About Friend:
Hey... Salam to all who see this..
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do if they stick together.
Hey... Salam to all who see this..
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do if they stick together.
Name: Muhammad Asadullah Ali Awan
About Friend:
In His [Most Merciful] Name
Traveler [Walking, jogging, running towards Aa'khira {hereafter; stages of life that start after transfer from this temporal universe finally leading either into hell...
In His [Most Merciful] Name
Traveler [Walking, jogging, running towards Aa'khira {hereafter; stages of life that start after transfer from this temporal universe finally leading either into hell or heaven depending on who one is; eternal abode (the conscious transfer of a consciousness into the realms of reality set in place in order in each world & universe and the doors dimensions & degrees in each one of them)}; the life after {physical} death and the rounds/cycles/realms of reality that come there after; Al Abad Al Aa'abaaad........]