"surely Allah will help him who helps His cause\\\\\\\" will pave this path of glory for the Islamic Ummah until it reaches the peak of Islamic civilization.
At this important meeting, which has been attended by a group of religious scholars of the Islamic Ummah from different Islamic countries and denominations, I believe it is appropriate to discuss a few necessary points regarding the issue of Islamic Awakening.
The first point is that the earliest waves of awakening in the countries of this region, which started simultaneously with the entry of the pioneers of colonialism, were mainly caused by religion and religious reformers. The names of outstanding leaders and personalities - such as Sayyid Jamal ad-Din, Muhammad Abduh, Mirza-e Shirazi, Akhund-e Khorasani, Mahmoud al-Hassan, Muhammad Ali, Sheikh Fazlollah, Hajj Agha Noorullah, Abul A\\\\\\\'la Maududi and tens of famous, great, mujahid and and influential clerics from Iran, Egypt, India and Iraq - have been recorded in history books forever. Similarly, in the contemporary era, the brilliant name of the great Imam Khomeini is shining like a brilliant star at the forefront of the Islamic Revolution. Meanwhile, today and in the past, hundreds of famous religious scholar and thousands of lesser-known religious scholars have played a role in great and small reform movements in different countries. The list of non-cleric religious reformers, such as Hassan al-Banna and Iqbal Lahori, is also long and amazing.
Almost everywhere, clerics and theologians have been the intellectual authority and spiritual support for the people and wherever they have appeared in the role of guides and pioneers at the time of great developments and have moved forward in the first rows of popular movements in the face of dangers, the intellectual bond between them and the people has been strengthened and they have played a significant role in showing the path to the people. This is as beneficial to the wave of Islamic Awakening as it is unpleasant and distressing to the enemies of the Islamic Ummah, those who bear grudges against Islam and those who are opposed to the rule of Islamic values, and they are trying to take away this intellectual authority from religious strongholds and create new centers for it. They have learned through experience that they can easily reach a compromise with these centers over national principles and values, and this is something that will never happen in the case of pious religious scholars and devoted religious personalities.
This makes the responsibility of religious scholars heavier. Through vigilance and caution and by identifying the enemy\\\\\\\'s deceptive methods and machinations, they should completely shut the door to infiltration and foil the enemy\\\\\\\'s plots. One of the greatest calamities is becoming attracted to the lure of worldly wealth. Exposure to the favors of wealthy and powerful people and being indebted to taghuts of lust and power are the most dangerous cause of separation from the people and loss of their trust and friendliness. Self-centeredness and thirst for power, which lure weak individuals towards developing an inclination to poles of power, prepare the ground for involvement in corruption and deviation. It is necessary to constantly keep this holy Quranic ayah in mind: \\\\\\\"(As for) that future abode, We assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for those who guard (against evil).\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Qasas, Ayah 83]
Today in the era of hope-inspiring movements of Islamic Awakening, sometimes certain things are witnessed which on the one hand, show the efforts by the agents of America and Zionism to create unreliable intellectual authorities and which on the other hand, show the efforts by debauched Qaruns to drag religious and pious people towards their poisoned and contaminated activities. Religious scholars and pious men should be extremely vigilant and careful.
The second point is the necessity of delineating a long-term goal for Islamic Awakening in Muslim countries, a noble aim that gives orientation to the awakening of nations and helps them reach a certain point. It is through identifying this particular point that one can prepare a roadmap and specify the medium- and short-term goals in it. This final goal cannot be anything less than creating a brilliant Islamic civilization. All parts of the Islamic Ummah - in the form of different nations and countries - should achieve the civilizational position that has been specified in the Holy Quran. The main and the general characteristic of this civilization is that it should allow human beings to utilize all the material and spiritual capacities that Allah the Exalted has bestowed on them and on the world in order to bring about happiness and transcendence for humanity. The surface structure of this civilization can and should be witnessed in popular government, in the laws that have been extracted from the Holy Quran, in identifying and addressing different needs of humanity, in avoidance of rigidity and reactionary attitudes as well as unwarranted innovation and adulteration, in creating public welfare and wealth, in establishing justice, in liberation from an economy that is based on special privileges, usury and taking pride in wealth, in promoting human values, in defending oppressed people in the world, and in hard work and innovation. Adopting an ijtihadi and scholarly outlook on different areas - ranging from humanities to the system of formal education, from economy and banking to technical and technological production, from modern media to art and cinema and to international relations and other areas - are all among the requirements for this civilization-building.
Experience has shown that all of these things are possible and within the capacities of Muslim communities. This outlook must not be treated with haste and pessimism. Being pessimistic about one\\\\\\\'s capabilities is ingratitude to God\\\\\\\'s blessings, and neglecting help from God and the laws of creation amounts to slipping into the morass of entertaining \\\\\\\"evil thoughts about Allah.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Fath, Ayah 6] We can break the chain of scientific, economic and political monopolies of the domineering powers and help the Islamic Ummah become the pioneer of restoring the rights of the majority of nations in the world, which have been dominated by a minority of arrogant powers.
Through religious faith, knowledge, ethics and constant struggle, Islamic civilization can gift advanced thought and noble codes of behavior to the Islamic Ummah and to the entire humanity, and it can be the point of liberation from materialistic and oppressive outlooks and corrupt codes of behavior that form the pillars of current Western civilization.
The third point is that in the movements of Islamic Awakening it is necessary to pay constant attention to the bitter and horrifying experience of following the West in politics, behavior and lifestyle.
In more than a century of following the culture and politics of the arrogant powers, Muslim countries suffered from deadly calamities such as political dependence and humiliation, economic plights and poverty, decline of moral virtues and ethics and shameful scientific backwardness, and this was while the Islamic Ummah enjoyed a glorious history in all of these areas.
This statement must not be interpreted as hostility towards the West. We are not hostile towards any group of human beings because of geographical differences. We have learnt lessons from Ali (greetings be upon him) who describes human beings in this way: \\\\\\\"Those who have the same religion as you, they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you.\\\\\\\" Our complaint against oppression and arrogance and against bullying and transgression is the moral and practical degeneration that has been imposed on our nations by the colonial and arrogant powers. Currently, we can witness the bullying and interference of America and some of its followers in the region in the countries in which the breeze of awakening has turned into the storm of uprisings and revolutions. Their promises must not affect the decisions and actions of outstanding political personalities and the great movement of the people. In this case as well, we need to learn lessons from our experiences: those who pinned their hopes on the promises of America for years and based their behavior and policies on the inclination towards the oppressor did not manage to resolve any problems of their nations or eliminate an injustice to themselves or to others. By surrendering to America, they did not manage to prevent the demolition of even one single Palestinian home in a territory that belongs to the Palestinians. The politicians and outstanding personalities who are deceived by the bribe or intimidated by the threats of the camp of the arrogant powers and miss the great opportunity of Islamic Awakening should be apprehensive about this divine threat: \\\\\\\"Have you not seen those who have changed Allah\\\\\\\'s favor for ungratefulness and made their people to alight into the abode of perdition into hell? They shall enter into it and an evil place it is to settle in.\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, Sura Ibrahim, Ayah 28-29]
The fourth point is that today one of the most dangerous things that threatens the movement of Islamic Awakening is the efforts to foment discord and turn these movements into bloody sectarian, ethnic and national conflicts. Currently, this plot is being seriously pursued by intelligence services of the West and Zionism with the help of petrodollars and bribed politicians from East Asia to North Africa and particularly in the Arab region. And the money that could have been spent to bring about happiness for mankind is being used to make threats, excommunicate, assassinate, bomb, shed Muslim blood and to kindle the fire of long-lasting grudges. Those who consider the unified power of Islam as an obstacle in the way of their evil goals have come to the conclusion that fanning the flames of conflicts inside the Islamic Ummah is the easiest way to achieve their satanic goal and they have used differences of opinion in Islamic jurisprudence, kalaam, history and hadith - which are natural and inevitable - as a pretext to excommunicate, shed blood and cause fitna and corruption.
A vigilant look at the scene of domestic conflicts clearly reveals the enemy\\\\\\\'s hands behind these tragedies. These deceptive hands undoubtedly take advantage of the ignorance, prejudice and superficiality that exists in our societies and they add fuel to the fire. The responsibility of religious and political reformers and outstanding personalities is very heavy in this regard.
Currently, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, Syria, Pakistan, and Iraq and Lebanon are in one way or another involved in or exposed to these dangerous flames. It is necessary to be extremely careful and to look for a remedy. It would be naïve to think that all of these things are due to ideological and ethnic factors and motives. Propaganda campaigns of the West and dependent and mercenary media in the region pretend that the destructive war in Syria is a Shia-Sunni conflict and they create a safety margin for the Zionists and the enemies of resistance in Syria and Lebanon. This is while the two sides of the conflict in Syria are not Shia and Sunni, rather they are the supporters and opponents of anti-Zionist resistance. Neither the Syrian government is a Shia government, nor is the secular and anti-Islam opposition a Sunni group. The only achievement of the plotters of this calamitous scenario is that they have managed to make use of religious sentiments of simple-minded people to kindle this deadly fire. A look at the scene and those who are involved in it at different levels can clarify the issue for any just individual.
Also, in the case of Bahrain, this wave of propaganda is spreading lies and deception in another way. In Bahrain, the oppressed majority - who have been deprived of the right to vote as well as other fundamental rights that a nation should enjoy - have risen up to demand their rights. Should this be considered a Shia-Sunni conflict simply because the oppressed majority are Shia and the oppressive secular government pretends to be Sunni? Of course, the European and American colonialists and their friends in the region want to make things appear like this, but what is the truth?
These are the things that call religious scholars and just reformers to careful thinking and sense of responsibility and they make identification of the enemies\\\\\\\' goals behind highlighting sectarian, ethnic and partisan differences an obligation for everybody.
The fifth point is that one of the standards for judging whether Islamic Awakening movements are on the right path is the positions they adopt on the issue of Palestine. Since sixty years ago up until today, the occupation of Palestine has been the biggest tragedy that has been imposed on the Islamic Ummah.
Since the first day up until today, the tragedy of Palestine has been a combination of killings, assassinations, destruction, usurpation and transgression against what is held sacred in Islam. The necessity of putting up a resistance against this warring and usurping enemy and fighting him has been agreed upon by all Islamic denominations and all honest and healthy national currents. Any current in Islamic countries which disregards this religious and national responsibility out of consideration for the domineering demands of America or under the pretext of unreasonable justifications should not expect to be viewed as loyal to Islam and sincere in its nationalistic claims.
This is a test. Anybody who does not accept the slogan of liberating Holy Quds and saving the Palestinian nation and Palestinian territories or anybody who sidelines this slogan and turns his back on the camp of resistance, will be condemned. The Islamic Ummah should keep this clear and fundamental standard in mind everywhere and at all times.
Dear guests, brothers and sisters, never lose sight of the enemy\\\\\\\'s plot. Our lack of vigilance creates opportunities for our enemies.
The lesson that Ali (greetings be upon him) teaches us is that \\\\\\\"whoever is careless about his cause, his enemy will not sleep over this advantage...\\\\\\\" In this regard, our experience in the Islamic Republic is also a source of lessons. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the arrogant Western governments and America - which had long established full control over Iranian taghuts and used to determine the political, economic and cultural destiny of our country and which had underestimated the enormous power of Islamic faith in society and remained unaware of the power of Islam and the Holy Quran to deploy forces and to guide - suddenly realized that they had been unaware and their governmental organizations, intelligence services and control rooms resumed work in order to make up for the overwhelming defeat they had suffered.
We have witnessed various kinds of machinations from them over the past thirty-something years. In essence, there have been two factors that have foiled their plots: insistence on Islamic principles and presence of the people on the scene. These two factors are the key to the problems everywhere. The first factor is guaranteed by sincere religious faith in divine promises and the second factor is guaranteed by sincere efforts and honest clarification. A nation that has faith in the honesty and sincerity of its leaders will bring in enthusiasm with their blessed presence, and wherever a nation stays on the scene with a solid determination, no power will have the capability to defeat it. This is a successful experience for all the nations that gave rise to Islamic Awakening through their presence.
I pray to Allah the Exalted to bestow His guidance, assistance and mercy on you and on all Muslim nations.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\'s mercy
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1772
معجزه عصر Miracle of Quran - An Illeterate Person Became Hafiz e...
kazim karbalai kazim karbalai Miracle of Quran - An Illiterate Person Became Hafiz e Quran in one night iran pule ahanchi ulmas ayatullah and...
kazim karbalai kazim karbalai Miracle of Quran - An Illiterate Person Became Hafiz e Quran in one night iran pule ahanchi ulmas ayatullah and mujtehdeen examined and witnessed
Re revelation of the Quran ( Miracle of the Quran )
Kazem Karbalai Saruqi village in the central province of functions, in the year 1275 Hijri was born in a poor family and religion. The family\\\\\\\'s main occupation was agriculture. But due to lack of personal property he had to work in the fields of others
In that year he worked day after day, in passing through the village shrine between sleep and waking, Alshhvdy is subject to discovery. During which a whole section on the Holy Quran. Leaders have sought to verify this. After testing, it\\\\\\\'s wonderful to be acknowledged. The documents are available to them. Kazim Quran could be read from the ends first. If someone deliberately sang a verse that was wrong. Became blind later in life. The rest of the land was in 1336 Hijri New Qom was buried in the cemetery
Here is sarogh an ancient city. The great and faithful men like Karbalaey kazem saroghy lived in this terriorty. Professor Jafar Sobhany says:
In 1333 (A.H) it is said that aman who was 50 years old and illitrate could read qoran by heart and show the place of any verse in it but he couldn’t read any book or papper .karbalaek kazem saroghy said that he was learned it in a dream in fact, Qoran was inspired to him.
karbalaek kazem saroghy ‘s old son say: my father said that I was in shrine then two seyyed came there and learned me some thing that I didn’t know what is it: but I know it was Arabic. We went to see Mr sabery araky chaplam of the place Mr sabery araky asked him some questions. He understood that karbalaek kazem saroghy was illiterate. So he declared that it was a miracle and God give him the blessing.
Aiatollah Makarem Shirazi says: I wanted to know the cause of giving him the blessing. After studing, I understood that he was a farmer who followed religious laws like lawful, unlawful activities and pay a thithe of his wealth.
He went to Qom in 6 th of Moharam and died in 9 th of it
نزول مجدد غیبی قرآن
بعد بیش از حدود 1300 سال از پیامبری
حضرت محمد مصطفی (ص)
بر کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی (ساروقی)
۱- موید حقانیت وجود خداوند، عالم غیب و رسالت نبی اسلام حضرت محمد (ص)
۲- موید حقانیت و همچنین کم و زیاد نشدن قرآن مجید (حتی به قدر و اندازه یک کلمه)
۳- موید حقانیت، روی دادن و آمدن هر آنچه که در قرآن مجید آمده است از قبیل
آمدن روز قیامت و برانگیخته شدن مردگان و محاسبه ذره ذره اعمال افراد،
ابدیت،عذاب و سختی جهنم، عظمت و ابدیت بهشت و ...
ین حادثه و معجزه عظیم دارای ویژگی هایی
به قرار ذیل می باشد
1- این اتفاق و رخ داد در مورد قرآن و نزول مجدد آن از عالم غیب و از جانب خداوند حکیم می باشد. تایید این رخ داد در حقیقت تایید وجود خداوند، عالم غیب، حقانیت رسالت نبی مکرم اسلام حضرت محمد مصطفی (ص)، حقانیت تحریف نشدن قرآن و .... بوده و می باشد که نیاز حیاتی و داروی درمان دردهای نسل امروز بشر می باشد.
2- در حقانیت رخ داده شدن این حادثه حتی ذره ای تردید وجود ندارد به صورتی که در طول 38 سال در ایران و چند کشور خارجی چه علماء و مراجع شیعه و سنی و ما بقی مردم اجتماع او را مورد امتحان قرار دادند و بر حقانیت و راستی رخ داده شدن این معجزه بزرگ تایید نمودند و شهادت دادند و حداقل این را برای حقانیت این اتفاق می توان گفت که علماء و مراجع تقلید افرادی نیستند که این تایید جمعی آنها را بتوان زیر سوال برد و منکر شد و اسناد ویدیویی و مکتوب آن در دست می باشد.
۳- تسلط و توانایی کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی بر قرآن آموختنی نبود که فردی بتواند این ادعا را بنماید که او این تسلط را با تلاش و یا نبوغ خود آموخته و به دست آورده است.
۴- این اتفاق در زمانه ما و در عصر ما رخ داده است و مربوط به زمانهای گذشته و خیلی دور نمی باشد.
