[Press TV taken off air in the UK] How to watch Press TV in UK - Jan 20,...
Press TV viewers in the UK can continue to watch the news channel via the following satellites or by visiting the following websites despite the...
Press TV viewers in the UK can continue to watch the news channel via the following satellites or by visiting the following websites despite the British Office of Communications (Ofcom) removing the channel from the Sky platform.
You can watch Press TV broadcast from anywhere in the world by visiting the following websites:
· Press TV watch live services (Worldwide)
· Zattoo (Internet platform and IPTV. Supports PC, MAC, Linux and all tablet PCs and smartphones) (UK)
· OHTV Box (Internet Set-top box) (Worldwide)
· Roku Box (Internet Set-top box) (Worldwide) (Available in UK from January 2012)
Livestation (Internet platform. Supports PC MAC, Linux and all tablet PCs and smartphones)
You could also view our broadcast through the following satellites:
Hot Bird 8 (13E)
Eurobird 1 (28.5E)
[05 August 13] PRESS TV EXCLUSIVE: Syrian army search operations in...
Outskirts of Qatana --the main city in the south western countryside of Damascus-- was one of the strong-points for the foreign-backed militants...
Outskirts of Qatana --the main city in the south western countryside of Damascus-- was one of the strong-points for the foreign-backed militants which was cleared from insurgents more than six months ago and is still in control of the government forces.
Press TV\\\'s Alaa Ebrahim escorted units of the Syrian army as they carried out search operations in the fields they cleared from insurgents.
Comment with Ken Livingstone - BBC attack on Press TV, Events in Tunisia...
The main topic talked over in this edition of Press TV's Comment is BBC's attack on Press TV. The BBC, ITV and the Evening Standard have launched...
The main topic talked over in this edition of Press TV's Comment is BBC's attack on Press TV. The BBC, ITV and the Evening Standard have launched attacks on Ken Livingstone for presenting Epilogue on Press TV. Both the BBC and ITV had contributions from the head of the British Zionist Federation on the program.
Events in Tunisia and Tony Blair's refusal to hand over to the Iraq war inquiry and his letters to President George Bush in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq are among the other issues Derek Conway and the callers talk about