Campus Protests In America | IP Talk Show | English
Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show. In this episode, we\'re talking about the \"Campus Protests In America\". What is the importance and significance of these campus protests occurring all across America and even in Europe? How does the mass media hijack certain events and concepts, and twist them for their own selfish interests? In the Qur\\\\\\\'anic and historical context, what precedes divine salvation; and can this be seen in the present-day? And how do the campus protests in America show that the plots to enslave the American people have backfired? And how has the utter hypocrisy of the slogans of human rights and freedom of speech of the American political establishment been exposed? What are the strengths and potential weaknesses of these campus protests in America? And finally, what should the role of the Muslims and the Shia be, as regards to these campus protests in America in solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian people? In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Sayyid Agha Aliraza to come and speak a little bit about the \\\\\\\"Campus Protests In America\\\\\\\". May Allah help our Palestinian brothers and sisters achieve victory. May Allah support and protect the student protestors occurring all across the world in solidarity with Palestine. #IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #IslamicRevolution #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #FreePalestine #Gaza #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #OnePalestine #GazaMassacre #AlAqsaStorm #GazaGenocide #PalestineResistance #Freedom #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #FloodOfTheFree #AlAqsaFlood #AlAqsaStorm #StormOfTheFree #America #CampusProtests #UniversityProtests #USA #StudentProtests #StandWithPalestine #PalestineProtests
Added by IslamicPulse on 07-05-2024
Runtime: 59m 1s
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