اسنادی در ارتباط با این معجزه را با عناوین ذیل،
ی توانید از این پایگاه اینترنتی، دریافت و دانلود نمایید:
1- فیلم ساخته شده بر اساس داستان حقیقی زندگی محمد کاظم کریمی ( ساروقی ) در چهار قسمت
2- بیانات مرجع عالیقدر، آیت الله مکارم شیرازی (از شاهدان و تصدیق کنندگان رخ دادن این معجزه)
3- فیلم مصاحبه با آیت الله خزعلی، عضو مجلس خبرگان رهبری(از شاهدان و تصدیق کنندگان رخ دادن این معجزه)
4- مصاحبه با فرزند ارشد کربلایی کاظم کریمی (ساروقی) در شبکه تلویزیونی المنار لبنان در دو قسمت
5- مصاحبه با فرزند ارشد کربلایی کاظم کریمی (ساروقی) در دانشگاه آزاد شهر مجلسی در شش قسمت
6- فیلم مصاحبه با دوستان و آشنایان کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی (ساروقی) در شش قسمت
7- مصاحبه با فرزند ارشد کربلایی کاظم کریمی (ساروقی) در مرکز اسناد آستان قدس رضوی در شش قسمت
نوشته شده توسط در تاریخ یکشنبه بیست و دوم اردیبهشت 1392 با موضوع
Karbalai Kazem
Re revelation of the Quran ( Miracle of the Quran )
Kazem Karbalai Saruqi village in the central province of functions, in the year 1275 Hijri was born in a poor family and religion. The family\\\\\\\'s main occupation was agriculture. But due to lack of personal property he had to work in the fields of others
In that year he worked day after day, in passing through the village shrine between sleep and waking, Alshhvdy is subject to discovery. During which a whole section on the Holy Quran. Leaders have sought to verify this. After testing, it\\\\\\\'s wonderful to be acknowledged. The documents are available to them. Kazim Quran could be read from the ends first. If someone deliberately sang a verse that was wrong. Became blind later in life. The rest of the land was in 1336 Hijri New Qom was buried in the cemetery
Here is sarogh an ancient city. The great and faithful men like Karbalaey kazem saroghy lived in this terriorty. Professor Jafar Sobhany says:
In 1333 (A.H) it is said that aman who was 50 years old and illitrate could read qoran by heart and show the place of any verse in it but he couldn’t read any book or papper .karbalaek kazem saroghy said that he was learned it in a dream in fact, Qoran was inspired to him.
karbalaek kazem saroghy ‘s old son say: my father said that I was in shrine then two seyyed came there and learned me some thing that I didn’t know what is it: but I know it was Arabic. We went to see Mr sabery araky chaplam of the place Mr sabery araky asked him some questions. He understood that karbalaek kazem saroghy was illiterate. So he declared that it was a miracle and God give him the blessing.
Aiatollah Makarem Shirazi says: I wanted to know the cause of giving him the blessing. After studing, I understood that he was a farmer who followed religious laws like lawful, unlawful activities and pay a thithe of his wealth.
He went to Qom in 6 th of Moharam and died in 9 th of it
نوشته شده توسط در تاریخ پنجشنبه دهم شهریور 1390 با موضوع
توضیحاتی در مورد این معجزه عظیم ( حافظ قرآن شدن کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی ساروقی در یک لحظه )
داستان زندگی کربلایی کاظم قبل از روی دادن معجزه به
صورت غیبی حافظ قرآن شدنش
محمد کاظم کریمی ساروقی فرزند عبد الواحد، معروف به کربلایی کاظم در یکی از روستاهای دور افتاده اراک به نام ساروق ، از توابع فراهان اراک، در خانوادهای فقیر چشم به جهان گشود و پس از گذراندن ایام کودکی به کار کشاورزی و دامداری پرداخت. وی تقریبا همچون سایر مردم روستا از خواندن و نوشتن محروم بود و بهرهای از دانش و علم نداشت و با وجود علاقه به یاد گرفتن خواندن، نوشتن و آموزش قرآن، به علت عدم توانایی مالی پدر به مکتب نرفت و درس نخواند. یک سال، در ماه مبارک رمضان، مبلّغی از سوی آیتاللهالعظمی حاج شیخ عبدالکریم حایری به روستای ایشان میرود و در منبر و سخنرانی خود از نماز، خمس و زکات میگوید و در ضمن تاکید میکند که هر مسلمانی حساب سال نداشته باشد و حقوق مالی خویش را ندهد، نماز و روزهاش صحیح نیست. کسانی که گندمشان به حد نصاب برسد و زکات و حق فقرا را ندهند، مالشان به حرام مخلوط میگردد و اگر با عین پول آن گندمهای زکات نداده خانه یا لباس تهیه کنند، نماز در آن خانه و با آن لباس باطل است، وی همچنین تاکید میکند که مسلمان واقعی باید به احکام الهی و حلال و حرام خداوند توجه کند و زکات مالش را بدهد. محمد کاظم که میدانست ارباب و مالک ده، خمس و زکات نمیدهد، ابتدا به او تذکر میدهد، ولی او اعتنا نمیکند، از این رو، تصمیم میگیرد روستای خود را ترک کند و برای ارباب ده کار نکند، هر چه خویشان، به خصوص پدرش، بر ماندن وی پا فشاری میکنند، او حاضر نمیشود در آن روستا بماند و شبانه از ده فرار میکند و تقریبا سه سال برای امرار معاش در دهات دیگر به عملگی و خارکنی میپردازد، تا با دسترنج حلال گذران عمر کند. دقت شود که تقوای او و رعایت حلال و حرام در او به حدی بود که همسر خود را در روستا می گذارد و چند سال به شهر غربت می رود تا مال حلال به دست بیاورد. یک روز مالک ده از محل او مطلع میشود و برای او پیغام میفرستد که من توبه کردهام و خمس و زکات مالم را میدهم و از تو میخواهم که به ده برگردی و نزد پدرت بمانی. او به روستای خود بر میگردد و در زمینی که ارباب در اختیار او مینهد، مشغول کشاورزی میشود و از همان آغاز نیمی از گندمی را که در اختیارش نهاده شده بود، به فقرا میبخشد و بقیه را در زمین میافشاند. خداوند به زراعت او برکت میدهد، به حدی که فزونتر از حد معمول برداشت میکند. وی به شکرانه برکت یافتن زراعتش تصمیم میگیرد هر ساله نیمی از محصولش را بین فقرا تقسیم کند.
داستان چگونگی وقوع معجزه به صورت غیبی حافظ قرآن
شدن کربلایی کاظم (ره)
یک روز در سن 27 سالگی در زمان برداشت محصول، هنگامی که خرمنش را کوبیده بود، منتظر وزیدن باد میماند تا گندمها را باد دهد و کاه را از گندم جدا کند، ولی هر چه منتظر میماند باد نمیوزد. نا امیدانه به ده بر میگردد، در راه یکی از فقرای روستا او را میبیند و میگوید: «امسال چیزی از محصولت را به ما ندادی و ما را فراموش کردی». او میگوید: «خدا نکند که من فقرا را فراموش کنم! راستش، هنوز نتوانستهام محصولم را جمع کنم». آن فقیر خوشحال به ده بر میگردد، اما محمدکاظم دلش آرام نمیگیرد و آشفته حال به مزرعه باز میگردد و با زحمت زیاد، مقداری گندم را برای او جمع میکند و نیز قدری علوفه برای گوسفندانش میچیند و آنها را بر میدارد و روانه دهکده میشود. در راه بازگشت، برای رفع خستگی گندمها و علوفه را در کناری مینهد و روی سکوی درِ باغ امامزاده 72 تن، که نزدیک روستا قرار دارد، مینشیند. ناگاه میبیند که دو سید جوان عرب نورانی و بسیار خوش سیما، نزد او میآیند. وقتی به او میرسند، میگویند: محمدکاظم نمیآیی برویم در این امامزاده فاتحهای بخوانیم؟ او تعجب میکند که چطور آنها که هرگز او را ندیدهاند او را به اسم صدا میزنند؟ محمدکاظم میگوید: «آقا، من قبلاً به زیارت رفتهام و اکنون میخواهم به خانه برگردم» ولی آنها میگویند:« بسیار خوب، این علوفهها را کنار دیوار بگذار و با ما بیا فاتحهای بخوان. بنابراین محمدکاظم به دنبال آنها روانه امامزاده میشود» آن دو جوان مشغول خواندن چیزهایی میشوند که محمدکاظم نمیفهمد و ساکت کناری میایستد، یکی از آن آقایان می گوید که محمد کاظم به نوشته بالا نگاه بکن در این لحظه کربلایی کاظم می بیند که خطی به صورت نور دمیده شد و ناگاه مشاهده میکند که در اطراف سقف امامزاده، کلماتی از نور نوشته شده که قبلاً اثری از آن کلمات بر سقف نبود. یکی از آن دو به او میگوید:« کربلایی کاظم چرا چیزی نمیخوانی؟» او میگوید: «من نزد ملا نرفتهام و سواد ندارم.» آن سید میگوید: «تو باید بخوانی» تاکید می کند که باید بخوانی. سپس نزد محمدکاظم میآید و دست بر سینه او میگذارد و محکم فشار میدهد و میگوید: «حالا بخوان. محمدکاظم میگوید: «چه بخوانم؟» آن سید میگوید: «این طور بخوان: بسم اللهِ الرَّحمَنِ الرَّحِیم. إِنَّ رَبَّکُمُ اللهُ الَّذِی خَلَقَ السَّمَواتِ وَالارضَ فِی سِتَّةِ أیَّامٍ ثُمَّ استَوَی عَلَی العَرشِ یُغشِی اللَّیلَ النَّهَارَ یَطلُبُهُ حَثیثاً وَ الشَّمسَ وَ القَمَرَ وَ النُّجُومَ مُسَخَّراتِ بِأمرِهِ، ألاَ لَهُ الخَلقُ وَ الاَمرُ تَبَارَکَ اللهُ رَبُّ العَالمَیِنَ اعراف/ 54 . محمدکاظم آن آیه و چند آیة بعدی را به همراه آن سید میخواند و آن سید همچنان دست به سینة او میکشد، تا میرسند به آیة 59 که با این کلمات پایان می پذیرد:إنِّی اَخَافُ عَلَیکُم عَذَابَ یَومٍ عَظِیم.اعراف/59 محمدکاظم پس از خواندن آیات، سرش را بر میگرداند تا با آن آقا حرفی بزند، اما ناگهان میبیند که خودش تنها در داخل حرم ایستاده است و از نوشتههای روی سقف نیز چیزی بر جای نمانده است. در این موقع ترس و حالت مخصوصی به او دست میدهد و بیهوش بر زمین میافتد. صبح روز بعد که به هوش میآید، احساس خستگی شدید میکند و چیزی از ماجرا را به یاد نمیآورد. وقتی متوجه میشود که داخل امامزاده است، خودش را سرزنش میکند که چرا دست از کار کشیدهای و در امامزاده خوابیدهای!؟ بالاخره از جای بر میخیزد و از امامزاده خارج میشود و با بار علوفه و گندم به سوی ده و منزل حرکت میکند. در بین راه متوجه میشود که کلمات زیادی بلد است و ناخود آگاه آنها را زمزمه میکند و داستان آن دو جوان را به یاد میآورد و به خانه که بر می گرددو به خانه که می رسد پدرش به او می گوید که تو دیشب کجا بودی؟ ما همه جا را دنبالت گشتیم. در ادامه کربلایی کاظم می گوید که من دیشب در امامزادا بودم. پدر می گوید که تو چطور در امامزاده شب را گذراندی؟ چطور در امامزاده ای که چراغ ندارد و پر از مار و عقرب و جانور می باشد شب را گذراندی و نترسیدی؟ کربلایی کاظم گفت: دیشب اتفاقی برای من افتاد و دو نفر من را بردند آنجا و چیزی یادم دادند. پدر و مادرش مشکوک می شوند و احتمال می دهند که او جن زده شده باشد. در ادامه او را پیش همان واعظ روحانی ده می برند که ببیند چه اتفاقی برای او افتاده است؟ داستان را برای آن مبلغ روحانی روستا تعریف می کنند. آن روحانی می پرسد که حالا چه چیزی به تو یاد داده اند. کربلایی کاظم شروع می کند به خواندن. در آن موقع آن روحانی می گوید او قرآن می خواند و جن زده نشده است. قرآنی می آورند و هر جای قرآن را که باز می کنند و آیه ای می خوانند، می بینند که کربلایی کاظم قبل و بعدش را می داند و از حفظ می خواند. آنجا روحانی روستا می گوید که به کربلایی کاظم عنایتی شده است. روحانی روستا می گوید که برویم در امامزاده آن خطوطی را که کربلایی کاظم می گوید در سقف امامزاده دیده است ببینیم. وقتی می روند می بینند که نه اثری از خطی است و نوشته ی نورانی . آن نوشته نورانی فقط در آن لحظه وقوع معجزه بر کربلایی کاظم ظاهر شده بود.
داستان زندگی کربلایی کاظم پس از رویدادن معجزه نزول
مجدد غیبی قرآن بر او تا پایان حیات مبارکش
ملای روستا (( شیخ صابر )) شگفت زده این معجزه را تایید می کند و روستائیان، اهمیت این معجزه را تشخیص نداده جز اینکه گفتند محمد کاظم نظر کرده امام زاده ها شده است. این قضیه مهم به مرور زمان در روستا به فراموشی سپرده شد و هرگاه نیز ملای روستا به محمد کاظم می گفته تا به نزد علمای قم رفته و ایشان را مطلع نمایند، جواب میداده :میترسم ریاکاری شود و خداوند این موهبت را از من پس بگیرد . کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی به مدت 13 سال این اتفاق را مخفی نگاه می دارد تا حدود 40 سالگی خود.
تا اینکه روزی در سفر به عتبات عالیات در طول مسیر پس از گرفتن اشتباه قرآنی دو طلبه و پرس و جوی آن دو طلبه از چگونگی این تسلط او بر قرآن، آن ماجرا فاش می شود. در شهر نجف با علمای اعلام مواجه و پس از امتحانات عدیده از او ، بر آنان یققین حاصل گشت که ایشان بدون داشتن سواد ، به امر الهی نه تنها حافظ کل قرآن کریم شده ، بلکه قادر است به تمام سوالات علوم قرآنی پاسخ بدهد و متقابلا علماء خاص و عام پاسخگوی سوالات کربلایی کاظم در مورد قرآن نبودند .
بعد از بازگشت از کربلای معلا از سوی آیت الله بروجردی به شهر قم دعوت شد و مورد امتحان آیات عظام قرار گرفت . کربلایی کاظم با هر بار حاضر شدن در جمع علماء و طلاب و با پاسخگویی به سوالات قرآنی ، عام و خاص را متحیر می ساخت. با بلند شدن آوازه کربلایی کاظم ، شهید نواب صفوی به شهر قم آمد و از آنجا به رسم میزبانی ، کربلایی کاظم را با خود به تهران و در تهران از طریق برگزاری جلسات عمومی ، جلسات با علماء ، مصاحبات مطبوعاتی و به موازات از طریق مطبوعات کثیر الانتشار ، کربلایی کاظم معجزه پیش آمده قرآنی را به اطلاع عموم مردم کشور و نیز به اطلاع شخصیت های علمی و فرهنگی جهان اسلام رسانید و در ادامه با سفر به استان خراسان ، سمنان ، نیشابور ، سبزوار ، دامغان ، قوچان و شهر مشهد با استقبال بی نظیری از کربلایی کاظم، مردم و علماء از نزدیک با معجزه بزرگ قرآن آشنا شدند .
بعد از افشاء معجزه حافظ و عالم شدن کربلایی کاظم به قرآن کریم در سال 1308 شمسی ، علماء تشیع و تسنن در نجف ، در کویت ، در مصر ، در قم ، در تهران ، خراسان و بسیاری از شهرهای دیگر ایران از کربلایی دعوت به مباحثه می نمودند و روزنامه های کثیر الانتشار مثل روزنامه اطلاعات و روزنامه ندای حق خبر این ملاقات ها و جلسلت را پی در پی انتشار می دادند که عباس غله زاری در تهیه و نشر این گزارشات نقش جدی و عاشقانه ای را ایفا نمود .
