Tehran Hosts Gaza Conference - Summary of Speech of Saieed Jalili -...
Dr Saieed Jalili, the Secretary of the Iranian National Security Council gave a speech at the Tehran Gaza Conference. This is a summary of his...
Dr Saieed Jalili, the Secretary of the Iranian National Security Council gave a speech at the Tehran Gaza Conference. This is a summary of his points. Recorded January 23, 2010 @ 1400GMT
World News Summary - 18 February 2010 - Arabic
World News Summary - 18 February 2010 - Arabic from Al Alam Tehran based Arabic news channel
World News Summary - 18 February 2010 - Arabic from Al Alam Tehran based Arabic news channel
World News Summary - 9th March 2010 - English
World News Summary - 9th March 2010 - English presstv
Israel Announces new homes in East Jerusalam - Aghan NATO Attacked - Japan US Secret pact...
World News Summary - 9th March 2010 - English presstv
Israel Announces new homes in East Jerusalam - Aghan NATO Attacked - Japan US Secret pact about Nuclear weapons