My dear Zaynab, can you believe this is Karbala? Agha Ali Raza Panhiyan...
“How can I be separated from you?”
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“How can I be separated from you?”
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May this never happen to you that they tell you that you can’t participate in mourning ceremonies for Husayn (as) anymore. Wouldn’t this be terrible? It is not even imaginable that they stop us from participating in such meetings. But tonight, Zaynab was told that she should give up her Husayn since this is Karbala. You’re not willing to abandon Husayn’s (as) mourning ceremony. But from tonight, Zaynab (as) had to prepare herself to lose Husayn (as). Alas for Zaynab’s heart from tonight.
What was the philosophy behind Imam Husayn’s (as) head being carried along with Zaynab from Karbala to Kufa and Damascus? Maybe it was for Zaynab to be able to slowly detach herself from Husayn (as). Alas for Zaynab’s heart from tonight. [When they reached Karbala,] the Imam (as) asked, “What’s the name of this land?” They replied, “Karbala.” He said, “I seek refuge in God from sorrow (Karb) and tragedy (bala).”
Whenever he talked about Karbala, he would look at Zaynab (as). [It was as if he was saying,] “My Zaynab, this is Karbala. I’m addressing you. We’re going to be separated from each other here. Be ready.” Zaynab (as) would ignore these words and look in a different direction. Aba Abdillah al-Husayn (as) would glance at Zaynab (as), “Did my Zaynab believe this is Karbala? If she had believed it, she would have started wailing. No, she doesn’t believe it. She doesn’t want to accept it.” He would look at his Zaynab caringly.
I talked about this story in the last meeting, and I’m talking about it again now. And I’ll always talk about it. Because it took nine days for Husayn (as) to tell Zaynab (as), “This is Karbala. Believe this.” She ignored this until the evening of Tasu’a when Husayn (as) said, “O world! Woe to you.” When Zaynab (as) heard this, she threw herself in front of Husayn (as), screamed and fainted. “My Husayn, don’t talk about leaving.” “My Zaynab, I have tried to tell you many times that this is Karbala! Why didn’t you want to believe this?” “I can’t tolerate this. Don’t talk about leaving!” This means, “I was trying to ignore the fact that we have been in Karbala during these nine days. No matter how much you said this is Karbala, I tried to keep myself busy and didn’t want to accept it.”
Imam Husayn (as) said, “My Zaynab! My ancestor (the Prophet), father, brother and mother were all better than I am. They all passed away and you were patient.” She replied, “I was able to be patient because you were there. How can I be separated from you?”
May God’s curse be upon the oppressors.
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as)...
Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Detach yourself from this world with Imam Husayn’s (as) elegies.
Agha AliReza Panahiyan
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Abdullah bin Umar met Aba Abdillah al-Husayn (as) in Medina. He said, “I’ve heard you want to go.” “Yes, come with me and help us,” said the Imam. “No, I can’t,” he said. “O Abdullah bin Umar, this world is not worth it. Come with me.” The Imam then told him a reason for him to be able to think correctly. He said, “This world is such that the Children of Israel would behead their prophet at night and live their life comfortably in the morning.” The Imam recited an elegy for one of the beheaded prophets in order to help Abdullah bin Umar lose his infatuation with this world. “This world isn’t worth it. Come with me. It’s a world where such crimes take place.”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? You friends who are mourning for Aba Abdillah al-Husayn and who love him, accept this that we have just started our relationship with Imam Husayn (as). The Imam’s martyrdom has not yet affected us. Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. It’s when you take this elegy seriously on the night of Ashura, “Tonight the king of religion is a guest in her tent. O morning, don’t rise!”
Who can be affected by Aba Abdillah al-Husayn’s (as) martyrdom? The one who has this unusual thought the night before Ashura, “Maybe they won’t kill Husayn (as) tomorrow. Maybe. Could it be possible?” You say, “The story finished 1,400 years ago!” But when one has an intense love, his mind functions like this and is under the influence of his love. When he is told that Husayn, the son of Lady Fatimah, was martyred on the evening of Ashura, his life changes. He’ll live differently from the next day. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
What should hearing Imam Husayn’s elegies do to us? Do you know when his martyrdom will affect us? It’s when we start feeling the same way Zaynab felt when he said goodbye, and she fainted and collapsed. He’ll live differently. “You’re not infatuated with this world anymore?” He replies, “I saw this world is not worth it. They killed Husayn, the son of Fatimah, and I pursue this world?”
[Clip] Have you looked at Ashura from this angle before | Agha Alireza...