شهید نواب صفوی او را با خود به تهران برد و روزنامهنگاران كیهان، اطلاعات، تهران مصور و خواندنیها را دعوت كرد و با آنها با وی مصاحبهای به عمل آورد و در جرائد آن روز منتشر نمودند. پس چون عازم مشهد مقدس شدند، وی را با خود به مشهد بردند و هنگامی كه در شهرهای سمنان، دامغان، شاهرود، سبزوار و نیشابور مورد استقبال مردم قرار گرفتند، آن شهید بزرگوار، وی را معرفی میكردند تا مردم با دیدن این معجزة، دین و ایمانشان تقویت شده، ارادة ایشان در عمل كردن به دستورات دین و مبارزه با طاغوت قویتر گردد. در مشهد به مهدیّة مرحوم حاج آقا عابدزاده وارد میشوند و همان روز علما، فرهنگیان و دیگر مردم میآیند و از حافظ قرآن دربارة آیات قرآن، سؤال میكنند. آیتالله سیّد هبةالدین شهرستانی كه مقیم بغداد بودند در سفر به مشهد مقدس، در راه بازگشت در شهر كنگاور با حافظ قرآن برخورد و پس از امتحانات بسیار او را با خود به عراق بردند. علما و حافظان قرآن ـ از شیعه و اهل سنت ـ را جمع و با او تذكره نمودند و همگی ضمن ابراز تعجّب آن را امری عجیب میدانستند. در كربلا در منزل آیتالله میراز مهدی شیرازی، حضرات آیات آیتالله حاج سیّد ابوالقاسم خویی و حاج سیّد هادی میلانی و دیگران اجتماع و هر سؤالی از قرآن از ویكردند، بدون تأمل و به صورت دقیق پاسخ میگفت.
حتی کار به جایی رسید که محمد رضا شاه بعد از اطلاع از این اتفاق از طریق یکی از استانداران و یکی از فرمانداران وقت خود پیامی برای کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی ساروقی فرستاد مبنی بر اینکه من شنیده ام که فردی به صورت معجزه حافظ قرآن شده است به او بگویید که به دربار ما بییاید تا مسئولیت قرآنی دربار را به او بسپاریم و همیشه اینجا نزد ما باشند. در ادامه کربلایی کاظم به آن فرماندار اینگونه می گوید که پول او بدرد من نمی خورد. بهتر است آن پول را به خواهرش بدهد چون شنیده ام قمار باز خوب و قهاری است تا از آن استفاده بکند. من از مجتهدین و مراجع پول قبول نمی کنم، حال بییایم و از او پول بگیرم. آن هم پولی حرام.
چگونگی تسلط کربلایی کاظم بر قرآن
(سطح تسلط او بر قرآن قابل یادگیری و آموختنی نبود )
بازگویی شماره و مکان قرآن با خواندن آیه سریعا و بدون مکث
خواندن قرآن به صورت وارونه از انتها به ابتدا
تشخیص عبارات قرآن در میان کتابهای عربی و فارسی با دستخطهای یکنواخت سریعا
باز کردن قرآن و نشان دادن مکان آیه تقریباً بدون ورق زدن با هر چاپ قرآنی
تشخیص سریع اختلاط کلمات و آیات قرآنی با همدیگر و باز گویی مکان هر کدام
جستجوی عبارتها و کلمات در قرآن و تعداد و مکان تکرار هر کدام بدون هیچ گونه مکثی
بیان کردن تعداد حروف سورهها و اطلاعاتی در مورد تکرار حرفها و...
تشخیص قرآنی بودن یا نبودن نوشته های یکسان افراد با توجه به نیات درونی آنها
اطلاع داشتن در اسرار قرآن و خواص آیات
تسلط کربلایی کاظم بر قرآن آموختنی نبود که بتوان معجزه بودن آن را زیر سوال برد و منکر شد و آن سطح تسلط او بر قرآن را ناشی از نبوغ و یا سعی و تلاش بالایش در یادگیری دانست. کربلایی کاظم با وجود بی سواد بودن، به غیر از آنکه قرآن را از ابتدا به انتها حفظ بود و می خواند، می توانست قرآن را از انتها به ابتدا نیز بخواند. بر تمام کلمات و حروف قرآن تسلطی کامل و عجیب داشت و بر تعداد تکرار کلمات و حتی حروف در هر سوره و در کل قرآن آگاه بود.. برای مثال اگر از او پرسیده می شد که کلمه لم چند بار در قرآن تکرار شده است او سریع و بدون مکث تعداد تکرار آن کلمه و مکان های آن در قرآن را ذکر می کرد و همچنین اگر از تعداد تکرار یک حرف برای مثال تعداد تکرار حرف د در هر سوره ای برای مثال سوره بقره از او سوال می شد او سریعا تعداد تکرار آن حرف را در آن سوره مشخص جواب می داد و بعد از بررسی و شمارش مشخص می شد که جواب او کاملا درست بوده است. آیات قرآن برای او نور می داد و در کتب عربی در هر جا که آیه قرآنی آورده شده بود سریعا پس از ورق زدن کتاب آن آیات قرآنی را نشان می داد و چگونگی توانایی خود بر تشخیص آنها را نورانی بودن آیات قرآن بر خلاف متون غیر قرآنی می دانست که کلمات متون غیر قرآنی برای او تیره بودند. اگر آیه قرآنی برای او خوانده می شد و هر قرآنی به دست او داده می شد ( با تعداد برگهای متفاوت و اندازه متفاوت ) او آن قرآن را مانند استخاره کردن باز می کرد و همان صفحه ای را می آورد که آن آیه قرآن در آن صفحه قرار داشت.
همچنین اگر کلمه و لغتی عربی که در قرآن مجید آورده شده است برای مثال لغت عربی قل را فردی بر روی کاغذی 2 مرتبه می نوشت، یک بار به نیت قرآنی بودن آن و یک بار به نیت غیر قرآنی بودن( که عرب زبانان در گفتار و نوشتار روزمره خود از آن لغت استفاده می کنند )، اگر آن نوشته به کربلایی کاظم کریمی نشان داده می شد و پرسیده می شد که آیا این نوشته ها قرآن است و یا خیر، کربلایی کاظم قرآنی بودن یکی و قرآنی نبودن دیگری را تشخیص می داد و بیان می کرد، از نویسنده آن دو کلمه ( هر فردی می توانست باشد) سوال که می شد او بر صحت تشخیص کربلایی کاظم تصدیق می نمود که کدام را به نیت قرآنی و کدام را به نیت غیر قرآنی نوشته است. از کربلایی کاظم که چگونگی توانایی اش بر تشخیص قرآنی بودن یکی و غیر قرآنی بودن دیگری را که سوال می نمودند با آنکه کاتب و نویسنده آن دو کلمه، از نیت خود چیزی را بر زبان نیاورده بود، کربلایی کاظم چنین می گفت که آن لغتی که به نیت قرآنی نوشته شده است (برای مثال لغت قل ) در نظر من نورانی است و روشن است و آن لغت قل که به نیت غیر قرآنی نوشته شده است تیره می باشد و نور نمی دهد. حال هر لغتی از قرآن و توسط هر فردی اگر یک بار به نیت قرآنی و یک بار نیز به نیت غیر قرآنی نوشته می شد و بدون آنکه نویسنده آن دو لغت یکسان، از نیت خود چیزی بگوید، قرآنی بودن یکی و غیر قرآنی بودن دیگری را کربلایی کاظم به درستی تشخیص می داد و نویسنده آن لغات صحت گفتار کربلایی کاظم را تصدیق می نمود.
محمد کاظم کریمی ( معروف به کربلایی کاظم ) بعد از افشاء معجزه قرآنی تا آخر عمر بنا به دعوت علماء و مردم به کشور عراق ، عربستان ، کویت ، مصر و شهرهای بزرگ ایران سفر میکند و با حضور در صدها جلسه عمومی و خصوصی در برابر جمعیت کثیر و علمای اعلام و نیز طلاب پرسشگر به همه سوالات پاسخ می دهد . مثلاً کسی پرسیده آقای کریمی در قرآن کلمه (( الله )) چند دفعه تکرار شده ؟ او بدون لحظه ای تامل تعدادش را می گفته . سوال کنندگان بعدی بدون فرصت دادن نمونه این سوال را می پرسیدنده اند و ایشان فوری پاسخ میداده است . چند فا ؟ چند الف ؟ چند حیم ؟ چند کاف ؟ چند ؟ چند ؟ تعداد همه را بدون تامل می گفته . حتی تعداد هر کلمه از کلمات قرآن را اگر می پرسیدند اعلام میکرده . آیات قرآن« را نیز از آخر به اول میخوانده . کدام حافظ قرآن قادر است چنین پاسخ هایی را بدهد ؟ کدام حافظ قرآن به خود جرات میداده در مدرسه فیضیه قم ، در مدارس علمیه شهر نجف و در محضر علمای اعلام و در میان خبرنگاران داخلی و خارجی ادعا کند هر سوالی از قرآن دارید بپرسید و پاسخ بگیرید ؟
تسلط او بر قرآن فقط محدود به ظواهر آیات نبود بلکه او بر مکی و مدنی بودن آیات، شان نزول آیات، خواص آیات و ... نیز اطلاع و آگاهی داشت و یکی از گلایه های آن مرحوم در اواخر حیاتشان هم همین مطلب بود که چرا فقط از ظواهر قرآن از او پرسیده شد.
تسلط کربلایی کاظم فقط بر قرآن بود و هیچ متن و یا کتاب دیگری را به علت بی سواد بودن نمی توانست بخواند.
اقداماتی که تاکنون در جمهوری اسلامی ایران در
راستای معرفی این معجزه انجام گرفته است
1- پخش ویژه برنامه ای در مورد این معجزه نزول مجدد غیبی قرآن در ماههای مبارک رمضان، هر سال از شبکه سراسری صدا و سیمای جمهوری اسلامی ایران
2- نوشتن چندین جلد کتاب در مورد این اتفاق برای گروههای سنی مختلف
3- بر پایی کنگره بین المللی کربلایی کاظم کریمی ساروقی با حضور علما و شخصیت های داخلی و خارجی 59 کشور جهان اسلام در مرداد ماه سال 1386 در اراک.
4- ساخت فیلمی بر اساس داستان حقیقی زندگی کربلایی کاظم کریمی ساروقی
5- نشر و معرفی این اتفاق توسط خبرگزاری های مختلف خبری اینترنتی ایرانی
6- انجام مصاحبه های متعدد با فرزند ارشد ذکور کربلایی کاظم کرمی ساروقی در دانشگاهها و ...
7- برپایی نکوداشت های کربلایی کاظم کریمی ساروقی در نقاط مختلف ایران
8- رونمایی از تندیس یادبود کربلایی کاظم ساروقی در شهرستان اراک
9- رو نمایی از تمبر یادبود کربلایی کاظم کریمی ساروقی
10- ثبت در فهرست آثار ملي كشور به عنوان ميراث معنوي استان مركزي و تلاش برای ثبت جهاني اين واقعه مهم .
هدف خداوند از بروز این معجزه و استفاده ای که نسل امروز
و نسل های بعدی بشریت می توانند از این اتفاق ببرند:
ببینید زمانی که چنین معجزه ای در روستای ساروق اتفاق می افتد ، حدود یک هزار و سیصد سال از نزول قرآن« بر پیامبر اکرم گذشته است و دنیای قدیم جای خود را به دنیای نو و دنیای دانش و پیشرفت داده است . قرآن کریم از یک سو اسیر دست کج فهمی و ساده انگاری مسلمانان قرار گرفته ( و قالَ الرَسولُ یا رَبِ اِنَ قوم اتخذوا هذا القرآن مهجورا )) و اختلافات در امت پیامبر اسلام وارد شده است و از سوی دیگر مورد استهزاء در مکاتب ضد دین واقع بوده ... مانند مکتب مارکسیسم و... و میرفت تا قرآن« در انزوای کامل قرار گیرد . اینجا بود که خداوند برای محافظت از قرآن« به میانه آمد : (( انا نحن نزلنا الذکر و انا له لحافظون )) و قرآن را بگونه ای شگفت انگیز برای بار دوم با حذف مسئولیت رسالت ، بر قلب یک انسان شایسته به نام کربلایی کاظم نازل نمود و خداوند این مرد را تا آخر عمر به داخل کشورهای مطرح اسلامی و شهرهای مهم کشور به حرکت در می آورد تا برای مخالفان و ناآگاهان به قرآن روشن شود قرآن حق است و در طول این مدت تا پایان عمر کربلایی کاظم تسلط او بر قرآن حتی به اندازه ذره ای تضعیف نمی گردد و این موهبت از او گرفته نمی شود .
سنریهم ایتنا فی الافاق و فی انفسهم حتی یتبین لهم انه الحق ( سوره کهف آیه 52 )
یعنی : بزودی نشانه هایی را برای اثبات حقانیت قرآن نشان میدهیم
در عصر حاضر که انسانها در دنیا با انواع انحرافات فکری و اعتقادی روبرو هستند و ناحق خود را گاها جای حق می نشاند و حق، باطل جلوه داده می شود تا جایی که اخیرا قرآن کریم کتاب خداوند عالم در آمریکا سوزانده می شود و یا در کشوری مانند چین با جمعیتی در حدود یک و نیم میلیارد نفری که با افکار کمونیستی از اساس وجود خداوند را منکر می شوند حال چه برسد به حقانیت رسالت نبی مکرم اسلام و خاتم النبیین حضرت محمد مصطفی (ص)، راه درمان چیست؟
یکی از بهترین و موثرترین راههایی که در بیان حقانیت پیامبری پیامبر بزرگ اسلام حضرت محمد(ص) به عنوان پیامبر بر حق و خاتم الهی و کتاب او قرآن به عنوان کتابی الهی و همچنین دست نخورده و تحریف نشده می توان انجام د اد، معرفی درست معجزه حافظ شدن غیر آموختنی قرآن فرد بی سواد، کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی ساروقی می باشد. حادثه ای که دهان هر انسان حتی لجوجی را می بندد.
نوساناتی را که معرفی و نشر این حادثه در ایران در طول
تاریخ بعد از وفات کربلایی کاظم به خود دیده است:
پس از فوت کربلایی کاظم در سال 1326 و خاکسپاری ایشان در قبرستان نو شهر قم (( روبروی حرم حضرت معصومه ( س) ))، با توجه به زمان طاغوت بودن آن هنگام و سلطنت محمد رضا شاه، سال به سال ماجرای معجزه پیش آمده برای کربلایی کاظم از اذهان عمومی رخت بر بست و تنها علماء و اغلب طلاب علوم دینی می دانستند چنین معجزه ای در ایران رخ داده است . با وقوع انقلاب اسلامی توجه علماء و عوام مردم به طور کامل به مسائل انقلابی و سیاسی معطوف شد و موضوع کربلایی کاظم حتی از بین خواص نیز رخت بربست تا اینکه در سال 1380 شمسی فیلم داستانی کربلایی کاظم با حمایت همه جانبه حجه الاسلام حاج آقا قرائتی به دست آقای عباس مبشری مدیریت تهیه و کارگردانی گردید و در ادامه با انجام مصاحبه های متعدد با فرزند ارشد کربلایی کاظم آقای حاج اسماعیل کریمی ساروقی روحی جدید در کالبد معرفی و توجه به این آیت و معجزه بزرگ تاریخ اسلام یعنی نزول مجدد غیبی قرآن آن هم در زمانه ما، وارد شد و تلاش بر آن است که انشاء الله هر چه زودتر این اتفاق جهانی شده و بندگان خداوند در اقصی نقاط عالم با این اتفاق عظیم آشنا گشته و موجبات هدایت روز افزون و سریعتر بندگان خداوند به آیین پاک و صراط مستقیم اسلام عزیز فراهم آید. انشاء الله
الحمد لله رب العالمین
نوشته شده توسط در تاریخ پنجشنبه دهم شهریور 1390 با موضوع
کربلایی کاظم در بیان علماء و اشخاص
علما و شخصیت های اهل تسنن و تشیع که رخ دادن این
معجزه را مورد تایید قرار دادند
این ماجرا را افراد زیادی پس از دیدن کربلایی کاظم و انجام امتحانات از او در طی 38 سال، تایید نمودند و اسناد آن موجود می باشد که تعداد قابل توجهی از آن اسناد که مربوط به تصدیق علماء گذشته می باشد به صورت مکتوب بوده و تعدادی از این اسناد نیز ویدیویی می باشند (این اتفاق در سن 27 سالگی برای کربلایی کاظم روی داد و پس از 13 سال مخفی نگاه داشتن آن توسط کربلایی کاظم، در سن 40 سالگی فاش شد و تا پایان عمر او در سن 78 سالگی با او همراه بود. کربلایی کاظم در سال 1300 ه.ق برابر با 1257 ه.ش به دنیا آمد و در سال 1379 ه.ق برابر با 1336 ه.ش از دنیا رفت).
