3 Significant Events | Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English

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Pure   Stream   Media     Production     Significant   Events     Imam   Khamenei     Major     November     significance     Gregorian     Islamic   Revolution     America     strike      

What three major events occurred in the month of Aban in the Persian calendar and the month of November in the Gregorian Calendar? What\'s the significance of 13 Aban (4 November)? How did America strike the Islamic Revolution? And in turn, how did the Islamic Revolution strike America? Finally, what is an extraterritoriality law and who accepted it and who stood up to it? What happened to the spy den i.e. the American Embassy in Iran? Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, speaks about \"3 Significant Events\".

Added by PureStreamMedia on 02-11-2024
Runtime: 4m 37s
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