Have you looked at Ashura from this angle before
Agha Ali Raza Panahiyan
A cartoonist suddenly changes how you look at a phenomenon. A graphic...
Have you looked at Ashura from this angle before
Agha Ali Raza Panahiyan
A cartoonist suddenly changes how you look at a phenomenon. A graphic artist changes your outlook all at once. A painter changes your outlook all at once. A photographer changes your outlook all at once. A filmmaker or a maker of documentaries change it in another way.
Before artists have a talent in expressing something, painting, or drawing, they have a talent in how they choose to look at things. These eulogies that you enjoy give you a way of looking and say, “Look from this angle.” You cry and enjoy it. The readers of eulogies and those who read very nice poems…
Have you seen their way of looking at these scenes? What beautiful ways there are of looking at these things, which haven’t been used yet. We are so dependent upon art to change our outlook and to help us find a correct outlook. It is very important how artists look at tragedies. Beauty is created from this. Actually, what makes an artist powerful in conveying his or her own view to others is his or her outlook. Sometimes that outlook itself makes a person an artist.
How do you look at Hazrat Sakinah (‘a)? Have you seen that some girls are like this that they are very cheerful, articulate, honest and frank, even though the people around them may be bothered by what they say. They are very inquisitive and restless. They can’t stop themselves from saying what they want. They bring cheer to any meeting. At any gathering, without doing anything bad, they make the gathering warmer.
Hazrat Sakinah (‘a) is the one, who called out when Imam Husayn (‘a) was near the Alqamah Stream, “Where is my uncle Abbas?” Hazrat Sakinah (‘a) is the one, who called out, “Come down Dad,” when he wanted to go. I think the older people were biting their lips and thinking, “Sakinah don’t say that and don’t break your father’s heart.” She said directly, “Dad, can you take us to Medina first and then go into the battlefield?”
Sakinah is the one who came to her aunt Zaynab and said, “Auntie, whose body is this that you are talking to?” Sakinah talked with her father in such a way that Husayn’s cut throat began to answer her. This girl can’t be quieted. Sakinah is a busy, cheerful, active girl.
From what time on was there no longer any news from her? She had this vibrancy all along the way. They whipped this girl so much that they made her quiet. The other women would hide this vibrant girl in the beginning so that these dishonourable men wouldn’t notice this vibrant girl. I think she changed when three-year-old Ruqayah left this world from the ruins. Sakinah, who helped with the children very much, wasn’t seen to be cheerful anymore.
How do you look at Hazrat Sakinah? She was the vibrant girl whom they made quiet and depressed. I haven’t given you any new information! But, when you put these next to each other, you say, “Yes, that’s true!”
What an opportunity these artists have! How they can play with people’s way of seeing things. This is their job, if they want to and have the ability. If they have a correct outlook, and then God gives them the talent, they can change your and my outlook.
There are still opportunities for new stories to be told about Karbala. There are still opportunities for new images to be drawn about Karbala.
Free Yourself This Ramadan | One Minute Wisdom | English
Salutations to all the believers across the world upon the blessed and holy month of Ramadan.
The month in which the holy Quran was revealed,...
Salutations to all the believers across the world upon the blessed and holy month of Ramadan.
The month in which the holy Quran was revealed, the month which is known as the month of Allah, the month of mercy, blessings, and forgiveness.
But according to the Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), what are some of the things that we must remember in this holy month of Ramadan?
And what are some of the things that we should start in the holy month of Ramadan, but do them for forever?
And finally, how do we free ourselves in this holy month of Ramadan?
Sayyid Shahryar explains how you need to \'Free Yourself This Ramadan\' in this \'One Minute Wisdom\'.
And hey, remember, it\'s still not too late to \'Free Yourself This Ramadan\'.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #Ramadan #Ramathan #Qadr #Fasting #Sawm #HolyMonthRamadan #Muslims #Eid
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[Friday Sermon] Using this World without being Its Slave; Ali\'s...
- Minimum wage mandatory raise in the province of Ontario and its reactions within all aspects of society.
- Employees receive higher wages,...
- Minimum wage mandatory raise in the province of Ontario and its reactions within all aspects of society.
- Employees receive higher wages, however some employers cut off other benefits and plans as a result.
- In any country, when the government want to handle their own finances or budgets, it’s always the poor section of the society who suffers the most.
- On the other hand, officials and executives continue living a lavish lifestyle.
- Narration of Khutba # 209 of Nahjul Balagha.
- The advice given in the above Khutba is relevant to us even today.
- The executives who cut budgets should first start from themselves.
- Imam Ali(a.s) was not poor. He had many properties and wells that he gave away as waqf for charity.