از جمله علماء و مراجع تقلید عظام گذشته می توان 1- آیت الله العظمی بروجردی،2- امام خمینی، 3- آیت الله امینی صاحب الغدیر، 4- آیت الله مرعشی نجفی، 5- آیت الله میلانی،6- آیت الله حجت کوه کمری، 7- آیت الله خوانساری، 8- آیت الله سید احمد زنجانی، 9- آیت الله دستغیب،10- آیت الله صدر،11- آیت الله فاضل لنکرانی و ... را نام برد.
از جمله علماء و مراجع تقلید زنده فعلی که در زمان جوانی خود کربلایی کاظم را از نزدیک دیده اند و مورد امتحان و تصدیق قرار داده اند می توان افراد ذیل را نام برد:
1- رهبر معظم انقلاب آیت الله خامنه ای ۲- آیت الله مکارم شیرازی ۳- آیت الله خزعلی ۴- آیت الله شبیری زنجانی ۵- آیت الله نوری همدانی ۶- آیت الله سبحانی ۷- آیت الله وحید خراسانی ۸- آیت الله مصباح یزدی ۹- آیت الله استادی ۱۰- آیت الله صافی گلپایگانی ۱۱- آیت الله مقتدایی ۱۲- آیت الله محفوظی ۱۳- آیت الله شاه آبادی ۱۴- آیت الله مظاهری ۱۵- آیت الله گرامی ۱۶- آیت الله سیستانی
همچنین کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی به همراه شهید نواب صفوی به کشور مصر رفت و همچنین به کشور عراق، کویت و عربستان سفر نمود و مورد امتحان و تایید مسلمانان اهل سنت نیز قرار گرفت.
صدای این معجزه بزرگ تا آنجا اوج گرفت که امیر کویت و دانشگاه الازهر مصر کربلایی کاظم را به کشور کویت و کشور مصر دعوت نمودند و ایشان دعوت آنان را اجابت نمود و به تمام سوالات علماء و دانشمندان این دو کشور پاسخهای حیرت انگیز داد و مورد تایید آنها نیز قرار گرفت.
امیر كویت از ایشان دعوت رسمی نمود و پس از رفتن او به كویت، امیر كویت تقاضای اقامت او را نمود تا كاخی را با همة امكانات در اختیار او گذارده تا طلابی كه قرآن را حفظ میكنند در نزد او مشغول باشند ولی علمای عراق این امر را صلاح ندانستند و ایشان به عراق و بعد به ایران و قم بازگشت.
خلاصه اینکه تمامی علمای تشیع و تسنن اعلام داشتند ، کربلایی کاظم یک فرد عادی نیست ، بلکه معجزه ی بزرگ قرآن کریم است که بعد از پیامبر اکرم ، اینگونه قرآن کریم ، یکجا بر قلب او نازل شده است .
بعضا میگویند معجزه بزرگ قرآن در قرن بیستم . اما باید گفت حافظ و عالم شدن محمد کاظم کریمی ساروقی به قرآن کریم در کمتر از چند دقیقه ، بعد از نزول قرآن کریم بر پیامبر اسلام ، بزرگترین معجزه بزرگ قرآن در طول تاریخ اسلام است .
آیت الله مرعشی نجفی (ره) در طول یک ماه قرآن موجود را با قرآنی که به کربلایی محمد کاظم کریمی داده شده و القاء شده بود مقایسه نمود و دیدند که در کل قرآن، حتی کلمه ای بین قرآن موجود و قرآنی که کربلایی کاظم می خواند تفاوت وجود ندارد و تنها چند حرکت فتحه، کسره و ضمه تفاوت وجود داشت.
در حال حاضر دستونشته هایی از علما در مورد تایید این اتفاق وجود دارد که در زیر به آنها اشاره می گردد.
آیت الله بروجردی و کربلایی کاظم
در جلسه ای مرحوم آیة الله العظمی بروجردی آیاتی را از حافظ قرآن پرسیدند و او بدون معطلی پاسخ گفت . سپس آیة الله آیه ای تلاوت می کند ، کربلایی کاظم میگوید : آقا ، آیه آنطور که خواندید نیست . آقا می فرماید : من هم اشتباه خواندم ؟ عرض کرد : بلی آقا ، شما مجتهد و مرجع تقلید هستید ، ولی آیه آن گونه که خواندید نیست بلکه این طور است . سپس قرآن آوردند و دیدند که حافظ قرآن درست گفته است . در موارد خلاف بین قراء سبعه ، مرحوم آیة الله بروجردی نظر کربلایی کاظم را جویا می شدند و قرائت او برایشان معتبر و قابل اعتماد بود و در موردی فرمودند : ما سوره حمد را نمی توانیم به قهقرا بخوانیم ، ولی او سوره بقره را می تواند از انتها به اول بخواند.
کربلایی کاظم در جلسه ای و در حضور علماء قم به حضرت آیت اله بروجردی میگوید : شما ساعت ها از من سوال کردید در مورد قرآن و من همه را جواب دادم . اکنون من یک سوال می پرسم و شما جواب بدهید . از آقای بروجردی می پرسد :کدام سوره از سوره های قرآن است که خداوند هفت حرف از حروف عربی را در آیاتش نازل نکرده است و آن هفت حرف مربوط به هفت طبقه جهنم می باشد که خداوند از سوره حمد آنها را برداشته است . آیت الله و دیگران که از پاسخ دادن عاجز می مانند از ایشان در خواست می کنند پاسخ سوال را خود بگوید .
کربلایی کاظم می گوید : و آن سوره حمد است که همیشه در نماز می خوانید و آن هفت حرف : ( ث ، ج ، خ ، ذ ، ش ، ظ ، ف ) می باشد و تفسیر و علت نازل نشدن این حروف در سوره حمد چنین می گوید که ث از ثبورا می آید که در سوره فرقان قرار دارد و مکان افرادی است که نماز نمی خوانند و در طبقه زیرین جهنم است، ج از جهنم است، خ که از خسران می آید، ذ از ذقوم می آید که خوراک اهل جهنم بوده و در سوره دخان قرار دارد، ش از شیطان می آید، ظ هم از لظا می آید که آتش سوزانی است که در جهنم قرار دارد و به یک لحظه انسان را ذوب می کند، ف از فضع اکبر می آید که در سوره انبیاء قرار دارد که در روز قیامت مردم در فضع اکبر هستند که خداوند با آنها چه می کند؟
- به نقل از روزنامه ندای حق شماره 44 – سال 1344
آیت الله خامنه ای و کربلایی کاظم
حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای در دیدار با فرزند کربلایی کاظم در تاریخ 01/03/85
مرحوم کربلایی کاظم را من در حرم حضرت علی بن موسی الرضا (ع) در دیده بودم ، در کنار مناره مسجد گوهر شاد نشسته بود . قرآنش هم دستش بود ، هر کس هر آیه ای را می پرسید با این که اصلا سواد نداشت قرآنش را باز میکرد و با دستش آن آیه را نشان می داد . این را من خودم دیدم و امتحان کردم این سماعی نبود . مرحوم کربلایی کاظم همان کسی است که بیسواد و در جوانی بر اثر یک توسل به امامزادگانی که در ساروق است حافظ قرآن شد ، بنده هم رفتم آن امامزادگان را زیارت کردم ، آن شبستانی که ایشان شب در آنجا بیتوته کردند و در همان جا هم مشرف به حمل قرآن شدند را بنده رفته و دیده ام . آیت الله بروجردی ایشان را امتحان و تایید کرده بودند .
موقعی که شهید نواب صفوی، کربلایی محمد کاظم را به مشهد آوردند و در بالای منبر او را به علما معرفی کردند از کربلایی سؤالهایی درباره قرآن و آیات قرآن کردم و حافظ قرآن شدن ایشان را جزو کرامات دیدم
آیت الله سید محمد جواد علوی طباطبایی بروجردی و کربلایی کاظم
نوه آیت الله العظمی بروجردی
مرحوم آقای سید اسماعیل علوی، پسر عموی پدر بنده و برادرزادة حضرت آیت الله بروجردی ـ رحمة الله علیه ـ بود. ایشان رئیس ادارۀ ثبت اراك بودند؛ ازاین رو با مرحوم كربلایی كاظم آشنایی پیدا كردند و بیدرنگ ایشان را به قم نزد مرحوم پدر ما آوردند و به وسیلۀ ایشان خدمت آیت الله بروجردی رسیدند.
مرحوم آیتالله بروجردی ذاتاً فرد زود باوری نبودند؛ هر ادعایی را به سادگی نمی پذیرفتند و در این زمینه بسیار دقت می كردند.از آنجا که بنده در آن زمان، مدرسه می رفتم، در نخستین جلسه ای كه کربلایی کاظم را خدمت ایشان آورده بودند، حاضر نبودم. پدر من در همان زمان، داستان آن جلسه را برای برخی از دوستانی كه برای دیدن مرحوم كربلایی كاظم به منزل ما می آمدند، از جمله حضرت امام ـ رحمةا لله علیهـ نقل می كردند. ایشان می فرمودند که مرحوم آیت الله بروجردی در آن جلسه سؤالات مختلفی از کربلایی کاظم پرسیده بودند. خود ایشان حافظ بسیاری از آیات قرآن بودند؛ چنان که پدرم می فرمودند: بیش از یک سوم قرآن را حفظ بودند. ایشان آیه ای را می خواندند و مرحوم كربلایی كاظم ادامۀ آن را تلاوت می کرد؛ همان گونه كه در آن زمان معمول بود.
پدرم نقل می كردند که حتی آیت الله بروجردی برخی از آیات را به هم می چسباندند؛ ابتدای یک آیه، بخشی از وسط آیۀ دیگر و انتهای آیۀ دیگری را به هم می چسباندند و به عنوان یک آیه می خواندند. كربلایی كاظم با همان زبان خودش می گفت: آیه این نیست.قسمت اول را به همراه دنباله اش می خواند و شمارۀ آیه و نام سوره اش را هم می گفت.سپس بخش وسطی را با قبل و بعد آن می خواند و بعد بخش انتهایی را به همین ترتیب بیان می کرد. در نتیجه ایشان از همان جلسۀ اول نزد آیت الله بروجردی جلوه كردند.
مرحوم کربلایی کاظم بسیار مورد توجه آیت الله بروجردی قرار گرفته بود؛ به گونهای که گاهی در حدود دو ساعت می نشستند و با هم صحبت می كردند. این امر برای من جای پرسش داشت؛ چون آن زمان آیت الله بروجردی، در اوج مرجعیت شیعه و زعامت عامه بود و كربلایی كاظم هم فرد بی سوادی بود که در ظاهر هیچ سنخیتی با ایشان نداشت. من بعد ها از مرحوم آقای سید اسماعیل علوی و پدر خودم پرسیدم كه آیتالله بروجردی به چه دلیل چنین توجهی به ایشان داشتند؟ پدر من در پاسخ، بر دو نكته بسیار تأکید می كردند:
نخست اینکه آیت الله بروجردی، وجود شخص کربلایی كاظم را حجتی در زمان ما می دانستند.شخصی كه كاملاً بی سواد بود، با عنایت ویژه ای حافظ قرآن شده بود؛ به گونه ای که حتی ویژگی های سوره ها و آیه ها را نیز می شناخت. این امر از آن رو اهمیت داشت که در آن زمان، تفكر ماتریالیستی و مادی گرایانۀ حزب توده، به ویژه در محافل علمی و دانشگاهی بسیار جا افتاده بود. هرچند این حزب سرکوب شده بود، اما مبانی فکری آن در بین جوانان و جامعۀ روشن فكری آن زمان، به تفكر غالب تبدیل شده بود. مرحوم آیت الله بروجردی نیز با دیدگاه گستردۀ خود، به همة جنبه ها توجه داشتند و معتقد بودند كه معرفی مرحوم کربلایی كاظم به جوانان به عنوان حجتی در روزگار ما، كار بسیار مهمی است؛
مطلب دوم كه برای آیت الله بروجردی بسیار مهم بود، بحث تحریف قرآن بود. در بین علمای شیعه اختلاف است كه آیا قرآن تحریف شده است یا خیر. آیت الله بروجردی، خود قایل به عدم تحریف قرآن بودند؛ اما بسیاری از بزرگان ما، مانند مرحوم صاحب كفایه ـ رضوان الله تعالیعلیه ـ در این مسئله شك و شبهه داشتند. آیتالله بروجردی به گونه های مختلف کربلایی کاظم را آزمایش کردند تا اینكه برای ایشان ثابت شد واقعاً قرآن به آن مرحوم عنایت شده است. در این صورت، قرآنی كه به ایشان عنایت شده است، باید همان قرآنی باشد كه به رسول اكرم ـ صلوات الله و سلامه علیهـ نازل شده است و در نتیجه نباید هیچ گونه تحریفی در آن وجود داشته باشد.
آیتالله بروجردی نیز بار ها همۀ مواردی را كه احتمال تحریف در آنها وجود داشت، از ایشان می پرسیدند و كربلایی كاظم هم که هیچ اطلاعی دربارۀ بحث تحریف قرآن نداشت، فقط آیاتی را كه از او پرسیده می شد، می خواند. آیت الله بروجردی در برخی موارد، بعضی از آیات و سوره ها را چندین بار به گونه های مختلف تغییر می دادند؛ مثلاً کلماتی را که برخی از بزرگان مانند مرحوم میرزا حسین نوری معتقد بودند که جزو قرآن بوده و حذف شده است، در آیه می آوردند و می خواندند. كربلایی كاظم آیه را تصحیح می كرد و می گفت: نه؛ این طور نیست؛ پس از این كلمه، آن كلمه است. بحث اثبات عدم تحریف قرآن، یكی از مسائلی بود كه بسیار مورد عنایت آیت الله بروجردی بود و من شنیدم كه ایشان پس از آشنایی با کربلایی کاظم، قایل شده بودند كه هیچ تحریفی در قرآن صورت نگرفته است و در این زمینه، اطمینان یافته بودند.
خود من این خاطره را دارم كه جلسهای در منزل ما برگزار شد و حدود ده تا پانزده نفر از علما همچون حضرت امام، حاج آقا مرتضی حائری و مرحوم حاج فقیهی رشتی، و نیز آقای اسماعیل علوی و کربلایی کاظم حضور داشتند. پس از صرف نهار، نوبت به آزمایش کربلایی کاظم رسید. حاضران كتاب شرح لمعه را برای آزمون انتخاب کردند. این كتاب به زبان عربی است و در جای جای آن، آیه و حدیث نیز هست. این کتاب را پیش روی کربلای کاظم گذاشتند. ایشان دست می گذاشت و متن عربی شهید را رد می كرد؛ چون نمی توانست بخواند؛ روایت ها را هم نمی توانست بخواند و رد می كرد؛ اما وقتی به یك كلمۀ قرآن می رسید، آن را می خواند.
آنچه موجب تعجب من بود، این بود كه کلماتی مثل «الله» را که در متن مرحوم شهید و حتی در روایت بود، نمی دید و نمی توانست بخواند؛ اما در آیه قرآن می توانست بخواند. این آزمایش را چندین بار انجام دادند؛ مثلاً مواردی را مشخص كرده بودند كه آیه و روایت به هم آمیخته بود؛ دو کلمۀ یکسان ـ مثلاً «الله»ـ را به او نشان دادند و گفتند كه این «الله» است؛ آن هم «الله» است. کربلایی کاظم گفت: من نمی دانم آنجا چه چیزی است؛ اما به آیه كه می رسم، نور سبزی هست؛ با این نور، من آن آیه را می بینم و می توانم بخوانم؛ اما غیر آن را نمی توانم بخوانم. بنابراین، ایشان این كلمات و نوشته ها را نمی دید؛ بلکه آنچه می دید، ورای نوشته ها بود. با اینكه «الله»همان است كه در قرآن هست، اما کلمۀ الله را در جملۀ «رحم الله» در كلام مرحوم شهید، نمی دید؛ ولی در آیۀ قرآن می دید. من خودم این را در آن جلسه دیدم.
به این ترتیب، مرحوم کربلایی کاظم به برکت عنایتی که دربارۀ او شده بود، در مجامع علمی قم در آن زمان، جا افتاد. در حوزه، هر مطلبی به زودی پذیرفته نمی شود؛ هركس ادعایی كند، علما آن را بسیار می سنجند تا جا بیافتد؛ اما داستان کربلایی كاظم و اینکه واقعاً قرآن به او عنایت شده است، در میان علما پذیرفته شد.
مرحوم كربلایی كاظم حجتی است برای کسانی که غیر از زندگی ظاهری را نفی می كنند.همچنین مؤمنین و علما که معتقدند لیس العلم بكثرة التفهم والتفهیم، به برکت عنایتی که به ایشان شد، این معنا را به صورت حق الیقین درك كردند. مرحوم كربلایی كاظم از كسانی بود كه باعث شد افراد، آنچه را به صورت علم الیقین باور داشتند، به صورت حق الیقین باور کنند. بنابراین ایشان هم بر حوزه حق دارد، هم بر عامۀ مردم.
