What is the source of the famous Dua Iftitah which is recited in the holy month of Ramadan? And what are some intricate and profound excerpts about Dua Iftitah? And how does one build mutual affection with Allah? Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli speaks about \"Having Mutual Affection With Allah\". This is a series from the Ethics... ...
This is \"Update with Sister Spade\". We bring forth some of the major news headlines between Oct. 22 and Oct. 27, 2024 with a quick commentary to top it off. So stay tuned for this incredibly important \"Update with Sister Spade\". The \"Update with Sister Spade\" series plans to keep you up-to-date on... ...
What did people say to the Hezbollah resistance movement when they rose up with fewer people and lesser resources than the enemy? And how is this related to the movement of Imam Husayn (A)? And what promise did Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah make to Imam Husayn (A)? Shaheed Hasan Nasrallah speaks about how \"We Will Never... ...
[Imam Khamenei] Disturbing people’s psychological security rejected by Quran | October 27, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] To ensure security, we must be powerful | October 27, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] The enemy must be made to realize who Iranian people are | October 27, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] We must show the Zionists the power and initiative of the Iranian people| October 27, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
In this video, we will answer the following questions: - What are the five cases of hamza in the Quran Case #1: Hamza Qat\' + any letter Case #1: Hamza Wasl + any letter Case #3: Hamza Qat\' + hamza with fatha Case #4: Hamza Qat\' + hamza with sukoon Case #5: Hamza Wasl + hamza with sukoon - Why do some words are pronounced differently... ...
In this video, we will answer the following questions: - What is ishbaa\'/ fulfillment? - How long is a fulfilled short vowel in Arabic? - When does the short vowel is fulfilled/ receive ishbaa\'? - What is ikhtilaas اختلاس / reduction? - How short should the short vowel be? - Are there any applications for reduction in the Quran?... ...
This is lesson FOUR of the Advanced Tajweed series. This lesson is about Imalah إمالة in the Quran. In this video we explain the two types of imalah: imala kubra and imala sughrah إمالة كبرى و إمالة صغرى. I also answer the question of why are some words are pronounced differently in the Quran. ...
This video tries to answer the question \'how can you estimate the length of your madd while reciting the Quran?\'. After watching this, you will understand the concept of madd even more, and you will have the tools needed to get your madd correct every time without any problems. ...
In this tajweed lesson we learn the different tempos of Quran recitation, what are their degrees, uses. We also answer the question of should you use Tajweed rules while reciting faster. ...
شہید سید حسن نصر اللّٰہ رحمۃ اللّٰہ علیہ نے حزب اللہ کے اہداف کو کیسے بیان فرمایا؟ شہید سید حسن نصر اللّٰہ علیہ الرحمہ نے امام حسین علیہ السّلام سے کیا وعدہ کیا تھا؟ ان سوالات کے جوابات کے... ...
\"What has this sorrow done that my tears will not comfort me.\" \"Even the waves of tears won’t bring me peace for a moment.\" \"No one searches for that light in Lebanon anymore.\" \"We’ve lost someone who cannot be replaced.\" This and more in this poetic ode to Shaheed Sayyid Hasan... ...
Are there certain things that you do in private that you would never ever do in public? Well, perhaps you shouldn\'t be doing some of those things in private, that you would never ever do in public. Sayyid Shahryar explains in this One Minute Wisdom using the immaculate words of the 1st divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib... ...
خدا کی راہ میں دی جانے والی قربانیاں بالخصوص سید مقا و م ت کی پرخلوص شہادت، عالمی اسلامی حکومت کے قیام اور ظالمین و مستکبرین جھان کی نابودی کا آغاز ہے۔ یہی شہادت ظالمین کے مقابلے میں مستضعفین... ...
خدا کی راہ میں دی جانے والی قربانیاں بالخصوص سید مقا و م ت کی پرخلوص شہادت، عالمی اسلامی حکومت کے قیام اور ظالمین و مستکبرین جھان کی نابودی کا آغاز ہے۔ یہی شہادت ظالمین کے مقابلے میں مستضعفین... ...
What is necessary for us as Muslims to do, if we want to receive Allah\'s guidance? What verses of the holy Qur\'an speak about the aforementioned phenomenon? And what kind of effort will be necessary for us to acquire the guidance of Allah? In this Scholar Clip, Br. Muhammad al-Asi speaks about how you need to \"Make An Effort And... ...
ولی امر مسلمین امام سید علی خامنہ ای نے اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران کے گزشتہ ردّعمل اور آئندہ کے ردعمل کے بارے میں کیا فرمایا؟ کیا ایران پیچھے ہٹنے والا ہے؟ دفاع کے متعلق ایران کا اساسی قانون کیا ہے؟... ...
Our dignified martyrs are the real heroes. Shaheed Sayyid Hashem Safieddine of Hezbollah talks about our martyrs. Al-Quds, Masjid al-Aqsa, and the entire Palestine & Lebanon will be liberated soon. Insha\'Allah. #Hezbollah #Quds #Martyrs #SayyidHashem #Palestine #Martyrdom #Deathtoisrael #D2i ...
53 واں مرکزی کنونشن آئی ایس او پاکستان 18,19,20 اکتوبر2024 خطاب : سراج الحق (سابق مرکزی امیر جماعت اسلامی پاکستان) بمقام : جامعہ امام صادق ؑ اسلام آباد 20 اکتوبر 2024 ...
53 واں مرکزی کنونشن آئی ایس او پاکستان 18,19,20 اکتوبر2024 خطاب: ہرمیت سنگھ ( صحافی) بمقام : جامعہ امام صادق ؑ اسلام آباد 20 اکتوبر 2024 ...
ہفتہ وار درس (22) عنوان : تفسیر قرآن مقرر : آیت اللہ شیخ غلام عباس رئیسی بمقام: حوذہ امام خمینی، سولجر بازار، کراچی تاریخ :25 اکتوبر2024 ...
Was operation True Promise 2 legal and legitimate; and if so, how? And was operation True Promise 2 the maximum punishment that the zionist regime deserved? Will the Islamic Republic procrastinate or delay taking firm steps when necessary? The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, gives the enemy a stark warning saying... ...
[Imam Khamenei] Extensive interaction with the world | October 25, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] World needs to know Imam Hussain and Arbaeen Walk best media for it | August 26, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] May God curse the usurping Zionist regime | August 26, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...
[Imam Khamenei] Being enemy to whoever at war with Imam Hussain (pbuh) must not be forgotten | August 26, 2024 | Farsi Sub English ...