- Imam Ali(a.s) ate only dry bread in-spite of having the means. This was to maintain the lowest level so that even the poor people of the society could relate to him.
- Imam Ali(a.s) is an eternal example for the Muslim world and the wise people of the world.
- Islam does not believe in complete isolation in order to enhance spirituality.
- We can use the luxury of this world but not become its slave.
- Islam only believes in temporary isolation known as ‘iteqaf’
- What we need to be careful of is the ‘greed’.
- Example of the fly that sits on the sugar and of the fly that sits on honey.
- We should not submerge into the luxury of this world and become its slave.
- Quote of passages from dua # 8 and #39 of the 4th Imam from Sahifa Sajjadiyya.
Friday Juma Khutba
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: January 12th, 2018
[06 Nov 2013] Iran foreign minister believes a framework deal could be...
Iran\'s foreign minister believes a framework deal could be reached THIS WEEK over his country\'s nuclear energy program.
Mohammad Javad Zarif...
Iran\'s foreign minister believes a framework deal could be reached THIS WEEK over his country\'s nuclear energy program.
Mohammad Javad Zarif made the remarks in an interview with France 24 television in Paris. But he said it wouldn\'t be a disaster if a breakthrough was not made. Iran\'s foreign minister said there was a lot to be done but a great deal of mistrust existed in Iran of the Western side. The Islamic Republic and five permanent members of the U-N Security Council plus Germany have been holding talks to resolve their differences over Tehran\'s nuclear energy program. The next round of talks between the two sides is to be held on November 7 and 8.
[22 Nov 2013] Afghanistan rejects a US demand to sign a bilateral...
Afghanistan rejects the U-S demand that Kabul sign a security deal between the two countries as soon as possible.
A spokesman for Afghan...
Afghanistan rejects the U-S demand that Kabul sign a security deal between the two countries as soon as possible.
A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the agreement must wait until after next year\'s presidential election, even if it\'s approved by the Loya Jirga and the parliament. This, after the White House said Karzai\'s failure to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement, or B-S-A, by the end of this year would prevent Washington and its allies from planning for post-20-14 presence in Afghanistan. On Thursday, Karzai said he was willing to delay the signing of the B-S-A until after next year\'s presidential election. However, ordinary Afghans are angry over raids by American and other foreign troops. And they\'ve held protests against the security deal with the U-S.
[04 Dec 2013] Iran says inspectors from IAEA will visit the country Arak...
Iran says inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the I-A-E-A, will visit the country\'s Arak heavy-water plant this coming Sunday....
Iran says inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the I-A-E-A, will visit the country\'s Arak heavy-water plant this coming Sunday.
The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says the visit comes in response to a request by the I-A-E-A. It also says this will be in line with Tehran\'s goodwill gesture to remove ambiguities over Iran\'s nuclear energy program. Tehran says the I-A-E-A\'s request is based on an accord reached between the Islamic Republic and the permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany in Geneva last month. It will be the third time I-A-E-A inspectors will visit Arak\'s heavy water reactor.
Norman Finkelstein - This Time We Went Too Far - Part 2 - 30Jul2010 -...
Norman Finkelstein speaks about the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. He begins with the election that brought Hamas to power and moves on to the...
Norman Finkelstein speaks about the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. He begins with the election that brought Hamas to power and moves on to the blockade. He discusses the air and ground assault of Gaza as well as the illegal use of white phosphorus. This speech was given at Al-Awda's 2010 Convention
Norman Finkelstein - This Time We Went Too Far - Part 1 - 30Jul2010 -...
Norman Finkelstein speaks about the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. He begins with the election that brought Hamas to power and moves on to the...
Norman Finkelstein speaks about the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. He begins with the election that brought Hamas to power and moves on to the blockade. He discusses the air and ground assault of Gaza as well as the illegal use of white phosphorus. This speech was given at Al-Awda's 2010 Convention.
[20 Jan 2014] Lebanon President raises hope that new govt. could be...
Lebanon\'s President Michel Sleiman has raised hopes that a new government could soon see the light of day.
Speaking to diplomats at the...
Lebanon\'s President Michel Sleiman has raised hopes that a new government could soon see the light of day.
Speaking to diplomats at the Presidential Palace in Beirut, Sleiman said all major obstacles had been overcome, and that he was putting the final touches on the new cabinet. He added that this weekend would be decisive. Sleiman\'s remarks are the strongest signal yet of an end to the 10-months political deadlock in Lebanon. The country has been reeling from the political turmoil since the March 2013 resignation of Prime Minister Najib Miqati. President Sleiman\'s mandate runs out on May 25.