مرحوم آقای سید اسماعیل علوی نقل می كردند كه وجود ایشان در اراک، تحولی در ایمان مردم و جوانان ایجاد كرد. در آن زمان، جنبه هایی كه موجب روی گردانی جوانان از دین شود، كم نبود و جوان هنگام ورود به دبیرستان و دانشگاه، بیدرنگ مورد هجمۀ
[1] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[2] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[3] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\"
[4] Primary Scenes of Beirut Dahiyeh Blast - 15 August 2013 - All Languages
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of...
Hezbollah Secretary General, his Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday, August 16th, 2013, marking the 7th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory of the Islamic Resistance against the Israeli army.
Sayyed Nasrallah to Takfiris: We will Capture You, We will Put an End to Terror
Sara Taha Moughnieh
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Friday, during a ceremony celebrating the seventh anniversary of victory in the July 2006 war.
Sayyed NasrallahHis eminence started his speech with a greeting to the martyrs and wounded who fell only one day before the celebration in the terrorist blast which hit Ruwais street in the Southern Suburb of Beirut.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I pray for the recovery of all the wounded from the large and dangerous terrorist attack, and I offer my condolences to the families of martyrs who fell, and to all those who were affected physically, mentally, spiritually, and on the material level yesterday. We highly appreciate, admire, and respect the patience of people and the citizens of Dahieh who held responsibility, and were conscious, disciplined, and civilized,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he said.
As he expressed gratitude for all those who stood in solidarity and denounced this painful event, Sayyed Nasrallah condemned the silence of some countries, considering that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"days will prove that they support terrorism, murder, and crime taking place in our region\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
July 2006 victory put an end to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project
Sayyed Nasrallah initiated his statement with words about the victory, pointing out that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the celebration was arranged to take place in Aita Al-Shaab, because it overlooks occupied Palestine, and its air is Palestinian air. Hence, you are smelling the air of occupied Palestine, and you are gathering only a stone\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s throw away from the enemy.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence further stressed that Aita\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s significance was with its symbolic representation, especially with its good hearted and firm people, its brave heroes, its martyrs, and liberated captives.
Sayyed Nasrallah talked about the faithfulness of the resistance fighters who were located in Aita Al-Shaab, referring to the devoutness of those men to the path of Master of Martyrs, Imam Hussein (pbuh).
July 2006 victory celebrationHe also paid gratitude to the citizens of this village, who returned to their land just hours after ceasefire in 2006, and built tents over the ruins of their houses, to sit in them.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Your historic victory in the 25th of May 2000 defeated the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"greater Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" project, because the Israeli army, which failed to stay in Lebanon, the weakest Arab country, cannot build a state from the Nile to Furat. Then the 14th of August 2006 victory , defeated Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s project of being a great country, which dominates and imposes its decisions on the region and on Iran,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
Hezbollah Secretary General added that the July 2006 victory also proved that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"this organized popular resistance, which is embraced by its people, is capable of forming real defense, at a time when the country does not have the capacities and technologies which the attacking enemy has, and the evidence on that was presented in the July war.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah warned the Israeli enemy that the resistance will not allow one Israeli soldier to set a foot in the Lebanese territories, indicating that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we will not be tolerant in defending our villages, lands, and people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He further addressed the Israelis, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The era of Israeli military tourism on the borders with Lebanon, and inside the Lebanese territories is over, with no return.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Response to Dahieh blast is by duplicating number of fighters in Syria
In another context, Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the recent assaults on Dahieh, specifically Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tragic attack which left over 20 killed and hundreds wounded.
He indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"targeting people and citizens in Dahieh and other places is nothing new. When the enemy failed, it always resorted to hitting people, even those who had no relation with the resistance. The history of Israeli wars in Qana, Dahieh, Sheyah, and other places in July war is a clear witness on that. The enemy takes such action because it knows that this is our point of weakness when it fails in confronting us militarily.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This is a point of pride for us, as it points out that the relation between the resistance and the people is an emotional, humanitarian, moral, and spiritual relation, and that both are one. The resistance had never acted like it was an imported resistance, like some fighters act these days, hence they don’t care about people. Not at all, as throughout the past years, the resistance had never performed a military or resistance operation without taking into consideration the responses, and protecting people, until April Accord came out to protect them,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah added.
From this point, his eminence considered that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"when there is a resistance, and people whom it shares their feelings, and suffers from their pains, this is a point of power on one hand, and a point of weakness on the other, which the enemy uses. What happened yesterday was an attack on people. It wasn’t an assassination. There wasn’t any Hezbollah official or location targeted, but the side which committed the massacre in Dahieh wanted to leave behind the largest number of casualties among people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the bomb weighted over 100 KGs, and at this location in specific, like the case in Bir Al-Abed explosion, the goal was only to kill people.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed NasrallahHezbollah secretary general asserted that the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"massacre comes in the context of a wide and open battle which has been taking place since tens of years… as long as there is a group resisting and refusing to surrender to the American-Zionist will, then naturally, this group and its environment will bare this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that the rockets that hit Baalbak and its neighborhoods in the last few weeks were fired by armed Syrian groups, adding that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"rockets on Hermel, Majdal Anjar, Zahle, and Dahieh were targeting us, and the large explosion on the 9th of August targeted our people and environment. Yet we did not make a quick response… we did not accuse anyone.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
However, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"after Bir Al-Abed blast, some Lebanese parts claimed that Hezbollah planted the explosive as a pretext to ignite the situation. This is defamation and unjust, as you cannot find anyone who would love these people, and kiss the soil under the feet of these people like Hezbollah and its leadership does… This is how you work, but not how Hezbollah does.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence pointed out that during investigations about these assaults, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the first assumption was that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Israel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" was behind them, while the second was the terrorist groups who have declared war on Hezbollah long before the latter entered Al-Qusayr, and the third assumption was that some other side interfered to escalate the situation with Israel, or to create internal sedition and sectarian strife.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"After over 30 days on Bir Al-Abed explosion, and after the intelligence\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s arrests and our investigations, we have reached the result, and the names of those who planted the explosive on Hermel road are now known, and one of them is under arrest… as for the names of those involved in Bir Al-Abed blast, they are now 99.99% known,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he revealed.
Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that investigations have not yet revealed that the committers were operational agents of Israel.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are rather affiliated with a certain Takfiri line… some of them are Lebanese, some are Syrians, and some are Palestinians.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence assured that intelligence apparatuses have informed Hezbollah about certain sides preparing booby-trapped cars to send them to Dahieh, emphasizing that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"all our measures in Dahieh were in response to the official apparatuses\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' information.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
On this point, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"these (Takfiri) groups work for Israel, and undoubtedly, US and some regional countries\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' intelligences are operating these sides.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
He highlighted that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday they put (explosives) in Dahieh, but who knows where they could put them tomorrow? Neither Israel nor Takfiris care if they were in Dahieh or somewhere else. Those kill Sunnis just like they kill Shiites, they kill Christians just like they kill Muslims, and they bomb mosques just like they bomb churches.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
As his eminence asserted that Takfiri groups could plant booby-trapped cars anywhere in Lebanon, he warned officials, politicians, security apparatuses, and all the Lebanese that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"yesterday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s explosion was under control and the situation was under control, but if these explosions continue, Lebanon will be on the verge of Abyss. Therefore, responsible actions must be taken for Lebanon to confront this threat\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the right precautionary measures should be taken and the government as well as its apparatuses must hold their responsibilities, if not to prevent suicide attacks, as this is impossible, then at least to minimize losses, stressing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of finding the sides sending explosives-laden cars and arresting them… as well as the importance of not giving any political or security cover to these groups.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the importance of abandoning sectarian incitements, so that the conflict remains political.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Addressing people who were affected by Thursday\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terror attack, Hezbollah leader said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We are aware of your patience, courage and faith, and the biggest exam was in July war… They want to harm your determination and faith, but we are certain of your faith and these aims will fail. What we fear is that those murderers drag you to uncalculated reactions which would lead to sedition and the destruction of the country…\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(Those killers) neither have a nation nor a religion, and they are not Sunnis. They killed Sunnis even more than they killed Shiites. They seek to create a fight between the Lebanese and the (Palestinian refugee) camps. These murderers are a group of terrorists and the owners of a destructive project in the whole region, not just in Lebanon. In Iraq, there is clear evidence about the western, regional, and Israeli intelligences operating the murderers there,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" he added.
In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah called on his people to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"stay patient and send a clear message that exploding and killing will not affect our morale, and it will not throw us in the trap of sedition. This is the responsibility of everyone in Lebanon, because if this situation continues, it could reach the verge of ambyss.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
His eminence also addressed the murderers, saying: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you work for Israel, we know you and we will capture you if the state neglected that. Yet he indicated that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"we are not a substitute for the state, but in any field the state does not hold its responsibility in, we will hold this responsibility.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you claim you are defending the Syrian people and punishing Hezbollah over its intervention in Syria, I tell you two things: You, the Takfiri groups are the harshest killers of the Syrian people. You even kidnapped and killed Christian priests who supported the opposition. You kill children and explode mosques.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"As for us, we fight with our values. We have never killed a captive, while you prosecute captives in daylight. We have never killed citizens, and in some of our battles, a larger number of martyrs fell in order to protect citizens, and all what is said about massacres committed by us are lies and fabrications.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Criticizing the fabrications of some Arab media stations, he assured that \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the world will witness that we have only fought Takfiri groups in Syria.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Finally, Sayyed Nasrallah said: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"One of our responses to such explosions is: If we had 1000 fighters in Syria, they will become 2000, and if we had 5000, they will become 10 000, and if the battle with those terrorists required that I go with all Hezbollah to Syria, we will all go for the sake of Syria and its people, Lebanon and its people, Palestine and Al-Quds, and the central cause.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"We put an end to the battle, and we set a time for this battle to end, and as we triumphed in all our wars with Israel, if you wanted us to enter a fierce battle with you, I assure to everyone that we will triumph against Takfiri terror. The cost of the battle will be high, but the least cost is being slaughtered like ewes and waiting for the murderers to come into our house.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
[Unity Conference] Signing of the UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration - English
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press...
Signed on 23 Dhul Hijja 1434 / 28 October 2013
At a meeting convened by the Universal Justice Network
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
[Unity Conference] Azan and Dua Wahdah after signing of UJN Pakistan...
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed...
This is the link to the UJN Press Release on the declaration.
It contains the links to:
The text of the declaration
Scans of the signed copies
The photos of the signing and the video of the signing
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
28 October 2013
Press Release: Pakistani leaders sign historic anti-sectarianism declaration
Muslim scholars from Pakistan have signed a historic agreement condemning sectarianism and vowing to remove it as a cause of conflict in the violence-stricken country.
Meeting in the Turkish seaside resort of Bodrum under the auspices of the UJN the scholars, who represent all of Pakistan\\\'s major Islamic sects and tendencies, agreed to come together to tackle religious intolerance in the interests of Muslim unity.
The signatories include Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of the Sunni Ittehad Council, Sahibzada Muhammad Hamid Raza of Jamiat Ahle Hadith and Allama Syed Niaz Hussain Shah of Hoza Ilmia Jamia Al Muntazar.
The 11-point UJN Pakistan Unity Declaration commits the signatories and the UJN to sign statements in the upcoming Islamic month of Muharram denouncing the killing of fellow human beings on the basis of colour, creed, ethnicity or religion as haram. The statements will also declare excommunication or takfir against fellow Muslims and abusing the Prophet Muhammad\\\'s family and companions as against the Shariah.
Also party to the accord were Allama Mohammad Sadiq Qureshi (Minhaj ul Quran International), Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Jamay Imamia), Liaqat Baloch, MP (Jamaat-e-Islami) and Muhammad Sarwat Ejaz Qadri (Pakistan Sunni Tahreek).
The accord is based on Charter 3:103, initiated by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in 1997 and now a UJN core project, and since adopted by scores of Muslim organisations, which calls for Muslims to be united in accordance with the 103rd verse of the third chapter of the Holy Quran.
It also addresses the challenging problem of madrasas in Pakistan, believed to be a breeding ground of intolerance, recommending that syllabuses and curriculums under the signatories\\\' respective spheres of influence address the need for respect, harmony and peace between all members of Pakistani society.
Chair of IHRC, and UJN co-ordinator, Massoud Shadjareh said:
\\\"The signing of the declaration is a detrmined step out of the quagmire of murder and fear that has come to characterise the landscape in Pakistan. The situation of sectarian killings and intimidation that has worsened year on year has been dealt a blow by the unity shown today.\\\"
Director of Citizens International and UJN Co-ordinator Mohideen Abdul Kader said:
\\\"The dream for many that the inception of Pakistan once was had become a nightmare. Today\\\'s events bring back hope that one day Pakistan can put the internecine strife of the current era behind it.\\\"
Photos of the signing ceremony can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ihrc/sets/72157637054317024/
The full text of the document and images of the signed copy canbe found here
Please contact the IHRC Press Officer on
[email protected] or +447958522196.
Islamic Unity Conference -Birthday of Prophet & Imam Sadiq A.S -...
[English Sub] Islamic Unity Conference - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w / Imam Sadiq a.s Ayatullah Ali Khamenei\\\\\\\'s Full speech Farsi sub...
[English Sub] Islamic Unity Conference - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w / Imam Sadiq a.s Ayatullah Ali Khamenei\\\\\\\'s Full speech Farsi sub English 19 january 2014.
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\'s Speech in Meeting with Officials and Participants of Conference on Islamic Unity Print
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 27th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
I would like to congratulate all of you dear audience who are present in this meeting, the dear guests of Unity Week, the ambassadors of Islamic countries and all the honorable officials who have accepted heavy responsibilities in the country, on the occasion of the auspicious birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and his outstanding grandson - Imam Sadiq (a.s.). I would like to extend my congratulations to all the people of Iran, all Muslims and all liberated people throughout the world.
This auspicious birthday is the source of many blessings which have been bestowed on the lives of human beings over the course of many centuries. It has helped nations, peoples and humanity in general to achieve the best human, intellectual and mental qualities. It has helped them to create a lofty civilization and to achieve bright prospects for a better life. On this birthday anniversary, what is important for the world of Islam and the Islamic community is to pay attention to the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\'s (s.w.a.) expectations of the Islamic community and to try hard to meet these expectations.
The happiness of the world of Islam lies in this and nothing else. Islam emerged for the liberation of humanity- both liberation from the suppression and pressures of oppressive and dictatorial regimes which have ruled over all people and in order to form a just government for the entire humanity, and liberation from deceptive thoughts and illusions which dominate the lives of people and which make their lives deviate from the right path.
At a time when Islam was about to emerge, the Commander of the Faithful (peace and greetings be upon him) described the environment in which people were living as an environment of \\\\\\\"fitna\\\\\\\":
\\\\\\\"At that time, people had fallen into fitna, whereby the rope of religion had been broken\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Sermon 2]. Fitna means a dusty climate in which one cannot see anything. In such a climate, one cannot see the path and he does not know what to do. This was the conditions of the people who lived in that difficult area.
The same conditions dominated - in a different way - the lives of the people in great countries and civilizations which existed at that time. It is not the case that we can think the people who were living in the Arabian Peninsula at a time when Islamic was about to emerge had terrible conditions while other people living in other areas were happy. The domination of cruel and oppressive regimes, their indifference towards the position of human beings and human principles and the outbreak of disastrous wars which were waged by powers for the sake of power had destroyed the lives of people. History shows that the two well-known civilizations of those days - that is to say, the Persian Sassanid civilization and the Roman civilization - were in such terrible conditions that it makes one pity the masses of the people who were living in those societies. The living conditions of those people were terrible and they were living in captivity.
In such conditions, Islam came and freed people. This freedom first manifests itself in the hearts and souls of people. When one feels that he is free and when he feels the need to break chains, the forces inside him will be influenced by this feeling and then he can achieve social freedom if he shows determination and if he moves forward. Islam did this for people. The same message that Islam delivered at that time exists today in the world of Islam and in other parts of the world. The enemies of freedom kill the thought of freedom in people. When there is no thought of freedom, the movement towards freedom will either slow down or stop.
Today, what we Muslims should do is to try to achieve the kind of freedom that Islam wants. The independence of Muslim nations, the establishment of popular governments throughout the world of Islam, the participation of all people in making decisions and determining fates and their movement on the basis of Islamic sharia are things which liberate nations. Of course, Muslim nations feel that they need this movement today. This feeling exists throughout the world of Islam and without a doubt, it will finally achieve results.
If outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific and religious personalities - in Muslim countries carry out their responsibilities in the proper way, then the future of the world of Islam will be a bright one. Muslims are hopeful about this future. Today, the world of Islam feels that it is awake. It is exactly at this point that the enemies of Islam - those people who are opposed to Islamic Awakening, independence of nations and the domination of God\\\\\\\'s religion in all countries - enter the arena. It is exactly at this point that all kinds of tricks are used for creating obstacles in the way of Islamic societies. And the most important trick that they use is creating discord.
It is 65 years now that the world of arrogance has been trying with all its power to impose the existence of the Zionist regime on Muslim nations and to make them accept this regime. But it has failed. We should not look at some countries and governments which are willing to act against their national interests in order to safeguard the interests of their foreign friends - who are the enemies of Islam - and to consign Islamic interests to oblivion. Peoples are opposed to the presence of the Zionists.
It is 65 years now that they have been trying to erase the memory of Palestine, but they have failed. During the 33-day war in Lebanon and during the 22-day war and - for the second time - the eight-day war in Gaza which were waged in recent years, Muslim nations and the Islamic Ummah showed that they are alive. The Islamic Ummah showed that despite the investment of America and other western powers, it has managed to preserve its identity, to slap the fake and imposed Zionist regime across the face and to frustrate the allies of oppressive Zionists who did their best during this time to preserve this imposed, oppressive and criminal regime. The Islamic Ummah showed that it has not forgotten about Palestine. This is a very important issue.
It is in such conditions that the enemy is focusing all its efforts on making the Islamic Ummah forget about Palestine. How do they want to do this? They want to do this by creating discord, waging domestic wars, promoting deviant extremism in the name of Islam, religion and Islamic sharia. They want a group of people to say takfiri things against Muslims. The existence of these takfiri orientations which have emerged in the world of Islam is good news for arrogance and the enemies of the world of Islam. It is these takfiri orientations that attract the attention of Muslims towards insignificant issues instead of letting them pay attention to the truth about the existence of the malevolent Zionist regime.
This is the exact opposite of what Islam wants. Islam has asked Muslims to be \\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48, 29]. Muslims should be strong against the enemies of religion. They should stand firm and they should not be influenced by the enemies. Being \\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers\\\\\\\" is the clear message of this ayah. Muslims should be compassionate towards one another, they should stay together and join hands and they should hold fast to the rope which Allah stretches out for them. This is the command of Islam.
Now what happens if an orientation emerges which divides Muslims into believers and unbelievers, which targets a group of people as unbelievers and which pits Muslims against one another? Who can doubt the role of arrogance and the security services of arrogant and malevolent governments in creating, supporting and enriching these orientations and in equipping them with weapons? These arrogant powers sit and plan for this. The world of Islam should attend to this issue because it is a grave danger.
Unfortunately, a number of Muslim governments unwittingly add fuel to the fire of this discord. They do not understand that fueling this discord will kindle a fire which will burn them as well. This is what arrogance wants: they want a group of Muslims to wage a war against another group of Muslims.
Those who give rise to this war are people who benefit from the money provided by puppet rulers. These puppet rulers give them money and weapons in order to pit people in such and such a country against one another. This move has been reinforced by arrogance in the past three, four years during which a wave of Islamic Awakening has emerged in a number of Islamic and Arabic countries. They want to do this in order to overshadow Islamic Awakening. By making this move, they are pitting Muslims against one another.
Moreover, the propaganda networks of the enemies are projecting an ugly image of Islam for public opinion throughout the world. They are doing this by magnifying events. What do people think of Islam when media networks show a person who is devouring the liver of another person in the name of Islam? The enemies of Islam have planned this.
These are not things that happen all of a sudden and out of the blue. These are things for which many plans have been devised over a long period of time. There are different policies and spy rings behind these moves. There is big money behind these moves. Muslims should confront any phenomenon which is against their unity. This is a great responsibility for all of us. Both Shia and Sunni Muslims, and different groups which exist among Shia and Sunni Muslims should shoulder this responsibility.
Unity means reliance on common points. We have many common points. Muslims\\\\\\\' common points are more than their disagreements and therefore, they should rely on them. The main responsibility in this regard falls on the shoulders of outstanding personalities - whether political, scientific or religious personalities. Religious scholars in the world of Islam should prevent Muslims from creating sectarian and religious discord. Academic scholars should help students understand that today, unity is the most important issue in the world of Islam. The most important issue is unity for the sake of reaching goals. These goals are achieving political independence, establishing religious democracy and observing divine rules in Islamic societies.
Islam invites people to freedom, dignity and honor. This is an obligation and responsibility today. Political personalities too should know that their dignity and honor lies in their reliance on Muslim peoples, not on foreigners and those who are arch enemies of Islamic societies.
One day, arrogant powers dominated people everywhere in Islamic regions. One day, policies carried out by America and before that England and other countries, dominated the lives of people in Islamic regions. Nations gradually managed to liberate themselves from this direct domination. In the present time, the enemies want to replace this direct domination, which they imposed during the era of imperialism, with indirect domination - that is to say, political, economic and cultural domination. Of course, in some areas they are imposing this direct domination again. As you see, a number of European countries want to create the same situation which existed in the past in Africa.
The path is Islamic Awakening. The path is awareness about the position of Muslim nations. Muslim nations have many resources, they have sensitive geographical locations, they have a very valuable historical legacy and they have unique economic resources. If Muslims collect themselves, find their true identity, rely on themselves and extend the hand of friendship, then this region will be an outstanding and enlightened region and the world of Islam will witness dignity, greatness and honor.
By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, this is what will happen in the future. One can see the signs of this future such as the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the establishment and stability of the Islamic Republic in this sensitive region.
It is 35 years now that arrogant regimes - including America and other powers - have been doing their best to work against the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran. Despite this, the people of Iran and the Islamic Republic are becoming stronger, more rooted, more powerful and more influential on a daily basis. By Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, this strength, this stability and this power will increase in the future.
In the world of Islam too, one sees that the awareness of people and youth about Islam and the future of Islam has increased compared to the past. In some countries, people are much more aware than they were in the past. Of course, the enemy is making some efforts, but if we look carefully and vigilantly, we will see that - by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor - this wave of Islamic movement is going forward.
God\\\\\\\'s mercy be upon our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) who opened up this path for us. He taught us that we should rely on God, ask Him alone for help and be hopeful about the future. Then, we moved forward on this path and by Allah\\\\\\\'s favor, we will continue to do this. I hope that Islam and Muslims achieve victory and I ask God to bestow His mercy and forgiveness on the martyrs of this bright path.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Source: http://english.khamenei.ir//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1859
[29 July 2014] Speech in Meeting with Officials and Ambassadors of...
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon Muhammad...
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon Muhammad and upon his immaculate household
I would like to congratulate you dear brothers and sisters - who have participated in this friendly meeting - and the guests and ambassadors of Islamic countries on Eid ul-Fitr. I hope that this Eid will be blessed and auspicious for you. And I congratulate the great people of Iran, all Muslims throughout the world and all religious and liberated nations in each and every part of the world on the occasion of this Eid.
According to the works and statements of great religious personalities, one of the characteristics of Eid ul-Fitr is that it is the Eid of the united Islamic Ummah: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"He is One Who turned this day into an Eid for Muslims\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [quoting from prayer recited during Eid ul-Fitr]. It is the Eid of all Muslims. This means the outlook of the holy religion of Islam is towards building an Islamic Ummah. The same outlook exists in the teachings of the great Prophet of Islam.
When we look at many Islamic teachings, we witness an effort for creating a united ummah. Today, the Islamic Ummah is disintegrated. This disintegration does not mean differences between Islamic denominations. These differences are natural and they are not contradictory to forming a united ummah. Different beliefs and opinions can exist - on major and minor issues - alongside a united ummah.
What has separated Muslims from one another today is policies, political motivations and motivations for seizing power. Muslim countries can pass through these motivations. This is the responsibility of political and influential personalities and those who have governmental positions in Islamic countries. If this happens, then a kind of power will emerge that is better than and superior to - in the real sense of the word - all transgressing and arrogant powers in the world. If this happens, no one will be able to bully an Islamic country and no power will be able to blackmail Islamic countries and Muslim governments.
If we stay together, if we pay attention to and focus on our common points, if hunger for power, selfishness, dependence and corruption do not separate us from one another, then a power will be formed that can defend and support the rights and interests of one billion and a half Muslims. But unfortunately, such a thing does not exist today.
What we can see in front of our eyes today is the events of Gaza and Palestine. Why do Zionist aggressors give themselves the right to attack a Muslim country in a way that the heart of any viewer in the world is filled with sorrow and sympathy? Do they do this just because they have destructive weapons, airplanes, missiles, bombs, explosives and gunpowder?
You witnessed the demonstrations in western countries. Of course, people in western countries became aware of these events as much as the hidden censorship apparatuses allowed them. The hidden censorship apparatuses do not allow people to become aware of the truth. The truth is much more bitter and much more tragic than what the western media networks allow to be reflected about the issues of Gaza. Despite this, you can witness that even this level of awareness is shaking the hearts of people in those countries that know nothing about Islam. The event of Gaza is so bitter and heartbreaking.
But today, the world of Islam does not have the power to react to and stop this transgression and savagery and the blood-thirsty desire of the Zionists. This is why the people of Gaza are alone. Not only do arrogant powers - who are happy about the presence of Zionism in the heart of the Middle East region in order to pursue imperialist goals in this way - not support the oppressed, but they also support the oppressor with complete shamelessness. It is the responsibility of the world of Islam to do something in this regard.
Our message to the world of Islam and Islamic governments is that you should benefit from your power and from public, national and governmental capabilities to support the oppressed. You should make the enemies understand that the world of Islam will not sit idle in the face of savagery and transgression. This is our message to Islamic governments.
Although it is true that we may have differences of opinion with certain Islamic governments in different political and non-political areas, all of us should forget about these differences for the sake of the issue of Gaza. A part of the Islamic Ummah - in the form of an oppressed people - is struggling hard in the claws of a blood-thirsty and blood-sucking wolf. Therefore, everyone should help them. This is what we want to say.
Today, the issue of Gaza is the first issue of the world of Islam. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) said, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Whoever wakes up in the morning and does not think about attending to the affairs of Muslims is not a Muslim\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Ilal al-Shara\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'i, page 131]. Attending to this issue should be at the top of the list of all people in the world of Islam. All people and nations - particularly governments and officials in different countries - should think of ways to help the people of Gaza.
Two tasks should be carried out: one is helping the oppressed. Helping the oppressed means providing them with basic needs. Today they need food, medicine, hospitals, water, electricity and reconstruction of their houses and cities. The world of Islam is responsible for providing these things.
They need weapons as well. The enemy wants to disarm them so that he can attack them whenever he wants - whenever he has an excuse or even when he does not have any excuse. He wants to do something to make them incapable of reacting to him. The enemy wants this. The firm determination of the world of Islam should show itself in the face of this illegitimate claim of the enemies. This is the first task that should be carried out which is helping the oppressed: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Be a helper of the oppressed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 47].
You should be a helper of the oppressed. This help is one that falls on the shoulders of the entire world of Islam. We say to Muslim governments - the ambassadors of Muslim governments are present in this meeting - from this podium, let us join hands and work together to help the people of Gaza and to overcome the obstacles that the Zionist regime has created on this path. Let us offer every kind of help to the people of Gaza.
The second task that should be carried out is to confront those people who are committing this great historical oppression, who are the perpetrators of this genocide and who are displaying this shamelessness and brazenness in committing crimes and murdering people. One really becomes surprised at their shamelessness in giving reasons for killing civilians. They are so shameless. They try to justify killing little, innocent and oppressed children. They are totally shameless and impudent.
Those who are committing these crimes are psychopaths. They are the perpetrators of these crimes, but they are not the only people who play a part in them. Today, anyone who supports the Zionists - including the officials of arrogant countries such as America, England and the like and international organizations such as the United Nations and other such organizations which support the Zionists with their silence, opinions and unreasonable statements - are an accessory to this crime.
The entire world of Islam, all Islamic governments and all Muslim nations are responsible for opposing and confronting them. They should condemn them and express their hatred of the Zionists. They should criticize those who adopt this position [of supporting the Zionists]. This is a communal responsibility. Everyone should isolate them and if they can, they should confront them through economic and political means. This is the responsibility of the Islamic Ummah.
The people of Iran have thankfully shown that they stand firm in such arenas. We have shown this. The people of Iran do not have any considerations in the face of this malevolence and enmity. They do not have any considerations for such and such a power and such and such a personality. They openly say what they want to say.
As you witnessed, on the last Friday of the auspicious month of Ramadan, the people of Iran and men and women throughout the country took to the streets and made the whole world listen to their loud cry. This was while the weather was very hot and they were fasting. This was a necessary task that the people of Iran managed to carry out.
And if it is necessary to carry out any other task, these people are a firm and resisting people.
By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, the goals and ideals of these people and the lofty goals and ideals of the Islamic Ummah will be achieved to the despair of the enemies.
Dear God, by the blessedness of Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household (a.s.), familiarize us with our responsibilities and help us succeed in carrying them out.
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and...
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and Television Uni Print
Supreme Leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Speech to Members of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and Islamic Radio and Television Uni Print
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on August 17, 2015 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with the participants of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and the members of Islamic Radio and Television Union.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem al-Mustafa Muhammad and upon his immaculate, pure and chosen household, especially the one remaining with Allah on earth.
I would like to welcome the honorable participants and the dear brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters from Ahlul Bayt World Assembly, the brothers and sisters from the Islamic Radio and Television Union and the honorable families of martyrs who are present in the meeting. I ask Allah the Exalted to bestow His blessings on all of you.
I would like to raise a few points about the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly and the Islamic Radio and Television Union. As for the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly, its significance originates from the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (a.s.) household. Allah the Exalted says something - in a very explicit manner - about the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.) in the Holy Quran: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, you members of the Family, and to make you pure and immaculate\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 33: 33]. This description has been used for few groups of people in the Holy Quran. The Ahlul Bayt\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s understanding and knowledge lies in their divine purity. Well, this purity has many dimensions. If a group of people associate themselves with the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.), they should observe certain criteria. This is what we want to say: these groups should observe certain criteria. The efforts of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) revolved around these pivots- first, reviving the original teachings of Islam. They wanted to keep Islamic principles alive. Oppressive governments and taghuts always tried to destroy or change and distort Islamic teachings. One of the most important moves of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household was to resist this attempt. They wanted to preserve and revive Islamic teachings. This was one of their tasks.
Another task that the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) did was to implement divine laws. They did so whether during the time when they ruled or during the time when they were removed from government. Their efforts were focused on implementing divine laws in society. This was another task. Another task that they carried out was to engage in jihad in the way of God. You read in the ziarat of the Imams, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I testify that you strove [jihad] in the way of God, such a striving is due to him.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" This means that they did not show any negligence in fighting in the way of God. They engaged in jihad in the way of God with all their power and capability. This was another task.
An important part of this jihad - which is a separate chapter in itself - was fighting against oppression and oppressors. The lives of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (a.s.) were imbued with fighting against oppression and oppressors. The reason behind all those pressures and poisoning attempts and all that martyrdom was this- they fought against oppression and oppressors. This is the life of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household. Now, we want to be their followers. Therefore, we should observe these things. These things should be observed. We should promote Islamic teachings. We should consider implementing divine laws as one of our goals. We should engage in jihad in the way of God with all our power. We should fight against oppressors. We should fight against and confront oppressors. This is our responsibility.
Well, jihad is not confined to a military war. Jihad includes all kinds of fighting, ranging from cultural to political and economic fighting. All these kinds of fighting are included in jihad. Our minds should not only switch to a military war. Sometimes, it is possible that a military war breaks out, but jihad is not only this.
In our opinion, today, the manifestation of jihad for us Muslims and followers of the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household is fighting against the plots of arrogance in this Islamic region. Today, this is the greatest form of jihad. We should fight against the plots of arrogance. First, we should identify these plots and study the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s thoughts so that we know what he is going to do. After that, we should plan on how we want to fight against his goals. And this is not confined to defense. Fighting includes both defense and offense. Sometimes, it is necessary for us to adopt a defensive position and sometimes, it is necessary to adopt an offensive position. In both cases, the goal is fighting against the plans of arrogance - which is the main enemy - in the region.
This fighting should take place in the entire Islamic region - particularly in this region which is West Asia. The Europeans insist on referring to this region as the Middle East region. In other words, they locate east on the basis of Europe. To them, a region is Far East, another is Middle East and another region is Near East. Because of the Europeans\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' arrogance, this region has been called, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the Middle East\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" from the beginning. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The Middle East\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is a wrong name. This is West Asia. This is Asia - a large continent - and we are in West Asia. This region is a very sensitive region. It is a very important region in terms of strategy, military power, important underground resources and connection between three continents - Asia, Europe and Africa. It is an important region for which they have certain plans. We should see what these plans are and then we should confront them. This is jihad. The Holy Quran says to us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"And strive hard in the way of Allah, such a striving is due to Him\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 22: 78]. Today, this is jihad in the way of God.
Hatching plots against the world of Islam and this region in particular is not a new development. Since many years ago - since 100 years ago: since World War I until today - this region has been exposed to many pressures by arrogant powers. One day, it was England, one day it was America and one day it was France. It is 100 years or more now that arrogant powers have been pursuing their goals here. However, these pressures, plans and plots have been reinforced since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. This is because the victory of Islam in an important, great and sensitive country like Iran was confusing for arrogance. In the beginning, they lost the power to analyze events. We used to pursue events and we were witness to this. In the beginning, they were confused. Later on, when they collected themselves, they began to exert pressure and the pivot of this pressure was the Islamic Republic of Iran. First, they focused their efforts on preventing this experience from being repeated in other countries. They were after this. This was why they thought of increasing pressures on Iran. It is 35 years now that we have gotten used to the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s pressures. The people of Iran have gotten used to pressures. It is 35 years now that we have been facing threats, sanctions, security pressures, different political plots and all kinds of pressures.
This began with the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. However, after the emergence of Islamic Awakening - that began four, five years ago in North African countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and other African countries - the enemies increased their pressures. That is to say, the enemy became anxious and uneasy in the real sense of the word. They adopted many measures that are continuing in the present time. Of course, they think that they have suppressed Islamic Awakening, but this humble person believes that Islamic Awakening is not suppressible. Although they have adopted some measures, this movement exists and it will find its true position sooner or later. In any case, they have increased their efforts in the recent years. They have adopted many measures and they have brought new elements into the equation.
The enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plans are based on two things. First, I will tell you that when we say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" we do not refer to an imaginary and fictional creature. By \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" we mean global arrogance and arrogant powers: powers whose existence depends on dominating others, interfering in their affairs and possessing their financial and vital resources. These are arrogant powers or in other words, the leaders of global arrogance. We have a term in our political literature which is global arrogance. It means the division of the world into \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the oppressor\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the oppressed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". This is global arrogance. Those who are the leaders of this system are enemies.
If we want to give an example of who this enemy is in the outside world, we should refer to the regime of the United States of America. This regime is the epitome of global arrogance. Of course, others are part of global arrogance as well, but the clearest and the most obvious example is the regime of the United States of America. It knows nothing about human morality and it is not ashamed of committing any crime - of any nature. It covers these crimes, pressures and violent acts behind its smiles and its good and beautiful words. The manifestation of global arrogance is this regime. Therefore, when we say, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", it means this.
This enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan in the region is mainly based on two things. Of course, it has many branches, but these are the main two. One is creating discord and the second it exerting influence. This is the basis of the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan in the region. They want to create discord between governments and - after that - between nations which is more dangerous than discord between governments. They want to make peoples bear grudge against each other and establish biased groups with different names. One day, it was \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Iranism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Arabism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"pan-Turkism\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and other such orientations and today, it is the issue of Shia and Sunni, takfirism and other such things. They create discord with anything they can. This is only item of their measures and they are working on it in a very serious way. Of course, the English were the first experts of this measure. They have expertise in creating religious discord. The Americans have learned this from them and they are working on it today with all their power.
All the takfiri groups that you see are their handicraft. Of course, we have been saying this for several years, but some people had doubts. Today, the Americans themselves are acknowledging this. They are acknowledging that it was they who created DAESH, al-Nusra Front and other takfiri groups. A bunch of simple-minded - although sincere - Muslims were deceived by them. This is the important point. What is very instructive to us and what we should pay attention to is that sometimes well-intentioned individuals work inside the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan because of lack of vigilance. This has happened. One clear example of this is the issue of Syria. When taghuti governments were overthrown in Tunisia and Egypt with Islamic slogans, all of a sudden the Americans and the Zionists decided to use this formula for destroying resistant governments and countries. Therefore, they turned to Syria and as a result, a group of simple-minded and naïve individuals became the target of this plan. They made Syria reach the current situation. It is four, five years now that Syria has been experiencing this tumultuous situation and it is not clear when it will come to an end.
This was what the enemy did and simple-minded individuals were incorporated in this plan. They filled in the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s puzzle. This happens in many cases. It was they who created takfiri groups. It was they who created thuggish and violent groups and set them on the Islamic Ummah. They pretend that this is a denominational war. I will tell you that the conflicts that they are trying to label as denominational conflicts in Iraq, Syria and other countries are not denominational at all. They are of a political nature. The war in Yemen is a political war, not a religious one. They falsely claim that the issue is about Shia and Sunni while this is not the case. Some of those people who are losing their children, women, infants and their hospitals and schools in Yemen under the bombardment of the Saudis are Shafi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'i and some of them are Zaidi . So, the issue is not about Shia and Sunni. The conflict is a political conflict, the conflict between policies. Today, they are creating such a situation in the region. It was they who created discord.
We should try to eliminate these differences and conflicts. We have said to everyone in an outspoken way that we extend the hand of friendship to all regional and Muslim governments. We have no problems with Muslim governments. Of course in the present time, our relations with many of our neighbors are already friendly and brotherly. The countries to the north, south, east and west of the Islamic Republic of Iran have good relations with us. Of course, some countries - near and far away - have certain differences with us. They behave in an obstinate way and show malevolence. This exists as well, but our principle is based on establishing good relations with neighboring countries, governments and - particularly - peoples. Our country has very good relations with peoples.
Of course, we believe that we should be committed to principles. We say that principles should be preserved. It was with commitment to principles that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) managed to achieve victory, preserve the Revolution and give stability to the Islamic Republic. He was committed to principles. One of these principles is \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"They are strong against unbelievers, compassionate amongst each other\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 48: 29]. This is one of the principles. We do not make peace with our enemies - with arrogance - and we do not show enmity towards our Muslim brothers, rather we behave in a friendly and brotherly manner towards them because we believe that we should be \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"strong against unbelievers, compassionate amongst each other.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
This is the lesson of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). This is the clear line of the Islamic Republic. In supporting the oppressed, we do not look, have not looked and will not look at the other side\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s religion and denomination. This is our magnanimous Imam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (r.a.) guideline. Imam behaved towards Shia resistance in Lebanon in the same way that he behaved towards Sunni resistance in Palestine. He behaved towards them without any difference. We supported our brothers in Lebanon in the same way that we supported our brothers in Gaza without any difference. The former were Sunnis and the latter were Shias. The main issue for us is defending Islamic identity and supporting the oppressed. The main issue for us is the issue of Palestine which is the main issue for Muslims in the present time. This is the main issue for us.
We behave in the same way towards our enemies. Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) fought against Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who was apparently a Shia. Likewise, he fought against Saddam Hussein who was apparently a Sunni. Of course, the former was not a true Shia and the latter was not a true Sunni either. Both of them were separate from Islam, but the former was apparently a Shia and the latter was apparently a Sunni. Imam (r.a.) fought against them in the same way. Therefore, the issue for us is not the issue of Sunni, Shia, denominational bias and other such things. The issue is the issue of Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s principles: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Be an enemy of the oppressor and helper of the oppressed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [Nahjul Balaghah, Letter 47]. This is Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s command. This is our path. This is our line.
Intensifying discord in the world of Islam is forbidden. We are opposed to the behavior of some Shia groups, as it leads to discord. We have said outspokenly that we are opposed to insulting the holy beliefs of Sunnis. Some people from both sides intensify and fuel the fire of enmities. Many of them have good intentions, but they do not have foresight. Foresight is necessary. We should see what the enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan is. The enemy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s first plan is creating discord and his second plan is exerting influence. They want to have decade-long influence in Islamic and regional countries. Today in the region, America does not enjoy the reputation that it did in the past and therefore, it wants to retrieve it. They have the same intention in our country. They have the same intention in Iran. They thought that they could use the nuclear negotiations to exert influence inside our country. Now, the fate of this nuclear agreement is not clear either in Iran or in America. It is not clear whether it will be approved or not in both countries. They wanted to use it as a means to exert influence in our country, but we blocked their path and we will definitely block their path in the future as well [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"].
We will not allow the Americans to have economic or political influence in our country, nor will we allow them to have a political presence and cultural influence in our country. We will confront them with all our power which is thankfully great in the present time. The same is true of the region. In the region too, they want to exert influence, have an excuse to show their presence and pursue their goals. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor and grace, we will do our best to prevent this. Our policies in the region are the exact opposite of the Americans. The territorial integrity of regional countries is very important to us. The territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria is very important to us. On the contrary, they are after dismembering these countries. I have said before that the Americans are after dismembering Iraq, but some people expressed surprise. Recently, the Americans themselves have acknowledged that they are after dismembering Iraq. They want to dismembering Iraq. If they can, they want to dismember Syria as well.
Their purpose of doing this is to create small and obedient countries, but by Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor and grace, this will not happen [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]. We will defend the Resistance in the region. We will defend the Palestinian Resistance which is one of the most prominent chapters in the history of the Islamic Ummah throughout these years. We will defend this group. We will support anyone who fights against Israel, who condemns the Zionist regime and who approves of the Palestinian Resistance. We will offer all kinds of support, within the scope of our capabilities, to such people. We will offer all kinds of possible support to anyone who confronts the Zionist regime. We will support the Resistance. We will support the territorial integrity of countries. We will support all those individuals who resist the divisive policies of America. We confront all those people who create discord.
We do not approve of the kind of Shia whose headquarters are in London [audience chant \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Allahu Akbar\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"] because it is not the kind of Shia that the Holy Prophet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s household (greetings be upon them) promoted. The kind of Shia that is based on creating discord and on clearing the road for the presence of the enemies of Islam is not real Shia, rather it is deviation. Shia is the epitome of original Islam and the Holy Quran. We will support all those people who help unity and we will oppose all those who act against unity. We will support all the oppressed. We will not leave the arena just because they say that we interfered in the affairs of Bahrain and other countries. We did not interfere at all, but we will support them. We feel for the oppressed people of Bahrain and Yemen. We pray for them and we will offer any kind of help we can.
Today, the people of Yemen are really oppressed. They are destroying a country just because of some arrogant and political polices which are pursued in a foolish manner. They could have pursued political goals in a different manner, but they are pursuing them foolishly. The events of Yemen and many other events in the world of Islam - in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other such countries - are really painful for us. And these events are too many and they are really painful. The world of Islam should cure such problems with vigilance and foresight.
As for the Islamic Radio and Television Union, I want to say that this union is very important. The task that you have begun - that is to say, establishing this union - is a very important task. Notice that in the present time, at least 70, 80 percent of the people in Muslim countries are committed to religious principles and beliefs. If you take a look at Islamic countries, you will see that the people are committed to and believe in their religion. To what extent are the radio and television networks in such countries - which should be the representatives of the people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s wishes and demands - committed to religion? There is a shocking gap and rift. Seventy, eighty percent of the people are religious, but radio and television networks in such countries do not move in a religious direction and they do not reflect the people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s demands. This is very strange. They reflect the same things that the dangerous media empire of arrogance wants. Today, arrogance has created a great media empire. They distort and cover up news and they tell lies. This way, they promote their policies. This is while they constantly say that they take an impartial position. The English radio claims that it is impartial, but they are lying. They are not impartial at all. They move in the exact direction of arrogant and colonialist policies - whether American or English policies.
Audio and print media, news agencies and the complicated means of mass communication that exist today are all at the service of their policies. They are at the service of arrogance, Zionism and their goals. We should do something in the face of this dangerous empire and this large media mafia that is in the hands of American and Zionist capitalists and cartels. What you are doing is the beginning of a movement and therefore, it should be pursued and strengthened on a daily basis. You should bring your partners and colleagues into the arena as well.
By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, a good future is awaiting us. I will tell you that despite the boastful behavior of arrogance and the great efforts that arrogance and its allies and followers are carrying out in financial, military, political and security areas, the future belongs to Islam in the region and in the entire world of Islam. By Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favor, Islam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s dignity and power will increase on a daily basis. Of course, it is necessary to show diligence. Thankfully, there are many mujahid men, women and youth in the entire world of Islam. Therefore, we should appreciate their value and we should use our slogans, our moves, our words and our activities in this direction. If we do so, Allah the Exalted will definitely help: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"If you help the cause of Allah, He will help you and make firm your feet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7].
Greetings be upon you and Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s mercy and blessings
[29 Nov 2015] Common Worry - Supreme Leader slams West’s support for...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the...
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
To the Youth in Western Countries,
The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people. For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to create the framework for a conversation, however the truth is that if painful matters do not create the grounds for finding solutions and mutual consultation, then the damage caused will be multiplied.
The pain of any human being anywhere in the world causes sorrow for a fellow human being. The sight of a child losing his life in the presence of his loved ones, a mother whose joy for her family turns into mourning, a husband who is rushing the lifeless body of his spouse to some place and the spectator who does not know whether he will be seeing the final scene of life- these are scenes that rouse the emotions and feelings of any human being. Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
Without a doubt, the one-and-a-half billion Muslims also have these feelings and abhor and are revolted by the perpetrators and those responsible for these calamities. The issue, however, is that if today’s pain is not used to build a better and safer future, then it will just turn into bitter and fruitless memories. I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship, have the power to discover new means for building the future and who can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
Anyone who has benefited from affection and humanity is affected and disturbed by witnessing these scenes- whether it occurs in France or in Palestine or Iraq or Lebanon or Syria.
It is correct that today terrorism is our common worry. However it is necessary for you to know that the insecurity and strain that you experienced during the recent events, differs from the pain that the people of Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have been experiencing for many years, in two significant ways. First, the Islamic world has been the victim of terror and brutality to a larger extent territorially, to greater amount quantitatively and for a longer period in terms of time. Second, that unfortunately this violence has been supported by certain great powers through various methods and effective means.
Today, there are very few people who are uninformed about the role of the United States of America in creating, nurturing and arming al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their inauspicious successors. Besides this direct support, the overt and well-known supporters of takfiri terrorism- despite having the most backward political systems- are standing arrayed as allies of the west while the most pioneering, brightest and most dynamic democrats in the region are suppressed mercilessly. The prejudiced response of the west to the awakening movement in the Islamic world is an illustrative example of the contradictory western policies.
I genuinely believe that it is only you youth who by learning the lessons of today’s hardship can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.
The other side of these contradictory policies is seen in supporting the state terrorism of Israel. The oppressed people of Palestine have experienced the worst kind of terrorism for the last sixty years. If the people of Europe have now taken refuge in their homes for a few days and refrain from being present in busy places- it is decades that a Palestinian family is not secure even in its own home from the Zionist regime’s death and destruction machinery. What kind of atrocious violence today is comparable to that of the settlement constructions of the Zionists regime?
This regime- without ever being seriously and significantly censured by its influential allies or even by the so-called independent international organizations- everyday demolishes the homes of Palestinians and destroys their orchards and farms. This is done without even giving them time to gather their belongings or agricultural products and usually it is done in front of the terrified and tear-filled eyes of women and children who witness the brutal beatings of their family members who in some cases are being dragged away to gruesome torture chambers. In today’s world, do we know of any other violence on this scale and scope and for such an extended period of time?
Shooting down a woman in the middle of the street for the crime of protesting against a soldier who is armed to the teeth- if this is not terrorism, what is? This barbarism, because it is being done by the armed forces of an occupying government, should not be called extremism? Or maybe only because these scenes have been seen repeatedly on television screens for sixty years, they should no longer stir our consciences.
The military invasions of the Islamic world in recent years- with countless victims- are another example of the contradictory logic of the west. The assaulted countries, in addition to the human damage caused, have lost their economic and industrial infrastructure, their movement towards growth and development has been stopped or delayed and in some cases, has been thrown back decades. Despite all this, they are rudely being asked not to see themselves as oppressed. How can a country be turned into ruins, have its cities and towns covered in dust and then be told that it should please not view itself as oppressed? Instead of enticements to not understand and to not mention disasters, would not an honest apology be better? The pain that the Islamic world has suffered in these years from the hypocrisy and duplicity of the invaders is not less than the pain from the material damage.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.
Dear youth! I have the hope that you- now or in the future- can change this mentality corrupted by duplicity, a mentality whose highest skill is hiding long-term goals and adorning malevolent objectives. In my opinion, the first step in creating security and peace is reforming this violence-breeding mentality. Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good” and “bad” types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.
Unfortunately, these roots have taken hold in the depths of western political culture over the course of many years and they have caused a soft and silent invasion. Many countries of the world take pride in their local and national cultures, cultures which through development and regeneration have soundly nurtured human societies for centuries. The Islamic world is not an exception to this. However in the current era, the western world with the use of advanced tools is insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. I consider the imposition of western culture upon other peoples and the trivialization of independent cultures as a form of silent violence and extreme harmfulness.
Humiliating rich cultures and insulting the most honored parts of these, is occurring while the alternative culture being offered in no way has any qualification for being a replacement. For example, the two elements of “aggression” and “moral promiscuity” which unfortunately have become the main elements of western culture, has even degraded the position and acceptability of its source region.
So now the question is: are we “sinners” for not wanting an aggressive, vulgar and fatuous culture? Are we to be blamed for blocking the flood of impropriety that is directed towards our youth in the shape of various forms of quasi-art? I do not deny the importance and value of cultural interaction. Whenever these interactions are conducted in natural circumstances and with respect for the receiving culture, they result in growth, development and richness. On the contrary, inharmonious interactions have been unsuccessful and harmful impositions.
We have to state with full regret that vile groups such as DAESH are the spawn of such ill-fated pairings with imported cultures. If the matter was simply theological, we would have had to witness such phenomena before the colonialist era, yet history shows the contrary. Authoritative historical records clearly show how colonialist confluence of extremist and rejected thoughts in the heart of a Bedouin tribe, planted the seed of extremism in this region. How then is it possible that such garbage as DAESH comes out of one of the most ethical and humane religious schools who as part of its inner core, includes the notion that taking the life of one human being is equivalent to killing the whole humanity?
One has to ask why people who are born in Europe and who have been intellectually and mentally nurtured in that environment are attracted to such groups? Can we really believe that people with only one or two trips to war zones, suddenly become so extreme that they can riddle the bodies of their compatriots with bullets? On this matter, we certainly cannot forget about the effects of a life nurtured in a pathologic culture in a corrupt environment borne out of violence. On this matter, we need complete analyses, analyses that see the hidden and apparent corruptions. Maybe a deep hate- planted in the years of economic and industrial growth and borne out of inequality and possibly legal and structural prejudice- created ideas that every few years appear in a sickening manner.
Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
In any case, you are the ones that have to uncover the apparent layers of your own society and untie and disentangle the knots and resentments. Fissures have to be sealed, not deepened. Hasty reactions is a major mistake when fighting terrorism which only widens the chasms. Any rushed and emotional reaction which would isolate, intimidate and create more anxiety for the Muslim communities living in Europe and America- which are comprised of millions of active and responsible human beings- and which would deprive them of their basic rights more than has already happened and which would drive them away from society- not only will not solve the problem but will increase the chasms and resentments.
Superficial measures and reactions, especially if they take legal forms, will do nothing but increase the current polarizations, open the way for future crises and will result in nothing else. According to reports received, some countries in Europe have issued guidelines encouraging citizens to spy on Muslims. This behavior is unjust and we all know that pursuing injustice has the characteristic of unwanted reversibility. Besides, the Muslims do not deserve such ill-treatment. For centuries, the western world has known Muslims well- the day that westerners were guests in Islamic lands and were attracted to the riches of their hosts and on another day when they were hosts and benefitted from the efforts and thoughts of Muslims- they generally experienced nothing but kindness and forbearance.
Therefore I want you youth to lay the foundations for a correct and honorable interaction with the Islamic world based on correct understanding, deep insight and lessons learned from horrible experiences. In such a case and in the not too distant future, you will witness the edifice built on these firm foundations which creates a shade of confidence and trust which cools the crown of its architect, a warmth of security and peace that it bequests on them and a blaze of hope in a bright future which illuminates the canvass of the earth.
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
8th of Azar, 1394 - 29th of Nov, 2015
kids islamic stories | Adl | Justice of Allah | Part 1 | Attributes of...
►kids islamic stories | Adl | Justice of Allah | Part 1 | Attributes of God | muslim || kaz school
►kids islamic stories | Adl | Justice of Allah | Part 1 | Attributes of God | muslim || kaz school
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[ Friday Khutba] Equality of Man in Islam; The Message of Hajj - Maulana...
- Importance of pondering over why Allah(s.w.t) wants us to go all the way to Makkah for hajj.
- Explanation of Aayat 97 of Surah Aale...
- Importance of pondering over why Allah(s.w.t) wants us to go all the way to Makkah for hajj.
- Explanation of Aayat 97 of Surah Aale Imran where Allah(s.w.t) mentions how it is a duty for a Muslim to go for hajj if he has the ability to do so.
- Once the Kaaba’s walls were erected, Allah(s.w.t) asked Prophet Ibrahim to call people for hajj so that they could witness the benefits for themselves.
- There are many benefits when we go for Hajj.
- Getting to network and meet other business traders from around the world.
- The most important benefits are the spiritual and social dimensions of Hajj.
- Hajj is a powerful way of recognizing who we are.
- We shed away all the artificial identities that we have whether it applies to our clothing or political and economic status.
- Everyone is dressed in 2 pieces of Ehram (white cloth) which is a dress that does not belong to any other nation.
- Realizing that no matter what race, colour, ethnicity background or status in society we come from, we are all just servants of Allah(s.w.t) and nothing else.
- Islam does not say that you should not love people of your own tribe, culture or language. Infact, that is part of our innate nature.
- Islam is against discrimination and prejudice amongst the believers on the basis of race, colour, culture or language.
- According to the 4th Imam we will be accountable in the eyes of Allah (s.w.t) when we start preferring our own kind even if they are evil over the righteous ones from another tribe.
- “Asabiya” (discrimanation/bias) is when you support your own people even if they are unjust and wrong.
- Mention of the words of Malcom X, on the impact that hajj had on him from a letter that he wrote to his wife.
- Islam is a religion that is colour-blind and is our identity as part of a global Ummah (nation).
- Inspite of millions of Muslims going for hajj, we don’t see any changes when it comes to unity and equality amongst believers.
- Example of the way the rich gulf state treats Muslims from other nations.
- This attitude still present amongst those known as the custodians of the “haramayn”.
- “Mawali” is the plural of the word “mawla” which means slave or client.
- In the pre Islamic era, a foreigner would not have security for himself, his life and his property unless he would be affiliated with a local tribe. He would be a “mawla” of the tribe.
- Islam abolished this but it was later revived again. Only the school of the Ahlulbayt opposed this concept.
- The “mawalis” were attracted to the Ahlulbayt because they did not differentiate between Arab or non Arab, master or slave and rich or poor.
- Narration of a story from the life of Imam Ali Raza (a.s) of when he asked all the workers and slaves to join him and eat dinner together.
- Mention of all the Imams whose mothers were from different parts of the world. 4 of them being from the African continent.
- Molana Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi was the pioneer in tabligh among the African people.
- Today Bilal Muslim mission is the pride of the community while it was not the case in the early days.
British Shiaism II | The Lady Of Heaven | BACKFIRE | English
The “Lady of Heaven” is a $15 million-budget British film written by Yassir Habib, which has confused a number of the believers, who are...
The “Lady of Heaven” is a $15 million-budget British film written by Yassir Habib, which has confused a number of the believers, who are asking: is the film a good thing or a bad thing? Taking advantage of this confusion, Ammar Nakshawani has taken to the pulpit to express his full support for this film – adding further fuel to the fire of fitnah.
UK-born Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder explains why the \\\"Lady Of Heaven\\\" movie is more dangerous than ISIS and unveils the plots of the British regime, which has historically targeted Shia and Sunni Islam through the creation of deviant sects. Key puppets of this plot today are Yassir Habib and Ammar Nakshawani, while there are numerous other individuals as well.
Please note that Islamic Pulse is proud to follow the Shia School of Thought and we adhere vigilantly to the Pure Muhammadan Islam of the Quran and Ahlulbayt (A). While we do not, (and never will) follow the first, second or third Caliphs, we believe firmly that it is Islamically forbidden [haram] to insult and abuse those who are revered by Sunnis. Those who claim to be Shia but engage in insulting and abusing the revered sunni personalities are either ill-informed or working for an agenda.
*DISCLAIMER* We are sorry to have to show some of the foul things stated by Yassir Habib and Ammar Nakshawani. It is because of the dire need to explain what is going on that we have been forced to showcase some examples of the rhetoric of British Shiaism in order to get the message across.
We pray that this BACKFIRE will end the confusion for many and make crystal clear the agenda behind the sinister efforts of #BritishShiaism, which is a clear instance of deviated innovation.
The Prophet (S) said, “When deviant innovations arise in my community, the scholar must display his knowledge; and those who do not do this deserve the curse of Allah.” [al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 54, no. 2]
We consider it our duty as students of the Islamic seminary of Qom to expose the deviation which is taking place and warn the believers to recognize it and disassociate from it. Who is funding, protecting and promoting #BritishShiaism? Why has Nakshawani gone against the sentiments and clear instructions of the honorable Marjas of today? How far has Ammar Nakshawani actually fallen from the pure, original message of Islam and the Shia School of Thought?
To put things in proper context, please make sure that you have seen these vital videos available at Islamic Pulse:
\\\"British Shi\\\'ism Exposed | The Shirazis, \\\"Imam\\\" Tawhidi, Yassir Habib, Allayari | BACKFIRE\\\"
\\\"BISKIT | What the heck is Islamic Unity?\\\"
\\\"What\\\'s the FUSS between SHIAS & SUNNIS? | BISKIT\\\"
#BACKFIRE #IslamicUnity #Brotherhood #Respect #Love #Tolerance #Quran #Ahlulbayt #Sunni #Shia #BISKIT #BritishShiaism #ImamKhamenei #AyatollahSistani #AyatollahAraki #Marjas #Sectarianism #DivideAndRule #OneUmmah
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What Is Allah's Universal Project of Towheed? | IP Talk Show | English
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless...
Our condolences to all the believers, all across the world, wherever they are, upon the holy months of Muharram and Safar.
This year, countless millions across the world once again proudly commemorated the mission of Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A) and most eagerly mourned over the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A), and his family members and companions who accompanied his eminence into the divine hands of martyrdom as they stood up for Truth and Justice against the overwhelming forces of evil and falsehood.
And once again, millions of people from all over the world gathered around the pivot of Imam Husayn (A) on the Day of Arbaeen, commemorating the 40th day after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A).
Yet, what is the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
And what was the project that was ordained upon all the previous Messenger, and up to the Prophet Muhammad (S) and the divinely appointed Imams (A)?
How does the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A) play a role in this project?
What is one of the things that is achieved when we attend the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A)?
What is the ultimate culmination of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
And what role does the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic play in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
And likewise, what role do the righteous scholars such as Imam Khomeini (R) and Imam Khamenei play in the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
What is the personality of the righteous religious scholars when they are the true followers of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
What does Imam Khomeini (R) say about the behaviors of Prophet Isa (A) and Prophet Musa (A) as regards to the Taghut of their own times?
If the other Prophets (A) of the past or the other Imams (A) had been faced with the situation of Imam Husayn (A), how would have they behaved?
And what happens when a person is corrupt or misguided and then tries to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'create\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' knowledge; whether it be scientific, philosophical, or religious?
What role does the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution play when it comes to the reappearance of the 12th Imam (A)?
And will the actions of the 12th Imam (A) be a mere conglomeration of miracles?
How is Wali al-Faqih and the Islamic Republic\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s system in accordance with the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Project of Towheed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'?
And finally, if the Islamic Republic was a person, how would it compare to the other systems of the world?
In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Sayyid Agha Ali Raza from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to help explain and answer for us, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"What Is Allah\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Universal Project of Towheed?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
Salutations be upon Husayn!
Salutations be upon Ali ibne Husayn!
Salutations be upon the children of Husayn!
Salutations be upon the companions of Husayn!
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Mohammad #Ali #Fatima #Hasan #Husayn #Muharram #Safar #Ashura #Karbala #Martyrdom #Sacrifice #Shahadat #Martyr #TheAwaitedOne #Mahdi #Imam #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Justice #Rghteousness #Freedom #Independence #WhoIsHusayn #Zaynab #Arbaeen #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Imam Khomeini #Khomeini #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #WilayatFaqih #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut #D2A #D2i #Zionist #Yazeed #Shimr
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Fatima Zahra (A), Jihad al-Tabyiin, And The System of Wilayah |...
What exactly is Jihade Tabyiin?
What is the Jihade Tabyiin of lady Fatima Zahra (A) and how can she be considered a perfect role model...
What exactly is Jihade Tabyiin?
What is the Jihade Tabyiin of lady Fatima Zahra (A) and how can she be considered a perfect role model for Jihade Tabyiin?
How does Jihade Tabyiin work in reference to the system of Wilayah, and how are they related to one another?
What are the two natural results of Jihade Tabyiin?
And can we, in the present-day, run away from the duty of Jihade Tabyiin?
What is the overall framework, and organizational and hierarchical structure for Jihade Tabyiin?
How is Jihad under the system of Wilayah similar to an orchestra?
Was the Jihade Tabyiin of lady Fatima Zahra (A) under the guidance of the system of Wilayah?
What are the different manifestations of Jihade Tabyiin that are seen in the life of lady Fatima Zahra (A)?
What are just some of the criteria that should be present in a Leader, criteria that were shown to us by lady Fatima Zahra (A)?
And how is Wilayat al-Faqih, liberal democracy, and the communist system related to our discussion?
What was the point of contention after the demise of the Messenger of Allah (S), as regards to his (S) successorship?
What are some of the criteria for the Wali al-Faqih in the system of Wilayat al-Faqih, according to the consensus, who is this Wali al-Faqih in the present-day?
Who is the very fountain-head for the struggle of Wilayah and to keep in tact, the system of Wilayah?
Finally, what is the beautiful connection between lady \\\\\\\"Fatima Zahra (A), Jihad al-Tabyiin, And The System of Wilayah\\\\\\\"?
In order to answer these questions and more, we decided to humbly invite Sayyid Agha Ali Raza from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and speak to us about her eminence, lady \\\\\\\"Fatima Zahra (A), Jihad al-Tabyiin, And The System of Wilayah\\\\\\\".
Our condolences to the believers, all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the Lady of Light, lady Fatima binte Muhammad (A).
#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Fatima #Zahra #FatimaZahra #Martydom #Messenger #Shahadat #Prophet #Muhammad #Muslims #Islam #Wilayate #AhlulBayt #Quran #Fadak #Imamate #UmmeAbiha #Fatimiyyah #Batool #Insiya #Haura #Siddiqa #Tahera #Shaheedah #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Faqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin
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Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England | IP Talk Show | English
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode we\\\'re talking about \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\" and...
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.
In this episode we\\\'re talking about \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\" and some of the various issues revolving around it.
What is a general background of the Islamic Center of England and what was the vision for establishing the Islamic Center of England?
What are just a few of the charitable efforts and social works that the Islamic Center of England performed on a regular basis for the local community?
And were the charitable efforts of and the social works done by the Islamic Center of England limited to just the Shia Muslims of Britain?
What are some examples of the widespread scope of the charitable and social efforts of the Islamic Center of England for the British Muslim and non-Muslim community at large?
What is the Islamic Center of England\\\'s stance when it comes to the system of Wilayat al-Faqih and how do we see that it played a role in \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\"?
Did the Islamic Center of England do something that was \\\'illegal\\\' under British law that led to \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\"?
Is it \\\'illegal\\\' to speak about Shaheed Qasem Soleimani, and on the other hand, was the assassination of Shaheed Qasem Soleimani by the United States of America a legal action when considering international law?
What does the issue of supporting Palestine and the al-Quds Day rally have to do with \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\"?
What role does \\\'freedom of speech\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' and \\\'freedom of religion\\\' play in this discussion of \\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\"?
What is an interesting personal experience related by Shaykh Mustafa Araki which is related to the hypocrisy and double-standards of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'freedom of speech\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' in Britain?
What does \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" have to do with the issue of promoting and encouraging a state-sponsored version of Islam?
Is \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" an issue that is limited to Shia Muslims or even just to Muslims; or is it much wider and far reaching in scope?
What should the Muslim community in Britain, the Muslim community in general, and the people who defend righteous values do in order to resolve the issue of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"?
And ultimately, what are some of the most probable motives for \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"?
To answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Mustafa Araki and Shaykh Ali Qomi to discuss with us \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Shutting Down The Islamic Center of England\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\".
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Allah #Muslims #Shia #Islam #Quran #Politics #Religion #Secularism #Resistance #Taghut #Zionism #Falsehood #Truth #Justice #ImamKhamenei #Imam #ImamKhomeini #Soleimani #ICE #IslamicCenterofEngland #CharityCommission #Charity #FreedomOfSpeech #Liberty #UnitedKingdom #UK #GreatBritain #IslamicCenter #Masjid #Mosque #Freedom #Wilayate #AhlulBayt #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #Media #SoftWar #Al-Quds #Quds #Palestine #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness
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